Cluster #32 (Go to map): Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Joan A. Steitz (Info) Yale RNA, Splicing tonykoleske 2009‑06‑22
Constance L. Cepko (Info) Harvard Medical School development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness felixs 2006‑09‑07
Alejandro F. Schinder (Info) Leloir Institute Adult Neurogenesis aschinder 2011‑11‑30
Alan Finkelstein (Info) Albert Einstein Ion-Conducting Channels Incorporated into Planar Lipid Bilayer Membranes dbseyler 2007‑10‑16
Enrico Stefani (Info) UCLA cell signaling david 2009‑04‑01
Joanna L. Jankowsky (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Alzheimer's disease, learning and memory AndyGroves 2006‑11‑30
Jonathan Bradley (Info) ENS Paris bradley96 2008‑05‑27
Moses V. Chao (Info) NYU School of Medicine kbath77 2007‑07‑17
Lionel Jaffe (Info) Woods Hole Vibrating Probe, Calcium maxcohen 2012‑02‑04
Vahri Beaumont (Info) UCLA synaptic transmission, signalling felixs 2006‑08‑28
Aaron DiAntonio (Info) Washington University Drosophila NMJ ejbrace 2006‑10‑23
Bernhard U. Keller (Info) Universität Göttingen manoj 2008‑04‑05
Jean-Claude Beique (Info) University of Ottawa rhuganir 2009‑09‑02
Hsi-Wen Rock Liao (Info) Johns Hopkins University; Harvard University Schoold of Medicine Neuroscience, CNS, synaptogenesis, visual system rock1110 2007‑10‑08
Eitan Reuveny (Info) Weizmann Institute Channel Physiology and Biophysics Eitan 2009‑08‑18
Flavia Valtorta (Info) HSR Milan Synapsin euforna 2009‑07‑25
John W. Steele (Info) UCSD neurobiology johnsteele4 2015‑10‑21
Edgar F. da Cruz e Silva (Info) University of Aveiro george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Odete A. Beirão da Cruz e Silva (Info) University of Aveiro Alzheimer's disease, Biomarker Discovery, Molecular Biomedicine, Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials for Neuroscience george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Lucian Medrihan (Info) Rockefeller Depression lmedrihan 2014‑03‑11
Shelley Halpain (Info) UCSD neuronal development, cytoskeleton shalpain 2008‑06‑11
John Merlie (Info) Washington University flyingred 2011‑12‑20
Cristian Boboila (Info) Columbia Olfaction, Cognition, Learning cristianboboila 2012‑07‑27
Vassilis Pachnis (Info) NIMR Develoment JLand52 2006‑01‑11
Jeffrey D. Macklis (Info) Harvard Medical School Cortical Development and Regeneration djabaudon 2006‑11‑29
Salvatore J. Enna (Info) University of Kansas School of Medicine Neuropharmacology, neurochemistry, GABA CJM3 2009‑03‑05
Bennett Novitch (Info) University of Michigan Medical School, UCLA, UCLA neural development, spinal cord, cortex, neurogenesis, organoids, neural stem cell, circuit formation, neurodevelopmental disorders, disease modeling samjbutler 2007‑07‑31
Lin Mei (Info) Medical College of Georgia synapse formation/plasticity lmei 2006‑10‑20
Inna Keselman (Info) UCLA, Duke Medical School, Mount Sinai, NYU, Brandeis neurophysiology, biophysics, potassium channels, muscarinic receptors, phospholipids, adenosine receptors inkak 2015‑08‑27
Michael Tri H. Do (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School vision, neurophysiology michaeldo 2015‑06‑05
Federico Esposti (Info) Friedrich Miescher Institute Visual system, Multisensory integration, retina, visual cortex fesposti1 2012‑04‑19
Elba E. Serrano (Info) New Mexico State Biophysics, Sensory Systems, Glia, Tissue Engineering, Ion Channels, Neuroethics, Research Education eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Utpal Banerjee (Info) UCLA Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
Michael Stuart Brown (Info) UT Southwestern george.perry 2008‑09‑10
Henry I. Yamamura (Info) University of Arizona Dherman 2006‑08‑25
Jaime Grutzendler (Info) Yale neuro-glial interactions, optical imaging, neurodegenerative diseases Jaime 2006‑03‑25
Sandra M. Bajjalieh (Info) University of Washington Synaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling tingjt 2007‑10‑25
Regis B. Kelly (Info) UCSF neuro-signaling and long-term memory davenport 2008‑07‑28
Dong-Gen Luo (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School Sensory Neuroscience donggen 2011‑06‑09
Donald L. Price (Info) Johns Hopkins sehoonchoi 2008‑04‑23
Tian Xue (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School tianxue 2009‑05‑07
Amy L. Norovich (Info) Columbia amynorovich 2010‑11‑21
Joseph C. Corbo (Info) Washington University photoreceptor transcriptional networks jcorbo 2008‑11‑08
Tsung-Yu Chen (Info) UC Davis electrophysiology chiawei 2008‑10‑23
CongJian Zhao (Info) University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing Neurobiology cjzhao0826 2013‑01‑08
Tony Wyss-Coray (Info) Stanford neurodegeneration, TGF-beta, neuroinflammation tbrionne 2007‑05‑08
Grant Mastick (Info) University of Nevada, Reno Brain development sseaster 2008‑12‑26
Francisco Bezanilla (Info) Chicago Structure-Function in Voltage Dependent Ionic Channels and Transport proteins dbseyler 2009‑07‑20
Robert M. Caudle (Info) UF Gainesville pain, NMDA receptors, opioids rcaudle 2006‑10‑25
Anne E. West (Info) Duke activity-regulated transcription, synaptic development hayden 2005‑10‑29
Maria Toledo-Rodriguez (Info) Nottingham alexp 2016‑03‑26
Eric Morrow (Info) Brown chiara74 2007‑02‑24
Ira Pastan (Info) NIH Molecular Biology randyhall 2007‑05‑17
Rudolf Jaenisch (Info) MIT Mouse development anne.vassalli 2009‑02‑22
Nathan Anthony Smith (Info) Children's National Health System Astrocytes, ADHD, Epilepsy and Depression Russian45 2013‑08‑07
Victor Anggono (Info) University of Queensland AMPA receptor, receptor trafficking, phosphorylation, synaptic vesicles, synaptic plasticity vanggono 2007‑12‑04
Guilherme Neves (Info) NIMR nicolaspanayotis 2010‑12‑20
Ken M. Hargreaves (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, inflammation, analagesics kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Greg Mueller (Info) Uniformed Services University Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12
