Vanderbilt University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Rachel V Aaronemotions, pain, psychological intervention Psychology Sohee Park (grad student)
Saman AbbaspoorElectrophysiology, Hippocampus, Memory, Monkey Psychology2018 Kari L. Hoffman (grad student)
Ty W. Abel histopathologic diagnosis of brain and spinal cord tumors.
Sunday A. AbiriaSynaptic signaling2010 Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Naji N. AbumradNeurohormones
Geoffrey K. AdamsSocial neuroethology Alexander Maier (research assistant)
Scott V. Adamsserotonin (5HT), dopamine (DA), and norepinephrine (NE) transporters2002 Louis J. DeFelice (grad student)
Erika Marie Adkins2001 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Rebecca Adler Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Rebecca M Adlermath cognition
David C. Aireyneurogenetics, behavior genetics
Heidi A. AlaskarySpeech Pathology, Developmental Psychology2001 Ralph N. Ohde (grad student)
Erin Albers BethAnn McLaughlin (post-doc)
George Allen
John AllisonSensory systems neurophysiology19992004 AB Bonds (post-doc), Vivien Casagrande (post-doc), AB Bonds (research scientist)
Brandon A. AllyEpisodic memory William P. Milberg (post-doc)
Jeanette AltarribaBilingualism, memory1990 Timothy P. McNamara (grad student)
Baris AltenSNARE mutations, regulation of neurotransmitter release
Julie D. Andersonstuttering, fluency disorders2002 Edward G. Conture (grad student)
Barton L. Andersonvision19821990 Joseph Lappin (grad student)
Charissa AndreottiPsychobiology Psychology, Mental Health, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2013 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Gracie L. AndrewsSynaptic development
Jeffrey Annismemory, perceptual expertise, cogntive modeling2014 Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc)
Jason T. AritaVisual Attention, Memory, and Perception2007 Geoffrey F. Woodman (research assistant)
Eric A. ArmourmTOR
Melinda Arnettforebrain development Douglas E. Wright (grad student)
Catherine M. Arrington20022005 Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Christopher L. AsplundAttention, working memory, reasoning, fMRI20042010 René Marois (grad student)
Thomas M. Aune
Holger Awater Frank Tong (post-doc)
John Charles AxleyCircadian20062010 Douglas G. McMahon (research assistant)
Jo-Anne BachorowskiClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Giwon Bahg Psychological Science2022 Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc)
Lewis J. BakerVisual cognition, event perception, change blindness2012 Daniel Levin (grad student)
James Robert Baker-McKee IIIVesicular Glutamate Transport Proteins20132016 Jon H. Kaas (research assistant)
Pooja Balaramcellular and systems neuroscience Psychology20092014 Samuel D. Crish (research assistant), Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Mary K L BaldwinVisual system2012 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Shellene M. BallClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2011 Bahr H. Weiss (grad student)
Kianoush BanaieNeuromodulators, Acetylcholine, Vision, Attention
Bruce BarryManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Adrian M. BartlettVision, Electrophysiology, Oscillations, Attention, Audiovisual Integration, Neuroethology, Active Perception
Sally M. Barton-ArwoodSpecial Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Reading Education, Educational Psychology Education2003 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Casey N. Bassett2001 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Carl J. Bassivisual system19801985 Maureen Powers (grad student)
Sarah H. Baum Milleraudiovisual integration, electrocorticography, fMRI, MEG
Andrea Lee Bauman Pharmacology19952000 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Mihaela H. Bazalakova
Mark W. Becher
Susan L. Benearhuman memory, memory development, learning Psychology20162017 Isabel Gauthier (research assistant)
Louis A. BeneventoVisual system19701971 Ford F. Ebner (post-doc)
Cinthia Benitez Psychology Jennifer S. Cheavens (grad student)
Marc L. Bennett
Stephen D. Benningpsychopathy,psychophysiology of emotion
Taylor L. BensonSchizophrenia2010 Sohee Park (grad student)
Kate L. BerlinClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2008 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Tanuja Bhattacharyya Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Gautam Bhave
Terry Jo Vetters BichellAngelman syndrome, Huntington's disease, Manganese, Biomarkers, Outcome Measures Neurology Neurology20112016 Aaron Bowman (grad student), Kevin Haas (grad student)
Narcisse Bichot Jeffrey Schall (grad student)
Carol L. BilbreyCognitive Psychology2003 Jeffery J. Franks (grad student)
Joseph BilottaRetinal research Maureen Powers (post-doc)
Jeffrey Binder19801991 Hans H. Strupp (post-doc)
Patrick G. Bissett Psychology20092014 Gordon D. Logan (grad student)
Katy Bjornson Pharmacology2024 Erin S. Calipari (post-doc)
Jennifer BlackfordNeuroscience Biology, Mental Health
Scott D. BlainPersonality, Psychopathology, Social Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience Psychology20142016 Sohee Park (research assistant)
Randolph BlakeVision, motion, binocular vision, consciousness Psychology19992000 Robert Fox (grad student), Joseph Lappin (grad student), Sohee Park (collaborator), Andrei Gorea (collaborator), Alexander Maier (collaborator), Geoffrey F. Woodman (collaborator)
Randy D. BlakelyNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Genetics, Presynaptic plasma membrane transporter
Richard L. Blanton George Copple (grad student)
Vera Blau2009 Mark T. Wallace (post-doc)
Peter Bohlen
Cara Bohoneating disorders, reward, emotion, obesity20022004 Judy Garber (research assistant)
AB BondsVisual system
James R. BoothDevelopmental cognitive neuroscience
Kianoush Banaie Boroujeni2017 Thilo Womelsdorf (grad student)
Hugo Borsetti Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Emmanuel J. BotzolakisIon Channels, Kinetic Modeling, Receptor Assembly, Receptor Trafficking20042008 Robert L. Macdonald (grad student)
Leanne Boucher Jeffrey Schall (post-doc), Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc), Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Angela M. Boutte2005 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Aaron BowmanHuntington's Disease
Erica BowtonTransporters2009 Aurelio Galli (grad student)
Chris Bradley Neuroscience19921997 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Devin BradyVisual illusions, attention, fMRI20062008 Frank Tong (research assistant)
Ashley E. Brady2003 Lee Limbird (grad student)
Mary E. Brindle Special Education2013 Laurie Cutting (grad student)
Jeanne M. BristowCell Biology, Molecular Biology Biological Studies2009 Donna J. Webb (grad student)
Kendal Scot Broadieneurogenetics, synaptpgenesis, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity
Sarah Broderick Cell and Developmental Biology2013 David Miller (grad student)
Joshua Brooks20042009 BethAnn McLaughlin (grad student)
Joshua A. BroussardCell Biology, Molecular Biology2012 Donna J. Webb (grad student)
Laurel L. BrownDepression, statistics2000 Andrew J. Tomarken (grad student)
Alex Brown Cody A. Siciliano (research assistant)
Joshua W. BrownfMRI, cognitive control, computational modeling, imaging genomics Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Jeri L. BryantCerebellum, Epilepsy, SCN1A2010 Alfred George Jr (post-doc)
Robert J. BrychtaBiomedical Engineering2006 Richard G. Shiavi (grad student)
Mark J. Burishheadache, pain20042008 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Meghan M. BurkeDevelopmental Disabilities2012 Robert Michael Hodapp (grad student)
Kristopher BurkewitzPhysiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2012 Kevin Strange (grad student)
Milton Tomlinson Bushpharmacology
Nellie E. ByunNeuroscience, neuropharmacology, neuroimaging, mGluRs, muscarinic receptors20102010 John C. Gore (post-doc), Jeffrey P. Conn (research scientist), Eric Delpire (grad student)
David Calkins
Corrie R. Camalierauditory system Troy A. Hackett (grad student)
Laura K. Campbell2007 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Ryan Thomas Canolty Psychology20182019 Thilo Womelsdorf (research scientist)
Emilia Cárdenas Autumn Kujawa (grad student)
Kate B. CareyClinical Psychology Psychology1985 Stephen A. Maisto (grad student)
Daniel CarlinHuman Development, Neuroscience Biology2012 Lilianna Solnica-Krezel (grad student)
Nancy B. Carlisle2011 Geoffrey F. Woodman (grad student)
Brock M. CarlsonBinocular Rivalry, Visual Awareness, V1 Psychology Psychology Psychology20202025 Alexander Maier (grad student), Geoffrey F. Woodman (grad student), Jacob A. Westerberg (collaborator)
Corinne N. Carltonanxiety, anhedonia, translation, intervention, eeg, fmri, tacs
Leigh C. CarmodyHigh throughput screening20012007 Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Annalise L. CaronClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology2005 Bahr H. Weiss (grad student)
Richard C. Carsondepression2001 Steve Hollon (grad student)
Robert P. Carsonautonomic neuroscience, clinical research2001 David Robertson (grad student)
Jocelyn S. Carter2008 Judy Garber (grad student)
Etienne A. Cartier Aurelio Galli (post-doc)
Vivien CasagrandeVisual system, Thalamus, Cortex AB Bonds (collaborator)
Carissa J. CascioSomatosensory system, autism, fMRI, DTI
Jaime J. Castrellondecision making, reward, motivation, dopamine20142016 David H. Zald (research assistant)
Carlos E. CastroDNA nanotechnology2009 Matthew J. Lang (grad student)
Kenneth C. CataniaNeuroscience Biology
Ken C. CataniaSomatosensory System19951999 Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Elizabeth H. Catania20022008 Pat R. Levitt (grad student)
Victoria S. CavenerNeuroscience, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Samuel W Centanniaddiction2015 Danny Winder (post-doc)
