James T. Mantell, Ph.D.

Psychology State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
Auditory perception and action
"James Mantell"
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Peter Q. Pfordresher grad student 2013 SUNY Buffalo
 (Exploring the foundations of vocal imitation: The search for nonspeech temporal influences on speech production.)
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Pfordresher PQ, Mantell JT, Pruitt TA. (2021) Effects of intention in the imitation of sung and spoken pitch. Psychological Research
Pfordresher PQ, Mantell JT, Brown S, et al. (2014) Brain responses to altered auditory feedback during musical keyboard production: an fMRI study. Brain Research. 1556: 28-37
Pfordresher PQ, Mantell JT. (2014) Singing with yourself: evidence for an inverse modeling account of poor-pitch singing. Cognitive Psychology. 70: 31-57
Mercado E, Mantell JT, Pfordresher PQ. (2014) Imitating Sounds: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding Vocal Imitation Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews. 9: 17-74
Liu F, Jiang C, Pfordresher PQ, et al. (2013) Individuals with congenital amusia imitate pitches more accurately in singing than in speaking: implications for music and language processing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 75: 1783-98
Mantell JT, Pfordresher PQ. (2013) Vocal imitation of song and speech. Cognition. 127: 177-202
Wisniewski MG, Mantell JT, Pfordresher PQ. (2013) Transfer effects in the vocal imitation of speech and song. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. 23: 82-99
Pfordresher PQ, Mantell JT. (2012) Effects of altered auditory feedback across effector systems: production of melodies by keyboard and singing. Acta Psychologica. 139: 166-77
Bunnell HT, Schanen NC, Vallino LD, et al. (2007) Speech perception in children with speech sound disorder International Speech Communication Association - 8th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2007. 4: 2372-2375
Bunnell HT, Mantell JT, Polikoff JB. (2006) Database size and naturalness in concatenative speech synthesis The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 120: 3037-3037
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