D. Joshua J. Cameron (Info) Western University of Health Sciences Retinal degenerations, Eye Development, Genetics mbioman 2007‑04‑10
Tim J. Lebestky (Info) Williams Mch777 2009‑08‑16
Kei Nakatani (Info) University of Tsukuba Neurophysiology, Sensory physiology namiki 2008‑11‑01
Michael Kreutz (Info) Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12
Thomas Reid Henry (Info) Emory Epilepsy, Neuroimaging, Neurophysiology marcnuwer 2007‑02‑06
Laura E. Lillian (Info) University of Pittsburgh carlfulp 2008‑04‑04
Kazuko Sakata (Info) University of Tennessee BDNF, Neural plasticity, KO-Mice, Behavior kakosakata 2007‑10‑03
David I. Hirsh (Info) CU Boulder, Columbia nucleic acid structure and function and gene activity during early development of C. elegans dsportman 2008‑11‑21
Marina Romero-Ramos (Info) Aarhus University Parkinson's disease MRomero 2011‑02‑24
Albert E. Ayoub (Info) Yale Development aeametal 2010‑07‑22
Robert H. Edwards (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitters david 2005‑11‑02
Li Cai (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Neural Development and Disorders carlfulp 2008‑04‑04
Maria Kristiina Lehtinen (Info) Harvard pq 2015‑08‑21
Douglas S. Kim (Info) Janelia Farm Neuroscience bfosque 2014‑01‑05
Qiufu Ma (Info) Harvard Development and function of sensory circuitry mithra 2010‑01‑26
Donald J. Reis (Info) Cornell Cardiovascular, physiology pptr 2007‑04‑14
Norio Matsuki (Info) University of Tokyo gaya 2010‑02‑01
Tal Kramer (Info) Children's Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School Axonal Transport, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Mitochondrial Dynamics kramert 2012‑11‑19
Richard Apps (Info) University of Bristol Supraspinal contribution to Motor Control na 2006‑03‑27
Victor Ambros (Info) Harvard, Dartmouth Medical School, University of Massachusetts Medical School miRNA, C. elegans development RNA 2012‑01‑22
Isabella Ferando (Info) UCLA Epilepsy, GABA, Neurosteroids iferando 2012‑06‑17
Elena Dreosti (Info) SISSA, Trieste GABA receptors elenadreo 2007‑10‑09
Stephan Maxeiner (Info) Stanford SMAXEINER 2008‑10‑02
David P. Westfall (Info) University of Nevada School of Medicine Neuropharmacology CJM3 2009‑02‑02
Asli Oztan (Info) Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Synaptogenesis, calcium channel, Drosophila tjm42 2009‑12‑01
Laurent Roybon (Info) Columbia, Lund University Neurobiology, Stem cells lr2491 2011‑06‑14
Gregory O. Dussor (Info) University of Arizona pain, ion channels kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Jason P. Covy (Info) Stanford Transynaptic Signaling, Transmembrane Proteins, Neuordegeneration, Neuropharmaclogy, Neuroscience, Synaptic Plasticity JCovy 2012‑09‑04
Yukihiro Nakamura (Info) Jikei University School of Medicine yamage 2010‑02‑09
Eckart D. Gundelfinger (Info) Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Synapse Gundelfi 2010‑11‑23
Christopher M. Flores (Info) UMN pain, nicotine kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Christopher Thaler (Info) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism acgray 2005‑12‑01
Xianjie Yang (Info) UCLA Development of the vertebrate eye and retina lcai 2008‑06‑05
Naomi Popeski (Info) McGill Neuroendocrinology pmcgowan 2006‑06‑09
Robert O. Blaustein (Info) Merck Research Laboratories dbseyler 2007‑10‑16
Lori J. Redmond (Info) Medical College of Georgia Neural development qiuzilong 2007‑04‑03
Kohgaku Eguchi (Info) Okinawa Insitute of Science and Technology Synapse, Calyx of Held, endocytosis eguchi 2010‑03‑03
Richard J. Traub (Info) University of Maryland Medical School pain kmh83 2006‑12‑19
Tracy L. Young-Pearse (Info) Harvard University/Brigham and Women's Development, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease tracypearse 2011‑11‑21
Alan Neely (Info) Centro de Neurociencias de Valpara ion channels david 2009‑04‑01
Meghan Kerrisk Campbell (Info) Genentech, Inc. mkerrisk 2014‑07‑03
Thomas Brionne (Info) Medtronic neurogenesis, olfaction, neurodegeneration carleton 2007‑05‑08
Yun Zhang (Info) Harvard david 2006‑03‑16
James P. Dilger (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Ligand gated ion channels, anesthetics, electrophysiology jdilger 2008‑09‑12
Michael G. Rosenfeld (Info) UCSD Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology david 2006‑10‑14
Christian Giaume (Info) College de France gap junctions, glia, neuroglial interactions rouach 2008‑03‑22
Evan Y. Snyder (Info) Burnham Institute for Medical Research carlfulp 2008‑04‑04
Samantha A. Cicero (Info) St Jude Children's Research Hospital retinal development, neuronal differentiation eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Hitoshi Hashimoto (Info) Osaka University neurotree7 2011‑03‑04
Etienne HERZOG (Info) CNRS/Bordeaux University Molecular Neurobiology, vesicular glutamate transporter etherzog 2010‑09‑06
Dorothea Schulte (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Neurogenesis lcai 2008‑06‑05
David Altshuler (Info) Harvard/MIT/Broad Institute human genetic variation and its application to disease lcai 2008‑06‑05
Jessica Tollkuhn (Info) CSHL Transcriptional Regulation, Nuclear Receptors, Social Behavior jtollkuhn 2008‑10‑07
Sanjiv Harpavat (Info) Harvard development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness pq 2015‑11‑25
Ashutosh P. Jadhav (Info) Harvard development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness pq 2015‑11‑25
Karolina Mizeracka (Info) Harvard development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness pq 2015‑11‑25
Maureen A. Peters (Info) Harvard development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness pq 2015‑11‑25
Sheldon S. Rowan (Info) Harvard development of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness pq 2015‑11‑25
