Cluster #15 (Go to map): Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Gordon H. Bower (Info) Stanford memory david 2005‑10‑18
Sharon L. Thompson-Schill (Info) Penn JLand52 2005‑02‑04
James A. Waltz (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Cognitive Neuroscience, Schizophrenia jwaltz 2009‑06‑03
George R. Mangun (Info) UC Davis Cognitive Neuroscience wkhoe 2005‑09‑26
Endel Tulving (Info) University of Toronto Memory sd.slotnick 2006‑06‑21
Steven Pinker (Info) Harvard Language hanks 2005‑10‑22
David E. Rumelhart (Info) Stanford Neural nets 2006‑09‑21
Moshe Bar (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School High Level Vision, Cognitive Neuroscience, Object Recognition, Contextual Processing, first impressions, preference formation and attitudes edvessel 2006‑10‑12
Eric H. Schumacher (Info) Georgia Tech Attention, memory, cognitive control ita 2006‑09‑11
Vikranth Rao Bejjanki (Info) Princeton Computational neuroscience, Cognitive Science vikranthrao 2014‑03‑26
Morris Moscovitch (Info) University of Toronto Memory, attention, face and object perception Jonathan 2006‑04‑03
Jacques Mehler (Info) SISSA kas0179 2007‑08‑19
Carol A. Seger (Info) Colorado State Cognitive Neuroscience, Human Learning cseger 2006‑10‑02
Stephanie A. McMains (Info) Princeton visual spatial attention, fMRI activatedvoxel 2006‑10‑19
George A. Miller (Info) Princeton hayden 2005‑02‑18
Ulric Neisser (Info) Cornell retired uneisser 2006‑10‑11
John Jonides (Info) University of Michigan working memory, executive control hayden 2005‑01‑31
Robert G. Morrison (Info) Loyola University Chicago Cognitive Neuroscience of Higher Level Cognition rgm23 2006‑10‑02
Jared M. Novick (Info) University of Maryland, MIT, Brown Language and Cognitive control jnovick 2009‑03‑13
Yuko Munakata (Info) CU Boulder developmental cognitive neuroscience mark 2006‑10‑28
Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (Info) Princeton, Yale jgolomb 2006‑12‑12
Craig Brozinsky (Info) UC Berkeley padberg 2006‑12‑11
Brian J. Scholl (Info) Yale Psychophysics hayden 2005‑02‑20
Elizabeth S. Spelke (Info) Harvard Development of Numerical Cognition EdHubbard 2006‑01‑11
Edward E. Smith (Info) Columbia categorization, working memory, semantic memory, word perception ita 2006‑09‑16
Richard C. Atkinson (Info) Stanford, UCSD cognitive science, educational psychology culham 2006‑04‑02
Rubi Hammer (Info) Northwestern Visual Cognition; Learning; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Hochstein 2009‑05‑10
Daniel T. Willingham (Info) UVA Cognitive Neuroscience dbw8m 2007‑08‑13
Michael J. Tarr (Info) Carnegie Mellon NeuroAI, Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Vision hayden 2005‑02‑18
Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (Info) UT Austin Memory, Cognitive Control, fMRI ita 2006‑10‑20
Sara J. Cordes (Info) Boston College Numerical Cognition/Development hayden 2006‑02‑07
Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz (Info) University of Michigan Neuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience lgmeindl 2006‑09‑26
Amy Lynne Shelton (Info) Johns Hopkins Spatial cognition, memory, individual differences ashelton501 2007‑01‑26
Zhenghan Qi (Info) MIT, University of Delaware, Northeastern University dendritica 2016‑01‑07
Matthew Dylan Lieberman (Info) UCLA social cognitive neuroscience mdlieber 2007‑02‑10
Elizabeth A. Bates (Info) UCSD Language, Aphasia, Development, Gesture, Cognition, Crosslinguistic saygin 2006‑08‑12
Jasmin Cloutier (Info) MIT Social Cognition, Social Neuroscience escross 2007‑06‑24
Joan Y. Chiao (Info) Northwestern cultural neuroscience; social/affective neuroscience jchiao 2006‑09‑30
Wendy S. Francis (Info) UT El Paso Bilingualism, memory lmorett 2009‑02‑21
Marcia K. Johnson (Info) Yale david 2006‑04‑12
Teal Eich (Info) Columbia Cognition, Memory, Emotion, Schizophrenia, Older Adults tse4 2013‑08‑01
Gary Lupyan (Info) UW Madison Language, Categorization, Vision, Neural Networks, Top-Down Effects glupyan 2008‑02‑03
Richard M. Shiffrin (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Memory and perception hanks 2005‑11‑01
Aaron J. Newman (Info) Dalhousie University neuroplasticity, language, deafness, aphasia, hearing disorders, audition, vision, sign language, gesture, biological motion espressofiend 2008‑10‑17
Jerome Seymour Bruner (Info) NYU Psychology culham 2006‑04‑03
Lawrence Barsalou (Info) Emory david 2005‑10‑18
Jennifer Marie Davie Yoon (Info) NYU Human Evolution, Vision, Development, Neuroscience, Social cognition remus 2006‑07‑11
Andrew C. Connolly (Info) Dartmouth Cognitive Neuroscience acconnolly 2008‑10‑20
Elissa Aminoff (Info) Fordham University High level vision (scene perception) & long term memory elissa_a 2007‑08‑02
Susan Y Bookheimer (Info) UCLA Learning & Memory, Neuroimaging ashleyanna 2006‑12‑04
James R. Booth (Info) Vanderbilt Developmental cognitive neuroscience lmorett 2009‑09‑18
Daniel Kahneman (Info) Hebrew University, UBC, UC Berkeley, Princeton decision making, behavioral economics mk9y 2006‑10‑01
Kyle R. Cave (Info) U Mass Amherst Visual Cognition & Attention kdevaney 2006‑09‑26
Robert A. Bjork (Info) University of Michigan, UCLA human learning and memory EdHubbard 2006‑01‑20
Douglas L. Hintzman (Info) University of Oregon Human Memory tim.curran 2007‑02‑09
Eva Feredoes (Info) University of Reading ita 2006‑10‑20
Tamara Y. Swaab (Info) UC Davis Cognitive Neuroscience: Language grmangun 2008‑08‑16
John E. Hummel (Info) UIUC Relational reasoning, object recognition jehummel 2006‑10‑03
Henry Gleitman (Info) Penn Language and Communication hanks 2005‑10‑27
Robert M. Nosofsky (Info) Indiana University Bloomington categorization, mathematical psychology palmerit 2007‑01‑25
