Cluster #23 (Go to map): Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Mark D'Esposito (Info) UC Berkeley Cognitive Neuroscience david 2005‑01‑22
John D.E. Gabrieli (Info) MIT Cognitive neuroscience JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Ken Nakayama (Info) Harvard, Medical Research Institute of San Francisco, Smith Kettlewell Vision hayden 2005‑02‑18
Suzanne Corkin (Info) MIT Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑29
Steven Hillyard (Info) UCSD Psychophysics, ERP hayden 2005‑01‑15
Brenda Milner (Info) McGill Memory hayden 2005‑01‑26
Stanislas Dehaene (Info) Neurospin, CEA, Inserm hayden 2005‑08‑08
Stanley Smith Stevens (Info) Harvard Psychophysics hayden 2005‑02‑18
Nancy Kanwisher (Info) MIT Ventral stream kathleen 2005‑02‑14
Barbara J. Knowlton (Info) UCLA Basal Ganglia hayden 2006‑07‑29
Stephen Kosslyn (Info) Harvard cab 2005‑12‑11
Robert T. Knight (Info) UC Berkeley PFC JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Ken A. Paller (Info) Northwestern Memory cab 2005‑12‑11
Michael I. Posner (Info) University of Oregon, Georgia State attention 2005‑10‑25
Anthony D. Wagner (Info) Stanford Memory cab 2006‑02‑02
Michael Gazzaniga (Info) UC Santa Barbara neuropsychology hayden 2005‑01‑16
Jonathan D. Cohen (Info) Princeton, Harvard University (medical School), Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, University of Pittsburgh attention, computation & theory hayden 2005‑08‑21
Patrick Cavanagh (Info) Université de Montréal, Harvard, Universite Paris Descartes, Dartmouth, Glendon College Perception, attention, art kathleen 2005‑05‑21
Peter Ulric Tse (Info) Dartmouth Vision, Attention, NCC, Form, Motion, fMRI, DTI ken 2006‑02‑25
Shlomo Bentin (Info) Hebrew University Congitive neuroscience deouell 2005‑09‑17
Daniel Schacter (Info) Harvard Memory sd.slotnick 2006‑06‑21
Sohee Park (Info) Vanderbilt, Northwestern Memory, Schizophrenia, Self Disorders, Creativity, Social Neuroscience soheepark38 2009‑04‑07
Russell A. Poldrack (Info) UT Austin, Stanford Psychology poldrack 2006‑08‑25
Elizabeth A. Phelps (Info) NYU memory, emotion hayden 2005‑02‑18
Steven J. Luck (Info) UC Davis, University of Iowa Psychophysics, ERP, attention, working memory, schizophrenia hayden 2005‑01‑15
Kevin Nicholas Ochsner (Info) Columbia Social Cognition, Emotion, fMRI BreninLlwyd 2006‑09‑30
Marta Kutas (Info) UCSD Electrophysiology, cognition, neuropsychology Marjolein Korvorst 2006‑02‑06
Anna C. Nobre (Info) Oxford Cognitive Neuroscience hayden 2005‑08‑17
James L. McClelland (Info) Stanford Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience hanks 2005‑11‑04
R. Alison Adcock (Info) Duke memory, motivation, reward, schizophrenia, neuromodulation raadcock 2007‑09‑27
Mark Gluck (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick cab 2005‑12‑11
Marvin M. Chun (Info) Yale vision daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑07
Robert Sekuler (Info) Brandeis Vision, Electrophysiology, Multisensory interactions, Cognition, Aging, Memory rsekuler 2006‑12‑31
Jon Driver (Info) UCL hayden 2005‑02‑20
Martha J. Farah (Info) Penn hanks 2005‑10‑21
Helen Neville (Info) University of Oregon neuroplasticity, development ckarns 2008‑02‑06
Frank Tong (Info) Vanderbilt, Princeton Visual cortex, attention, object vision kathleen 2005‑02‑14
Eveline Geiser (Info) MIT egeiser 2013‑06‑01
Leon Deouell (Info) Hebrew University Audition JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Lila Davachi (Info) NYU brian 2006‑04‑06
Mark H. Johnson (Info) Birkbeck College developmental cognitive neuroscience mark 2006‑10‑27
Christine I. Hooker (Info) Harvard cab 2005‑12‑11
John P. O'Doherty (Info) Caltech etricomi 2008‑07‑08
David Badre (Info) Brown cab 2006‑02‑02
Neal J. Cohen (Info) UIUC Memory systems poldrack 2006‑09‑04
Diane M. Beck (Info) UIUC Visual system david 2005‑02‑03
Sasha E. Gibbs (Info) UC Berkeley Executive control kathleen 2005‑12‑15
Bart Rypma (Info) UT Dallas JLand52 2005‑02‑04
Michael Petrides (Info) McGill Behavioral Neuroscience hayden 2005‑08‑17
Edward Awh (Info) University of Oregon, Chicago Psychophysics, Attention hayden 2005‑01‑31
Masud Husain (Info) Oxford, UCL 2005‑10‑18
Michael (Mick) Alexander (Info) BU School of Medicine Memory disorders ita 2006‑10‑03
Steven E. Petersen (Info) Washington University cab 2006‑07‑28
Marsel Mesulam (Info) Northwestern hayden 2005‑08‑17
Kenneth A. Norman (Info) Princeton Human memory & learning enewman 2006‑10‑23
Charan Ranganath (Info) UC Davis Memory JLand52 2005‑01‑26
Niels Birbaumer (Info) Inst Med Psychol Behav Neurobiol University of Tuebingen Feedback; Biological Psychology lotze 2006‑07‑31
Chris I. Baker (Info) National Institutes of Mental Health Cognitive Neuroscience 2006‑10‑14
Randall C. O'Reilly (Info) CU Boulder Computational models, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex, Cognitive Control frankmj 2006‑08‑20
Takeo Watanabe (Info) Brown Cognition, Cognitive Neuroscience, Perception & Action kathleen 2005‑05‑21
Caterina Gratton (Info) UC Berkeley kfederme 2008‑02‑09
Nathaniel D. Daw (Info) NYU, Princeton Reward, learning, and decision making brian 2006‑04‑04
Ray J. Dolan (Info) UCL Attention, memory, emotion JLand52 2006‑01‑23
Irving Biederman (Info) USC Shape Recognition, Cognitive Neuroscience hayden 2005‑02‑18
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (Info) Harvard Behaviorism hayden 2005‑01‑18
David Pitcher (Info) University of York Visual System dpitcher 2009‑05‑31
Edwin G. Boring (Info) Harvard Sensation and perception hayden 2005‑01‑18
Richard Ivry (Info) UC Berkeley cerebellum, motor control david 2005‑01‑15
Sepideh Sadaghiani (Info) UIUC fMRI, functional connectivity, intrinsic activity, alertness, perceptual awareness sads 2007‑10‑11
