Jamie Ann Johansen

1997-2008 Neuroscience Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
 2008-2009 Laboratory Medicine University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, United States 
 2009-2010 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
 2010-2012 Neurology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
 2012- College of Medicine Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, United States 
Neurodegenerative disease/Behavioral neuroendocrinology
"Jamie Johansen"
Mean distance: 15.84 (cluster 19)


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Lynwood G. Clemens research assistant Michigan State
Tony A. Nunez research assistant Michigan State
S Marc Breedlove grad student Michigan State
Cynthia Jordan grad student 2008 Michigan State
 (When androgen receptors go awry: Muscle specific expression triggers Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA).)
William T. Dauer post-doc 2010- Columbia, University of Michigan
Al La Spada post-doc 2008-2010 UCSD
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Kao TJ, Nicholl GC, Johansen JA, et al. (2015) α2-chimaerin is required for Eph receptor-class-specific spinal motor axon guidance and coordinate activation of antagonistic muscles. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 35: 2344-57
Renier KJ, Troxell-Smith SM, Johansen JA, et al. (2014) Antiandrogen flutamide protects male mice from androgen-dependent toxicity in three models of spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. Endocrinology. 155: 2624-34
Johansen JA, Troxell-Smith SM, Yu Z, et al. (2011) Prenatal flutamide enhances survival in a myogenic mouse model of spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. 8: 25-34
Sato SM, Johansen JA, Jordan CL, et al. (2010) Membrane androgen receptors may mediate androgen reinforcement. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 35: 1063-73
Johansen JA, Yu Z, Mo K, et al. (2009) Recovery of function in a myogenic mouse model of spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. Neurobiology of Disease. 34: 113-20
Johansen JA, Clemens LG, Nunez AA. (2008) Characterization of copulatory behavior in female mice: evidence for paced mating. Physiology & Behavior. 95: 425-9
Monks DA, Rao P, Mo K, et al. (2008) Androgen receptor and Kennedy disease/spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. Hormones and Behavior. 53: 729-40
Monks DA, Johansen JA, Mo K, et al. (2007) Overexpression of wild-type androgen receptor in muscle recapitulates polyglutamine disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104: 18259-64
Johansen JA, Breedlove SM, Jordan CL. (2007) Androgen receptor expression in the levator ani muscle of male mice. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 19: 823-6
Hajszan T, MacLusky NJ, Johansen JA, et al. (2007) Effects of androgens and estradiol on spine synapse formation in the prefrontal cortex of normal and testicular feminization mutant male rats. Endocrinology. 148: 1963-7
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