Roger Brown (Info) Harvard Linguistic Development adena.schachner 2008‑03‑03
Jeffrey S. Johnson (Info) UW Madison visual working memory, attention, dynamical systems approaches to cognition jsoon71 2008‑10‑02
Matthew Weber (Info) Penn semantic memory, reasoning, intelligence, neurocognitive development MCube78 2008‑07‑19
Gary F. Marcus (Info) NYU language, music cognition apogue 2009‑10‑25
Andrew Yonelinas (Info) UC Davis memory cab 2007‑04‑19
Lera Boroditsky (Info) Stanford, UCSD Relationships between mind, world and language. How we create meaning, imagine, and use knowledge. How the languages we speak shape the ways we think lerab0 2008‑07‑25
Benjamin A. Clegg (Info) Colorado State, Montana State Applied Cognitive Psychology, Human Performance cseger 2006‑10‑02
David E. Huber (Info) UCSD Perception and memory xtian0628 2008‑04‑16
Katherine Sledge Moore (Info) Arcadia University visual attention, memory mooreks 2006‑05‑30
Thomas J. Palmeri (Info) Vanderbilt perceptual categorization, perceptual expertise, cognitive modeling palmerit 2007‑01‑25
Robert W. Levenson (Info) UC Berkeley Emotion. Autonomic nervous system and facial expressive components hayden 2005‑03‑26
Olivia S. Cheung (Info) NYU Abu Dhabi Object recognition, face recognition sin5347 2006‑02‑20
Daniel H. Weissman (Info) University of Michigan Attention pscalf 2007‑01‑11
Ira J. Hirsh (Info) Washington University Audiology snjoshi 2011‑02‑28
Leon Gmeindl (Info) Johns Hopkins Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience lgmeindl 2006‑09‑26
Daniel D. Dilks (Info) Emory dilks 2007‑01‑08
Ian Dobbins (Info) Duke memory, neuroscience, prefrontal cortex Norbou 2007‑06‑18
Karl K. Szpunar (Info) Harvard Memory kspoons 2010‑07‑15
Tatiana T. Schnur (Info) Baylor College of Medicine language kas0179 2007‑08‑18
Arthur F. Kramer (Info) UIUC Aging, Attention pscalf 2007‑01‑11
Kevin J. Miller (Info) Princeton, UCL, DeepMind Decision making, Reinforcement learning kjmd10 2010‑10‑08
Susan Carey (Info) Harvard Conceptual Development adena.schachner 2008‑03‑03
Roger Schvaneveldt (Info) Arizona State Cognitive Science schvan 2013‑01‑14
Sebastien Marti (Info) NeuroSpin CEA, France Consciousness, Dual-tasks, visual system sebmarti 2009‑11‑26
Stephen R. Mitroff (Info) The George Washington University hayden 2005‑10‑28
Walter Schneider (Info) University of Pittsburgh Controlled and Automatic Processing, Learning, fMRI jchein 2006‑08‑25
Eamon Caddigan (Info) UC Santa Barbara Scene Perception, fMRI decoding 2008‑05‑13
Anjan Chatterjee (Info) Penn Cognitive neuroscience, Spatial Cognition, Neuroaesthetics Anjan 2011‑05‑16
Thomas H. Carr (Info) Michigan State dws 2009‑03‑19
Robert F. Dougherty (Info) Stanford visual neuroscience, reading development, DTI methods daviexfm 2009‑03‑02
Richard C. Oldfield (Info) Oxford ita 2006‑09‑22
Daniel T. Gilbert (Info) Harvard Social Cognition mdlieber 2007‑02‑10
Howard E. Egeth (Info) Johns Hopkins attention, perception, visual search mikepru 2006‑07‑04
Michael T. Ullman (Info) Georgetown neurolinguistics, memory systems jhartshorne 2008‑03‑04
Nicole Y. Y. Wicha (Info) UT San Antonio Language, Electrophysiology, Bilingualism, Arithmetic nwicha 2009‑01‑05
Peggy L. St. Jacques (Info) Duke Cognitive Neuroscience pls10 2006‑12‑12
John Kounios (Info) Drexel electrophysiology, creativity, insight, semantic memory and neurofeedback bachman 2006‑08‑26
Vitoria Piai (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen, Radboudumc language production vipiai 2011‑09‑10
Cyma Van Petten (Info) Binghamton University, SUNY cognitive neuroscience palmerit 2007‑05‑06
Thomas O. Nelson (Info) University of Washington, University of Maryland ngopie 2008‑09‑23
Alan F. Kingstone (Info) UBC Attention, cognitive ethology, eye tracking christinetipper 2012‑02‑21
Hang Zhang (Info) NYU perception and action, decision making zhanghang 2011‑09‑17
Maggie Shiffrar (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick visual perception, biological motion mkaiser 2009‑07‑30
Cynthia Owsley (Info) University of Alabama, Medical School Vision, Aging rsekuler 2006‑12‑31
Charles A. Schreiber (Info) Winona State University judgment, emotion, memory, perception cschreib 2009‑03‑02
Gregory R. Lockhead (Info) Duke psychophysics lward 2007‑11‑14
Douglas Lee Medin (Info) Northwestern culture, cognition, category learning, judgment and reasoning rgoldsto 2006‑10‑01
James Townsend (Info) Indiana University Bloomington rvigo 2008‑03‑16
Cathleen M. Moore (Info) University of Iowa liana 2007‑11‑09
Amos Tversky (Info) Stanford Decision-making hayden 2005‑12‑20
Amy H. Criss (Info) Syracuse memory waue 2012‑02‑15
Tom Trabasso (Info) Chicago smj18 2008‑01‑28
Brian H. Ross (Info) UIUC concepts and categories, problem solving, learning, memory etaylor4 2008‑01‑01
Do-joon Yi (Info) Yonsei University daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑11
Dan I. Slobin (Info) UC Berkeley Crosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought lmorett 2009‑01‑12
Cibu Thomas (Info) Carnegie Mellon 2006‑10‑14
Dawn A. Morales (Info) University of South Carolina, Aiken cognitive neuroscience, attention 2008‑07‑08
Evan M. Gordon (Info) Washington University Functional connectivity, brain organization evangordon 2011‑05‑15
Geeta S. Shivde (Info) West Chester University working memory, long-term memory, inhibition gshivde 2009‑10‑20
Benjamin J. Levy (Info) University of San Francisco Memory and attention bjlevy34 2007‑02‑03
Alexander J. Shackman (Info) University of Maryland Affective Neuroscience, Fear/Anxiety, individual differences, emotion-cognition interactions shackman 2009‑04‑22
James P. Morris (Info) UVA Social Neuroscience, Visual Perception, fMRI jpmorris 2009‑06‑10
Michael C. Anderson (Info) Cambridge Memory and forgetting EdHubbard 2006‑01‑20