József Fiser (Info) Brandeis Visual information processing, visual learning edvessel 2006‑10‑13
Robert Jacobs (Info) Rochester boynton 2005‑10‑04
Art Shimamura (Info) UC Berkeley memory touryan 2005‑11‑30
Mary C. Potter (Info) MIT daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑10
Ingrid R. Olson (Info) Temple University Human memory mooreks 2006‑05‑30
Bradley Voytek (Info) UCSD top-down processing, neuronal oscillations, attention, working memory, ecog, automated science semiconscious 2005‑10‑03
Whitman Richards (Info) MIT Artificial Intelligence koerding 2006‑03‑30
Kevin B. Clark (Info) NASA Ames Research Center, Felidae Conservation Fund, Penn, IEEE Nanotechnology and Biometrics Councils, Cures Within Reach, Peace Innovation Institute (Stanford University and The Hague), SETI Institute, NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and Support (ACCESS), Berkeley Lab, Frontier Development Lab, Max Planck Alumni Association, National Ecological Observatory Network Learning and Memory, Perception, Decision Making, Neuroprosthetics, Drug Design and Repurposing, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuromodulation, Synaptic Plasticity, Cellular Response Regulation, Quantum Biochemistry kbclarkphd 2015‑10‑21
Richard M. Held (Info) MIT Visual perception rsekuler 2006‑12‑31
Julie D. Golomb (Info) Ohio State drpeelle 2006‑11‑05
Samuel M. McClure (Info) Stanford Neuroeconomics hayden 2006‑06‑01
Eliot Hazeltine (Info) University of Iowa Motor control, executive control, dual-task ehazeltine 2006‑09‑27
Patrik O. Vuilleumier (Info) University of Geneva Vision, Emotion, Attention vuilleumier 2006‑02‑19
Emanuel Donchin (Info) University of South Florida, UIUC Cognitive neurophysiology - ERPs EdHubbard 2006‑01‑13
Geoffrey F. Woodman (Info) Vanderbilt visual cognition and attention ita 2006‑11‑26
Edward K. Vogel (Info) University of Oregon, Chicago electrophysiology, working memory, attention ita 2006‑09‑28
Sonia J. Bishop (Info) UC Berkeley Cognitive Neuroscience antje 2009‑05‑31
Edward M. Hubbard (Info) UW Madison Educational Cognitive Neuroscience, Numerical Cognition, Multisensory Integration, Synesthesia kathleen 2005‑10‑30
René Marois (Info) Vanderbilt paul.dux 2006‑10‑25
Damian Alexander Stanley (Info) Caltech, Adelphi University, The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies Decision Making, Social Neuroscience, Vision neurostudent 2007‑04‑24
Gregory McCarthy (Info) Yale emotion paller 2006‑03‑07
Clayton E. Curtis (Info) NYU Executive control david 2005‑09‑07
Maro G. Machizawa (Info) Brown individual differences, attention, working memory, Cognitive Neuroscience tsubasagonzo 2008‑01‑19
Daphne Bavelier (Info) University of Geneva Plasticity, humans kathleen 2005‑05‑21
Jian Li (Info) NYU decision-making, neuroeconomics celica 2008‑04‑21
Susan M. Courtney (Info) Johns Hopkins fMRI, working memory, attention, color perception hayden 2005‑08‑08
Gideon Paul Caplovitz (Info) University of Nevada Reno Visual Neuroscience petertse 2006‑05‑18
Geoffrey K. Aguirre (Info) Penn Neurology, High-level vision iolson 2006‑09‑11
Arni Kristjansson (Info) University of Iceland Vision ken 2006‑02‑25
Russell Epstein (Info) Penn Cognitive Neuroscience raepstein 2005‑09‑06
Stephen A. Engel (Info) UCLA, UMN Visual cortex, color david 2005‑02‑14
Elizabeth Kensinger (Info) Boston College cognitive neuroscience ziggles 2006‑07‑28
Raymond van Ee (Info) Utrecht Biophysics, clinical physics Verstraten 2005‑09‑27
Alice Cronin-Golomb (Info) Boston University Neuropsychology alicecg 2011‑04‑25
George Sperling (Info) UC Irvine Cognitive Psychology david 2005‑01‑27
Barton L. Anderson (Info) University of Sydney vision hanks 2005‑11‑10
Adam Anderson (Info) University of Toronto emotion JLand52 2005‑10‑20
Ayse Pinar Saygin (Info) UCSD Cognitive neuroscience, perception, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, robotics EdHubbard 2006‑01‑14
Shabnam Hakimi (Info) Stanford, NIMH, Caltech, CU Boulder, Duke, Toyota Research Institute learning, decision making, behavior change, self regulation, motivation, habit, individual differences, computational cognitive neuroscience, AI shabnamhakimi 2007‑09‑29
Zeynep M. Saygin (Info) MIT Development, vision,diffusion, connectome, Neuroimaging, tractography zsaygin 2008‑02‑26
Anne Treisman (Info) Princeton visual attention, object perception and memory AdrianeSeiffert 2006‑04‑03
Dirk B. Walther (Info) Ohio State, University of Toronto Attention, Modeling, fMRI decoding 2008‑05‑13
Sam J. Gershman (Info) Princeton, Harvard Cognitive & computational neuroscience sjg2105 2007‑06‑07
Laurence T. Maloney (Info) NYU Math models, statitical models, perception, movement planning, decision making ltmaloney 2007‑06‑12
Yaoda Xu (Info) Harvard jgolomb 2006‑12‑12
Kalanit Grill-Spector (Info) Stanford Visual cortex kathleen 2005‑02‑14
Joseph DeGutis (Info) Harvard Medical School Sustained Attention, Cognitive Training, Face Recognition arosenb1 2014‑04‑28
Galit Yovel (Info) Tel Aviv University paller 2006‑03‑07
Henry (Gus) Buchtel (Info) University of Michigan Epilepsy, attention, language, Wada Test gusb 2008‑12‑11
Adam S. Greenberg (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual/Auditory Attention, Perceptual Organization agreenb 2006‑03‑28
Erik J. Schlicht (Info) Harvard Behavioral decision theory entropyy 2007‑02‑12
Pascal Wallisch (Info) NYU Visual Neuroscience Lascap 2005‑12‑18
Jesse Rissman (Info) UCLA Memory, Attention, Cognitive Control, fMRI btmduke 2005‑10‑25
Steven Yantis (Info) Johns Hopkins Attention, Cognitive Control, fMRI hayden 2005‑01‑31
Yun-Ching Kao (Info) Harvard Memory Neuroscience ykao 2007‑10‑19
Marlene Behrmann (Info) Carnegie Mellon Neuropsychology of vision Jonathan 2006‑04‑02