Christopher P. Austin (Info) NIH development of a toolbox of reagents and technologies to translate genome sequence into functional insights lcai 2008‑06‑05
Zheng-Zheng Bao (Info) University of Massachusetts carlfulp 2008‑04‑04
Timothy J. Cherry (Info) U Washington/Seattle Children's Research Inst. Retinal Development 2008‑04‑01
Santiago Rompani (Info) Harvard Medical School Visual System, development, lineage, virology SantiagoRompani 2008‑12‑29
Moriah L. Szpara (Info) Princeton Neural development, neurovirology, pathogens, disease mszpara 2012‑04‑12
Astrid Munder (Info) MRC-LMB sensory processing in retinal circuits wstein 2010‑01‑15
Mathew M. Blurton-Jones (Info) UC Irvine Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stem cells smarsh1 2015‑03‑26
Taslimarif Saiyed (Info) UCSF Presynaptic machinery starif 2009‑02‑13
Thomas S. Kilduff (Info) SRI International sleep, circadian rhythms, hibernation, hypocretin, orexin tkilduff 2007‑11‑13
Guoping Fan (Info) UCLA jianfengmssm 2014‑02‑07
Diego Laplagne (Info) Leloir Institute Adult neurogenesis aschinder 2012‑07‑15
Soledad Espósito (Info) Leloir Institute Adult neurogenesis aschinder 2012‑07‑15
Barbara E. Ehrlich (Info) Yale Intracellular Signaling millieos 2009‑02‑02
Robert T. Schimke (Info) Stanford protein turnover and gene amplification jandh 2011‑10‑31
Dewitt Stetten (Info) NIH metabolic studies with isotope labeling hayden 2005‑02‑25
Albert H. Kim (Info) Washington University School of Medicine Cancer biology, Neurobiology ahkim 2012‑11‑30
Patrik Brundin (Info) Lund University Neurobiology kristoferschultz 2009‑07‑28
Anton Nikolaev (Info) MRC-LMB Synaptic processing MIJ 2008‑12‑15
Klaus Willecke (Info) Bonn University SMAXEINER 2008‑10‑02
Susan E. Leeman (Info) BU School of Medicine Neuroscience dfarb 2011‑12‑17
Mark Noble (Info) Rochester Glial development, multiple sclerosis, brain tumours AndyGroves 2006‑11‑30
Megumi Fuse (Info) hbeale 2007‑11‑01
Paola S. Timiras (Info) UC Berkeley Neurobiology of Aging zadran 2010‑01‑28
Paola Arlotta (Info) Harvard Medical School djabaudon 2006‑11‑29
Karen L. Myhr (Info) Wayne State Retinal Ganglion Cells asayedahmad08 2009‑11‑17
Wai T. Wong (Info) NIH mzabel 2015‑06‑09
Bruce L. Kagan (Info) UCLA Channel forming toxins/ Amyloid/Planar lipid bilayers dbseyler 2007‑10‑16
Harpreet Singh (Info) Drexel Medical School, The Ohio State University College of Medicine Ion Channels, Intracellular Channels, Mitochondrial physiology shubhag82 2009‑03‑07
Paul A. Rosenberg (Info) Harvard Medical School glutamate transporters kwoonwong 2005‑12‑04
Julia A. Detert (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College ischemia jadetert 2012‑11‑16
Anthony J. Koleske (Info) Yale Neuronal morphogenesis and degeneration; stress; schizophrenia; cell migration; cancer; metastasis; adhesion receptors mswarren 2008‑06‑20
Alyson Fournier (Info) McGill Neuroscience afourn 2007‑03‑23
Meredith Robbins (Info) UAB pain kmh83 2006‑12‑19
Laura T. Haas (Info) Yale Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's Disease laurahaas 2015‑08‑14
Daniel Hoch (Info) Harvard marcnuwer 2007‑02‑06
Gary W. Miller (Info) Emory, Columbia dopamine, Parkinsons disease garymiller 2006‑10‑25
Robert HC Chen (Info) University of Toronto rc2080 2014‑03‑07
Daniel Choquet (Info) CNRS/Bordeaux University AMPAR Trafficking map222 2007‑06‑15
Lyanne C. Schlichter (Info) TWRI ion channels; microglia; lymphocytes schlicht 2006‑11‑27
J. Timothy Greenamyre (Info) University of Pittsburgh Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease jcha 2006‑10‑18
Alex Shcheglovitov (Info) University of Utah Synaptic transmission, Calcium channels, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, iPSCs alex09 2009‑04‑07
Ligia Toro (Info) UCLA redox 2010‑04‑19
William Klein (Info) Northwestern jpoozler 2011‑03‑02
HECTOR CARUNCHO (Info) University of Santiago de Compostela NEUROBIOLOGY epcostas 2010‑12‑08
Julie Huber (Info) Elixir Pharmaceuticals neurotrophins, cell signalling rory 2009‑01‑08
Fredric S. Cohen (Info) Rush University Membrane fusion from a biophysical and cell biological perspective dbseyler 2007‑10‑16
Albert H. Cass (Info) Rockefeller MembraneTransport phenomena dbseyler 2010‑07‑20
Lisa Senzel (Info) Stony Brook University Medical Center dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Eshwar B. Udho (Info) Albert Einstein dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Charles K. Abrams (Info) Albert Einstein dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Marco Colombini (Info) University of Maryland Membrane Transport Phenomena dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Eric J. Heyer (Info) Columbia dbseyler 2010‑05‑12
David Hoch (Info) Albert Einstein dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Paul Hyunh (Info) Albert Einstein dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Karen S. Jakes (Info) Albert Einstein Molecular biology of Colicin channels dbseyler 2010‑05‑12
Alexander Mauro (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Biophysics dbseyler 2007‑10‑16
Walter D. Niles (Info) La Jolla, CA dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Eli Orbach (Info) Albert Einstein dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Wamberto A. Varanda (Info) USP dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
David Zopf (Info) dbseyler 2010‑04‑29
Michael B. Gordon (Info) North Broward Radiologists dbseyler 2010‑06‑30
Paul K. Kienker (Info) Albert Einstein dbseyler 2010‑04‑30
Stanley Misler (Info) Washington University dbseyler 2010‑06‑29
Shilla Nassi (Info) LAC-USC Keck School of Medicine dbseyler 2010‑06‑30
Myriam Romero (Info) Universidad del Valle dbseyler 2010‑06‑29
Stephen L. Slatin (Info) dbseyler 2010‑04‑30
Zhengyan Wu (Info) CAS dbseyler 2010‑04‑30