Daniel Mirman (Info) Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, Drexel, UAB, Universiry of Edinburgh, UK Language, Neural Networks, Aphasia dmirman 2010‑04‑13
George L. Wolford (Info) Dartmouth memory, decision making, statistics prefrontal 2008‑05‑20
Kimberly G. Noble (Info) Columbia socioeconomic disparities, developmental cognitive neuroscience, reading development, reading impairment mfarah 2009‑04‑07
Andrew B. Leber (Info) Ohio State smost 2006‑12‑12
Hans Wallach (Info) New School for Social Research david 2005‑02‑27
Michael D. Nelson (Info) Gonzaga University Visual attention, saccadic eye movements, multi-sensory integration, neuroanatomic correlates of schizophrenia nelsonmd 2009‑03‑28
Christine Boylan (Info) Penn ceboylan 2010‑04‑03
William Snyder (Info) University of Connecticut Language Acquisition, Comparative Syntax, Syntax-Semantics Interface ws 2013‑09‑25
Laura HF Barde (Info) Stanford Medical School Language Acquisition, Working Memory, Control Functions barde 2007‑12‑18
Steven B. Most (Info) The University of New South Wales Attention, perception, emotion, individual differences smost 2006‑12‑12
Sharon Touryan (Info) Yale emotion, memory touryan 2005‑11‑30
Katie Alcock (Info) Lancaster University Language development, language disorders, cognition and health passin 2007‑04‑20
J. Steven Reznick (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Cognitive development, working memory lmorett 2009‑07‑27
Jeremy R. Reynolds (Info) University of Denver tal 2007‑10‑30
Greg Ashby (Info) UC Santa Barbara Category Learning, Neurcomputational Modeling, Decison Making mbcasale 2009‑10‑16
Nina S. Hsu (Info) Penn cognitive neuroscience, semantic memory, cognitive control, language processing ninahsu 2010‑02‑23
Philip J. Kellman (Info) UCLA Visual perception, visual cognition, perceptual development, perceptual learning, adaptive learning, perceptual organization, object perception, contour perception, surface perception Kellman 2008‑04‑28
Richard L. Marsh (Info) University of Georgia rasso 2009‑03‑30
Paul Bloom (Info) Yale Cognitive Development adena.schachner 2008‑03‑03
Reid Hastie (Info) Chicago Judgement, Decision-Making ljchang 2007‑12‑28
Melanie A Tumlin (Info) UCSD psycholinguistics ucsdcogs 2009‑02‑16
Arnold L. Glass (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Memory, Learning, Language, Computational Modeling ehussey 2008‑10‑06
Kevin O'Regan (Info) hayden 2005‑01‑18
Andrew C. Connolly (Info) Penn pq 2015‑11‑24
Nicholas C. Hindy (Info) Penn pq 2015‑11‑24
Irene P. Kan (Info) Villanova, Penn pq 2015‑11‑24
Ranjani Prabhakaran (Info) Penn pq 2015‑11‑24
Stacey M. Schaefer (Info) Penn pq 2015‑11‑24
Sarah H. Solomon (Info) Penn mnc 2015‑11‑17
Evangelia G. Chrysikou (Info) Penn Cognitive Neuroscience LChrysikou 2011‑04‑28
Eiling Yee (Info) University of Connecticut ddrucker 2009‑04‑13
John Morton (Info) UCL cognitive psychology mark 2006‑10‑27
Aina Puce (Info) Indiana University Bloomington social cognition, functional neuroimaging apuce 2007‑07‑13
Gergely Csibra (Info) Birkbeck College cognitive development mark 2006‑10‑27
Chad S. Rogers (Info) Brandeis Speech and Hearing, Aging rogers 2013‑03‑06
David A. Gallo (Info) Chicago human memory dgallo 2007‑08‑16
Daniel J. Acheson (Info) UW Madison speech production, language, verbal working memory 2009‑07‑30
Aron K. Barbey (Info) NINDS Human learning and inference barbeya 2008‑06‑02
Ángel Correa (Info) Universidad de Granada Attention jlupiane 2010‑03‑21
Jenny R. Saffran (Info) UW Madison Developmental Psychology sdsahni 2007‑10‑10
María Ruz (Info) Universidad de Granada Cognitive Neuroscience, Social cognitive Neuroscience jlupiane 2010‑07‑17
Marian E. Berryhill (Info) University of Nevada Visual memory, attention berryhil 2007‑11‑12
Nuria Sebastian-Galles (Info) Universitat Pompeu Fabra language kas0179 2007‑08‑18
Andrew E. Budson (Info) BU School of Medicine Episodic memory; Alzheimer's disease gerineuro1 2007‑12‑04
Charles A. Nelson (Info) The Children's Hospital Boston mmeng 2007‑10‑04
Anat Geva (Info) McGill Cognitive Neuroscience-Semantics twig99 2009‑09‑19
Oliver L. Zangwill (Info) Cambridge amelie3 2012‑03‑17
Megan Kay Walsh (Info) Johns Hopkins Cognitive Neuroscience meggersw 2007‑07‑27
Steven J. Stanton (Info) Duke Behavioral neuroendocrinology stantons 2008‑09‑15
Jeff J. MacInnes (Info) Duke Memory, Motivation, Emotions, fMRI, real-time fMRI jmacinnes 2009‑05‑12
Peter W. Jusczyk (Info) Johns Hopkins speech perception, language acquisition neuroz 2006‑06‑30
Stephen M. Emrich (Info) Brock University visual cognitive neuroscience semrich 2011‑12‑01
Willem J.M. Levelt (Info) Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics, Visual and auditory perception Pim 2009‑09‑25
Sonya Dougal (Info) NYU influence of emotion on memory neurostudent 2007‑04‑24
Christine Weber-Fox (Info) Purdue Neural systems for language processing mikeho 2008‑07‑29
Timothy Justus (Info) Pitzer College Cognitive Science neuroz 2006‑06‑30
Philip Salapatek (Info) UMN perceptual development raslin 2006‑11‑08
Erika Hussey (Info) UIUC Executive Function, Memory Retrieval, Sentence Processing ehussey 2008‑10‑06
William D. Marslen-Wilson (Info) MRC-CBU Speech and Language MattDavis 2007‑04‑26
Angela H. Gutchess (Info) Brandeis memory, aging, culture gutchess 2007‑10‑23
Nathaniel J. Smith (Info) UCSD pq 2015‑08‑11
Margaret M. Gullick (Info) UT Austin developmental cognitive neuroscience, reading, mathematics mgullick 2010‑05‑05
Elliot C Brown (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Schizophrenia, social cognition, decision-making, reward-processing elliotcbrown 2014‑09‑03
Benjamin E. Yerys (Info) Children's National Medical Center cognitive control and neuroimaging in autism byerys 2011‑05‑04