Nicholas J. Cepedadevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, cognitive flexibility, executive function Kyle R. Cave (research assistant)
Christina M. Cerkevichanatomy, motor, somatosensory, visual20062013 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Oakyoon Cha
William W. ChambersNeuroanatomy, spinal cord1947 Sam Lillard Clark (grad student)
Jennifer E. Champion2009 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Dong-Eun Chang Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Ting-Yun ChangCognition and Cognitive Neuroscience, Vision Science, Individual Differences, Music Cognition Psychology20162023 Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Mike S. ChangSerotonin receptors2000 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Warakorn CharoensukElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2001 Richard G. Shiavi (grad student)
You ChenMedical Informatics
Xin Chenretina20042007 Vivien Casagrande (post-doc)
Limin ChenSomatosensory & Pain processing Anna W. Roe (post-doc), Alexander Maier (collaborator)
Olivia S. CheungObject recognition, face recognition2010 Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Chin Chiang
Merrida A Childress Department of Medicine2019 Michael Savona (post-doc)
Derrick L. ChoiBehavioral Neuropharmacology20122005 Shin Yamazaki (research assistant), Jeffrey P. Conn (post-doc)
Sukwoo ChoiSynaptic transmission, plasticity David M. Lovinger (grad student)
Jessica M. Choplin20022004 Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Jason Chow Department of Psychology2018 Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student), Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Christopher M. CiarleglioNeuroscience, Circadian rhythms, Development, Seasonality, Serotonin, Plasticity20042009 Douglas G. McMahon (grad student), Karen L. Gamble (collaborator)
David J. Clark1990 Lee Limbird (grad student)
Jacqueline A. ClaussNeuroscience Biology, Mental Health Neuroscience2014 Jennifer Blackford (grad student)
Keith N. Claytonmemory, nonlinear dynamics19591960 Winfred Hill (grad student), William K. Estes (grad student)
Logan W. ClementsSurgery2009 Robert L. Galloway (grad student)
Sharice CloughMemory, Langauge, Gesture, Brain injury
Mariam Coaster2012 Frank Tong (grad student)
Ronald E. CobbDepression, statistics2005 Andrew J. Tomarken (grad student)
David D CogganVisual System, Computational Models
Elias H. Cohen2008 Frank Tong (post-doc)
Jeremiah Y. CohenNeurophysiology, behavior, reward2009 Richard P. Heitz (collaborator), Christopher M. Ciarleglio (collaborator), Jeffrey Schall (grad student)
Roger J. ColbranSynaptic signaling19862001 Thomas Soderling (post-doc)
Christine CollinsVisual System Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Patrick L. Collins2011 Thomas M. Aune (grad student)
Daniel C. ColvinImaging Science2009 John C. Gore (grad student)
Bruce E. CompasPsychobiology Psychology, Mental Health, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies
Wanda G. ConealNeurophysiology, visual system2002 John A. Freeman (grad student)
Jeffrey P. Conn19821986 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Thomas M. Connolly1983 Lee Limbird (grad student)
Kelly L. Conrad Danny Winder (post-doc)
Christos Constantinidis
Edward G. Conturestuttering, fluency disorders
Melissa L Cooperglia, astrocytes, bioenergetics, neuroplasticity, neurodegeneration, visual system, glaucoma Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences20142019 David Calkins (grad student)
George CoppleClinical Psychology
Jennifer CoppolaComparative Neuroanatomy
J. Olivier CoqSomatosensory plasticity Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Sandra Da Costa20152016 G Christopher Stecker (post-doc)
Maria H. CouppisNeuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology2008 Craig H. Kennedy (grad student)
Natalie V. Covington Melissa Duff (grad student)
Ronald CowanNeuroscience Biology, Mental Health
Michele A. Cox Department of Psychology Alexander Maier (grad student)
Gregory Edward CoxMemory, cognition, neural dynamics, Bayesian statistics20182020 Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc)
Matthew CrumpCognition Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Andrea Cuentas-Condori David Miller (grad student)
Derrick Cumberbatch Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
Anna C. Cummings Human Genetics2012 Jonathan L. Haines (grad student)
Kim Michelle Curby2006 Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Rebecca A. CutlerCognitive neuroscience, memory, neuroimaging Psychology2016 Sean M. Polyn (grad student)
Laurie Cutting
Katherine S. DammeCorticostriatal Connectivity, MRI, DTI, Reward, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, TMS, EEG, Hormones, Neuroimmunology Psychology20072011 David H. Zald (research assistant)
Bruce M DamonMuscle, MRI Radiology and Radiological Sciences John C. Gore (post-doc)
Neil C. Danineurogenetics, synaptpgenesis, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity Biological Sciences2014 Kendal Scot Broadie (grad student)
Thomas O. DanielNephrology, Vascular Development, Cell Biology Joseph L. Goldstein (post-doc), Michael Stuart Brown (post-doc)
Anh DaoDepression Psychology and Human Development Psychology and Human Development Autumn Kujawa (research assistant), Bahr H. Weiss (collaborator)
Jason Dapperdrug development David Calkins (post-doc)
Sonya DaveGeneral Biophysics, Physiology Biology2010 Kevin Strange (grad student)
Jeff M. DavidsonPathology
F. Caroline DavisAffective Neuroscience Sohee Park (research assistant)
Adeola R. DavisNeuroscience Biology2009 Craig H. Kennedy (grad student)
Toni R. DawsonNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2004 Ronald B. Emeson (grad student)
Lisa A. de la Mothe2008 Troy A. Hackett (grad student), Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Gedeon O. Deáksocial development, executive function, language development
Brian C. Debusksoftware development, neural coding1992 AB Bonds (grad student)
Marci S. DeCaro
Ryan J. DelahantyGenetics2010 James S. Sutcliffe (grad student)
Eric Delpirekcc2, nkcc1,
Christine M. Dengler-CrishSomatosensory System2008 Ken C. Catania (grad student)
Stephen E. Denton20112011 Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc), Robert M. Nosofsky (post-doc), Richard M. Shiffrin (post-doc)
John A. DeweySense of agency, Consciousness20052007 Frank Tong (research assistant), Adriane E. Seiffert (research assistant)
Evgeniia Diachekneurobiology of language, psycholinguistics, aphasia Psychological Sciences20182023 Sarah Brown-Schmidt (grad student)
Gabriel S. DichterfMRI, Autism, Depression19982004 Andrew J. Tomarken (grad student)
Anna C. Diedesch20112016 G Christopher Stecker (grad student)
Kevin C. DieterAttention, Vision2013 Randolph Blake (post-doc)
Barbara DillenburgerSensory processes, Cortex, Visual Perception20082009 Anna W. Roe (post-doc), Limin Chen (post-doc)
Amy DillreeSpecial Education, Clinical Psychology2005 Craig H. Kennedy (grad student)
Anastasia DimitropoulosDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2002 Tedra A. Walden (grad student)
Zhaohua DingElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology
Yuchuan Ding Vivien Casagrande (post-doc)
Jinlong Dingcation-chloride cotransporter
Vaibhav Atmanand Diwadkar2000 Timothy P. McNamara (grad student)
Paul R. DokeckiClinical Psychology
James F. Donnellypsychophysiology, neuropsychology, concussion, emotion, brain asymmetry Peabody College Peabody College Peabody College19951999 Andrew J. Tomarken (grad student), Craig Smith (grad student), William McLean (grad student)
Thomas W. DoubClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2001 Howard M. Sandler (grad student)
Kacie Dougherty Department of Psychology Alexander Maier (grad student)
Ashli-Ann Douglas Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Ayzit O. DoydumExecutive function/attention, developmental cognitive neuroscience2010 Bruce D. Mccandliss (grad student)
Melissa Duffmemory, language, social interaction
Lynette M. DuftonClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2009 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Matthew Charles Dullinstructional technology, ITC for development, international comparative education, economics of education
Madeleine J. DunnClinical Psychology, Nursing, Individual and Family Studies2012 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Jeffery L. Dunningbirdsong, behavior, GPCRs, Arrestin, psychostimulants, alcohol, rodents Pharmacology2017 Vsevolod V. Gurevich (post-doc)
Paul E. DuxAttention, fMRI, dual-tasking2005 René Marois (post-doc)
Elisabeth DykensClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Brooke Ealey Daniel J. Miller (research assistant)
Laurie EarlsMolecular genetics, biochemistry, neuroscience, aging, making stuff
Kiara A. EbingerPsychoacoustics2002 D Wesley Grantham (grad student)
Ford F. Ebnerdevelopment, somatosensory system
Regula Elizabeth Egli2004 Danny Winder (grad student)
Hannah B. Elam
Jacob G. ElseyDecision making20162018 Jeffrey Schall (research assistant)
Erik E. EmericVisual System2011 Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student)
Ronald B. EmesonNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Virology Biology
Justin M. EricsonVision, Attention20052007 Adriane E. Seiffert (research assistant)
Kevin ErregerDopamine Transporter and Receptors Aurelio Galli (post-doc)
Steven P ErringtonDecision Making, Action, Uncertainty Psychology20172022 Jeffrey Schall (grad student)
Kevin C. EssmTOR
Scot D. EvansIndustrial Psychology, Social Work2005 Isaac Prilleltensky (grad student)
Karla K. EvansVision, Attention, Memory, Crossmodal Perception Psychology20022002 Frank Tong (research assistant)
Iony D. Ezawa Psychology Steven D. Hollon (post-doc)
Nathaniel Faber20162018 Anita A. Disney (grad student)
Christoph FahlkeNeurophysiology Alfred George Jr (grad student)