Stéphane Supplisson (Info) ENS Paris transporters, Glycine, GABA, Inhibitory neurons, stefsup 2007‑11‑13
Claudia M. Testa (Info) Emory Movement Disorders, metabotropic glutamate receptors jcha 2006‑10‑18
Pallob Kundu (Info) Bose Institute redox 2010‑04‑19
Roger L. Albin (Info) University of Michigan Basal Ganglia ralbin 2006‑10‑23
M Eghbali (Info) UCLA redox 2010‑04‑19
Jean C Bopassa (Info) UCLA redox 2010‑04‑19
H M. Gerschenfeld (Info) Instituto de Anatomia General y Embriologia, Facultad de Medicina redox 2010‑04‑19
Stan McKnight (Info) University of Washington genetics, PKA morganda 2013‑02‑07
Armin Schneider (Info) SYGNIS bioscience neurogem 2011‑03‑22
Jenn-Yah Yu (Info) Yang-Ming University Neural development jyyu 2010‑03‑17
Charlotte L. Lawrenson (Info) University of Bristol Cerebellum, Fear, Motor function, Periaqueductal Grey, Ageing, Charlotte1 2011‑05‑04
Kashif Mahfooz (Info) CIMA Short-term synaptic plasticity kmahfooz 2014‑10‑20
Richard A. Young (Info) MIT gene control mswarren 2008‑08‑06
Kathleen M. Buckley (Info) Harvard Medical School Synaptic vesicle biogenesis westaneurodukeedu 2007‑03‑13
Catherine R. Dermon (Info) University of Patras kampatzis 2012‑07‑27
Niraj S. Desai (Info) The Neurosciences Institute Neurocomputation jyamir 2011‑05‑26
Saul A. Villeda (Info) UCSF neuroscience, aging, stem cell, cognition, neuroimmunology svilleda 2013‑03‑14
Alejandro Pan Vazquez (Info) Princeton alexp 2016‑03‑26
George E. Craft (Info) Yale drug addiction, Phosphatases, Phosphorylation, Ubiquitination gcraft77 2010‑03‑29
Lawrence SB Goldstein (Info) UCSD axonal transport weezerific 2011‑04‑28
Johan Jakobsson (Info) Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund University cillal 2016‑01‑25
Wilse B. Webb (Info) UF Gainesville sleep research tkilduff 2007‑11‑13
Malin Parmar (Info) Lund University neuroscience, Parkinson's disease, cell therapy malinparmar 2016‑01‑22
Marie Jönsson (Info) University of Lund MarieJonsson 2016‑01‑23
Lorenz Studer (Info) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Stem cells placad 2009‑09‑06
Vladimir Camarena (Info) Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami autism spectrum disorder, epigenetics, herpes latency, NGF sofia 2012‑02‑09
Christian Winkler (Info) University of Freiburg, Germany Cell transplantation anders 2010‑03‑28
Shad B. Smith (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Pain genetics ssmith 2009‑01‑05
Robert S. Fuller (Info) University of Michigan proprotein processing and protein localization in yeast ejbrace 2006‑10‑24
Arnold Levine (Info) Institute for Advanced Study p53 tumor suppressor gene lmcintosh 2012‑03‑07
Kevin C. Eggan (Info) Harvard Stem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases monamonalulu 2015‑04‑23
EJ Brace (Info) Washington University drosophila NMJ ejbrace 2006‑10‑23
Erik C. Andersen (Info) Northwestern Quantitative Genetics, Genetics, Genomics, Development, C. elegans neurontd 2014‑06‑28
Rosalind A. Segal (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Retrograde signaling, cerebellar development, cancer biology kjrehm 2009‑02‑03
Hans Selye (Info) McGill, Université de Montréal Stress physiology Robert Sapolsky 2006‑11‑02
Barbara L. Hempstead (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College Hematology Oncology/Neurotrophins kbath77 2007‑07‑16
Ru Rong Ji (Info) Brigham & Women's Hospital chronic pain whitefmo 2008‑10‑13
Marco Domeniconi (Info) Hunter College, CUNY CNS Regeneration meknyc 2010‑07‑25
Thomas S. Hnasko (Info) UCSD, UCSF, University of Washington neurotransmitters, dopamine, glutamate, vesicular transporters, synaptic physiology, addiction tshnasko 2010‑06‑23
Forrest F. Weight (Info) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism alcohol, neurobiology bmccool 2009‑04‑09
Richard Borgens (Info) Purdue maxcohen 2012‑02‑04
Wai-Meng Kwok (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin Cardiovascular Pharmacology shiv 2013‑07‑19
Michael Joseph Yetman (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Alzheimer's, neurogenesis yetmanmj 2014‑02‑18
Diomedes E. Logothetis (Info) VCU School of Medicine ionic channels, physiology lcraciun 2009‑07‑21
Britta Qualmann (Info) University of Jena Gundelfi 2010‑11‑23
Graeme Mardon (Info) Baylor College of Medicine Drosophila and Vertebrate eye development kpappu 2008‑01‑29
Gus Khursigara (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College pq 2015‑10‑09
Jhon J. Sutachan (Info) Pontificia Universidad Javeriana GABAergic synapse formation jjsutachan 2013‑01‑18
Synphen H. Wu (Info) NYU School of Medicine Neurotrophin signaling, synaptic plasticity wus06 2008‑08‑25
Sebastian Brauchi (Info) Universidad Austral de Chile TRP ion channels wuzano 2007‑07‑31
Jörg Striessnig (Info) University of Innsbruck Calcium Channels Piraeus 2010‑10‑12
Jack Penney (Info) MGH basal ganglia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease jcha 2006‑10‑18
Lynn W. Enquist (Info) Princeton virology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis mszpara 2012‑04‑23
Karl-Heinz Braunewell (Info) UAB & Ruhr-University Bochum Gundelfi 2010‑11‑23
Sudha Chakrapani (Info) Case Western gpopescu 2008‑11‑08
Kenneth Robinson (Info) Purdue endogenous electrical fields maxcohen 2012‑02‑04
Richard J. Perrin (Info) Washington University george.perry 2010‑07‑24
Joseph M. Castellano (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine Aging, Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease jcastell 2012‑10‑23
Detlev Schild (Info) Universität Göttingen Olfactory system imanzin 2010‑09‑30
Martha Ulbrick Gillette (Info) UIUC anikajain 2011‑05‑05
Eduardo Perozo (Info) Chicago Ion channels gpopescu 2008‑11‑08
Mark Kamps (Info) UCSD qianglu 2009‑02‑20
Dong-ho Youn (Info) Kyungpook National University synaptic transmission and plasticity, pain dyoun 2009‑06‑19
Yong Ho Kim (Info) Seoul National University Pain, TRP channel pck0708 2009‑07‑14