Wen-Hsuan Chan (Info) UCSD Hemispheric asymmetry, Word recognition, Perceptual learning, Information distribution wenshuin 2011‑03‑04
Dana Carney (Info) UC Berkeley jasmine 2007‑10‑22
John R. Biggan (Info) UIUC Aging, Cognition, Exercise jbiggan 2015‑02‑19
Alan Kawamoto (Info) UC Santa Cruz Computational modeling, psycholinguistics lmorett 2009‑05‑07
J. Daniel McCarthy (Info) Brown Vision, Attention, Action mcdan27 2010‑09‑22
Emmanuel Dupoux (Info) EHESS dalazal 2007‑09‑19
Ulrich Frauenfelder (Info) University of Geneva ramus 2009‑01‑28
Brigitte Röder (Info) University of Hamburg Multisensory Integration, Crossmodal Processing, ERP kminakata 2010‑11‑22
Julie C. Stout (Info) Monash University striatal-frontal systems, Huntington's Disease abishara 2008‑11‑14
Shannon Tubridy (Info) NYU memory arielle 2011‑11‑22
Amanda M. Hampton Wray (Info) Michigan State Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Language, Attention ahamptonwray 2011‑11‑07
Johan N. Lundstrom (Info) Karolinska Olfaction, Multisensory Perception JLand52 2005‑08‑08
Erin M. Ingvalson (Info) Northwestern Speech Perception, Speech Production, Bilingualism eingvals 2011‑03‑18
Geoffrey O'Shea (Info) SUNY Oneonta Implicit learning, attention, history cseger 2006‑10‑02
Alan Baddeley (Info) University of York working memory muncapher 2007‑10‑16
Katharine A Tillman (Info) UCSD visual perception, reading, language and conceptual development katocate 2011‑09‑16
Joel R. Quamme (Info) Grand Valley State University Cognition, Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience gdetre 2007‑07‑16
Ursula Bellugi (Info) Salk Institute cognitive neuroscience, deafness, music DanielLevitin 2009‑03‑22
Daniel A. Sternberg (Info) Stanford glupyan 2008‑08‑21
Greg Murphy (Info) NYU gureckis 2009‑03‑30
Lynne Reder (Info) Carnegie Mellon Memory radiana 2007‑05‑03
J Toby Mordkoff (Info) University of Iowa Attention ita 2006‑09‑27
Tina Tong Liu (Info) NIH liutong 2010‑08‑23
Alec Marantz (Info) NYU ckim25 2009‑02‑10
Michelle de Haan (Info) Institute of Child Health developmental cognitive neuroscience mark 2006‑10‑27
Truett Allison (Info) Yale face and object recognition apuce 2007‑07‑13
Kelly M. Addis (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Human Memory kellyaddis 2005‑09‑19
Jordy Kaufman (Info) Swinburne University of Technology developmental cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, human-computer interaction mark 2006‑10‑27
Jamil Palacios Bhanji (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Social and Affective Neuroscience bhanji 2013‑07‑16
Alexandra S. Atkins (Info) University of Michigan, Duke memory, attention, cognitive neuroscience, CNS clinical trials, MCI/AD, schizophrenia cognition atkinsal 2009‑05‑14
David C. Rubin (Info) Duke Cognitive pls10 2006‑12‑12
Sandeep Prasada (Info) McGill Developmental Pycholinguistics twig99 2009‑09‑19
Judith F. Kroll (Info) Penn State Second language acquisition, bilingualism lmorett 2009‑02‑21
Melanie Palomares (Info) University of South Carolina Visual perception,normal and abnormal development, VEPs, psychophysics melgalny 2008‑01‑22
Annette Schmid (Info) Tufts jchiao 2006‑09‑30
Ray Jackendoff (Info) Tufts Linguistics hayden 2006‑06‑03
Steven M. Nelson (Info) Washington University fMRI, development, memory alecia 2007‑04‑20
Marc Vernon Richard (Info) Colorado State Implicit learning baclegg 2010‑10‑06
Leda Cosmides (Info) UC Santa Barbara Evolutionary psychology marcege 2009‑03‑04
Jesse Jon Bengson (Info) UC Davis david 2015‑06‑29
Sean P. Fannon (Info) Folsom Lake College, California grmangun 2008‑08‑16
Xiangfei Hong (Info) UC Davis Cognitive neuroscience hongxiangfei 2015‑06‑29
Ashley Royston (Info) UC Davis Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience, Vision Science: attention, visuospatial attention, perception, working memory aroyston 2011‑06‑23
Clifton L. Kussmaul (Info) Green Mango Associates, LLC ERPs, music perception & cognition kussmaul 2007‑10‑16
John Philbeck (Info) George Washington University 2006‑10‑14
Evelijne Bekker (Info) Phillips Medical, Inc. Cognitive Neuroscience: Attention grmangun 2008‑08‑16
Alice Mado Proverbio (Info) University of Milano-Bicocca Cognitive Neuroscience: Attention grmangun 2008‑08‑16
Bong J. Walsh (Info) UC Davis Cognitive Neuroscience grmangun 2009‑06‑30
Jim Tanaka (Info) University of Victoria Face recognition, perceptual expertise jtanaka 2007‑01‑26
Stephen E. Denton (Info) Vanderbilt palmerit 2011‑06‑25
Brian McElree (Info) NYU Language Comprehension, Human Memory & Attention wilson.chu 2008‑06‑22
Taosheng Liu (Info) Michigan State frakkopesto 2011‑04‑02
Michael A. Motes (Info) University of Texas Dallas/UT SW Mechanisms of Spatial Memory JRC 2007‑07‑19
William G. Iacono (Info) UMN behavior genetics, brain, psychopathology brian 2006‑04‑04
David J. Madden (Info) Duke Medical School aging, brain imaging, attention legree17 2006‑12‑12
Christophe Pallier (Info) CNRS cognitive psychology chrplr 2009‑01‑16
Jason D. Ozubko (Info) Rotman Research Institute Memory jdozubko 2014‑05‑08
Ezequiel E. Morsella (Info) SFSU and UCSF conscious and unconscious action production in the brain Morsella 2010‑11‑18
Christopher J. D'Lauro (Info) CU Boulder, Carnegie Mellon, US Air Force Academy sports-related concussion (SRC), face and object recognition, ERPs cdlauro 2007‑12‑14
Richard Golden (Info) UT Dallas Statistical Machine Learning, Quantitative Models in Cognition, Text Comprehension shaurabh 2014‑08‑02
Christoph T. Weidemann (Info) Swansea University, Wales cognitive (neuro-)science ucsdcogs 2009‑02‑16
Mahzarin Rustum Banaji (Info) Harvard Experimental Psychology wacunn 2009‑05‑16
Edward Klima (Info) The Salk Institute for Biological Studies & UCSD Linguistic Structure of American Sign Language twig99 2009‑09‑20
