Ji-Hyun Ko, Ph.D.

Kinesiology Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
"Ji-Hyun Ko"
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Karl M. Newell grad student 2014 Penn State
 (Postural coordination patterns and surface of support dynamics.)
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Ko JH, Han DW, Newell KM. (2021) Skill level and the free moment during a pistol aiming task. Sports Biomechanics. 1-10
Schmidt JD, Terry DP, Ko J, et al. (2018) Balance Regularity Among Former High School Football Players With or Without a History of Concussion. Journal of Athletic Training
Ko JH, Han DW, Newell KM. (2017) Skill level changes the coordination and variability of standing posture and movement in a pistol-aiming task. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-8
Carson TB, Wilkes BJ, Patel K, et al. (2016) Vestibulo-ocular reflex function in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research
Ko JH, Newell KM. (2015) Aging and the Complexity of Center of Pressure in Static and Dynamic Postural Tasks. Neuroscience Letters
Ko JH, Wang Z, Challis JH, et al. (2015) Compensatory mechanisms of balance to the scaling of arm-swing frequency. Journal of Biomechanics
Ko JH, Newell KM. (2015) Organization of postural coordination patterns as a function of scaling the surface of support dynamics. Journal of Motor Behavior. 47: 415-26
Ko JH, Challis JH, Newell KM. (2014) Transition of COM-COP relative phase in a dynamic balance task. Human Movement Science. 38: 1-14
Wang Z, Ko JH, Challis JH, et al. (2014) The degrees of freedom problem in human standing posture: collective and component dynamics. Plos One. 9: e85414
Ko JH, Challis JH, Newell KM. (2013) Postural coordination patterns as a function of rhythmical dynamics of the surface of support. Experimental Brain Research. 226: 183-91
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