Eran Zaidel (Info) UCLA Hemispheric specialization and interaction lfernandino 2006‑08‑27
Tutis Vilis (Info) Western University Visual Motor tvilis 2006‑04‑02
Michael Jacob Kahana (Info) Penn Cognitive neuroscience, human memory drpeelle 2005‑08‑03
Joshua Tenenbaum (Info) MIT Computation & Theory david 2005‑03‑14
Aaron Schurger (Info) Chapman University Cognitive Neuroscience, consciousness, perceptual decision making, attention aschurger 2009‑03‑25
Joshua W. Brown (Info) Indiana University Bloomington fMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling, imaging genomics rfukunag 2008‑10‑02
Ryota Kanai (Info) University of Sussex Neuroscience Verstraten 2005‑09‑25
Summer L. Sheremata (Info) Florida Atlantic University Visual Attention, Working Memory, Spatial Neglect xanzaba 2007‑08‑14
Scott D. Slotnick (Info) Boston College Visual Memory kathleen 2005‑02‑04
Luiz Pessoa (Info) University of Maryland Emotion/ Cognition, cognitive neuroscience kathleen 2005‑02‑14
Kathy T. Mullen (Info) McGill visual psychophysics, colour perception ametha 2006‑11‑06
Giorgio Ganis (Info) Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of Plymouth Visual cognition, Cognitive control, Deception rjnudo 2007‑08‑26
Xiaomin Yue (Info) NIH visual system xmyue 2014‑04‑23
Irene Nagel (Info) Max Planck Institute for Human Development ita 2006‑09‑25
Valerie A. Carr (Info) San Jose State memory swimwm 2008‑11‑21
Yigal Agam (Info) MGH Neurophysiology rsekuler 2007‑06‑08
Alex Martin (Info) NIMH memory, language, perception, fMRI kathleen 2005‑05‑21
Arthur Wingfield (Info) Brandeis Cognitive aging and language drpeelle 2005‑07‑19
Ryan E.B. Mruczek (Info) Worcester State University Primate Vision, Object Recognition, Working Memory polczek5 2006‑05‑22
Michael A. Cohen (Info) MIT visual cognition, visual awareness, attention MAC22185 2009‑05‑16
Marcia Grabowecky (Info) Northwestern visual perception, attention jlbrooks 2006‑08‑23
Marius V. Peelen (Info) Princeton Perception, Attention, Vision, Emotion, fMRI, Social Neuroscience mariuspeelen 2007‑09‑11
Oliver J. Braddick (Info) Oxford jaspell 2007‑04‑18
Alison R. Preston (Info) UT Austin cab 2006‑11‑11
Eric Courchesne (Info) UCSD Cerebellum, attention, autism kathleen 2005‑02‑14
Stephan Hamann (Info) Emory Emotion and Memory corysinman 2008‑04‑01
Diane Swick (Info) VA Martinez executive control, language neuroz 2006‑06‑30
Ikuko Mukai (Info) NIMH Perceptual learning kathleen 2005‑05‑21
Tim Curran (Info) CU Boulder erp, memory frankmj 2006‑08‑20
Christian Fiebach (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Cognitive Neuroscience, language, working memory, fMRI, EEG fiebach 2006‑08‑01
Jessica R. Cohen (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Functional Connectivity, Graph Theory, Executive Control, Developmental Disorders jrcohen02 2008‑10‑06
Melissa Troyer (Info) UCSD sentence processing, memory, psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience mtroyer 2014‑03‑16
R Duncan Luce (Info) UC Irvine, Penn, Harvard, UC Irvine mathematics, psychology boynton 2005‑10‑04
Timothy D. Verstynen (Info) Carnegie Mellon Motor systems, computational motor control david 2005‑10‑30
Dan Y. Kimberg (Info) Penn ita 2006‑09‑20
Chris Frith (Info) UCL cognitive neuroscience, social interaction 2005‑10‑18
Brad C. Duchaine (Info) Dartmouth ken 2006‑02‑25
Bruno Laeng (Info) University of Oslo, Norway Laterality, Perception, Attention, Imagery, Synesthesia, Optical Illusions, Music gusb 2008‑12‑11
Fei-Fei Li (Info) Princeton Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Natural Scene Perception, Object Recognition 2008‑05‑13
Ivan Toni (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen Verstraten 2006‑07‑13
Laura-Ann Petitto (Info) Dartmouth Language & Development markshalinsky 2007‑06‑13
Marty G. Woldorff (Info) Duke Cognitive Neuroscience wkhoe 2005‑09‑26
Bianca C. Wittmann (Info) University of Giessen, Germany incentive motivation, episodic memory bwitt 2010‑04‑12
Silvia A. Bunge (Info) UC Berkeley development, plasticity cab 2006‑02‑02
Andrea S. Heberlein (Info) Harvard, Boston College social neuroscience mfarah 2009‑04‑07
Richard J. Herrnstein (Info) Harvard hayden 2005‑09‑22
Laura T. Germine (Info) Harvard social perception, psychopathology, web-based experiments lgermine 2010‑03‑31
George Ettlinger (Info) University of Bielefeld neuropsychology spwise 2007‑01‑02
Miranda R. Scolari (Info) Texas Tech visual attention, working memory, perception mscolari 2009‑09‑11
Thomas W. James (Info) Indiana University Bloomington multisensory perception twjames 2006‑04‑02
Paul Schrater (Info) UMN Computation & Theory acosta 2005‑10‑21
Norma Graham (Info) Columbia hanks 2005‑10‑13
Claire Sergent (Info) CNRS / INSERM Paris Cognitive Neurosciences, Consciousness EdHubbard 2006‑01‑11
Jonathan E. Peelle (Info) Northeastern University, Boston, Washington University Speech comprehension, hearing loss, neuroimaging drpeelle 2005‑07‑19
Jerre Levy (Info) Chicago Neuropsychology of cortical asymmetry cab 2006‑11‑09
Ioulia Kovelman (Info) Dartmouth language, development markshalinsky 2007‑06‑13
Todd S. Braver (Info) Washington University fMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling tal 2007‑10‑30
Joseph C. R. Licklider (Info) Harvard Psychoacoustics, information processing Thorfinn 2006‑10‑17
Stephen E. Palmer (Info) UC Berkeley Vision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization hayden 2005‑01‑18
James Haxby (Info) Dartmouth Object recognition; computational fMRI kathleen 2005‑02‑14
Anna-Lynne R. Adlam (Info) University of East Anglia Paediatric neuropsychology, memory aadlam01 2011‑12‑15
Philip Servos (Info) Wilfrid Laurier University somatosensation, visual perception, multisensory processing overduin 2008‑08‑04
