Kevin R. Smith

Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA, United States 
"Kevin Smith"
Mean distance: 16.33 (cluster 23)


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Gregory S Hickok grad student 2008 UC Irvine
 (Is there an auditory "where" stream? An fMRI examination of motion selectivity, spatial processing and source segregation in the auditory system.)
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Smith KR, Hsieh IH, Saberi K, et al. (2010) Auditory spatial and object processing in the human planum temporale: no evidence for selectivity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22: 632-9
Smith KR, Saberi K, Hickok G. (2007) An event-related fMRI study of auditory motion perception: no evidence for a specialized cortical system. Brain Research. 1150: 94-9
Saberi K, Smith KR, Hsieh I, et al. (2007) Neuroimaging correlates of spatial cues in speech and noise stimuli The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 122: 2968
Smith KR, Okada K, Saberi K, et al. (2004) Human cortical auditory motion areas are not motion selective. Neuroreport. 15: 1523-6
Okada K, Smith KR, Humphries C, et al. (2003) Word length modulates neural activity in auditory cortex during covert object naming. Neuroreport. 14: 2323-6
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