John Trueswell (Info) Penn language comprehension jessned 2008‑11‑08
Brian J. Spiering (Info) Colorado State Neuroscience, Category Learning, Neurcomputational Modeling brianspiering 2010‑08‑13
Janet Metcalfe (Info) Columbia Memory mjkahana 2008‑08‑26
Nathan Witthoft (Info) Stanford Vision and learning daviexfm 2009‑03‑02
Jason Samaha (Info) UW Madison Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness, Working Memory, and Attention jessoe 2012‑03‑06
Christine Godwin (Info) Georgia Tech, Apple Inc. ita 2013‑09‑17
David E. Irwin (Info) UIUC ita 2006‑09‑16
John A. Pyles (Info) Carnegie Mellon cognitive neuroscience/functional imaging jpyles 2009‑03‑28
James T. Enns (Info) UBC Vision soapy101 2007‑06‑13
Dedre Gentner (Info) Northwestern learning, analogy, similarity language Acquisition etaylor4 2008‑01‑01
Peter Hagoort (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen Cognitive Neuroscience: Language grmangun 2008‑08‑16
Rebecca J. Von Der Heide (Info) Penn State mjw19psu 2009‑12‑22
Raymond W. Gibbs (Info) UC Santa Cruz Psycholinguistics spivey 2009‑05‑06
Lisa Feldman Barrett (Info) Northeastern University emotion barretli 2008‑04‑06
Kurt Braunlich (Info) Georgia Tech cseger 2016‑02‑14
Erik J. Peterson (Info) UCSD, University of Pittsburgh, Colorado State wheelerme 2015‑07‑07
Jean-Remy Hochmann (Info) CNRS - Université Lyon 1, Harvard, ENS Paris, SISSA, Trieste Language Acquisition, Conceptual Development hochmann 2010‑10‑14
Franck Ramus (Info) UCL, CNRS, ENS Paris Psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, genetics ramus 2009‑01‑16
Ross Otto (Info) NYU, McGill rotto 2008‑07‑18
Atsushi Senju (Info) Birkbeck College developmental social cognitive neuroscience atsu1010 2007‑12‑13
W Todd Maddox (Info) UT Austin cognitive psychology, category learning, decision making briglass 2010‑04‑23
Leonardo Fernandino (Info) Medical College of Wisconsin Neuroscience of language, neuroimaging lfernandino 2006‑08‑27
Audrey G. Lustig (Info) UIUC visual perception, attention, fMRI alustig 2008‑10‑14
Walter Kintsch (Info) CU Boulder lapensee 2010‑10‑25
Harald T. Schupp (Info) University of Konstanz Emotion, Attention Ralf_Schmaelzle 2007‑03‑01
Leo Hurvich (Info) Penn etdavis6 2008‑09‑07
Eric Eich (Info) cylin 2008‑04‑01
Michael J. Spivey (Info) UC Merced Psycholinguistics, Eye Tracking, Dynamic Systems glupyan 2008‑06‑29
Shane T. Mueller (Info) Michigan Technological University Memory, Perception ita 2006‑09‑13
Jean Piaget (Info) University of Geneva Child development mark 2006‑10‑28
Stephen A. Madigan (Info) USC Memory hkpark 2011‑06‑15
Daryl E. Wilson (Info) Queen's University, Canada Visual Attention darylw2567 2006‑03‑28
Elizabeth A L Stine-Morrow (Info) UIUC Cognitive Aging, Language and Discourse Processing LizStineMorrow 2014‑08‑14
Brian MacWhinney (Info) Carnegie Mellon Child language acquisition, second language acquisition lmorett 2008‑12‑05
Michael T. Turvey (Info) Haskins Laboratories perception, action remez 2007‑10‑26
James S. Magnuson (Info) University of Connecticut and Haskins Labs Psycholinguistics jsm 2010‑05‑18
Greg J. Siegle (Info) University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine cognitive/affective neuroscience, depression gsiegle 2009‑04‑15
Arthur Gary Samuel (Info) SUNY Stony Brook saweil 2011‑07‑09
Christopher Benjamin (Info) UCLA Epilepsy, Memory, fMRI, Reading, Dyslexia cfbenjamin 2011‑08‑14
Evan McHughes Palmer (Info) Wichita State University object perception, visual search, attention, computational modeling, human factors Kellman 2008‑08‑30
Susan E. Teubner-Rhodes (Info) MUSC ehussey 2010‑10‑01
Josh Richman (Info) NYU Memory magbal8 2009‑10‑28
James Earl Deese (Info) Johns Hopkins jalmeida 2007‑08‑10
Mara Mather (Info) USC memory, emotion, aging maramather 2006‑10‑02
Reza Habib (Info) SIU Carbondale david 2015‑08‑07
Harlan Matthew Fichtenholtz (Info) Yale Emotion and Attention lathomas 2006‑09‑21
Dale Dagenbach (Info) Wake Forest Attention, Inhibition rshurley 2008‑07‑08
Lane Beckes (Info) Bradley University Social Neuroscience lab5nq 2011‑08‑08
Christina S. Marshuetz (Info) University of Michigan david 2015‑07‑16
Laurie Bayet (Info) American University lbayet 2014‑09‑17
Alan C. Wong (Info) Chinese University of Hong Kong palmerit 2007‑01‑25
David William Sutterer (Info) University of Oregon, Chicago, Vanderbilt, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Cognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Memory sutterer 2014‑01‑13
Holly A. Earls (Info) UVA visual perception holly.earls 2009‑04‑06
Emily B. Falk (Info) University of Michigan, Penn mdlieber 2010‑06‑04
Timothy P. McNamara (Info) Vanderbilt Visuospatial cogntition, memory lmorett 2009‑07‑30
Todd M. Gureckis (Info) NYU Computational modeling, learning, categorization rgoldsto 2007‑10‑12
David McNeill (Info) Chicago Gesture, language lmorett 2009‑07‑31
Daniel N. Osherson (Info) Princeton Reasoning, Concepts & Categories, Choice Theory MCube78 2008‑07‑16
Lauren L. Richmond (Info) Washington University memory, aging iolson 2010‑04‑27
Randall W. Engle (Info) Georgia Tech Working memory, cognitive control randallengle 2006‑09‑27
David B. Pisoni (Info) Indiana University Bloomington language, speech, perception, reading remez 2007‑10‑26
Peter D. Eimas (Info) Brown Speech Perception rzator 2006‑10‑24
Roger W. Remington (Info) University of Queensland attention, attentional capture, cognitive psychology r.remington 2009‑04‑28
David Ross (Info) Cardiff University, Vanderbilt face recognition palmerit 2010‑07‑02
Daniel R. Little (Info) University of Melbourne Logical Rules, Reaction Times, Knowledge Representation, Categorization, Memory, Explanation Formation, Bayes danielrlittle 2009‑11‑12
Kenneth J Kurtz (Info) SUNY Binghamton xoyarzabal 2010‑05‑04