Golijeh Golarai (Info) Stanford remus 2006‑07‑11
David Whitney (Info) UC Berkeley Vision and Perception kathleen 2005‑05‑21
James Matthew Intriligator (Info) University of Wales, Bangor, Tufts Visual system jameseye 2006‑04‑03
Robert M. G. Reinhart (Info) Vanerbilt University, Boston University visual cognitive neuroscience guglierm 2011‑05‑03
Chad J. Marsolek (Info) UMN philonous 2008‑11‑22
Matthias M. Müller (Info) Leipzig University kohla 2010‑04‑26
Kevin LaBar (Info) Duke hayden 2005‑02‑18
Isabel Gauthier (Info) Vanderbilt Visual system hayden 2005‑02‑18
Howard Gardner (Info) Harvard hayden 2006‑03‑01
Michael S. Landy (Info) NYU hanks 2005‑10‑26
Katharine Natasha Thakkar (Info) Michigan State schizophrenia, eye movements, cogntive control kthakkar 2008‑12‑02
Rob Blumenfeld (Info) UC Berkeley padberg 2006‑12‑10
Alfonso Caramazza (Info) Harvard Language sd.slotnick 2007‑03‑27
Serge O. Dumoulin (Info) VU Amsterdam, Utrecht, Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging Perception, Cognition, Neuroscience, Vision, Neuroimaging kathleen 2006‑10‑17
Scott Huettel (Info) Duke fMRI, neuroeconomics hayden 2006‑10‑05
Jeremy M. Wolfe (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Visual attention, visual perception wolfe 2006‑10‑01
Rachel Shoup (Info) UC Berkeley hayden 2005‑01‑15
Steven Keele (Info) University of Oregon Human performance, skill learning cseger 2006‑10‑02
Ming Meng (Info) Dartmouth Vision, neuroimaging, psychophysics remus 2006‑07‑11
Marc Howard (Info) Syracuse human memory, computational modeling drpeelle 2005‑08‑03
Daphna Shohamy (Info) Columbia Learning, memory, decision-making brian 2006‑04‑06
Alison M. Harris (Info) Penn face perception, MEG jhsong 2006‑02‑02
Leo Ganz (Info) Stanford Visual perception, plasticity, development; motion perception ychen 2007‑09‑23
Joe M. Moran (Info) Harvard cognitive neuroscience, social cognition, autism, mentalizing jmmoran 2007‑10‑25
Daniel Handwerker (Info) NIMH Hemodynamic signals, aging kathleen 2005‑03‑26
Rita G. Rudel (Info) Columbia Neuropsychology bilder 2006‑09‑04
Scott T. Grafton (Info) UC Santa Barbara motor systems ah 2006‑05‑12
Elizabeth Thorpe Davis (Info) Georgia Tech Visual Perception etdavis6 2008‑09‑07
Terence Picton (Info) University of Toronto wkhoe 2005‑11‑17
Lynn C. Robertson (Info) UC Berkeley hayden 2005‑01‑18
Brenton W. McMenamin (Info) University of Maryland, UMN, UW Madison Vision, emotion, neuroimaging methods bmcmenamin 2011‑03‑07
Rachel N. Denison (Info) Boston University visual perception, attention, awareness, temporal dynamics in perception racheldenison 2011‑12‑07
Lance R. Pearson (Info) Vanderbilt palmerit 2007‑01‑25
Claire Braboszcz (Info) University of Geneva, University of Plymouth meditation, hypnosis, subjectivity arnodelorme 2009‑01‑05
David L. Woods (Info) UC Davis Audition kathleen 2005‑02‑04
Su Keun Jeong (Info) Chungbuk National University Visual cognition skjeong 2012‑11‑29
Angela D. Friederici (Info) Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Cognitive Neuroscience fiebach 2006‑08‑01
Taraz G. Lee (Info) University of Michigan Cognitive Neuroscience tarazlee 2011‑05‑16
Joseph B. Keller (Info) MIT Aging, memory, fMRI jkeller1 2010‑11‑16
Roland W. Fleming (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Visual System roland.fleming 2007‑06‑25
Alexander O. Holcombe (Info) University of Sydney visual perception, attention aholcombe 2006‑10‑05
Robert Zatorre (Info) McGill Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience david 2005‑11‑13
Aries Arditi (Info) Lighthouse International Vision, Rehabilitation rsekuler 2006‑12‑31
Alec Solway (Info) Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute Computational cognitive neuroscience asolway 2013‑06‑13
Keith A. Schneider (Info) University of Delaware subcortical neuroimaging kathleen 2005‑05‑21
Peter Bex (Info) UCL visual psychophysics, motion perception ametha 2006‑11‑06
M. Natasha Rajah (Info) McGill Aging, PFC, Memory, Functional Connectivity mnrajah 2005‑09‑07
John Serences (Info) UCSD Attention, Memory, Perception, Decision Making, jserences 2009‑05‑25
Daniel J. Levitin (Info) McGill auditory perception and cognition DanielLevitin 2009‑03‑21
Elizabeth G. Redcay (Info) University of Maryland developmental cognitive neuroscience, social cognition, autism eredcay 2011‑11‑20
Shaun P. Vecera (Info) University of Iowa mark 2006‑11‑02
Matthew M. Botvinick (Info) Princeton mmb 2006‑08‑18
Gregor W. Jason (Info) Jason Neuropsychology Inc., Calgary Neuropsychology gjason 2007‑10‑16
Felice T. Sun (Info) UC Berkeley Computational neuroimaging kathleen 2005‑12‑15
Susan M. Landau (Info) UC Berkeley Learning kathleen 2005‑12‑15
Margaret A. Sheridan (Info) UNC Chapel Hill ADHD cab 2006‑04‑19
Marcelo Gomes Mattar (Info) UCSD Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning marcelomattar 2011‑09‑18
Kai Hwang (Info) University of Iowa Cognitive Neuroscience khwang 2008‑11‑24
Lucia Vaina (Info) Boston University zililiu 2006‑10‑04
Bradley R. Buchsbaum (Info) UC Berkeley language, working memory, functional neuroimaging cab 2006‑11‑09
Matthew C. Davidson (Info) U Mass Amherst Attention, Control, Development MCDavidson 2008‑10‑02
Emily D. Grossman (Info) UC Irvine Vision, motion rsekuler 2007‑01‑01
Vincent Van Veen (Info) UC Berkeley cab 2006‑12‑06
Kim Montgomery (Info) Princeton mirror neuron system, fMRI rbryan 2006‑05‑07
Amy S. Finn (Info) UC Berkeley Development of Language, critical periods masher 2006‑11‑01
Frida E. Polli (Info) MIT mcain 2008‑08‑05
Anna J. Wilson (Info) INSERM Numerical Cognition EdHubbard 2006‑01‑13
Adam N. Sanborn (Info) University of Warwick Psychology Sanborn 2008‑05‑20
