Danyal Turkoglu, Ph.D.

Nuclear Engineering Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Neuroscience, Cancer, Gene therapy, Virology, Metabolism
"Danyal Turkoglu"
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Lei Cao grad student 2014 Ohio State
 (Evaluation of prompt gamma-ray data and nuclear structure of niobium-94 with statistical model calculations.)
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Livingston R, O'Connor A, LaManna J, et al. (2018) Investigation of a simulated Chinese jade and bronze dagger-axe by neutron radiography and prompt gamma activation analysis Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 21: 99-106
Turkoglu D, Downing RG, Chen W, et al. (2016) A 3He beam stop for minimizing gamma-ray and fast-neutron background Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 1-7
Qiu J, Cao L, Mulligan P, et al. (2013) The potential of using Li-ion batteries for radiation detection Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 60: 662-667
Turkoglu D, Cao L, Lewandowski R. (2013) A low-cost neutron radiography device Physics Procedia. 43: 54-65
Mulligan PL, Cao LR, Turkoglu D. (2012) A multi-detector, digitizer based neutron depth profiling device for characterizing thin film materials. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 83: 073303
Kandlakunta P, Mulligan P, Turkoglu D, et al. (2012) A neutron flux monitor for a reactor neutron beam facility Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 1991-1995
Lewandowski R, Cao L, Turkoglu D. (2012) Noise evaluation of a digital neutron imaging device Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 674: 46-50
Turkoglu D, Burke J, Lewandowski R, et al. (2012) Characterization of a new external neutron beam facility at the Ohio State University Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 291: 321-327
Kandlakunta P, Turkoglu D, Mulligan P, et al. (2012) A neutron beam monitor for a neutron depth profiling facility Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 106: 324-325
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