Stephanie A. Little, Ph.D.

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
"Stephanie Little"
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Judy Garber grad student 2000 Vanderbilt
 (Externalizing behaviors and depression: Concurrent and longitudinal relations.)
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Little SA, Germeroth C, Garber J. (2019) Father-Adolescent Conflict and Adolescent Symptoms: The Moderating Roles of Father Residential Status and Type. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 28: 3193-3206
Little SA, Germeroth C, Garber J. (2019) Father–Adolescent Conflict and Adolescent Symptoms: The Moderating Roles of Father Residential Status and Type Journal of Child and Family Studies. 28: 3193-3206
Little SA, Garber J. (2005) The role of social stressors and interpersonal orientation in explaining the longitudinal relation between externalizing and depressive symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 114: 432-43
Little SA, Garber J. (2004) Interpersonal and Achievement Orientations and Specific Stressors Predict Depressive and Aggressive Symptoms Journal of Adolescent Research. 19: 63-84
Garber J, Little SA. (2001) Emotional Autonomy and Adolescent Adjustment Journal of Adolescent Research. 16: 355-371
Garber J, Little SA. (2001) Emotional autonomy and adolescent adjustment Journal of Adolescent Research. 16: 355-371
Little SA, Garber J. (2000) Interpersonal and achievement orientations and specific stressors predicting depressive and aggressive symptoms in children Cognitive Therapy and Research. 24: 651-670
Garber J, Little S. (1999) Predictors of Competence among Offspring of Depressed Mothers Journal of Adolescent Research. 14: 44-71
Garber J, Little S. (1999) Predictors of competence among offspring of depressed mothers Journal of Adolescent Research. 14: 44-71
Garber J, Little S, Hilsman R, et al. (1998) Family predictors of suicidal symptoms in young adolescents. Journal of Adolescence. 21: 445-57
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