Karin Foerde (Info) Columbia memory, learning kfoerde 2010‑02‑03
David Poeppel (Info) Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, NYU auditory cognition, speech, language, cognitive neuroscience david 2005‑08‑29
Anthony M. Norcia (Info) Smith Kettlewell, Stanford Vision, infant vision kathleen 2005‑10‑04
Xiaoqian Jenny Chai (Info) MIT cognitive neuroscience jennyxchai 2009‑11‑14
Satoru Suzuki (Info) Northwestern mgrabowecky 2008‑07‑07
Stanley A. Klein (Info) UC Berkeley Vision kathleen 2005‑03‑29
Jason M. Scimeca (Info) UC Berkeley cognitive neuroscience, executive function, learning and memory jscimeca 2008‑08‑08
Martin Banks (Info) UC Berkeley Visual system david 2005‑09‑19
Wayne W. Khoe (Info) UCSD wkhoe 2005‑09‑26
Nadine Gaab (Info) Harvard Medical School language processing, reading development, developmental dyslexia, fMRI, brain, cognitive neuroscience kala 2007‑04‑28
Jan Peters (Info) University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, University of Cologne, UC Berkeley Reward, Memory, Decision-making jpeters 2012‑06‑25
Jorge Almeida (Info) Harvard Semantic Memory, Dorsal/Ventral Pathways, Object recognition jalmeida 2006‑10‑24
Christine Stelzel (Info) HU Berlin ita 2006‑09‑26
Jiye G. Kim (Info) Princeton Visual Cognition, Object Recognition, Scene Comprehension jiyekim 2009‑07‑27
Richard J. Davidson (Info) UW Madison hayden 2006‑08‑08
Yoshiaki Tsushima (Info) Harvard takeo 2007‑04‑15
James P. Egan (Info) Indiana University Bloomington culham 2006‑04‑03
David E. Meyer (Info) University of Michigan Attention, motor control, computational modeling ita 2006‑09‑11
Sid Kouider (Info) CNRS, Paris sidk 2009‑01‑16
Mark Stokes (Info) Oxford VSTM, Visual Attention, Imagery amur0562 2010‑02‑08
Tsung-Ren Huang (Info) National Taiwan University Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory tren 2007‑08‑21
Jon S. Simons (Info) Cambridge Cognitive neuroscience, human memory legree17 2006‑12‑12
James Douglas Saddy (Info) University of Reading, University of Potsdam, University of Queensland Linguistics, Neurodynamics eroesch 2010‑11‑14
Bruce Bridgeman (Info) UC Santa Cruz Visual system, spatial orientation bruceb 2006‑09‑27
B J. Casey (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Weill Cornell Medical School, Yale Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience dmth 2008‑06‑23
Philip S. Holzman (Info) Chicago Schizophrenia, psychoanalytic metapsychology and treatment MarthaShenton 2007‑10‑11
Po-Jang (Brown) Hsieh (Info) Duke-NUS Medical School, National Taiwan University (Taiwan) Visual Neuroscience petertse 2006‑05‑18
Shruti Japee (Info) NIMH Vision, perception and attention kathleen 2005‑05‑21
Vicente Luis Malave (Info) UCSD EEG, ERP, fMRI, machine learning, vision, learning, object recognition vmalave 2009‑05‑07
Ida Momennejad (Info) Princeton Higher cognitive functions, PFC, Prospective memory, Task set structure, computational modeling idamomenn 2012‑11‑10
Vadim Axelrod (Info) Bar-Ilan vadim1508 2009‑07‑24
Robert S. Hurley (Info) Northwestern, Cleveland State University Semantics, Language rshurley 2008‑07‑08
Knut Drewing (Info) Giessen University. Germany haptics, multimodal perception, timing drewing 2006‑11‑01
Joy Geng (Info) UC Davis visual attention jlbrooks 2006‑08‑17
Tessa Dekker (Info) UCL marko 2012‑07‑07
Elise Temple (Info) Dartmouth developmental cognitive neuroscience etemple 2009‑01‑16
Emily C. Jacobs (Info) UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara ecjacobs 2005‑09‑06
Brian T. Miller (Info) UC Berkeley btmduke 2005‑09‑07
Eric Zarahn (Info) Columbia fMRI methodology ita 2006‑09‑26
Mary J. Bravo (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Vision ken 2006‑02‑25
Amitai Shenhav (Info) Princeton, Brown, Harvard, UC Berkeley Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Control, Decision Making ashenhav 2008‑01‑22
German Palafox Palafox (Info) UNAM Visual cognition gppalafox 2011‑08‑19
Petr Janata (Info) UC Davis sdshea 2006‑10‑24
Trevor T-J Chong (Info) Oxford trevorchong 2014‑08‑09
Ansgar Endress (Info) MIT adendress 2009‑01‑16
Jeremy B. Wilmer (Info) Penn Vision wilmer 2006‑02‑19
Brian D. Gonsalves (Info) California State University East Bay memory, fmri, erp paller 2006‑03‑07
Dobromir Rahnev (Info) Georgia Tech fMRI, TMS, Perception, Prefrontal influences in vision rahnev 2008‑03‑02
Bruce Rosen (Info) MGH david 2005‑08‑29
Jutta Mayer (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Cognitive soheepark38 2011‑07‑29
Jason Mattingley (Info) Monash University (Australia), Cambridge, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge UK, University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Queensland 2005‑10‑25
Kartik K. Sreenivasan (Info) lingawonga 2007‑11‑17
Rajeev D. Raizada (Info) Rochester fMRI, pattern-based analysis, structure of neural representations rajeevneurotree 2007‑03‑22
Gary Turner (Info) Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Rehabiltiation, neuroimaging blevine 2010‑08‑17
Jill D. Waring (Info) Saint Louis University memory, aging, cognitive neuroscience ekensing 2006‑08‑07
Elizabeth S. Norton (Info) Northwestern, MIT Cognitive Neuroscience, fMRI, dyslexia, reading, ERP, mismatch negativity, reading fluency, autism spectrum disorders, language disorders twig99 2009‑09‑20
Jerome Kagan (Info) Harvard prefrontal 2007‑05‑04
Tyler K. Perrachione (Info) Boston University auditory neuroscience, speech perception, talker identification, dyslexia tkp 2012‑06‑11
Clarence Graham (Info) Columbia psychology greghorwitz 2005‑10‑04
Braden Purcell (Info) Vanderbilt palmerit 2009‑04‑08
Paul Edward Downing (Info) Bangor University cognitive neuroscience nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01
