Brian A. Couch, Ph.D.

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Neuronal morphogenesis and degeneration; stress; schizophrenia; cell migration; cancer; metastasis; adhesion receptors
"Brian Couch"
Mean distance: 17.17 (cluster 32)


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Anthony J. Koleske grad student 2011 Yale
 (Cytoskeletal regulation, neuron structure, and behavior in Alzheimer's transgenic mice.)
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Upchurch AM, Kirkwood-Watts DL, Brazeal KR, et al. (2022) Access to Online Formative Assessments in Lower-Division Undergraduate Biology Courses: Investigating Barriers to Student Engagement. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 21: ar80
Kirkwood-Watts DL, Bremers EK, Robinson EA, et al. (2022) Revisiting Clickers: In-Class Questions Followed by At-Home Reflections Are Associated with Higher Student Performance on Related Exam Questions. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 23
Durham MF, Aragón OR, Bathgate ME, et al. (2020) Benefits of a College STEM Faculty Development Initiative: Instructors Report Increased and Sustained Implementation of Research-Based Instructional Strategies. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 21
Howell ME, Booth CS, Sikich SM, et al. (2020) Interactive learning modules with 3D printed models improve student understanding of protein structure-function relationships. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education : a Bimonthly Publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Branchaw JL, Pape-Lindstrom PA, Tanner KD, et al. (2020) Resources for Teaching and Assessing the Biology Core Concepts. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 19: es1
Meaders CL, Toth ES, Lane AK, et al. (2019) "What Will I Experience in My College STEM Courses?" An Investigation of Student Predictions about Instructional Practices in Introductory Courses. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 18: ar60
Smith MK, Brownell SE, Crowe AJ, et al. (2019) Tools for Change: Measuring Student Conceptual Understanding Across Undergraduate Biology Programs Using Bio-MAPS Assessments. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 20
Howell ME, Booth CS, Sikich SM, et al. (2019) Student Understanding of DNA Structure-Function Relationships Improves from Using 3D Learning Modules with Dynamic 3D Printed Models. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education : a Bimonthly Publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Couch BA, Wright CD, Freeman S, et al. (2019) GenBio-MAPS: A Programmatic Assessment to Measure Student Understanding of Vision and Change Core Concepts across General Biology Programs. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 18: ar1
Semsar K, Brownell S, Couch BA, et al. (2019) Phys-MAPS: a programmatic physiology assessment for introductory and advanced undergraduates. Advances in Physiology Education. 43: 15-27
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