Marc Bartoli (Info) CNRS, Genethon, Aix Marseille University, Harvard Medical School human genetics, myology Bartoli 2015‑07‑31
yogi wairkar (Info) Washington University Drosophila NMJ ejbrace 2006‑10‑23
chunlai wu (Info) LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans Drosophila NMJ, Neurodegeneration ejbrace 2006‑10‑23
Catherine Collins (Info) Washington University Drosophila NMJ ejbrace 2006‑10‑23
scott b. marrus (Info) Washington University Drosophila NMJ ejbrace 2006‑10‑23
natasha m. viquez (Info) Washington University Drosophila NMJ ejbrace 2006‑10‑23
Saju Balakrishnan (Info) Babraham Institute, Cambridge manoj 2008‑04‑05
Thomas Ladewig (Info) Universität Tübingen manoj 2008‑04‑05
Freidrike Von Lewinsky (Info) Universität Göttingen manoj 2008‑04‑05
Sean D. Geddes (Info) University of Ottawa, University of Ottawa Synaptic plasticity, serotonin, antidepressants, Optogenetics, Business Analytics and Data Mining sgeddes 2013‑03‑22
Todd W. Vanderah (Info) University of Arizona Pain, opioids, pharmacology Dherman 2006‑08‑25
Laurie Jackson-Grusby (Info) The Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Epigenetics, Cancer stem cells lauriejg 2007‑11‑17
Susan G. Amara (Info) NIH Neurotransmitter transporters cab 2008‑02‑02
Judith Stegmuller (Info) MPI for Experimental Medicine neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, UPS JSMPIem 2012‑12‑23
Claudio Grosman (Info) UIUC AChR gpopescu 2008‑11‑08
Adam J. Bloom (Info) Washington University Drosophila NMJ pq 2015‑11‑26
Bradley R. Miller (Info) Washington University david 2008‑03‑01
Vera Valakh (Info) sanaylor 2011‑11‑08
Sarah A. Naylor (Info) Washington University, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Developmental Neuroscience sanaylor 2010‑09‑03
Jung Eun E. Shin (Info) sanaylor 2011‑11‑08
Gang Lu (Info) Genentech, Inc. Neuropsychiatry, Neurotoxicology, Ion channel pharmacology ganglu 2013‑07‑17
Rona Sadja (Info) Harvard Eitan 2009‑08‑18
Erez Garty (Info) Weizmann Institute Eitan 2011‑01‑29
Shachar Iwanir (Info) Chicago Eitan 2009‑08‑18
Inbal Riven (Info) Weizmann Institute Eitan 2009‑08‑18
Noga Alagem (Info) Columbia Eitan 2009‑08‑18
Ayelet Cooper (Info) Weizmann Institute Eitan 2011‑01‑29
Liora Guy-David (Info) We Eitan 2011‑01‑29
Raz Palty (Info) Eitan 2011‑01‑29
Jonathan C. Bean (Info) Medical College of Georgia, University of Washington, Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine waters97 2010‑04‑26
Kurt M. Gibbs (Info) Morehead State University Spinal Cord Regeneration, Neurodevelopment kg1680 2008‑01‑18
Andres Buonanno (Info) NIH Erbb4 receptors, hippocampus eliasleiva 2012‑11‑03
Theodore J. Price (Info) University of Arizona Pain / Pharmacology kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Samuel E. Gandy (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine george.perry 2010‑08‑06
Luís Gregório Korrodi (Info) Universidade de Aveiro odetecs 2012‑08‑26
Patricia Cohen (Info) University of Dundee george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Ana Gabriela Henriques (Info) University of Aveiro Alzheimer's disease george.perry 2010‑08‑06
Sandra Rebelo (Info) University of Aveiro george.perry 2010‑08‑05
Fabio Benfenati (Info) IIT lperlini 2011‑09‑06
Miguel Amorim (Info) odetecs 2012‑08‑26
Margarida Fardilha (Info) Universidade de Aveiro odetecs 2012‑08‑26
Wenjuan Wu (Info) Universidade de Aveiro odetecs 2012‑08‑26
Sandra Isabel Moreira Pinto Vieira Guerra e Paz (Info) University of Aveiro Alzheimer's disease george.perry 2010‑08‑06
Sandra Vieira (Info) University of Aveiro Neuroscience odetecs 2011‑12‑11
Valerie A. Wallace (Info) University of Ottawa Retinal Development, Hedgehog signaling rring075 2009‑07‑03
Daniela C. Dieterich (Info) Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology mrkreutz 2011‑05‑05
Philip J. Robinson (Info) Children's Medical Research Institute, Sydney shubhag82 2009‑03‑07
Aaron D. Gitler (Info) Penn, Stanford Genetics agitler 2010‑08‑17
Kinuko Suzuki (Info) UNC Chapel Hill george.perry 2010‑08‑01
Edward K. Owusu-Ansah (Info) Columbia University Medical School Modeling Mitochondrial Stress Signaling Networks in Drosophila. EdwardKa 2014‑08‑21
Hong-Sheng Wang (Info) University of Cincinnati Ion channels flyingred 2011‑12‑20
Arturo Ortega (Info) CINVESTAV Molecular Neurobiology arortega 2013‑04‑01
David A. Kendall (Info) Nottingham Cannabinoids, depression, addiction, monoamines salex 2011‑01‑06
David Wynick (Info) University of Bristol glanin, neuropeptides rory 2009‑01‑08
Nicholas J. Silva (Info) University of Michigan, University of California at San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco State Neuroscience, Glia, Acute inflammation, injury and regenerations. njsilva 2015‑03‑07
Alexander J. Davies (Info) Seoul National University euro16 2012‑04‑03
Toshihide Yamashita (Info) Osaka University regeneration of the central nervous system neurotree8 2011‑03‑04
Kristen Mary Shannon O'Connell (Info) The Jackson Laboratory Ion channels kmsoconnell 2009‑09‑04
Sheldon H. Roth (Info) University of Calgary anesthesia mbmaciver 2006‑09‑19
Craig Cameron Mello (Info) University of Massachusetts Medical School Regulation of gene expression george.perry 2011‑01‑03
Victor Faundez (Info) Emory Vesicle Trafficking apmullin 2014‑07‑30
Michel J. Roux (Info) ENS Paris transporters, Glycine stefsup 2012‑10‑24
Murali Prakriya (Info) Northwestern calcium signaling david 2009‑04‑01
Katheryn A. Skaggs (Info) University of Michigan pq 2015‑10‑09
Kaia Skaggs (Info) University of Michigan Spinal Cord, Development zbgaber 2009‑06‑04
Zachary Beyer Gaber (Info) UCLA Spinal Cord, Development zbgaber 2009‑06‑04
Yoon Han (Info) UCLA zbgaber 2011‑08‑11
Jennifer Haruko Kong (Info) UCLA Spinal Cord, Notch Signaling zbgaber 2009‑07‑22