Mark D. Lescroart (Info) University of Nevada, Reno Visual System, Object Recognition marklescroart 2008‑10‑21
David C. Plaut (Info) Carnegie Mellon Psycholinguistics, computational modeling mmb 2006‑08‑18
Elmer Culler (Info) Rochester Psychology rivogel 2005‑11‑01
Floris P. de Lange (Info) Donders Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen perception, decision making, expectation, attention florisdl 2008‑09‑05
David Marvin Green (Info) UF Gainesville, Penn, MIT, UCSD, Harvard Signal Detection Theory, Auditory psychophysics fj 2007‑01‑16
David C. Knill (Info) Rochester Sensory-motor integration, visual system acosta 2005‑10‑21
Manfred Spitzer (Info) University of Ulm quirl 2007‑01‑16
Frans AJ Verstraten (Info) Utrecht, University of Sydney Cognitive Neuroscience wimvandegrind 2005‑09‑24
David A. Rosenbaum (Info) Penn State Cognition and Action liana 2006‑07‑13
Veronique Izard (Info) Harvard Numerical Cognition EdHubbard 2006‑01‑11
Adam J. Dede (Info) UCSD memory adede 2011‑10‑15
Annette Jeneson (Info) UCSD Anatomy, organization, and function of memory Jeneson 2010‑05‑05
Kalina Christoff (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Vivek Prabhakaran (Info) UW Madison fMRI, Stroke vivek73 2008‑08‑27
Moriah Elizabeth Thomason (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Katherine Carolyn Turner (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Todd W. Thompson (Info) MIT Attention, Working Memory, Executive Function, Training toddt 2008‑02‑26
Joanna A. Christodoulou (Info) Harvard, MIT reading, brain, dyslexia, development joanna 2007‑05‑18
William J. Jagust (Info) UC Berkeley Brain aging, dementia kathleen 2005‑12‑15
Gagan S. Wig (Info) Washington University dmth 2007‑05‑18
Keith Main (Info) Stanford, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center ita 2006‑09‑11
Hilary Barth (Info) Wesleyan cognitive development; numerical cognition hilarybarth 2007‑04‑05
Daniella Furman (Info) UC Berkeley dfurman 2009‑02‑16
Benjamin Backus (Info) Penn Visual system david 2005‑09‑19
Tyrone D. Cannon (Info) UCLA schizophrenia, behavioral genetics, imaging kkarlsgo 2006‑08‑25
Wayne E. Mackey (Info) NYU wemackey 2012‑12‑20
Rebecca Saxe (Info) MIT theory of mind nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01
Michael J. Frank (Info) Brown, University of Arizona computational models, basal ganglia, reinforcement learning, decision making frankmj 2006‑08‑20
Ajay B. Satpute (Info) Columbia Social Cognitive Neuroscience asatpute 2006‑08‑27
Min-Shik Kim (Info) Yonsei University attention, memory kimm1206 2010‑09‑13
Jascha Droll Swisher (Info) Vanderbilt Retinotopy, parietal cortex kathleen 2006‑10‑31
Daniel Jonathan Lurie (Info) UC Berkeley neuroimaging, executive function, memory systems danjlurie 2015‑01‑18
Justin Riddle (Info) UC Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill Riddler 2013‑09‑17
T Jason Druzgal (Info) UVA Neuroradiology, Functional MRI druzgal 2009‑06‑18
Leland S. Stone (Info) NASA Ames Research Center jgoleary 2005‑11‑02
Won Mok Shim (Info) MIT Vision, Attention, Working memory, Cognitive neuroscience wshim 2009‑11‑19
Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg (Info) Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv University Vision and eye movements shlomit 2007‑09‑22
Nilli Lavie (Info) UCL Visual system david 2005‑02‑03
Don L. Jewett (Info) UCSF/Abratech Corporation Auditory Evoked Potentials caplovitz 2010‑01‑26
Timothy D. Sweeny (Info) University of Denver Cognitive Neuroscience mgrabowecky 2008‑07‑07
Christian Luhmann (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Learning, Decision-making jgolomb 2006‑12‑12
Laura L. Hieber (Info) Vanderbilt hieberll 2013‑11‑18
John J. McDonald (Info) Simon Fraser Attention, vision, multisensory perpception, executive control alij 2007‑12‑11
Lucia Garrido (Info) Harvard duchaine 2009‑09‑12
Jozef J. Zwislocki (Info) Syracuse Psychophysics, auditory system, biophysics david 2006‑07‑18
Chi-Hung Juan (Info) Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, National Central University, Taiwan visual cognition chihungjuan 2007‑09‑01
Don Norman (Info) Northwestern, UCSD cognitive science, computer science, design hayden 2005‑01‑18
Robert Rafal (Info) Bangor University hayden 2005‑02‑26
Desmond J. Oathes (Info) Stanford, UW Madison, Penn Emotion, Anxiety, Depression djo155 2009‑11‑19
Paige E. Scalf (Info) University of Arizona Visual System, Attention pscalf 2007‑01‑11
Nicolas Davidenko (Info) UC Santa Cruz Face perception ndaviden 2007‑11‑07
Josh Cosman (Info) University of Iowa visual attention, visual cognition svecera 2011‑04‑20
Chris P. Said (Info) NYU Visual system, fMRI, EEG csaid 2009‑12‑09
Daw-An Wu (Info) Harvard Pschophysics, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Vision dawanwu 2007‑10‑08
Dara S. Manoach (Info) MGH Schizophrenia mcain 2008‑08‑05
Kristina M. Visscher (Info) UAB Visual and Auditory memory, attention, fMRI, EEG visschek 2007‑04‑05
Mary M. Heinricher (Info) OHSU Pain, Pain modulation, Descending control, Analgesia, Hyperalgesia, Circuitry, Brainstem, Autonomic control, Inflammation, Cytokines, Inflammatory mediators , Neuromodulation Systems cab 2007‑11‑28
Burcu Aysen Urgen (Info) Bilkent University Visual and cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging ucsdneurotree 2010‑06‑04
Todd C. Handy (Info) UBC Cognitive Neuroscience wkhoe 2005‑09‑26
Matthew S. Cain (Info) U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center Attention, Perception, Visual Search, Learning mcain 2006‑07‑15
Liana E. Brown (Info) Trent University Vision and Action liana 2006‑07‑13
Jeremy R. Manning (Info) Princeton, Dartmouth, Penn memory, ECoG, fMRI, brain network dynamics, Bayesian models jmanning 2011‑03‑21