Reuben H. Fan Anna W. Roe (grad student), Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Yunzhen Fan Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Pei-chun FangMotor cortex: plasticity and stroke2005 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Zahra Z Farahbakhsh
Lisa K. Fazio
Jeremy FedermanAudiology, Speech Pathology, Music2011 Todd A. Ricketts (grad student)
Hilda M. FehdMotion Perception and Attention20042009 Adriane E. Seiffert (grad student)
Daniel Jay Fellemanvisual system primates extrastriate Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Jessica Feller
Yi FengMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2005 Ronald B. Emeson (grad student)
Hugh M. FentressSerotonin receptors2005 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Merideth J. FergusonManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2007 Bruce Barry (grad student)
Stephen FergusonOlfaction Biological Sciences Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Shawn M. Ferguson
Megan A. Fettig Danny Winder (grad student)
Julie Roper Field2010 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Anat Rina Fintzi Psychology René Marois (grad student)
Marisa H. FisherDevelopmental Disabilities2010 Robert Michael Hodapp (grad student)
Vanessa A. Fitsanakis2003 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Justin P Flanagan2021 René Marois (grad student)
Marci A. Flanery2005 Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student)
Nancy Flattem Pharmacology19962001 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Stephanie A. Flavin Danny Winder (grad student)
Bianca Flores Neuroscience Eric Delpire (grad student)
Riaun J. Floyd
Cynthia Flynn2005 Judy Garber (grad student)
Monica Folkerts20162022 G Christopher Stecker (grad student)
Oakleigh Folkes Pharmacology2014 Sachin Patel (grad student)
Bradley S. FolleyNeuropsychology, creativity, schizophrenia, structural and functional brain imaging20002006 Sohee Park (grad student)
Jonathan FolsteinERP, categorization Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc), Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Daryl Fougnieworking memory, attention20032010 René Marois (grad student)
Erin P. Fowler2001 Judy Garber (grad student)
Amy N. FoxMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Robert FoxVision
Joao G. FrancaComparative Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuroanatomy, Evolution of the Central Nervous System Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Ellie FrancisVisual perception, Visibility, Conspicuity, Human Factors Psychology19701972 Robert Fox (grad student)
Monica D. FranklinClinical Psychology2008 David G. Schlundt (grad student)
Jeffery J. FranksCognitive Psychology
Aliya L. Frederick2013 Gregg Stanwood (grad student)
John A. FreemanNeurophysiology, visual system
Cathryn M. FreidClinical Psychology2007 David G. Schlundt (grad student)
Barbara Bruhns Frey2004 Timothy P. McNamara (grad student)
Molly N. Fricke2004 Greg C. Mathews (grad student)
Robert M. FriedmanNeuroscience Anna W. Roe (post-doc)
Raymond A. FriedmanManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Keisuke Fukuda20122016 Geoffrey F. Woodman (post-doc)
Akiko Fukuda Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Emily Fyfe2015 Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Aurelio GalliTransporters Louis J. DeFelice (post-doc), Randy D. Blakely (collaborator)
Robert L. GallowayBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Medicine and Surgery
Jason A. GalsterAudiology2007 Todd A. Ricketts (grad student)
Karen L. Gambleentrainment in circadian rhythms20042009 Douglas G. McMahon (post-doc)
Joyonna Gamble-George Department of Psychiatry and Vanderbilt Brain Institute20112016 Sachin Patel (grad student)
Joshua T. Gamsepineal complex, zebrafish genetics
Chen GangfMRI, Visual system
Nicole J. Garbarinitransport, KCC220002008 Eric Delpire (grad student)
Judy Garber
Efrain E. GarciaSerotonin receptors2007 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Walter E. GarreyAutonomic nervous system
Isabel GauthierVisual system Thomas J. Palmeri (collaborator)
Yang Gengkcc2, nkcc1, 2009 Eric Delpire (grad student)
Alfred George Jr
Gregory L. Gerdemanneuropharmacology, cannabinoids19962001 David M. Lovinger (grad student)
Marja K. Germans GardClinical Psychology2004 Jo-Anne Bachorowski (grad student)
Caitlin GessnerMultisensory Integration2010 Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Omar A. Gharbawiecortical control of movement Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Dipanwita GhoseMultisensory Integration2010 Mark T. Wallace (grad student), Ryan A. Stevenson (collaborator)
Ayan GhoshalBarrel cortex20062011 Ford F. Ebner (grad student)
Terrie D. GibsonSpeech Pathology2002 Ralph N. Ohde (grad student)
Lindsey M. Gilling McIntoshclinical neuroscience Department of Psychology20092014 Sohee Park (research assistant)
Matthew Raymond Ginther Psychology2011 René Marois (grad student)
Christine M. GivensClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology2005 Bahr H. Weiss (grad student)
David W. GnewikowPsychoacoustics2002 D Wesley Grantham (grad student)
Nathan GoatesManagement Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology2008 Raymond A. Friedman (grad student)
David C. GodloveDecision-making Neuroscience2013 Jeffrey Schall (grad student)
Hernan F.J. Gonzalez Biomedical Engineering Dario J. Englot (grad student)
John C. GoreImaging Science Alexander Maier (collaborator)
Heather Gosnell Danny Winder (grad student)
Alex Gotler Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
J.Amaranath Govindan2008 David Miller (grad student)
Doyle G. Graham
D Wesley GranthamPsychoacoustics
Steven J. Gray20002006 Ellen Fanning (grad student)
Britney L. Grayson2010 Thomas M. Aune (grad student)
Noah Green Douglas G. McMahon (grad student)
Ian Greenhousecognitive control Stephan Heckers (research assistant)
Paul J. Greschserotonin receptors Elaine Sanders-Bush (post-doc)
Jason Daniel GrigsbyAuditory Brain Stem
Bryan Gross Randolph Blake (grad student)
Chad E. GrueterSynaptic signaling2006 Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Brad A. GrueterSynaptic physiology20022006 Danny Winder (grad student)
Meredith Gruhn Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
L. Forest GrussBehavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, Emotion, Attention, EEG, visual system2017 Geoffrey F. Woodman (post-doc)
Haigang Guneural differentiation and neurodegenerative diseases
Resh Singh Guptacognitive neuroscience, memory, aging, contemplative neuroscience, attentional bias20162017 Sean M. Polyn (grad student)
Kate GurbaGABAA receptor assembly2007 Robert L. Macdonald (grad student)
Vsevolod V. GurevichPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Samantha J Gustafsonauditory system; development; audiology; hearing loss; pediatrics Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Hearing & Speech Sciences20152017 Alexandra P. Fonaryova Key (grad student), Todd A. Ricketts (grad student)
Kevin Haas
Troy A. Hackettauditory system20081999 Jon H. Kaas (post-doc), Jon H. Kaas (grad student), Mark T. Wallace (collaborator)
Elizabeth A. HacklerSerotonin receptors2006 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Maureen K. Hahncatecholamines, norepinephrine transporter, psychiatric disorders
Jonathan L. Haines
Kirsten L. Hamandepression2000 Steve Hollon (grad student)
Peter J. HamiltonTransporters Neuroscience Neuroscience2014 Aurelio Galli (grad student), Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Elizabeth A. D. Hammockneurobiology of social behavior20052009 Pat R. Levitt (post-doc)
Suk-Won HanWorking Memory, Attention, Response Selection2007 René Marois (grad student)
James Andrew Hardaway
Joel G. Hardman Earl W. Sutherland (post-doc)
Stephenie HarrisonVision Frank Tong (grad student)
A. Celeste Harvey Craig H. Kennedy (grad student)
Ada C. HarveyBehavioral Psychology, Special Education2008 Craig H. Kennedy (grad student)
Eeshan Hasan
Ali Seyed Hassani2016 Thilo Womelsdorf (grad student)
Samantha Hauser Hearing and Speech Sciences20152018 Ramnarayan Ramachandran (grad student)
Lisa A. Hazelwooddopamine receptors, GPCRs, Neuropharmacology, proteomics19982004 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Siwei HeNeural plasticity2012 David Miller (grad student)
Johanna HearnCSD Hearing and Speech Sciences C Melanie Schuele (grad student)
Stephan HeckersPsychosis
Richard P. Heitzcognitive neuroscience, vision, attention, decision making, reaction times20072011 Jeffrey Schall (post-doc), Paul Michael Corballis (collaborator)
Paula P. HenryPsychoacoustics2002 D Wesley Grantham (grad student)
Erin C. HenrySomatosensory System2005 Ken C. Catania (grad student)
A.J. HeritagePsychopathy, Affect, Personality, Attention, Working Memory, ERPs Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology20172018 David H. Zald (grad student), Geoffrey F. Woodman (grad student), Stephen D. Benning (grad student), F. Joseph Mclaughlin (post-doc)
Ciria C. Hernandez
Jane Hettinger BethAnn McLaughlin (research assistant)
Candace B. HicksAudiology, Educational Psychology Education, Physiological Psychology2000 Anne M. Tharpe (grad student)
Karen Hicks Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Akiko Hida Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Laura L. Hieber Sohee Park (grad student)
Nathan C. HigginsAuditory System, Binaural Hearing20122017 G Christopher Stecker (post-doc)
Hilary A. Highfield (Nickols)2004 Lee Limbird (grad student)
Theodore W. HillDepression, statistics2002 Andrew J. Tomarken (grad student)
Andrea R. HillockMultisensory Integration2010 Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Andrea Hillock-DunnAuditory Development, Multisensory Processing20072010 Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Ruth Hilsman2001 Judy Garber (grad student)
Caitlin Hilverman Melissa Duff (post-doc)
Robert Michael HodappDevelopmental Disabilities
Richard J. Holdenhealthcare human factors, macroergonomics