Armando Varela (Info) Facultad de Medicina Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, Texas A & M, UT El Paso, Hospital Central, Chihuahua, Mexico Anti-Cancer, Drug Discovery, Apoptosis, Cell Signaling, Molecular Biology, Flow Cytometry eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Aryaman K. Shalizi (Info) Stanford Development, Signal Transduction, Molecular Neurobiology ashalizi 2007‑09‑19
Phillip Needleman (Info) Washington University School of Medicine prostaglandins, cyclooxygenase, COX inhibitors rory 2009‑01‑08
Karen Muller Smith (Info) University of Louisiana at Lafayette brain development, Fibroblast Growth Factors, interneurons, astrocytes, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder yohkubo 2011‑02‑27
Harold Abraham Scheraga (Info) Cornell structures of proteins jandh 2011‑07‑30
Alan J. Emanuel (Info) Emory University School of Medicine ajemanuel 2010‑12‑15
Hartmut Glossmann (Info) Innsbruck Medical University Calcium Channels Piraeus 2010‑10‑19
Xiao-Ming Li (Info) Zhejiang University Neurobiology lixm 2010‑04‑28
Huayi Bai (Info) IMMAG. MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
Ryan Bates (Info) IMMAG, MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
Yongjun Chen (Info) IMMAG.MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
G. C. Dobbins (Info) UAB synapse formation/plasticity pq 2015‑11‑26
Xiao-Ming Li (Info) Zhejiang University waters97 2010‑04‑25
Chuan Liang (Info) IMMAG. MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
Yisheng Lu (Info) IMMAG.MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
Anupama Sathyamurthy (Info) Augusta University, National Institutes of Health-NINDS, Indian Institute of Science Sensorimotor circuits waters97 2010‑04‑26
Yanmei Tao (Info) IMMAG, MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
Kinlai (Annie) L. Ting (Info) IMMAG, MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
Lei Wen (Info) IMMAG, MCG waters97 2010‑04‑26
Haitao Wu (Info) IMMAG, MCG Neuromuscular synapse formation and plasticity waters97 2010‑04‑25
Dongmin Yin (Info) IMMAG, MCG Neuregulin1-ErbB4 signaling and Scz waters97 2010‑04‑26
Bin Zhang (Info) IMMAG, MCG waters97 2010‑04‑25
Maria Gabriella Signorini (Info) Politecnico di Milano fesposti1 2012‑04‑19
Carrie L. Wright (Info) Univ. of New Mexico RNA stability, GAP-43, HUD, Schizophrenia pq 2015‑10‑12
Erin Rivera (Info) New Mexico State eserrano 2009‑06‑20
Daniel Ramirez Gordillo (Info) UCDenver Medical School ion channels, inner ear transcriptome, deafness eserrano 2009‑05‑14
V. Bleu Knight (Info) New Mexico State eserrano 2011‑04‑30
Shannon Manuelito (Info) Maricopa Community College tissue engineering, health disparities, science education eserrano 2010‑02‑07
Quincy A. Quick (Info) Tennessee State University Cancer, glia eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Selene Virk (Info) New Mexico State Neuroinformatics eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Sreenatha Kirakodu (Info) University of Kentucky eserrano 2008‑04‑12
TuShun Powers (Info) New Mexico State Neuroinformatics eserrano 2008‑04‑12
Juan L. Young (Info) Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Epigenetics, Mecp2, Autism sofia 2012‑02‑09
Shubha Gururaja Rao (Info) Drexel Medical School, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, The Ohio Northern University Signalling shubhag82 2009‑03‑07
Kadir Ozkan (Info) Harvard Regenerative Neuroscience, Induced Neurogenesis xadirov 2014‑09‑19
Aurnab Ghose (Info) IISER Pune Development and organisation of neural circuits aurnab 2008‑05‑09
Takatoshi Hikida (Info) Kyoto University Pathophysiology of schizophrenia, regulatory mechanism of basal ganglia circuit Catherine14 2014‑07‑09
Bradley J. Molyneaux (Info) Harvard kxliu 2008‑07‑09
Cynthia Hernit-Grant (Info) Children's Hospital jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Bartley Mitchell (Info) Baylor College of Medicine jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
P. Hande Ozdinler (Info) Northwestern Cell Biology, Molecular Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease, Systems Neuroscience jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Sara Shnider (Info) Harvard jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Jinhui Chen (Info) University of Kentucky jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Monte Gates (Info) Keele University jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Noriyuki Kishi (Info) Harvard Medical School jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Blair Leavitt (Info) UBC jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Jessica MacDonald (Info) Harvard Medical School jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Sanjay Magavi (Info) MIT jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Cameron Sadegh (Info) Harvard Medical School jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Volney Sheen (Info) Harvard Medical School forebrain dysgenesis jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
U. Shivraj Sohur (Info) Harvard Medical School jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Suzanne Tharin (Info) Harvard Medical School jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Youzhen Wang (Info) Millenium jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Thomas Wuttke (Info) Harvard Medical School jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Lisa A. Catapano (Info) George Washington U / NIH jmacklis 2008‑10‑04
Vivian Gonzalez-Perez (Info) Washington University clingle 2015‑11‑16
Gwendalyn DiAnn King (Info) UAB raymondt 2009‑02‑24
Eduardo Rojas (Info) Universidad de Chile Biophysics dbseyler 2009‑07‑20
Philip C. Wong (Info) Johns Hopkins molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases george.perry 2010‑08‑15
Frederick R. Maxfield (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College RNA 2012‑08‑16
Erik B. Malarkey (Info) UAB Glial-Neuronal Interaction ebmalarkey 2012‑10‑10