Brice Alan Kuhl (Info) University of Oregon Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Attention, Cognitive Control nmlong 2015‑09‑01
Jessica Payne (Info) Harvard nadel 2006‑10‑17
Jess R. Kerlin (Info) UC Davis auditory attention, hearing loss leemiller 2009‑06‑04
W. Dale Stevens (Info) Harvard University; NIMH/NIH Memory, Cognition, Perception, Neurocognitive Aging stevensd 2008‑02‑01
Marc Albert (Info) University of Southampton ken 2006‑02‑25
Richard Balliet (Info) UW Madison ken 2006‑03‑02
Vera Maljkovic (Info) Chicago ken 2006‑02‑25
Paolo Martini (Info) University of Warwick Vision ken 2006‑05‑23
Laura A. Libby (Info) UC Davis cognitive neuroscience / memory lalibby 2012‑12‑20
Hans-Christoph Nothdurft (Info) Max Planck Institute hayden 2005‑01‑16
Yuhong Jiang (Info) Harvard attention, visual system daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑10
Tobias Egner (Info) Duke attention, cognitive control, visual cognition tegner 2010‑08‑11
Junghoon John Kim (Info) Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, CUNY School of Medicine Traumatic brain injury, Schizophrenia kimjh 2006‑09‑08
Aude Oliva (Info) MIT mrgreene 2007‑05‑18
Joe Kable (Info) Penn drgarga 2006‑03‑01
Søren K. Andersen (Info) University of Aberdeen Visual Attention, EEG, SSVEP SKA 2011‑02‑03
Jin Fan (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Cognitive Neuroscience jinfan 2010‑03‑31
Sam English Anthony (Info) Harvard Face perception, computer vision, visual system santhony 2013‑02‑27
Jorge M. Castelo Branco de Albuquerque Almeida (Info) Harvard Vision pq 2015‑11‑24
Laura A. Gibson (Info) Harvard Vision pq 2015‑11‑24
Aaron M. Bornstein (Info) UC Irvine, UC Irvine Decision making; Episodic memory; Reinforcement learning aaronmb 2010‑04‑29
Orna Rosenthal (Info) University of Birmingham, England 2006‑10‑14
Vani Pariyadath (Info) NIDA Time perception, Drug addiction vpdath 2007‑04‑13
Daphna Weinshall (Info) Hebrew University Computer vision rubih 2009‑05‑17
Johan Wagemans (Info) KU Leuven hans.opdebeeck 2007‑12‑03
Charles Stromeyer (Info) Harvard Vision rsekuler 2009‑04‑18
Francesco Marini (Info) UCSD Cognitive control, Attention, Inhibition, Visual perception nauders 2015‑05‑05
Michael Timothy Minnema (Info) UCLA pq 2015‑09‑02
Mark A. Williams (Info) MIT 2007‑04‑11
Raymond M. Klein (Info) Dalhousie University Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention wcswcs 2007‑05‑28
Michael C. Mangini (Info) Concordia College edvessel 2006‑10‑13
Aubrey L. Gilbert (Info) UCSF mayflyby 2010‑02‑17
Camille Morvan (Info) Harvard decision making, eye movements millka 2009‑03‑04
Sang-Hun Lee (Info) Seoul National University Visual perception, binocular vision, rivalry jonas 2006‑10‑05
Stephanie D. Preston (Info) University of Iowa david 2005‑07‑26
Salvatore Maria Aglioti (Info) Sapienza University of Rome empathy, pain mvlombardo 2009‑03‑13
Sean M. Polyn (Info) Vanderbilt Memory, Experimental Psychology, Neuroimaging, Computational modeling polyn 2007‑01‑25
Marc O. Ernst (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics fj 2007‑01‑16
Kelly S. Giovanello (Info) UNC Chapel Hill cab 2006‑11‑15
Joo-Seok Hyun (Info) Chung-Ang University, Korea visual attention, memory, ERPs rsekuler 2007‑06‑08
Anthony Cate (Info) Roanoke College Cognitive neuroscience of vision 2006‑10‑14
Jonathan Winawer (Info) NYU alexhuk 2008‑12‑04
Sarah DuBrow (Info) NYU sdubrow 2013‑02‑19
Anett Gyurak (Info) Stanford emotion regulation, executive control agyurak 2009‑04‑16
Marie T. Banich (Info) CU Boulder Cognitive Neuroscience cab 2006‑11‑09
Giorgos Michalareas (Info) Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society pasfri 2014‑03‑24
Glenn R. Wylie (Info) Kessler Foundation Research Center, West Orange, NJ, USA Executive Control, Task Switching, Neuroimaging, atttention foxey 2008‑06‑22
Mary Pat McAndrews (Info) University of Toronto human memory, hippocampus, epilepsy mcandrws 2007‑08‑08
Nanthia A. Suthana (Info) UCLA Episodic memory, Hippocampus, Alzheimer's nanthia 2007‑09‑24
Robert M. Mok (Info) Oxford, MRC-CBU, UCL, Cambridge Cognitive Neuroscience rob1031 2015‑04‑16
Christina M. Karns (Info) University of Oregon emotion and social neuroscience, multisensory integration, neuroplasticity kathleen 2005‑02‑04
Jejoong Kim (Info) Duksung Women's University Schizophrenia, Motion perception, Biological motion, fMRI, working memory soheepark38 2009‑04‑07
Jonas Obleser (Info) Max Planck Institute Cogn Behav Sci Leipzig, University of Lübeck, UCL, University of Konstanz Auditory System, Neural Dynamics, Communication JRAUSCHECKER 2008‑01‑10
Janice Chen (Info) MIT, University of Washington, Stanford, Princeton, Johns Hopkins Memory, Perception kanile 2007‑09‑22
Francois J. Tadel (Info) Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University Software development for MEG/EEG tadel 2010‑06‑15
Quoc C. Vuong (Info) Newcastle University Visual Cognition, Motion Perception michaeltarr 2007‑01‑26
John R. Hodges (Info) Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute Sydney, Australia legree17 2006‑12‑13
Ramakrishna Chakravarthi (Info) Harvard Visual Attention Rama 2006‑02‑19
Howard C. Hughes (Info) Dartmouth Sensory processes, Eye movements, Sensorimotor coordination brian 2006‑04‑04
Peter W. Battaglia (Info) MIT Computational vision and cognition pbattaglia 2008‑06‑24
Nelson Butters (Info) UCSD cognitive neuropsychology jason.taylor 2006‑11‑13
Viola Sophie Störmer (Info) Max Planck Institute Visual and auditory attention, cross-modal attention Viola 2009‑04‑06
Jonathan J. Marotta (Info) University of Manitoba Perception and Action Jonathan 2006‑04‑02
Randolph Blake (Info) Vanderbilt Vision, motion, binocular vision, consciousness rsekuler 2007‑01‑01