Steve Hollondepression
Steven D. HollonClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Ericka C. HolmstrandHigh-affinity choline transporter2010 Randy D. Blakely (post-doc)
Laura M. Holsenobesity, food motivation, depression, fMRI19992004 Travis Irving Thompson (grad student)
Emily Holzinger Genetics2013 Jonathan L. Haines (grad student), William S. Bush (grad student)
Robyn Honeastructural brain imaging, schizophrenia, imaging genetics Sohee Park (research assistant)
Clair MinKyung Hongmemory
Linda J. Hood
Jennifer L. Hood Neuroscience2014 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Jason Horowitz2006 Judy Garber (grad student)
Szatmar HorvathPsychiatry2008 Karoly Mirnics (post-doc)
Xiangyang Hu Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Xuan Huang2008 Robert L. Macdonald (grad student)
Fu-De Huangneurogenetics, synaptpgenesis, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity2006 Kendal Scot Broadie (grad student)
Xi Huang2010 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Xi Huang Cell and Developmental Biology20042010 Chin Chiang (grad student)
Edward M. HubbardEducational Cognitive Neuroscience, Numerical Cognition, Multisensory Integration, Synesthesia20082012 Bruce D. Mccandliss (post-doc)
Bjorn Hubert-Wallandervisual attention, perceptual learning, plasticity20062008 Randolph Blake (research assistant)
William J. HudenkoClinical Psychology2004 Jo-Anne Bachorowski (grad student)
Jennifer J. HurleySpecial Education, Early Childhood Education2003 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Holli B. Hutcheson Jonathan L. Haines (grad student)
Jennifer M. IchidaVisual system2002 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Megan Ichinose Psychology2013 Sohee Park (grad student)
George Wilson III Nellie E. Byun (research assistant), Limin Chen (research scientist)
Andrei Irimiabrain aging, neurodegeneration, connectomics, neurotrauma20042007 Charlotte Froese Fischer (grad student), Thomas Joseph Weiler (collaborator), John P. Wikswo (grad student)
Jason G. Ivanoffattention, executive control, fMRI20032006 René Marois (post-doc)
Mariko IzumoCircadian clock20052006 Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student), Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Roger J.ColbranNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Stuart Jacksonneuroscience20092010 Randolph Blake (research assistant)
Chad R. JacksonRetina, Visual System2010 Douglas G. McMahon (post-doc)
Michelle M. Jacobsserotonin receptor, RNA editing
Julie E. JacobsClinical Psychology2000 Bahr H. Weiss (grad student)
Sigrid Jacobshagen Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Neeraj JainSomatosensory, Motor, Dorsal Column Lesion Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Thomas W. Jamesmultisensory perception20012004 Isabel Gauthier (post-doc)
Alexis N. JamesonDopamine, circadian rhythms, sex differences Brad A. Grueter (grad student)
Hojin JangVision Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Deep Learning, Machine Learning Frank Tong (grad student)
Anel A Jaramillo Danny Winder (post-doc)
Nicole L. JardineVisual attention, motion perception, object updating, biological motion2008 Adriane E. Seiffert (research assistant)
Christopher W. JarrettImaging Science Chemical and Physical Biology2014 John C. Gore (grad student)
Sarah S. JaserClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2006 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Janneke F.M. JeheeVisual System20072010 Frank Tong (post-doc), Sam Ling (collaborator)
Ned JenkinsonMotor systems19981999 Ford F. Ebner (post-doc)
Jinhyeok Jeong Psychology2021 Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student)
Walter J. Jermakowicz2010 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Kia N. Johnsonstuttering, fluency disorders2008 Edward G. Conture (grad student)
Earl E. JohnsonAudiology2007 Todd A. Ricketts (grad student)
Kari A. Johnson Jeffrey P. Conn (grad student)
Carl Hirschie JohnsonBiological clocks Biological Sciences20042010 Christopher M. Ciarleglio (collaborator), Karen L. Gamble (collaborator), Michael Menaker (research assistant)
Carrie K. Jones
Patrick Jones Biological Sciences20072011 Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Jeff Jonescircadian output circuitry20102015 Douglas G. McMahon (grad student)
Chi-Hung Juanvisual cognition20022003 Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Shinyoung JungAttention and percpetion20162018 Suk-Won Han (grad student)
youn jae jungextracellular vesicles
Jon H. KaasCortical anatomy2006 Vivien Casagrande (collaborator), Suzana Herculano-Houzel (collaborator)
Joseph KabaraWireless Information Systems19941997 AB Bonds (grad student)
Yoshinao Kajikawa Troy A. Hackett (post-doc)
Akihito Kanauchi Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Peter P. Kane2004 Judy Garber (grad student)
Min-Suk Kangvision, neural modeling
Marc S. KarverGeneral Psychology2000 Leonard Bickman (grad student)
Thomas Louis KashAddiction, Anxiety2004 Danny Winder (post-doc)
Daniel T. Kashima
Peter M. KaskanMotivation, learning, emotion, neuroanatomy, amygdala, deep brain stimulation20052008 Anna W. Roe (grad student), Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Martin Katahnhealth psychology, diet and nutrition, cancer
Santosh B. KatwalImaging Science2012 John C. Gore (grad student)
Melissa R. Kaufman Reconstructive Urology, Female Urology, Urodynamics
Jake Kaufman Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Ege T. KavalaliSynaptic Transmission
Harrison J. KellDifferential Psychology20112014 David Lubinski (post-doc)
Todd A. KelleyVision and Attention20002002 Marvin M. Chun (research assistant)
Jack B. KellyAuditory Physiology
Kevin Kelly Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
Shannon J. Kenealy Jonathan L. Haines (grad student)
Craig H. KennedySpecial Education, Behavioral Psychology
Jess R. Kerlinauditory attention, hearing loss Frank Tong (research scientist)
Sasha KeyNeural bases for developmental disabilities, speech perception, ERPs
Vivek KhatriHyperexcitability after traumatic brain injury20082010 Daniel B. Polley (post-doc), H.P. Zeigler (post-doc)
Ilya Khaytin2008 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Habibeh KhoshboueiDopamine Transporter Aurelio Galli (post-doc)
Tim Christian Kietzmannvision, object recognition, visual attention, visual representations, awareness, machine learning Frank Tong (grad student)
Stefanos Killingsworth2012 Daniel Levin (grad student)
Geunyoung KimDevelopmental Psychology2006 Tedra A. Walden (grad student)
Ji-Woon Kimpharmacology Pharmacology2016 Ege T. Kavalali (post-doc)
Jejoong KimSchizophrenia, Motion perception, Biological motion, fMRI, working memory Psychology20022008 Randolph Blake (grad student), Sohee Park (grad student)
Min-Shik Kimattention, memory19921996 Kyle R. Cave (grad student)
Leslie Kirbyemotion, positive psychology
Kristina KitkoSynaptic Transmission, Neural Engineering, Biophotonics
Amy Marie Kleman-PalubinskyNeuroscience, Neurodegeneration, Stroke Vanderbilt Brain Institute2011 BethAnn McLaughlin (grad student)
Jason Klug2012 Danny Winder (grad student)
Philip C. KoVisual memory and attention2005 Adriane E. Seiffert (grad student)
Seth Koenig2018 Thilo Womelsdorf (post-doc)
Peter A. KolodziejNeuroscience Biology, Genetics
Christine KonradiNeuroplasticity
Mary E. Koran Jonathan L. Haines (grad student)
Jaclyn Lekse Kovach Biology19891990 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
James E. Kragel Psychology20102015 Sean M. Polyn (grad student)
Leah KrubitzerNeuroanatomy, brain evolution19891991 Jon H. Kaas (post-doc), Jon H. Kaas (grad student), Anne E. Morel (collaborator)
Juliane Krueger FisterMultisensory integration2010 Mark T. Wallace (grad student), Ryan A. Stevenson (collaborator)
Sarah C. KucenasMotor Nerve Development20052009 Bruce H. Appel (post-doc)
Kevin K. KumarNeurosurgery, Stem Cells, High Throughput Drug Screening2009 Aaron Bowman (grad student)
John E. KurtzPersonality Theory and Assessment, Clinical Neuropsychology19891994 Leslie C. Morey (grad student)
Leslie KwakyeMultisensory Integration2007 Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Ed Lachica Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Nana A. Landenbergerdepression2001 Steve Hollon (grad student)
Matthew J. Lang
Joseph Lappin1970 Randolph Blake (collaborator), J Farley Norman (collaborator)
Evan P. LeboisNeuroscience Drug Discovery Pharmacology Chemistry Jeffrey P. Conn (grad student), Craig W. Lindsley (grad student)
Junghee LeeWorking memory, emotion, social neuroscience, schizophrenia20002005 Sohee Park (grad student)
Stephen Lehmkuhlevisual system Robert Fox (grad student)
Duncan Leitch2013 BethAnn McLaughlin (research assistant), Patrick Abbot (grad student)
Melanie W. Leslie Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Robert W. LevensonEmotion. Autonomic nervous system and facial expressive components Hans H. Strupp (grad student)
Daniel Levin Frank C. Keil (grad student)
Eugene LevinsonVision1978 Randolph Blake (post-doc)
Xingshan Li Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Keji LiVisual System20092014 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Lu Lisomatosensory system, synaptic plasticity, neural circuitry20002006 Ford F. Ebner (grad student)
Xin Li Florence L. Marlow (grad student)
Yina LiGenetics, Human Development2007 Chin Chiang (grad student)
Xueying Liang Jonathan L. Haines (grad student)
Chia-Chi LiaoSomatosensory system Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Simon Lilburn2021 Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc)
Lee Limbird
Wan-Hsin LinNeurobiology Biology, Molecular Biology2011 Donna J. Webb (grad student)
Rick C. S. Linneuroanatomy, brainstem, zona incerta Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Dakota Roy Bailey LindseySerial Order; Working Memory Psychology20142019 Gordon D. Logan (grad student)
