Susan Wright, Ph.D.

Neuroscience George Mason University, Washington, DC 
"Susan Wright"
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Giorgio A. Ascoli grad student 2013 George Mason
 (Using Digital Reconstructions, Morphometry, And Computational Models To Generate Novel Maps Of Human Brain Vascular Architecture.)
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Dumas TC, Uttaro MR, Barriga C, et al. (2018) Removal of area CA3 from hippocampal slices induces postsynaptic plasticity at Schaffer collateral synapses that normalizes CA1 pyramidal cell discharge. Neuroscience Letters
Mut F, Wright S, Ascoli GA, et al. (2014) Morphometric, geographic, and territorial characterization of brain arterial trees. International Journal For Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 30: 755-66
Wright SN, Kochunov P, Mut F, et al. (2013) Digital reconstruction and morphometric analysis of human brain arterial vasculature from magnetic resonance angiography. Neuroimage. 82: 170-81
Mut F, Wright S, Putman C, et al. (2009) Image-based modeling of hemodynamics in cerebral arterial trees Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of Spie. 7262
Scorcioni R, Wright SN, Patrick Card J, et al. (2008) Point Analysis in Java applied to histological images of the perforant pathway: a user's account. Neuroinformatics. 6: 63-7
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