David Albert White

National Institute on Drug Abuse 
"David White"
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Horton JD, Munawar S, Feuvrier A, et al. (2019) Specialty-specific reduction in opioid prescribing after common pediatric surgical operations. Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Horton JD, Munawar S, Corrigan C, et al. (2018) Inconsistent and excessive opioid prescribing after common pediatric surgical operations. Journal of Pediatric Surgery
White DA, Ballard ME, Harmon AC, et al. (2008) Acute delta- and kappa-opioid agonist pretreatment potentiates opioid antagonist-induced suppression of water consumption. Brain Research Bulletin. 76: 597-604
White DA, Michaels CC, Holtzman SG. (2008) Periadolescent male but not female rats have higher motor activity in response to morphine than do adult rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 89: 188-99
White DA, Kalinichev M, Holtzman SG. (2007) Locomotor response to novelty as a predictor of reactivity to aversive stimuli in the rat. Brain Research. 1149: 141-8
White DA, Holtzman SG. (2005) Periadolescent morphine exposure alters subsequent behavioral sensitivity to morphine in adult rats. European Journal of Pharmacology. 528: 119-23
White DA, Hwang ML, Holtzman SG. (2005) Naltrexone-induced conditioned place aversion following a single dose of morphine in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 81: 451-8
White DA, Holtzman SG. (2005) Discriminative stimulus effects of acute morphine followed by naltrexone in the squirrel monkey: a further characterization. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 314: 374-82
Kalinichev M, White DA, Holtzman SG. (2004) Individual differences in locomotor reactivity to a novel environment and sensitivity to opioid drugs in the rat. I. Expression of morphine-induced locomotor sensitization. Psychopharmacology. 177: 61-7
White DA, Kalinichev M, Holtzman SG. (2004) Individual differences in locomotor reactivity to a novel environment and sensitivity to opioid drugs in the rat. II. Agonist-induced antinociception and antagonist-induced suppression of fluid consumption. Psychopharmacology. 177: 68-78
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