Sam Lingvision, attention, binocular rivalry, visual psychophysics, fmri, tms, learning Frank Tong (post-doc)
Stephanie A. Little2000 Judy Garber (grad student)
Leigh A. LiuManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2004 Raymond A. Friedman (grad student)
Yi Liu Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
Xianyun Liu Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Yanjun LiuCognitive Psychology
Wen-yi Lo2008 Danny Winder (grad student)
Abbey M. Loehr Psychology and Human Development Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Gordon D. LoganAttention, executive control, automaticity Sohee Park (collaborator)
Charles J. LongLearning and training in an academic environment1967 Jack Tapp (grad student)
Elizabeth LorencVisual working memory, source memory, visual perception20102012 Frank Tong (research assistant)
Katherine M. Louderback Danny Winder (grad student)
Patrick Louis Thomas J. Palmeri (research assistant)
Haidong D. LuVisual system, optical imaging20022008 Anna W. Roe (post-doc)
Tan LuMolecular Biology, Entomology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2008 Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Joe R. LuchsingerLearning, memory, Ketamine, NMDA receptor, Brain development,2016 Danny Winder (grad student)
Christian LuhmannLearning, Decision-making20002006 Woo-kyoung Ahn (grad student)
David Randall Lund2010 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Lauren B. LunsfordSpecial Education, Reading Education, Educational Psychology Education2004 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Brian LustigHippocampus, Somatosensory system, Visual system,20092012 Anna W. Roe (research assistant), Ford F. Ebner (research assistant)
Brandon J. LuteTransporters2008 Aurelio Galli (grad student)
Andrew Christopher Lynncognitive neuroscience, visual processing, visual attention, child development, cognitive development2020 Gavin Rhys Price (post-doc)
David C. Lyonvisual system19952001 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Ilwoo LyuMedical Image Analysis
Peijun MaInfectious Diseases20082014 Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
Zhenzhong Zack MaNeural Stem Cells, Adult Neurogenesis, Mental Disorders
Kevin Maas2006 Thomas M. Aune (grad student)
Robert L. MacdonaldGABA, epilepsy
Michael Mack Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student), Aude Oliva (grad student)
Michael L. Mack2011 Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Chase A. MackeyAuditory System, Perception, Cognition Neuroscience20182022 Ramnarayan Ramachandran (grad student)
Daniel M. MagginSpecial Education, Elementary Education2009 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Beverly B. MahanIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Higher Education2000 John R. Newbrough (grad student)
Alexander MaierVisual Perception
Tom ManiatisRegulation of RNA Transcription and Splicing, The Role of Neuroinflammation in ALS, Neurobiology of Disease, Synapses and Circuits, Stem Cell Biology, ALS Disease Mechanisms, Genetic Basis of Neurological Diseases1971 Leonard S. Lerman (grad student)
britney lizama manibusan Vanderbilt Brain Institute20122016 BethAnn McLaughlin (grad student)
Paul B. ManisAuditory System, Ion channels, synaptic transmission, cochlear nucleus, auditory cortex19831985 John A. Freeman (post-doc)
Stephen B. Manuckbehavioral genetics, psychobiological antecedents of cardiovascular disease Hans H. Strupp (grad student), Robert W. Levenson (collaborator)
Paul D. MarascoSensory Intergration with Prosthetics, Somatosensory System20012006 Ken C. Catania (grad student)
David Marcus
Roan T. Marion Neuroscience2013 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Christian R. MarksCaMKII, mGluR5, mGlu52012 Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Florence L. MarlowMolecular Biology, Genetics2003 Lilianna Solnica-Krezel (grad student)
René Marois
Samantha A MarshallMathematics Education
Elwyn Martin Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Rolicia F. Martinautism, GABA, VPA, epilepsy20102011 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Jacob Martin
Amanda Martinez-Lincoln Special Education2019 Laurie Cutting (post-doc)
Gregory C. MathewsPharmacology, Neurobiology Biology
Greg C. MathewsGABA physiology
Andrew Mattarella-Micke Bruce D. Mccandliss (post-doc)
Natasha L. MatthewsSchizophrenia, Memory, Imagery, Auditory function20072009 Sohee Park (post-doc)
Percival G. MatthewsMathematical cognition2010 Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Jutta MayerCognitive Sohee Park (post-doc)
Michele MazzantiBiophysics19851991 Louis J. DeFelice (post-doc)
Bruce D. MccandlissEducation
Clara I McCarthysynapse, ionic channels, GPCRs Pharmacology Pharmacology2022 Ege T. Kavalali (post-doc), Lisa M. Monteggia (post-doc)
Richard C. McCartyStress and Hypertension
Jacob L. McCauleyGenetics, Mental Health2005 James S. Sutcliffe (grad student)
Brian A. McCoolAlcohol neurobiology19891993 Charles Singleton (grad student)
Jena McDaniel
Jill L. McDanielSpecial Education, Experimental Psychology2011 Craig H. Kennedy (grad student)
Paul McdonaldDopamine Transporter20012006 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Katherine McEldoon Psychology and Human Development2014 Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Zoe A. McElligottnorepinephrine, synaptic plasticity2009 Danny Winder (grad student), Neil L. Harrison (research assistant)
Jude James McElroy Human Genetics2013 Louis J. Muglia (grad student)
Karen A. McFarlandOligodendrocytes2007 Bruce H. Appel (grad student)
Lori L. McGrewSerotonin receptors2002 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Allison P. McGuireGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, General Religion2005 John R. Newbrough (grad student)
F. Joseph Mclaughlin
BethAnn McLaughlinCell Death, Ischemia, Neuroprotection, Stroke, Parkinsons Disease
William McLean
Douglas G. McMahonretina and circadian rhythms
Timothy P. McNamaraVisuospatial cogntition, memory Roger Ratcliff (grad student), Robert J. Sternberg (grad student)
William Meacham
Emma Megla Psychology20192021 Geoffrey F. Woodman (research assistant)
Kenneth S. Melnickstuttering, fluency disorders2000 Edward G. Conture (grad student)
Shi Meng20042008 Douglas G. McMahon (grad student)
Marc A. MergyNeuroscience
Catherine E. MerrillNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2004 Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
huiyuan miaovisual system psychology Frank Tong (grad student)
Vanessa K Millersynaptic remodeling, glia, critical period, drosophila olfaction Biological Sciences2022 Kendal Scot Broadie (grad student)
Daniel J. MillerNeuroanatomy Psychology20112017 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
David Miller
Brent Miller Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc)
Karoly MirnicsGenomics of schizophrenia and brain disorders
Jane Mondul20172021 Ramnarayan Ramachandran (grad student)
Lisa M. Monteggia Marina E. Wolf (grad student)
Brandon MooreVision Cell and Developmental Biology Psychology20172019 Alexander Maier (grad student), Vivien Casagrande (grad student), Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Travis M. Moore20162018 G Christopher Stecker (grad student)
Tara C. Moore PartinSpecial Education2010 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Michael V. MorabitoNeuroscience Biology2008 Ronald B. Emeson (grad student)
Sean P Moran Jeffrey P. Conn (grad student)
Amanda Jean MorganEndocannabinoids, Prenatal nicotine, behavioral pharmacology, learning and motivation Molecular physiology and biophysics Biochemistry2016 Sachin Patel (post-doc), Lawrence J. Marnett (collaborator)
Tetsuya Mori Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Matthew C. Morris2011 Judy Garber (grad student)
Emily L. Morrowlanguage, hippocampus, memory, learning, relational memory, speech-language pathology, traumatic brain injury Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Melissa Duff (grad student)
Dylan Morrow-Jones20142017 Anita A. Disney (grad student)
Karen Mortier Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Neal W. MortonNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2014 Sean M. Polyn (grad student)
Christopher J. MosunicClinical Psychology, Nutrition, Mental Health2004 David G. Schlundt (grad student)
Katherine L. Moynihan2009 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Camille Msall Bethany Rittle-Johnson (grad student)
Melina O. Muellerperception, cognition, category learning Psychology2024 Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Louis J. MugliaEndocrinology and Stress
Meganne K Muirlanguage development, deaf or hard of hearing Hearing and Speech Sciences2023 Jena McDaniel (research scientist)
Snigdha Mukerjee Cody A. Siciliano (post-doc)
Patrick J. Mundy Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student), Jason Gold (research assistant)
Aditya Murthycontrol of actions, decision making Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Erik Musiek20032009 BethAnn McLaughlin (grad student)
Anita MustCognition
Regina L. MyersSerotonin receptors2005 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Dina C. MyersGenetics, Molecular Biology2001 Lilianna Solnica-Krezel (grad student)
Sahana Nagabhushan Kalburgi
Terunaga Nakagawa
Gayathri NarasimhamDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Early Childhood Education2006 John J. Rieser (grad student)
John M. NealeSchizophrenia1969 Rue L. Cromwell (grad student)
Randall J. NelsonSomatosensory cortex Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Matthew J. NelsonNeurolinguistics, Biophysics and Electrophysiology Psychological Sciences Jeffrey Schall (grad student)
Martin George Netsky
John R. NewbroughDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Allen T. NewtonImaging Science2009 John C. Gore (grad student)
Quynh Anh NguyenEpilepsy, Neural circuits, Hippocampus, Synaptic transmission