Laura B. McIntire (Info) University of Washington Synaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling pq 2015‑10‑11
Amanda E. Schivell (Info) University of Washington Synaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling pq 2015‑10‑11
Kenneth L. Custer (Info) University of Washington tingjt 2007‑10‑25
William L. Dewey (Info) VCU School of Medicine pharmacology, analgesics, opioids kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Josephine Lai (Info) University of Arizona Pain theodore_price 2008‑09‑18
Masaaki Ikeda (Info) Saitama Medical University Circadian Rhythm, Neuropharmacology, Neuropsychiatry, mikeda 2016‑02‑08
Rikard Blunck (Info) Université de Montréal Kv channels, pore forming toxins, iGluR, TRP, fluorescence, electrophysiology dbowie 2009‑09‑28
Walter Fred Bodmer (Info) Oxford population genetics, somatic cell hybrids, stem cells aardvark 2011‑09‑29
Darrell Tanelian (Info) Molecular Fitness Vitality mbmaciver 2008‑07‑08
Jessica S. Blumstein (Info) UCSF neuro-signaling and long-term memory pq 2015‑10‑14
Shoumita Dasgupta (Info) UCSF neuro-signaling and long-term memory pq 2015‑10‑14
Jennifer L. Zamanian (Info) UCSF neuro-signaling and long-term memory pq 2015‑10‑14
Edita Navratilova (Info) University of Arizona pq 2015‑11‑25
Marc K. Rubenzik (Info) University of Arizona pq 2015‑11‑25
Richard E. Hartman (Info) Loma Linda University Neurodegenerative diseases, behavior, learning rhartman 2010‑05‑04
Charles L. White, III (Info) UT Southwestern Alzheimer disease, neuropathology george.perry 2010‑08‑04
Sally Camper (Info) University of Michigan Pituitary developement hoonkyo 2013‑05‑10
Lawrence Isaac (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Neurophamacology rcaudle 2009‑04‑01
Edwin M. Southern (Info) Edinburgh DNA organization, chromosome structure aardvark 2011‑09‑07
Kevin G. Chen (Info) NIH Pluripotent stem cells, genome stability, differentiation kevingchen 2014‑05‑06
Guojun Ma (Info) Johns Hopkins pq 2015‑10‑13
Robert G. Struble (Info) Southern Illinois University Alzheimer Disease & Related Disorders george.perry 2010‑08‑01
Peter J. Whitehouse (Info) Case Western george.perry 2010‑11‑06
Manuel F. Casanova (Info) University of Louisville affenhirn 2009‑10‑05
Yu-Chih Lin (Info) Yale sshinha 2009‑08‑19
Eliezer Masliah (Info) UCSD george.perry 2010‑07‑12
Nathan A. Jeske (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, proteases kmh83 2006‑12‑15
David M. Panchision (Info) NIMH Development, stem cells aardvark 2011‑09‑07
Ronald Li (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine tianxue 2011‑06‑09
Rudolph Schoenheimer (Info) Columbia rwillett 2009‑11‑04
Baron Chanda (Info) UW Madison redox 2010‑04‑19
John W. Olney (Info) Washington University excitotoxicity rhartman 2010‑05‑04
Richard Jay Smeyne (Info) St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Thomas Jefferson Parkinson's Disease Rsmeyne 2015‑09‑14
Wim E. Crusio (Info) CNRS Behavioral neurogenetics crusio 2006‑04‑10
Karen A. Lawrence (Info) Washington University photoreceptor transcriptional networks pq 2015‑10‑15
Cynthia L. Montana (Info) Washington University photoreceptor transcriptional networks pq 2015‑10‑15
Natecia L. Williams (Info) Washington University photoreceptor transcriptional networks pq 2015‑10‑15
Rebecca P. Seal (Info) UCSF Neurotransmitter Transporters sealr 2006‑05‑19
Dayna R. Loyd (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center Pain LOYDDR 2008‑12‑30
Mario Luxoro (Info) Universidad de Chile Cell Physiology and Biophysics dbseyler 2009‑07‑20
Gracie L. Andrews (Info) Vanderbilt Synaptic development gmastick 2009‑12‑01
Brielle Bjorke (Info) University of Nevada, Reno Brain development pq 2015‑11‑22
Amy L. Altick (Info) University of Nevada, Reno Neurotrophins gmastick 2009‑12‑01
H Feyza Nural (Info) Sun Research Institute Schizophrenia gmastick 2009‑12‑01
Markus Britschgi (Info) Roche Neuroimmunology, neurodegeneration, aging mbritschgi 2012‑06‑23
Deepak Kumaran Nair (Info) Indian Institute of Science PSD, Tranmembrane receptors, scaffolding molecules, presynapse, CAZ dnair 2012‑11‑29
Alfred Strickholm (Info) Indiana University Bloomington instrumentation design to permit intra-cellular and voltammetric recording from small neurons to determine synaptic pharmacological pathways and interactions in neuronal systems; redesign of the single electrode voltage and current clamp jandh 2015‑04‑01
Roa Harb (Info) Yale Jaime 2013‑07‑14
Robert Hill (Info) Dartmouth roberthill 2015‑10‑14
Aaron Schain (Info) Harvard Jaime 2013‑07‑14
Peng Yuan (Info) Yale, Stanford Alzheimer's disease, microscopy PaulYuan 2015‑10‑29
Christina Whiteus (Info) Yale Jaime 2013‑07‑14
Louis P. Vera Portocarrero (Info) University of Arizona Visceral Pain loverapo 2007‑03‑09
Kari R. Hoyt (Info) Ohio State OSU 2014‑07‑01
James L. Roberts (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio neuroscience kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Johann Schredelseker (Info) LMU Munich Cardiac Calcium Handling Piraeus 2010‑10‑12
Latha M. Malaiyandi (Info) University of Pittsburgh mitochondria, ion homeostasis lmalaiyandi 2011‑11‑15
Osei K. Asamoah (Info) UCLA Structure-Function in Voltage Dependent Ionic Channels and Transport proteins pq 2015‑10‑17
Benjamin F. Fosque (Info) Janelia Farm, Chicago Ion Channel Biophysics bfosque 2014‑01‑03
Homer C. Hyde (Info) UCLA Structure-Function in Voltage Dependent Ionic Channels and Transport proteins pq 2015‑10‑17
Katarina J. Ruscic (Info) Chicago Structure-Function in Voltage Dependent Ionic Channels and Transport proteins pq 2015‑10‑17
Shelby K. Suckow (Info) OHSU pain, visceral, inflammation rcaudle 2009‑04‑01
Robert J. Wechsler-Reya (Info) Duke Medical School, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Cerebellar development, brain tumors rwreya 2009‑02‑19
