Janet Gray

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States 
"Janet Gray"
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Engel CL, Rasanayagam MS, Gray JM, et al. (2018) Work and Breast Cancer: Recommendations to Address Research Needs. New Solutions : a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy : Ns. 28: 79-95
Engel CL, Sharima Rasanayagam M, Gray JM, et al. (2018) Work and Female Breast Cancer: The State of the Evidence, 2002-2017. New Solutions : a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy : Ns. 28: 55-78
Gray JM, Rasanayagam S, Engel C, et al. (2017) State of the evidence 2017: an update on the connection between breast cancer and the environment. Environmental Health : a Global Access Science Source. 16: 94
Nudelman J, Taylor B, Evans N, et al. (2009) Policy and research recommendations emerging from the scientific evidence connecting environmental factors and breast cancer. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 15: 79-101
Gray J, Evans N, Taylor B, et al. (2009) State of the evidence: the connection between breast cancer and the environment. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 15: 43-78
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