Roger T. Davis (Info) University of South Dakota non-human primate behavior palmerit 2007‑08‑05
Mariam Aly (Info) University of California at Berkeley, Columbia episodic memory, attention, visual perception, medial temporal lobe maly 2009‑05‑18
Woo-kyoung Ahn (Info) Yale categorization, causal reasoning nancykim 2008‑05‑02
Anita R. Bowles (Info) Center for Advanced Study of Language, Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, DLIFLC Second language acquisition, language aptitude, CALL dp101 2009‑05‑30
Gregory A. Miller (Info) UIUC, UCLA bachman 2006‑08‑26
Courtney B. Cazden (Info) Harvard twig99 2009‑09‑19
Olivier Pascalis (Info) CNRS face processing, recognition memory opascalis 2015‑01‑27
Tandra Ghose (Info) UCLA Vision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization 2006‑10‑02
Robin D. Thomas (Info) Miami University Mathematical modeling, categorization, working memory thomasrd 2009‑09‑22
Margaret C. McKinnon (Info) McMaster University Mood Disorders, PTSD, autobiographical memory, social cognition MargMcK 2010‑02‑10
Lawrence Eduard Marks (Info) J. B. Pierce / Yale Medical School Multisensory Integration shavit 2010‑08‑23
Cindy Yee-Bradbury (Info) UCLA bachman 2006‑08‑26
Jeremy R. Gray (Info) Yale tal 2007‑10‑30
Ricardo Hoffmann Bion (Info) Stanford Developmental Psychology ricardobion 2009‑07‑14
Steven L. Franconeri (Info) Northwestern smost 2006‑12‑12
Brian A. Goolsby (Info) Northwestern mgrabowecky 2008‑07‑07
Jodi L. Davenport (Info) Carnegie Mellon Visual Cognition, Context, Conceptual understanding jodi 2007‑06‑07
Eric G. Taylor (Info) Yale categorization, explanation, causal reasoning, similarity, analogy, memory, computational models etaylor4 2008‑01‑01
Fergus I.M. Craik (Info) Rotman Research Institute ngopie 2008‑09‑18
Wendy Heller (Info) UIUC Emotion, Depression, Anxiety lcrocke2 2007‑09‑20
Bennet B. Murdock (Info) University of Toronto david 2005‑09‑19
Barbara L. Fredrickson (Info) UNC Chapel Hill positive emotions gregoryrsl 2008‑05‑08
Fiery A. Cushman (Info) Harvard Conceptual Development pq 2015‑10‑12
John K. Kruschke (Info) Indiana University Bloomington attention in learning, connectionist models, bayesian statistics 2006‑10‑02
Lynne J. Williams (Info) Rotman Research Institite, Baycrest Cognitive Neuroscience david 2009‑09‑19
Anne Christophe (Info) CNRS, Paris Language Acquisition annechristophe 2009‑01‑17
Alejandro Lleras (Info) UIUC Attention, Perception irenewan 2007‑11‑05
Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi (Info) INSERM jacquemot 2009‑01‑16
John J. Kim (Info) SFSU david 2012‑03‑02
Jay Pratt (Info) University of Toronto Visual cognition, attention, eye movements, motor control darylw2567 2006‑03‑28
Kait Clark (Info) University of the West of England kaitclark 2009‑04‑27
Jeff S. Moher (Info) Johns Hopkins Visual attention, visual perception jmoher1 2009‑03‑03
Nim Tottenham (Info) Columbia Developmental Affective Neuroscience nimtottenham 2008‑10‑22
Michael K. Tanenhaus (Info) Rochester Language Processing, Eye-Movements thebob 2006‑10‑27
Vincent D. Costa (Info) NIH, OHSU, Oregon National Primate Research Center Amygdala, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, Neurophysiology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychophysiology vdcosta 2007‑05‑30
Steve Lacey (Info) University of Michigan ita 2006‑12‑19
Kathrin-Sophie Herbst (Info) HU Berlin Mona 2010‑06‑10
Malia Mason (Info) Columbia jasmine 2007‑10‑22
Alex Millner (Info) Harvard Mona 2010‑06‑10
Maximilien Chaumon (Info) Boston College Cognitive Neuroscience moshe 2009‑04‑10
Nurit Gronau (Info) Open University, Rananna, Israel jasmine 2007‑10‑22
Laure Zago (Info) CNRS CEA Universities Paris 5 and Caen, France jasmine 2007‑10‑25
Sarah C. Creel (Info) UCSD psycholinguistics, temporal perception swingley 2008‑08‑18
Jerome Prado (Info) CNRS Reasoning, Numerical cognition, Cognitive control orrxjm 2008‑09‑15
Alan Langus (Info) SISSA psycholinguistics alanlangus 2010‑04‑27
Derek Smith (Info) Georgia Tech, Northwestern ita 2013‑09‑17
Savannah Cookson (Info) Georgia Tech, UC Berkeley ita 2011‑09‑01
Bob McMurray (Info) University of Iowa Speech Perception, Spoken Word Recognition, Infancy, Eye-movements thebob 2006‑10‑27
Amanda Saksida (Info) International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA/ISAS), Trieste, Italy, EHESS, ENS, CNRS, University of Nova Gorica Cognitive neuroscience, Linguistics AS 2012‑02‑08
Sharon Peperkamp (Info) University of Paris 8 / LSCP dalazal 2007‑09‑19
Karin Stromswold (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick jacob-feldman 2009‑09‑15
David Maximiliano Gómez (Info) SISSA language acquisition, mathematical modeling, mathematical cognition dgomez 2011‑11‑05
Ágnes Melinda Kovács (Info) Central European University Cognitive development mohinish 2013‑08‑18
Yamil Vidal (Info) SISSA, Trieste, Donders Center for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Predictive Processes perrine 2016‑04‑12
Josiane Bertoncini (Info) CNRS, Paris ramus 2009‑01‑28
Judit Gervain (Info) UBC, SISSA, Trieste, CNRS language acquisition, developmental psychology, infant speech perception gervain 2009‑01‑16
Thierry Nazzi (Info) CNRS, Paris ramus 2009‑01‑28
Marcela Peña (Info) Pontificia Université Catolica, Chile ramus 2009‑01‑28
Nedim ( Sahin (Info) Harvard Language pq 2015‑11‑24
Richard Gregory (Info) University of Bristol hayden 2005‑02‑08
Viorica Marian (Info) Northwestern Language, Cognition, Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism, Memory spivey 2009‑05‑06
Kathleen B. McDermott (Info) bridgidfinn 2010‑11‑15
Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (Info) UC Berkeley Sociolinguistics, language acquisition lmorett 2009‑01‑12