Joshua Carey Nickols2003 David Miller (grad student)
Aaron R. NidifferMultisensory Integration20102018 Mark T. Wallace (grad student), Ryan A. Stevenson (collaborator)
Selene S. Nikaidocircadian rhythms Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Yelyzaveta A. NikandrovaSynaptic signaling2010 Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Jean-Paul NoelMultisensory Integration, Periperisonal Space Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Suzanne Nolan Cody A. Siciliano (post-doc)
J Farley NormanVision, Haptics, 3-D shape perception Joseph Lappin (grad student)
Erika L. NurmiGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology2003 James S. Sutcliffe (grad student)
Jeffrey B. Nyquist2007 Joseph Lappin (grad student)
Katherine O'DohertyDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2013 Georgene L. Troseth (grad student)
Richard Dean Odomchild development
Ralph N. OhdeSpeech Pathology, Developmental Psychology
Uada B. Olaghere da SilvaSerotonin receptors2010 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Regina M. OliverSpecial Education2011 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Salma Omer Neuroscience Eric Delpire (grad student)
Joyce J. Ou2002 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Yan Ouyang Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
Asli OzdasElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Speech Pathology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Richard G. Shiavi (grad student)
Terry L. Page
Thomas J. Palmeriperceptual categorization, perceptual expertise, cognitive modeling19851987 Gordon D. Logan (collaborator), Takeo Kanade (research assistant)
Amy Kleman Palubinski2009 BethAnn McLaughlin (grad student)
Thomas PameriCognitive Psychology, Artificial Intelligence
Luyuan Panneurogenetics, synaptpgenesis, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity2007 Kendal Scot Broadie (grad student)
Tristano PancaniNeuroscience VCNDD Jeffrey P. Conn (post-doc)
Rijuta C. PandavCognitive Neuroscience
Jennifer L. PanizziGenetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2007 Lilianna Solnica-Krezel (grad student)
Sohee ParkMemory, Schizophrenia, Self Disorders, Creativity, Social Neuroscience2012 Ryan A. Stevenson (collaborator)
Minsun ParkPsychology, Visual perception, Cognitive Neuroscience, Vision Science, Visual Neuroscience, Multisensory Perception Psychology Psychology20172017 Randolph Blake (collaborator), Randolph Blake (research scientist)
Hyun-Young Park Adriane E. Seiffert (grad student)
John G PartridgeElectrophysiology19962000 David M. Lovinger (grad student)
Gregory M Paskinsect olfaction, odorant receptors, molecular neurobiology Biological Sciences Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Kushal A. PatelClinical Psychology2004 David G. Schlundt (grad student)
Sachin Patel Danny Winder (post-doc)
Lance R. Pearson Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc), Jeffrey Schall (grad student)
Joel PearsonVisual system, psychophysics, TMS, fMRI2004 Frank Tong (post-doc), Jan Brascamp (collaborator), Duje Tadin (collaborator), Sam Ling (collaborator)
Mark W. Pellowskistuttering, fluency disorders2002 Edward G. Conture (grad student)
Julie S. PendergastChronobiology2007 Shin Yamazaki (post-doc)
Yinuo Peng Psychology2024 Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student)
Richard Malvern Penney2008 Douglas G. McMahon (grad student)
Tyler L. PerfittCaMKII, neuroscience2013 Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Nicole A Perry-Hauseradhesion GPCRs, arrestin, mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades, synapse formation Pharmacology Pharmacology20152019 Vsevolod V. Gurevich (grad student), Tina M. Iverson (grad student)
Heywood M. PetryVisual system19801982 Vivien Casagrande (post-doc), Robert Fox (post-doc)
Jay Pfaffman Daniel L. Schwartz (grad student)
Cobb Pilcher
Aurea Pimenta2011 Robert L. Macdonald (post-doc)
Vladimir Podust Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Sonia Poltoratskivisual system, cognitive neuroscience2011 Frank Tong (grad student)
Sean M. PolynMemory, Experimental Psychology, Neuroimaging, Computational modeling
Maria V. Popescu"Auditory system, sensory deprivation"20052007 Ford F. Ebner (post-doc)
Heather L. PorterAudiology Hearing and Speech Sciences2012 Anne M. Tharpe (grad student)
Pierre PougetNeurosciences20042008 Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Al PowersMultisensory Integration20072010 Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Michael S PratteCognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology Frank Tong (post-doc)
Kristopher J. PreacherQuantitative Psychology
Alison Greer Presmanes HillDevelopmental Psychology, Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)2008 Tedra A. Walden (grad student)
Todd M. Preussprimate and human brain evolution; organization of cerebral cortex Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Raymond D. PriceSerotonin receptors2001 Elaine Sanders-Bush (grad student)
Isaac PrilleltenskyIndustrial Psychology, Social Work
Braden Purcell Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student), Robin D. Thomas (grad student), Jeffrey Schall (grad student), Richard P. Heitz (collaborator)
Gopathy PurushothamanNeural decision making, Visual system Vivien Casagrande (post-doc)
Amy L. PylePathology2009 Jeff M. Davidson (grad student)
Yan Qian
Ximing QinBiological clocks2010 Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
Chuyan Qucognitive development, numerical cognition, visual attention20182018 James R. Booth (research assistant)
Juliana C. Quaysynaptic signaling, CaMKII Molecular Physiology and Biophysics2020 Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Nancy L. Quiggle2001 Judy Garber (grad student)
Rosanne L. Rademakervisual system, visual working memory, visual imagery, visual fading, tool integration Psychology20082010 Frank Tong (grad student)
Ramnarayan Ramachandran Hearing and Speech Sciences Mark T. Wallace (collaborator), Troy A. Hackett (collaborator)
Karthikeyan Ramanujam Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Luis D. Ramirezvision, perception, attention, working memory, fmri20162016 Frank Tong (research assistant)
I. Scott Ramsey2001 Louis J. DeFelice (grad student)
Adam T. Ramsey Jennifer S. Trueblood (grad student)
Shanna D. RayDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 John J. Rieser (grad student)
Supriya RayEye movement, Decision making, Neurophysiology20072009 Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Zachariah M. ReaghLearning and Memory, fMRI20112011 Bruce D. Mccandliss (research assistant)
Jamie L. ReedSomatosensory system, Spinal Cord Injury, Visual system2009 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Erin E. Reich2001 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Robert M. G. Reinhartvisual cognitive neuroscience Psychology Geoffrey F. Woodman (grad student), Jeffrey Schall (grad student), Sohee Park (grad student)
Michelle M. ReisingPsychobiology Psychology, Mental Health, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2013 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Michael S. Remple2006 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Sarah Repicky
Raina E. RhoadesAuditory System
Jennifer J. Richler2010 Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc), Isabel Gauthier (grad student), Patricia A. McMullen (research assistant), Thomas J. Palmeri (research assistant)
Todd A. RickettsAudiology, Cognitive Psychology
John J. RieserDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Arianna Rigon Melissa Duff (grad student)
Michael L. RisnerVisual system2010 Douglas G. McMahon (post-doc)
Dylan RitterNeurodegeneration, Parkinson's, stem cells Cell and Developmental Biology20172023 Ela Knapik (grad student)
Bethany Rittle-JohnsonDevelopmental Psychology
Alejandro Rivas
Corey Roach
Randolph K. RobertsOligodendrocytes2009 Bruce H. Appel (grad student)
Rachel H Roberts-GalbraithBrain regeneration, planarians Cell and Developmental Biology Kathleen L. Gould (grad student)
David Robertsonautonomic neuroscience, clinical research
James B. RobertsonBiological clocks2009 Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
Sabrina E. RobertsonTransporters2010 Aurelio Galli (grad student)
Kristen E. RobinsonClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology, Radiology2012 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Alfred (AJ) J. RobisonAddiction, synapse, CaMKII, FosB, depression, accumbens, hippocampus20052006 Danny Winder (post-doc), Roger J. Colbran (grad student)
Emily C. Rockoff
Erin M. RodriguezClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2012 Bruce E. Compas (grad student)
Anna W. Roevisual system, somatosensory, brain circuitry, connectome, neurotechnology Alexander Maier (collaborator)
Jennifer A. RonesiAlcohol neurobiology2005 David M. Lovinger (grad student)
Kenneth M. Rosenneuromuscular development, neurodegeneration1985 Robert Earl Bird (grad student)
David Rossface recognition Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc), Isabel Gauthier (post-doc)
Andrew F. Rossi
Ann M. RothpletzPsychoacoustics2002 D Wesley Grantham (grad student)
Ronda M. Royalemotion, appraisal theory2003 Craig Smith (grad student)
Guoxiang Ruanretina and circadian rhythms20032008 Douglas G. McMahon (grad student)
B. T. RubinClinical Psychology2003 Paul R. Dokecki (grad student)
Octavio RuizVisual system Vivien Casagrande (post-doc)
Elizabeth Y. RulaMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2008 Ronald B. Emeson (grad student)
Bjoern Rump2008 Timothy P. McNamara (grad student)
Hollea A. RyanAudiology, Physiological Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2012 Anne M. Tharpe (grad student)
Anusha S RaoEducational Cognitive Neuroscience
Kendal S.BroadieNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Thywill Sabblah Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Robert Navjit Singh SachdevWhisker system, Barrel cortex, Slow Oscillations19952000 Ford F. Ebner (post-doc)