Nathalie Saurat (Info) Cambridge, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Stem Cells, Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, Aging, Disease Modelling KeithSiew 2015‑09‑12
Linda M. Selwa (Info) University of Michigan Epilepsy thenry6611 2007‑05‑11
Caroline L. Benn (Info) MGH Huntington's disease jcha 2006‑10‑18
Daniel D. Oprian (Info) Brandeis GPCR membrane protein crystallography 33633 2011‑03‑23
Arseima Y. Delvalle-Pinero (Info) UF Gainesville pain, visceral rcaudle 2009‑04‑01
Christopher King (Info) UF Gainesville Stress, DNIC, endogenous opioids rcaudle 2009‑04‑01
Narasaiah Mena (Info) UF Gainesville NMDA receptors rcaudle 2009‑04‑01
Todd Nolan (Info) UF Gainesville pain, central sensitization rcaudle 2009‑04‑01
Ethan Anderson (Info) UF Gainesville addiction research rcaudle 2009‑06‑03
Laura Bonaccorsi Sciarra (Info) Brown lnbonaccorsi 2012‑07‑23
Angel Pazos (Info) Universidad de Cantabria, Spain Receptors for Neurotransmitters mostany 2007‑06‑14
Maiken Nedergaard (Info) University of Rochester Medical Center sgoldman 2007‑09‑24
John Clark Sheehan (Info) MIT synthesized penicillin from scratch jandh 2011‑07‑14
Seiji Ogawa (Info) Tohoku Fukushi University functional MRI jumbo 2008‑12‑09
Ashley N. Hutchinson (Info) Duke activity-regulated transcription, synaptic development pq 2015‑11‑24
Ming-Chia Lee (Info) Duke activity-regulated transcription, synaptic development pq 2015‑11‑24
Michelle R. Lyons (Info) McKinsey Activity-regulated gene transcription, NMDA receptors AuroraViva 2013‑07‑30
Ranjula Wijayatunge (Info) Duke activity-regulated transcription, synaptic development pq 2015‑11‑24
Padmanabhan Paranji Pattabiraman (Info) Duke BDNF, Visual system, Synaptogenesis, Glauoma, Cytoskeletal signaling mechanism padhu 2008‑01‑30
Qiang Lu (Info) Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope Cerebral cortical development, neural stem cells, neurogenesis qianglu 2009‑02‑20
Hugo McGuire (Info) McGill dbowie 2015‑07‑24
Rodney Samaco (Info) Baylor College of Medicine/Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute rsamaco 2008‑12‑17
Christopher Ward (Info) Baylor College of Medicine rsamaco 2008‑12‑18
Jeffrey Neul (Info) Baylor College of Medicine, UCSD rsamaco 2008‑12‑18
Marie T. Filbin (Info) Hunter College, CUNY Regeneration; cAMP meknyc 2010‑07‑25
Bethan Lang (Info) Oxford neuroimmunology alexsk 2007‑10‑26
Anibal Diogenes (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, prolactin kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Patricia Claude (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, opioids kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Sonja Kilo (Info) UMN pain, neurogenic inflammation kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Ann E. Costello (Info) National Instutite of Dental and Craniofacial Research pain, bradykinin kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Mary G. Garry (Info) UMN pain, cardiovascular kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Jennifer Lynn Gibbs (Info) UCSF pain kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Douglass L. Jackson (Info) University of Washington pain, analgesia, anesthesia kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Jean Joris (Info) National Instutute of Dental and Craniofacial Research anesthesia, pain kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Lois R. Kehl (Info) UMN pain, muscle, myalgia, cancer kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Franca Onorati (Info) UMN pain, CRF kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Anthony Poon (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Jennelle Durnett Richardson (Info) Harvard pain, neuroscience kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Nikita Bharat Ruparel (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, cannabinoid, transient receptor potential ,trp kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Jose D. Vela (Info) University of Iowa pain, adrenergics kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Amol M. Patwardhan (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, opioid, cannabinoid kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Mark T. Roszkowski (Info) UMN pain, surgery kmh83 2006‑12‑15
Masaya Tohyama (Info) Osaka Univ Anatomy and Neuroscience kakosakata 2007‑10‑03
Karl Schilling (Info) Bonn University SMAXEINER 2008‑10‑02
Francisco Max Damico (Info) USP Ophthalmology, Visual Neuroscience maxdamico 2010‑10‑24
James Priess (Info) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center RNA 2012‑01‑22
Arnold Hastings Nevis (Info) UF Gainesville Water transport mthursby 2010‑12‑20
Daisuke Yamamoto (Info) Tohoku University Mch777 2009‑07‑08
Dan Stinchcomb (Info) Harvard RNA 2012‑01‑22
Oliver H. Lowry (Info) Washington University Neurochemistry jandh 2011‑08‑07
Ronald K. H. Liem (Info) Columbia Cytoskeleton mshelanski 2010‑08‑04
Stephen Salton (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine mshelanski 2010‑08‑04
Jacob Boyd (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio kmh83 2015‑09‑08
Ashley Wallace (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio kmh83 2015‑09‑08
Michael Eskander (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, neuroscience kmh83 2012‑06‑08
Shivani Ruparel (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, neuroscience kmh83 2012‑06‑08
Margaux Marie Salas (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio pain, inflammation kmh83 2007‑09‑18
Dustin P. Green (Info) UT Health San Antonio pain, neuroscience kmh83 2010‑05‑04
Seungshin Ha (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital and Seattle Children's Research Institute Development of the cerebral cortex sshinha 2009‑08‑19
Michael M. Kessels (Info) University of Jena Gundelfi 2010‑11‑23
Search truncated at limit of 500 matches.
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