Gwen L. Schmidt (Info) Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia / University of Pennsylvania Language, autism cseger 2006‑10‑02
Corinna M. Cincotta (Info) Colorado State Learning, Cognitive Neuroscience cseger 2006‑10‑02
Renee Baillargeon (Info) UIUC infant cognition aneedham 2008‑01‑11
Daniel J. Simons (Info) UIUC visual cognition, attention, change blindness, inattentional blindness, failures of awareness hayden 2005‑10‑28
Aniela Improta França (Info) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Neuroscience of Language mottakun 2014‑04‑26
Karen Wynn (Info) Yale hayden 2005‑10‑28
Vicky Lai (Info) Max Planck Institute for Psycholingusitics semantics, pragmatics, emotion viclai 2011‑09‑11
Emma Wu Dowd (Info) Ohio State wudowd 2012‑02‑19
Charles A. Perfetti (Info) University of Pittsburgh Reading, psycholinguistics lmorett 2009‑04‑17
Joshua T. Gaunt (Info) UC Santa Cruz Visual-spatial perception, attention, working memory, and oculomotor programming JoshG567 2006‑09‑27
Joshua Campbell Poore (Info) Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Social Attachments, Trust, Personality mdlieber 2010‑06‑04
Xun Liu (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine mbanich 2008‑07‑17
Jennifer K. Roth (Info) Yale School of Medicine working memory jroth 2009‑04‑01
Jesse Snedeker (Info) Harvard Language development, language comprehension ageojo 2008‑03‑04
Thalia P. Wheatley (Info) Dartmouth Thalia 2007‑08‑31
Randi Martin (Info) Rice University kas0179 2007‑08‑19
Aaron S. Benjamin (Info) UIUC Cognitive Psychology mikediaz 2009‑03‑27
Adena M. Schachner (Info) Boston University Social cognition, music cognition, development, evolution of cognition timothy.brady 2007‑05‑22
Bradley S. Gibson (Info) Notre Dame visual attention, perception mapeters 2008‑06‑22
Gretchen Van de Walle (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Infant perception and cognition Kellman 2008‑08‑31
Todd F. Heatherton (Info) Dartmouth Social Neuroscience escross 2007‑06‑24
Anna Shusterman (Info) Wesleyan conceptual development shusterman 2008‑11‑03
Adam J. Barnas (Info) UIUC, University of Dayton, UW-Milwaukee, UW Madison attention adamjbarnas 2015‑12‑01
William G. Hayward (Info) University of Hong Kong Visual Cognition palmerit 2007‑01‑25
Dan Lopez Paniagua (Info) Colorado State Cognitive Neuroscience, Human Learning pq 2015‑11‑26
Hillary Wehe (Info) Colorado State cseger 2016‑02‑14
Jeremy B. Karnowski (Info) UCSD Computational Cognitive Neuroscience jkarnows 2010‑11‑04
Jiaying Zhao (Info) Princeton Reasoning, Visual Perception, Judgment and Decision Making, Cognitive Neuroscience jiayingzhao 2009‑11‑11
Duje Tadin (Info) Rochester Visual System kastela 2006‑10‑23
Jung-Kyong Kim (Info) McGill jkim 2011‑06‑15
George W. Ainslie (Info) Coatesville VA Johnmonterosso 2009‑04‑27
Herbert H. Clark (Info) Stanford Psycholinguistics, pragmatics ita 2006‑10‑11
Brian A. Anderson (Info) Johns Hopkins attention, cognition, cognitive neuroscience bander33 2014‑10‑01
Lori Markson (Info) Washington University Cognitive development, language acquisition markson 2007‑06‑01
Arthur B. Markman (Info) UT Austin similarity, analogy, decision making, categorization, knowledge representation, reasoning and individual differences etaylor4 2008‑01‑01
Martin Zettersten (Info) University of Heidelberg, Germany, UW Madison, Princeton, UCSD cognitive development, language, language development, word learning, imitation, social cognition glupyan 2013‑08‑21
Kathryn Bousquet (Info) UC Davis, Napa Valley College kgbousquet 2013‑10‑14
Ken Jamel Hoyte (Info) Michigan State Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroepidemiology drpeelle 2005‑08‑03
Laurel J. Buxbaum (Info) Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute cognition and action, action semantics, neglect, apraxia, optic ataxia, object knowledge, plans for action lbuxbaum 2008‑04‑14
Elizabeth L. Glisky (Info) University of Arizona memory ceruleus 2011‑04‑08
Mathias S. Fleck (Info) Duke Cognition jcantlon 2006‑04‑03
Jeffrey N. Rouder (Info) University of Missouri Statistical models, mathematical models, perception, memory rouderj 2010‑10‑13
Patrick Davidson (Info) University of Ottawa Parkinson's disease, memory, executive functions ceruleus 2011‑04‑08
Melanie Cohn (Info) University of Toronto Memory Cohn_m 2009‑05‑19
Marie St-Laurent (Info) University of Toronto Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience MarieStL 2011‑03‑28
Robyn M. Westmacott (Info) SickKids human memory, pediatric stroke mcandrws 2007‑08‑08
Myra A. Fernandes (Info) University of Toronto Memory, attention, face and object perception pq 2015‑11‑25
Raluca Petrican (Info) University of Toronto Memory, attention, face and object perception pq 2015‑11‑25
Jordan L. Poppenk (Info) University of Toronto Memory, attention, face and object perception pq 2015‑11‑25
Kristoffer Y. Romero (Info) University of Toronto Memory, attention, face and object perception pq 2015‑11‑25
Rachel S. Rosenbaum (Info) University of Toronto Memory, attention, face and object perception pq 2015‑11‑25
Amy L. Siegenthaler (Info) University of Toronto Memory, attention, face and object perception pq 2015‑11‑25
Deborah Talmi (Info) University of Manchester Psychology, Cognitive neuroscience dtalmi 2014‑04‑08
Mirella Dapretto (Info) UCLA Neuroimaging, Autism, language, social cognition, development mirella 2009‑01‑28
Bradley C. Love (Info) University of Texas, UCL Cognition, Human learning and Decision making mattj 2006‑12‑02
Chia-lin Lee (Info) UIUC Cognitive psychology, neurolinguistics clee26 2007‑06‑20
Diogo Alvares de Azevedo Almeida (Info) University of Maryland Lexical processing, speech perception, phonological processing, syntax, linguistics, psycholinguistics dalazal 2007‑09‑19