Jiqing SaiBiological clocks2000 Carl Hirschie Johnson (grad student)
AmirSaman SajadAudiovisual integration, neurophys of gaze Psychology2016 Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Gregory Russell Samanez Larkinaging, motivation, reward, learning, decision making20102013 David H. Zald (post-doc)
Jason M. Samondsvisual system, multi-electrode neurophysiology20042005 AB Bonds (grad student), AB Bonds (post-doc)
Karuna SampathEmbryonic Development, coding & non-coding RNAs, RNA localisation, Translational control, Microtubules, Nodal Signaling, Xenopus, Zebrafish Developmental Biology19951996 Christopher V. E. Wright (post-doc)
Jennifer E. SamsonDevelopmental Psychology2012 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Craig A. Sanderscategorization, computational modeling, perception
Elaine Sanders-BushSerotonin receptors Milton Tomlinson Bush (grad student), Fridolin Sulser (post-doc)
Howard M. SandlerClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Christopher L. SansamMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2004 Ronald B. Emeson (grad student)
Diana K. SarkoSomatosensory system, multisensory processing20102010 Ken C. Catania (post-doc), Mark T. Wallace (post-doc)
Takashi R. SatoVisual system, two photon imaging19992003 Jeffrey Schall (grad student)
Michael Savona
Paige E. ScalfVisual System, Attention René Marois (post-doc)
Jonathan D. Schaefer Psychology Sylia Wilson (post-doc)
Jeffrey SchallDecision-making Vivien Casagrande (collaborator), Gordon D. Logan (collaborator), Thomas J. Palmeri (collaborator), Sohee Park (collaborator), Alexander Maier (collaborator)
David G. SchlundtClinical Psychology, Nutrition, Mental Health
Sabine P. Schmid2005 Steve Hollon (grad student)
John T. SchmidtVisual System, Plasticity, Zebrafish, Development John A. Freeman (post-doc)
Martin J. SchmidtMolecular Basis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Animal Models20082014 Karoly Mirnics (grad student)
Darryl W. Schneidermemory, cognitive control20032008 Gordon D. Logan (grad student)
Adriana Schoenhaut2019 Ramnarayan Ramachandran (grad student), Mark T. Wallace (grad student)
Cara Schornack Neuroscience Eric Delpire (grad student)
Nicole L. Schramm2000 Lee Limbird (grad student)
Joel W. SchwartzImaging, Confocal Microscopy20002004 Louis J. DeFelice (grad student)
Emily Schwartz ToddIon Channels, Epilepsy, Psychiatry20032007 Robert L. Macdonald (grad student)
Adriane E. Seiffertmotion perception, attention to motion
Heike Selliendevelopment, somatosensory system2002 Ford F. Ebner (grad student)
Rebecca Klar Senter Pharmacology20112015 Jeffrey P. Conn (grad student)
Mathieu Servant2016 Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc)
Douglas J. Sheffler Jeffrey P. Conn (post-doc)
Amy Lynne SheltonSpatial cognition, memory, individual differences Timothy P. McNamara (grad student)
Jianhong Shenvision science Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student)
Shu-qun Shi Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Richard G. ShiaviElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Speech Pathology, Behavioral Psychology
Angela Delight Shields2009 Danny Winder (grad student)
Jimann ShinOligodendrocytes2007 Bruce H. Appel (grad student)
Jana K. Shirey-Rice2010 Jeffrey P. Conn (grad student)
Carolyn M. ShiversDevelopmental Psychology2013 Elisabeth Dykens (grad student)
Brian C. ShonesySynaptic Physiology 20092015 Roger J. Colbran (post-doc), Danny Winder (collaborator)
Kathrin R. Sidell2001 Thomas J. Montine (grad student)
Yuval Silberman Danny Winder (post-doc)
Alexander Silver Cancer Biology2019 Michael Savona (grad student)
Christopher SimienDepression, statistics2004 Andrew J. Tomarken (grad student)
Charles Singleton
Douglas P. SladenAudiology2006 Todd A. Ricketts (grad student)
Jesse Slone Laurence J. Zwiebel (post-doc)
Christopher T. Smith David H. Zald (post-doc)
Brianna N. Smith Cancer Biology2018 Michael Savona (post-doc)
Moria SmoskiClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2004 Jo-Anne Bachorowski (grad student)
Corey D. SnelsonDorsal root ganglion2009 Joshua T. Gamse (grad student)
Ross SniderAuditory and Visual Neuroscience19921997 AB Bonds (grad student)
Charles R. Snyderhope, human uniqueness, forgiveness1971 Martin Katahn (grad student)
Julia L. SnyderOligodendrocytes Biological Sciences2013 Bruce H. Appel (grad student)
Kenith V. SobelVisual Cognition & Attention2000 Kyle R. Cave (grad student)
Andrew Sochacki Department of Medicine20152020 Michael Savona (post-doc)
Monsheel SodhiGenetic predictors of mood and psychosis Elaine Sanders-Bush (post-doc)
Ernesto Solis, Jr.bath salts, dopamine transporter, fluorescent substrates, serotonin transporter, mdma, amphetamine, opioids, heroin, morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, synthetic cannabinoids Neuroscience20082012 Louis J. DeFelice (grad student)
Lilianna Solnica-KrezelGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Chunzhu Songdevelopmental neurobiology Biological Sciences20192023 Kendal Scot Broadie (grad student)
Alexander G Soretsneuroscience, drug delivery, biomedical engineering Ethan S. Lippmann (grad student)
Mohammed Soutto Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Adam J. SowaDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2003 Tedra A. Walden (grad student)
Christopher Spankovichauditory system, hearing loss2010 Daniel B. Polley (grad student), Linda J. Hood (grad student)
Nicole K. SpeedTransporters2010 Aurelio Galli (grad student)
Christina K. SpeirsGenetics2009 Lilianna Solnica-Krezel (grad student)
Kylee L. Spencer Jonathan L. Haines (grad student)
William Clayton SpencerSerotonin system, genomics Cell & Developmental Biology20052011 David Miller (grad student)
Rebecca L. St.Clair
Jeannette Nicole Stankowski20062011 BethAnn McLaughlin (grad student)
Emily Stanley Lawrence Reagan (grad student)
Gillian S. StarkeyMath, Early Numeracy, Education, Neuroimaging Psychology20092014 Bruce D. Mccandliss (grad student)
James V. Starosprotein structure & function, signal transduction
Rebecca L. StClairAttention, Motion, Tracking2008 Adriane E. Seiffert (grad student)
G Christopher SteckerSpatial Hearing, Auditory cortex Erin Margaret Picou (collaborator), Todd A. Ricketts (collaborator), Rene H. Gifford (collaborator)
Elke SteinAxon Guidance, Nervous System Development19921996 Thomas O. Daniel (grad student)
Evan M. SteinTime Pressure, Motivation, Math Anxiety, & Theories of Intelligence20102011 Sean M. Polyn (research scientist)
Jennifer Steiner20022009 Randy D. Blakely (grad student)
Jason Ryan StephensonGPCR, receptor2014 Roger J. Colbran (post-doc)
Iwona StepniewskaNeuroanatomy, cerebral cortex Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
Barbara StetsonClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychological and Brain Sciences David G. Schlundt (grad student)
Ryan A. StevensonMultisensory Integration Hearing and Speech Sciences20102013 Mark T. Wallace (post-doc), Rene H. Gifford (collaborator)
Michael O. Stewartdepression2006 Steve Hollon (grad student)
Stefan Strackprotein phosphatases Ford F. Ebner (post-doc)
Kevin StrangeAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, General Biophysics
Amanda C. StrongSpecial Education, Reading Education, Secondary Education2004 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Hans H. Strupp
Veit StuphornOculomotor system Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Pumpki Lei SuLanguage Development, Autism, Bilingualism Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Hearing and Speech Sciences Hearing and Speech Sciences20152020 Stephen Camarata (grad student), Paul J. Yoder (grad student), James W. Bodfish (grad student)
Fridolin SulserMolecular psychopathology of mood disorders
Ziyi Sunretina and gap junctions20042009 Douglas G. McMahon (grad student)
Mackenzie A. Sundayobject recognition, face recognition, individual differences
Mriganka SurDevelopment and plasticity19781980 Jon H. Kaas (grad student), Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
James S. SutcliffeGenetics, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology
Kevin S. SutherlandSpecial Education2000 Joseph H. Wehby (grad student)
Margaret L. Sutherlandglutamate transport19961999 Randy D. Blakely (post-doc)
Earl W. Sutherlandcell physiology, endocrinology, metabolism
David William SuttererCognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Memory Psychology Psychology20182022 Geoffrey F. Woodman (post-doc), Sean M. Polyn (post-doc)
Lena Suzuki Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
J. David SweattHippocampal Plasticity19821986 Lee Limbird (grad student)
Serena Sweet
Jascha Droll SwisherRetinotopy, parietal cortex2007 Frank Tong (post-doc)
Jocelyn L. SyAttention2014 Randolph Blake (post-doc)
Michael C. TackenbergCircadian Rhythms Vanderbilt Brain Institute2012 Douglas G. McMahon (grad student), Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Duje TadinVisual System19992004 Joseph Lappin (grad student)
Anna K. TalagaOlfactory signal transduction20072009 Joshua T. Gamse (research assistant)
Benjamin Jacob Tamber-Rosenauattention, visual attention, working memory, cognitive control, fMRI2010 René Marois (post-doc)
Lin TangfMRI20032007 John C. Gore (grad student)
Xin TangPhosphorylation Effects on GABAA Receptor Function20032008 Robert L. Macdonald (grad student)
Ka-choi TangAlcohol neurobiology2000 David M. Lovinger (grad student)
Jung-Chang TangSpecial Education, Behavioral Psychology2001 Craig H. Kennedy (grad student)
Hisashi TanigawaVisual system20062011 Anna W. Roe (post-doc)
Jack Tappphysiological psychology
William TaylorMolecular Biology
Robert D. TerryAlzheimer's disease Martin George Netsky (post-doc)
Katharine Natasha Thakkarschizophrenia, eye movements, cogntive control2006 Jeffrey Schall (grad student), Sohee Park (grad student)