A. R. McIntosh (Info) Rotman Research Institute mnrajah 2006‑08‑28
Paul Rozin (Info) Penn Cultural Psychology zhimbo 2007‑10‑22
Kevin D. Wilson (Info) Gettysburg College Cognitive Neuroscience of Visual Attention kos9999 2006‑11‑01
Wolfgang Teder-Sälejärvi (Info) North Dakota State University visual neuroscience aaron314159 2010‑08‑17
Brian C. Rakitin (Info) Columbia cindyg 2007‑10‑30
Deanna M. Barch (Info) Washington University Psychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition noamkeren 2008‑09‑12
Bhuvanesh Awasthi (Info) UW Madison Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Visual Perception, Behavioural Insights, Neuroeconomics bhu 2013‑02‑15
Arno Villringer (Info) Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Neuroimaging raymundo 2006‑04‑01
Antonia F. Hamilton (Info) Nottingham Social Cognitive Neuroscience ah 2006‑05‑12
Steffie N. Tomson (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Synesthesia, Functional Connectivity, Genetics steffietomson 2012‑02‑24
Daniel P. Kennedy (Info) Indiana University Bloomington social neuroscience, autism spectrum disorder, social perception, eye tracking, brain connectivity jenbush 2014‑10‑21
Jens Schwarzbach (Info) University of Trento Vision, Attention, fMRI syantis1 2011‑05‑26
Marina Bedny (Info) Johns Hopkins, MIT, Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center), Penn effects of experience on neurocognitive development kas0179 2007‑09‑02
Assaf Harel (Info) NIH AssafHarel 2012‑12‑20
Julie A. Fiez (Info) University of Pittsburgh cab 2006‑07‑28
Marc N. Coutanche (Info) University of Pittsburgh Cognitive Neuroscience, memory, learning, perception, fMRI, MVPA mnc 2010‑07‑10
Noam Sagiv (Info) Centre for Cognition and Neuroimaging, Brunel University Synaesthesia, Synesthesia, Consciousness, Face Perception kathleen 2005‑10‑30
Rebecca F. Schwarzlose (Info) UCLA Psychiatric Disorders beccafs 2008‑04‑28
Akiko Ikkai (Info) NYU ita 2006‑09‑29
Francesco Di Russo (Info) University of Rome Foro Italico ERPs, perception, cognition, fMRI, Sport, Ageing fdirusso 2008‑11‑22
John Polich (Info) Scripps Institute ERP, EEG, P300 jameseye 2007‑09‑03
Wenfeng Feng (Info) UCSD, Soochow University Cross Modal Interaction, Attention fengwf 2013‑01‑08
Michael Pitts (Info) Reed College jshafto 2015‑09‑10
Marla Zinni (Info) UCSD Cognitive Neurosciences (Visual Perception, Neuroergonomics) rcosta 2008‑02‑04
Sheng He (Info) UMN psychophysics, neuroimaging Verstraten 2005‑10‑25
Manuela Piazza (Info) University of Trento Number sense, Dyscalculia, Symbol grounding, Semantic representations, Mental spaces, Space processing, Navigation EdHubbard 2006‑01‑11
Jan Benjamin Engelmann (Info) Emory neuroeconomics, cognition, emotion kathleen 2006‑07‑25
Bahador Bahrami (Info) UCL visual system 2008‑06‑19
A M. Barrett (Info) Emory University School of Medicine spatial cognition, neurorehabilitation, awareness, movement planning abarrett 2007‑10‑14
Adrian Mark Owen (Info) MRC-CBU attention trisbek 2008‑06‑12
John C. Gore (Info) Vanderbilt Imaging Science hayden 2005‑02‑18
Haline E. Schendan (Info) University of Plymouth vision, learning, memory, meaning, knowledge giorgio 2007‑09‑12
Bruce D. Mccandliss (Info) Vanderbilt, Stanford Education EdHubbard 2008‑07‑18
Robert F. Hess (Info) McGill lpyudhb 2007‑04‑13
Fang Fang (Info) Peking University Vision Science Verstraten 2007‑01‑22
Afra Foroud (Info) UBC movement, development, infant behaviour AForoud 2012‑06‑12
Sarah Shomstein (Info) George Washington University Attention jlbrooks 2006‑08‑17
Guy Wallis (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics MartinaFeierabend 2009‑01‑12
Marcel Kinsbourne (Info) New School for Social Research Cognitive neuroscience, lateralization, autism parl 2007‑09‑28
Simon Stringer (Info) Oxford Computational Neuroscience bedeho 2011‑07‑02
Bas Rokers (Info) UT Austin Motion perception, depth perception rokers 2005‑11‑15
Mary Jo J. Maciejewski (Info) Rochester vision, plasticity, cortical brain injury, amblyopia, fMRI, perimetry maryjomac 2007‑10‑30
Frouke Hermens (Info) University of Aberdeen Visual perception froukehe 2007‑10‑26
Philippe G. Schyns (Info) University of Glasgow Cognitive Science hhb 2007‑01‑31
Zhicheng Lin (Info) UMN visual attention; visual cognition; visual awareness zhichenglin 2006‑12‑13
Casper Johannes Erkelens (Info) Erasmus University, Utrecht, Utrecht Eye movements, Visual system Verstraten 2005‑09‑26
Ido Amihai (Info) National University of Singapore cognitive neuroscience idoamihai 2012‑05‑05
Ralph-Axel Müller (Info) San Diego State University Neuroimaging jzadra 2009‑04‑02
Victor G. Laties (Info) Rochester Behavioral Pharmacology and Toxicology ronald_wood 2007‑11‑18
Eric Mooshagian (Info) Washington University, School of Medicine, UCSD visuomotor integration, spatial representation, eye-hand coordination, bimanual coordination laterality, hemispheric specilaization emooshag 2008‑06‑20
Bradley L. Schlaggar (Info) Washington University development, fMRI, stroke, tourette's alecia 2007‑04‑20
Daniel I. Brooks (Info) Brown Animal Cognition, Visual Cogniton, Electrophysiology irasmuss 2007‑11‑29
Audrey Duarte (Info) Georgia Tech Cognitive Neuroscience alduarte 2008‑01‑31
Lucie Charles (Info) Oxford Consciousness, Error Processing, Metacognition lcharles 2012‑11‑12
Katja Doerschner (Info) UMN visual system 2007‑09‑12
David Brang (Info) Northwestern Multisensory processes, Perceptual systems, synesthesia, language, neural connectivity dbrang 2011‑06‑01
Jay M. Weiss (Info) Emory mowens 2008‑05‑08
Andreas Olsson (Info) Karolinska Emotion, Learning, Social Neuroscience andreasolsson 2007‑04‑13
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches.
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