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Charles de Weert

Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands 
"Charles de Weert"
Mean distance: 16.1 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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de Weert CM, Snoeren PR, Koning A. (2005) Interactions between binocular rivalry and Gestalt formation. Vision Research. 45: 2571-9
Puts MJH, de Weert CMM. (2003) Temporal aspects of global form perception Journal of Vision. 3: 241a
de Weert CM, van Kruysbergen NA. (1997) Assimilation: central and peripheral effects. Perception. 26: 1217-24
Puts MJH, De Weert CMM. (1997) Does colour influence subitization? Acta Psychologica. 97: 71-78
van Kruysbergen NA, de Weert CM. (1994) Aftereffects of apparent motion: the existence of an AND-type binocular system in human vision. Perception. 23: 1069-83
Bossink CJ, Stalmeier PF, De Weert CM. (1993) A test of Levelt's second proposition for binocular rivalry. Vision Research. 33: 1413-9
van Kruysbergen NA, de Weert CM. (1993) Apparent motion perception: the contribution of the binocular and monocular systems. An improved test based on motion aftereffects. Perception. 22: 771-84
Wade NJ, Swanston MT, de Weert CM. (1993) On interocular transfer of motion aftereffects. Perception. 22: 1365-80
Troost JM, Wei L, de Weert CM. (1992) Binocular measurements of chromatic adaptation. Vision Research. 32: 1987-97
Troost JM, de Weert CM. (1991) Surface reflectances and human color constancy: comment on Dannemiller (1989) Psychological Review. 98: 143-5; discussion 14
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