Robert G. Crowder (Info) Yale Learning & Memory hayden 2005‑01‑18
Amanda L. Woodward (Info) University of Maryland, Chicago Cognitive development lmorett 2009‑07‑31
Ruben C. Gur (Info) Penn Schizophrenia, Neuropsychology, Gender, Functional Neuroimaging jseubert 2011‑05‑02
Daniel Swingley (Info) Penn language acquisition, speech perception, perceptual categorization, phonetics swingley 2008‑08‑18
Naohide Yamamoto (Info) Cleveland State University, Queensland University of Technology Spatial Cognition, Navigation ashelton501 2007‑01‑26
Rachel Adler (Info) University of Maryland jnovick 2014‑07‑02
Lauren M. Ellman (Info) Temple University schizophrenia, pregnancy, neurodevelopment Lauren174 2009‑07‑02
Carey K. Morewedge (Info) Harvard Social Cognition pq 2015‑10‑07
Allen Osman (Info) Penn Motor control ita 2007‑07‑20
Ronaldo Vigo (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Mathematical Modeling, Concept Learning, Perception, Categorization, Similarity, Computational Modeling, Inference, Logic rvigo 2008‑02‑02
Amanda Lash (Info) Rotman Research Institute Cognitive aging alash 2014‑09‑17
Susan Goldin-Meadow (Info) Chicago Gesture, sign language, cognitive development lmorett 2009‑07‑30
Lance J. Rips (Info) Northwestern Deductive and inductive reasoning, Concepts of individual objects and their histories, Causal cognition, Mathematical thinking, Autobiographical memory 2009‑03‑08
Gregory Russell Samanez Larkin (Info) Duke, Yale aging, motivation, reward, learning, decision making gregoryrsl 2008‑05‑08
William A. Cunningham (Info) University of Toronto Evaluation, Affect, Social Cognition wacunn 2009‑05‑16
Colin M. MacLeod (Info) University of Toronto, University of Waterloo attention, learning, and memory darylw2567 2006‑03‑28
Susan M. Garnsey (Info) UIUC Language Processing and Language-Brain Relationships qzhever 2016‑01‑08
Jacqueline Liederman (Info) Boston University Developmental neuropsychology, TMS, reading, visual attention aliciac 2008‑09‑30
Safa Zaki (Info) Williams palmerit 2007‑01‑25
James F. Juola (Info) University of Kansas Attention mpeters2 2007‑09‑07
William Epstein (Info) UVA Perception jkwitt 2007‑11‑01
Laura Stockdale (Info) BYU rgm23 2016‑01‑04
Miriam Lemle (Info) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Theoretical Linguistics mottakun 2014‑04‑26
Nora S. Newcombe (Info) Temple University Spatial Cognition, Cognitive Development irenewan 2007‑11‑05
Ranxiao Frances Wang (Info) UIUC Spatial Cognition, Perception irenewan 2007‑11‑05
Carien M. van Reekum (Info) University of Reading emotion, affective neuroscience carien 2008‑07‑24
Adrienne Taren (Info) University of Pittsburgh Stress, Health Neuroscience, Neuroimaging ataren 2012‑11‑24
Simon Dennis (Info) Newcastle, University of Melbourne Cognitive Psychology enyhus 2007‑12‑14
Janet Dean Fodor (Info) CUNY psycholinguistics theory 2012‑02‑11
Daniel Casasanto (Info) Chicago Language and thought lmorett 2010‑10‑05
Jeremy I. Skipper (Info) UCL jskipper 2007‑08‑28
Megan A. Boudewyn (Info) UC Davis Psycholinguistics cljohns 2009‑10‑27
Susan M. Rivera (Info) UC Davis ffarzin 2008‑06‑22
J Bruce Morton (Info) Western University Development, cognitive control, frontal cortex jbm1968 2007‑08‑23
Dagmar Zeithamova (Info) University of Oregon cbowman 2015‑07‑30
Tyler Bancroft (Info) Wilfrid Laurier University Connectivity, memory, somatosensation tbancroft 2010‑08‑16
Ashley S. Bangert (Info) Washington University Cognitive aging, Temporal perception, Skill Learning, Motor Coordination abangert 2008‑10‑10
Jan P. H. van Santen (Info) OHSU Spoken Language Understanding jandh 2015‑03‑20
Neville P. Moray (Info) University of Surrey Attention, Human Factors, Mental Workload, Human Error. baclegg 2009‑04‑01
Steve Haroz (Info) Northwestern, INRIA Visual Perception, Cognition, Data Visualization sharoz 2010‑09‑14
Marc G. Berman (Info) University of Michigan david 2015‑07‑16
Emre Demiralp (Info) University of Michigan david 2015‑07‑16
Michael S. Franklin (Info) University of Michigan david 2015‑07‑16
Michael J. Wenger (Info) University of Oklahoma vision, memory, computational neuroscience mjw19psu 2009‑12‑22
Eldar Shafir (Info) Princeton decision making maramather 2006‑10‑02
Ira Hyman (Info) Western Washington University Cognition, Memory roach 2011‑03‑28
Miriam Rosenberg-Lee (Info) Stanford math cognition vmcginty 2008‑11‑26
Benjamin O. Turner (Info) UC Santa Barbara Category learning, computational models neurobot 2010‑11‑18
Jonathan Flombaum (Info) Johns Hopkins Cognitive Psychology proximo 2010‑10‑26
Alan Leslie (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick pretense mvlombardo 2009‑03‑13
Michele Miozzo (Info) Cambridge kas0179 2007‑08‑18
Yi-Chia Chen (Info) National Taiwan University, Yale, Harvard, UCLA Vision Reldahs 2012‑12‑06
Chaz Firestone (Info) Johns Hopkins Perception chazfirestone 2010‑03‑15
Tao Gao (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑26
Brandon Matthew Liverence (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑26
Aysu Suben (Info) Yale pq 2015‑08‑26
Stefan D. Uddenberg (Info) Yale Visual cognition rahonavis75 2013‑09‑30
Benjamin van Buren (Info) Yale Vision, Cognition vanburenb 2013‑09‑27
John H. Gruzelier (Info) University of London tegner 2010‑08‑11
Bob Rehder (Info) NYU gureckis 2009‑03‑30
Ariane Rhone (Info) University of Maryland dp101 2009‑05‑29
Joshua Carp (Info) University of Michigan vision, attention, executive control jmcarp 2009‑08‑08
Peter M. Bachman (Info) UCLA electrophysiology, schizophrenia, cognition, stress bachman 2006‑08‑26
Matthew J. Kmiecik (Info) NorthShore University HealthSysten, University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine Chronic Pelvic Pain; Reasoning mkmiecik14 2015‑01‑26
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