National Institute on Drug Abuse

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jane B. AcriSubstance Abuse Disorders
Yosuke ArimaNeurocircuits for motivation
Cristina Backman Barry J. Hoffer (post-doc)
Annabelle Marie BelcherAddiction, Learning and Memory, Neuroimaging, Resting-State Functional Connectivity, NHP models, law and neuroscience20092014 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Hassiba BeldjoudBehavioral Neuroscience,Neurocircuitry of Motivation Section , DREADDs, Stress, ,Intravenous self administraion
Benjamin BergReward Behavior, Electrophysiology
R. Aaron Bola
Antonello BonciSubstance abuse
Jonathan P. BrittDrug Abuse
Diana C. Burk20132014 Yeka Aponte (research assistant)
Vicky Chuongalcohol use disorder, addiction, neuropharmacology
MaryAnn Chutuapesubstance abuse
Dale CorbettStroke, Stroke Recovery, Stroke Rehabilitation, Neuroplasticity19751978 Roy Wise (grad student)
Hans S. CrombagBehavioral Neuroscience Bruce T. Hope (post-doc), Yavin Shaham (post-doc)
Deborah Daphne Cellular and Neurocomputational Systems Branch2023 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Lindsay M De BiaseNeuron-Glial interactions2012 Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Duncan-Vaidyamotivation and addiction20062008 Roy Wise (post-doc)
Rebecca V FallonAddiction, Behavior, Neurocircuits
T. Chase FrancisStriatal dependent aversive behavior20162019 Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Stephanie C. GantzG protein-coupled receptors, synaptic transmission, ion channels
Greg Gerhardt Barry J. Hoffer (post-doc)
Eduardo D. GiganteAddiction
Sam A. GoldenNeuroscience, Reward and Motivation Yavin Shaham (research assistant), Bruce T. Hope (research assistant)
Frank Scott HallAddiction Genetics
Brandon K. Harvey Barry J. Hoffer (post-doc)
Stephen J. Heishman
Jennifer A. Hobin
Barry J. HofferPharmacology
Bruce T. HopeAddiction, neuronal ensembles
Satoshi Ikemotoreward, neurocircuitry, motivation Roy Wise (collaborator), Roy Wise (post-doc)
Anton IlangoMotivational Circuitry, Neuromodulation of Learning and Decision Making
Thomas C. JhouRMTg, motivated behavior, dopamine20082010 Satoshi Ikemoto (post-doc)
Michelle L. JobesToxicology, Neuroscience Biology Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research Branch - Intramural Research Program20082012 Kenzie L. Preston (post-doc)
Konstantin Kaganovsky20132015 Yavin Shaham (research assistant)
Louisa F KaneClinical psychology, behavioral neuroscience, addiction, translation20172019 Bruce T. Hope (research assistant)
Jonathan L. KatzBehavioral Pharmacology Gerald S. Hecht (collaborator)
Robin J. Keeley
Andrew J. KesnerNeurocircuitry of motivation, reward, aversion, addiction
Eugene A. KiyatkinDrugs of abuse: peripheral actions and cardiovascular effects
Bethea Annie Kleykamp Stephen J. Heishman (post-doc)
Lauren Komer Behavioral Neuroscience20162018 Bruce T. Hope (research assistant)
William J. Kowalczyk
Eisuke Koyamedial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, neuronal ensembles, drug addiction, slice elctrophysiology20082012 Bruce T. Hope (post-doc), Yavin Shaham (post-doc), Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Brenton T LaingNeuroscience, metabolism, electrophysiology, optogenetics
Xuan A. LiCocaine addiction, AMPA receptors, BDNF2012 Yavin Shaham (post-doc)
Carl R. LupicaDopamine, cannabinoids, electrophysiology
Matthew Domenic Lycas20142015 Carl R. Lupica (research assistant)
Rajtarun Madangopal Neuronal Ensembles of Addiction2014 Bruce T. Hope (post-doc)
Brandi J. MattsonAddiction, reward, decision-making, microcircuits20022005 Bruce T. Hope (post-doc), Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Ross A. McDevittBehavioral neuroscience, serotonin2011 Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Maddalena MereuMolecular Targets and Medication Discovery Branch
Marisela Morales
Stephanie MyalSomatosensation, motivated behaviors20132013 Roy Wise (research scientist), Eugene A. Kiyatkin (research scientist), Ken Taro Wakabayashi (research scientist), Stephan Steidl (research scientist), Bin Wang (research scientist), Zhi-Bing You (research scientist)
Kenichiro Negishisystems neuroscience
Céline NicolasDrug addiction, relapse, sex differences, insular cortex circuits
Murat Oz
Vani PariyadathTime perception, Drug addiction
Charles L. PickensAddiction, Fear, Appetitive Learning2007 Yavin Shaham (post-doc)
Marco Pignatelli Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Oksana O. PolesskayaHIV, drug abuse19992005 George R. Uhl (research assistant), Boris P. Sokolov (grad student)
Kenzie L. Preston
David J. Reinerneuropharmacology, ingestive behavior, motivated behaviors, drug addiction Behavioral Neuroscience20172012 Brandon K. Harvey (research assistant), Yavin Shaham (post-doc)
Kenner C. Ricemedicinal chemistry, drugs of abuse
Brian F. SadaccaLearning, Reward, Taste2012 Geoffrey Schoenbaum (post-doc)
Elena SchifirnetAffective neuroscience, emotion, pain, reward, ventral tegmental area
Yavin Shaham
Shoichi Shimadatransporter/channel George R. Uhl (post-doc)
Toni ShippenbergDrug addiction
Jingwei SongNeuroscience; Chemogenetics; Gene Therapy2016 Satoshi Ikemoto (research assistant)
Jennifer Stark Neuroimaging Research Branch20092013 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Elliot A. SteinAddiction, Neuroimaging
Haley E. SteppNeuroimaging20112013 Annabelle Marie Belcher (research assistant)
Matthew T. SutherlandDrug Addiction, neuroimaging, nicotine20072012 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Nobuyoshi SutoNeuroscience, Addiction Biology Roy Wise (post-doc)
Aaron D Z TanReward circuitry, mood disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders20142016 Satoshi Ikemoto (research assistant)
Hugo Tejeda2013 Toni Shippenberg (grad student), Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
George R. UhlHuman genetics, Drug abuse
Nora Volkowdopamine, addiction, PET
Ken Taro WakabayashiCocaine, Self Administration, Immunohistochemistry, Reinstatement, Amperometry Anna Nirukshi Arulampalam (post-doc)
Bin WangCocaine actions, motivated behaviors
David Albert White
Andrew M. Wikenheiser
Derek S. Wilkinson Jonathan L. Katz (post-doc)
Roy Wisedrug addiction Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Amina S. Woodslipid and protein mass spectroscopy20112012 Stephanie Myal (collaborator)
Zhi-Bing Youin vivo microdialysis, endocrine processes related to drug abuse
Agustin ZapataAddiction
Michelle Zhang
Su Zhang
Jingfeng Zhouassociative learning and decision making