Anne M. TharpeAudiology, Educational Psychology Education, Physiological Psychology
Laura ThomasAttention, Embodied Cognition
Kirk G. ThompsonVisual system Jeffrey Schall (post-doc)
Barbara L. ThompsonNeurodevelopmental Disorders20032009 Pat R. Levitt (post-doc)
Brent J. ThompsonNeuroscience Biology2005 Ronald B. Emeson (grad student)
Reid Thompson
Tricia Ann Thornton-WellsNeuroimaging Genetics
Mengnan Tian20062012 Robert L. Macdonald (grad student)
Andrew M. Tidball20092014 Aaron Bowman (grad student)
Simon T. TiddManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2001 Raymond A. Friedman (grad student)
Matthew Tillis Psychology Department2019 Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student)
James Jay ToddMemory, Attention, Human Factors, Visual Perception20012008 René Marois (grad student)
Andrew J. TomarkenDepression, statistics
Frank TongVisual cortex, attention, object vision
Lénie J Torregrossaschizophrenia, psychosis, schizotypy, self disturbances Psychology20162021 Sohee Park (grad student)
Michael T. Treadwaymotivation, anhedonia, clinical neuroscinece, decision-making, dopamine20072012 David H. Zald (grad student), René Marois (grad student)
Georgene L. TrosethDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Nicholas C. Trottaneurogenetics, synaptpgenesis, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity2005 Kendal Scot Broadie (grad student)
Emily C. Turner20122017 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Teresa F. UlmanClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2009 Elisabeth Dykens (grad student)
Akash Umakantha Psychology Thomas J. Palmeri (research assistant)
Kathryn E. Unruhautism James W. Bodfish (grad student)
Alessandro UstioneTransporters Molecular Physiology and Biophysics2012 Aurelio Galli (grad student)
Burak UzaySynaptic transmission, neurobiology of psychiatric disorders Ege T. Kavalali (post-doc)
Ornella Valenti Jeffrey P. Conn (post-doc)
Christine Marie Valiquette2008 Timothy P. McNamara (grad student)
Adriana M ValtierraCSD, Deaf/hard of hearing, language development Hearing and Speech Sciences2023 Jena McDaniel (grad student)
Ana E. Van GulickVisual Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience2009 Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Chris vanBuskirk
Ross VanDerKlok
Amanda Michelle Vanhoose2005 Danny Winder (grad student)
Donald A. Varakin2006 Daniel Levin (grad student)
Cesar DM Vargasmotor systems, motor control, vocalizations Cell and Developmental Biology20152016 Vivien Casagrande (research assistant)
Sashank Varma2006 Timothy P. McNamara (grad student)
Olivia J. VeatchNeuroimaging Genetics Human Genetics2013 Tricia Ann Thornton-Wells (grad student)
Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele
Frederick Verbruggen20062008 Gordon D. Logan (post-doc)
Arnaud ViarougeNumerical cognition, developmental cognitive neurosicence2009 Bruce D. Mccandliss (post-doc)
Timothy J. Vickery Thomas J. Palmeri (research assistant)
Niranjana Vijayakrishnanneurogenetics, synaptpgenesis, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity2010 Kendal Scot Broadie (grad student)
Sophia Angela Vinci-Booherlearning, brain development, MRI, white matter, functional connectivity, handwriting, visual recognition
Benjamin Voloh2013 Thilo Womelsdorf (grad student), Thilo Womelsdorf (grad student)
Jessica Rivera Von StetinaDNA replication2008 David Miller (grad student), Daniela Drummond-Barbosa (grad student)
Megan M. Vucovich
Tedra A. WaldenDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Joan M. WalkerDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education2003 Howard M. Sandler (grad student)
William Walker20032008 Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Adam G. WalkerNeurpharmacology
Mark T. WallaceMultisensory Integration Barry E. Stein (post-doc), Alexander Maier (collaborator)
Eban J. WaltersClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Social Structure and Development, Individual and Family Studies2006 Bahr H. Weiss (grad student)
Zheng WangfMRI, depression Anna W. Roe (post-doc)
Nicholas J. Ward20142018 Anita A. Disney (post-doc)
Christopher J. WargoImaging Science2011 John C. Gore (grad student)
John R. WarmathBiomedical Engineering2005 Robert L. Galloway (grad student)
Joseph Daniel Watson2007 David Miller (grad student)
Donna J. WebbNeuroscience Biology
Adam M. WegnerNeuroscience Biology2008 Donna J. Webb (grad student)
Joseph H. WehbySpecial Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Reading Education, Educational Psychology Education
Matthew B. WEingerNeuroscience; Neuropharmacology; Human Factors: Patient Safety; Simulation
Bahr H. WeissBehavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Developmental Psychology
Carl Weitlaufelectrophysiology, addiction, epilepsy20002005 Danny Winder (grad student)
Rosalyn E. Wellervisual system, neuroanatomy, obesity, fMRI1982 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Robin L. West Psychology1980 Richard Dean Odom (grad student)
Jacob A. WesterbergCognitive Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Neuroimaging Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology20222023 Alexander Maier (grad student), Jeffrey Schall (grad student), Andre Bastos (post-doc), Geoffrey F. Woodman (grad student)
William O. Whetsell
Amy E. Wiencken-Barger2001 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Melonie Williams2007 Geoffrey F. Woodman (grad student)
Lisa E. WilliamsClinical Neuropsychiatry20092012 Stephan Heckers (post-doc)
Tiffany A. Wills Danny Winder (post-doc)
Jonee Wilson Paul Cobb (grad student)
Jeremy E. WinberryIntrinsic optical imaging, Voltage sensitive dye imaging, Somatosensory cortex20042007 Anna W. Roe (research assistant)
Danny Winder
Nichelle I. WintersHuman Development2012 Chin Chiang (grad student)
Mark Woelfle Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Benjamin A. WolfeEye movements, visual attention, peripheral vision Psychology20082010 Frank Tong (research assistant)
Randall WoltjerBiochemical Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases such as Alzheimer's disease; Biochemical Characteristics of Normal Aging19881994 James V. Staros (grad student)
Thilo WomelsdorfVisual System, Attentional Control
Yetta Kwailing Wong2010 Isabel Gauthier (grad student)
Peiyan WongVisual system, comparative neuranatomy20042009 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Alan C. Wong2007 Isabel Gauthier (grad student), Thomas J. Palmeri (grad student)
Geoffrey F. Woodmanvisual cognition and attention Jeffrey Schall (post-doc), Marvin M. Chun (post-doc), Richard P. Heitz (collaborator), Alexander Maier (collaborator)
Daniel P WoodsVisual system, working memory
Neil D. WoodwardNeuropsychology, Neuroimaging, Schizophrenia2007 David H. Zald (grad student)
Carolyn Wan-hsun Wusensorimotor plasticity, neuroimaging19931999 Jon H. Kaas (grad student)
Chiung-Yuan S. WuNeuroscience Biology, Genetics2000 Peter A. Kolodziej (grad student)
Scott A. WylieParkinson's disease, fronto-striatal function
Yuanfeng XiaMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Entomology Biology2008 Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Juan XingPhysiology Biology2009 Kevin Strange (grad student)
Maggie J. Xiong2005 Gordon D. Logan (grad student)
Yihan (Sophy) Xiong
Yao Xu Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Xiangmin Xuvisual system, neurophysiology19982004 Vivien Casagrande (grad student)
Junzhong XuImaging Science2008 John C. Gore (grad student)
Brianna Yamasaki20122018 Chantel S. Prat (grad student)
Brianna Yamasaki
Shin YamazakiCircadian Rhythms
Xiaohui YanPhysiology Biology, Pharmacology, Molecular Biology2008 Kevin Strange (grad student)
Yuede Yang
Jie Yang Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Eunice Yangvisual neuroscience, cognitive psychology Randolph Blake (grad student)
Soo-Ryum YangVisual system, Instrinsic optical imaging, Electrophysiology Anna W. Roe (research assistant), Vivien Casagrande (research assistant)
Susan E. Yanni2010 David Miller (grad student)
Mijung Yeom Biological Sciences20072009 Shin Yamazaki (post-doc)
Jennifer Yihemotion, appraisal theory, emotion regulation20112016 Craig Smith (grad student)
Chunyue YinCell Biology, Genetics2007 Lilianna Solnica-Krezel (grad student)
Thaweesak YingthawornsukElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Acoustics Physics, Biomedical Engineering2007 Richard G. Shiavi (grad student)
Yuliya YonchevaReading, N170, Perceptual learning, Artificial orthography, Attention2010 Bruce D. Mccandliss (post-doc)
Nicole A. Youngdeep brain stimulation, neuromodulation2009 Jon H. Kaas (post-doc)
A. Byron Young
Qiuhai Yueattention, working memory, language20182022 René Marois (post-doc)
Courtney T. Zackheimstuttering, fluency disorders2003 Edward G. Conture (grad student)
David H. ZaldEmotion, Amygdala, Orbitfrontal Cortex, Reward
Bram B. ZandbeltCognitive neuroscience2011 Jeffrey Schall (post-doc), Gordon D. Logan (post-doc), Thomas J. Palmeri (post-doc)
Denise ZanninoOligodendrocytes2009 Bruce H. Appel (grad student)
Jane Zbrodoff Gordon D. Logan (collaborator)
Stephanie Zeiger BethAnn McLaughlin (grad student)
Xin-Xin ZengMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology2008 Laurence J. Zwiebel (grad student)
Jing ZhangNeurodegeneration Thomas J. Montine (post-doc)
Na ZhangFMRI20032007 John C. Gore (grad student)
Yunfei Zhang Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Chi Zhao Carl Hirschie Johnson (post-doc)
Qiangjun ZhouMolecular Neuroscience, Structural biology
Chengwen Zhou2011 Robert L. Macdonald (post-doc)
Wolf Zinke Psychology20172018 Anita A. Disney (post-doc), Thilo Womelsdorf (post-doc)
Wolf Zinke
Erica Zippert Bethany Rittle-Johnson (post-doc)
Alyssa R. ZuehlVisual system, Somatosensory, Head direction cells2009 Anna W. Roe (research assistant)
Rebecca L. Zuvich Jonathan L. Haines (grad student), Marylyn D. Ritchie (post-doc)
Laurence J. ZwiebelMosquito Olfaction