Carola Städele

Ulm University, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
Neurobiology, Neuroscience
"Carola Städele"
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Wolfgang Stein grad student 2009-2016 University of Ulm
 (Finished with summa cum laude. Best dissertation award of Ulm University)
Andres G. Vidal-Gadea post-doc 2016-2016 Illinois State University
Mark A. Frye post-doc 2017-2020 University of Ulm
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Stein W, Städele C. (2024) Neuromodulator-induced temperature robustness in a motor pattern: a comparative study between two decapod crustaceans. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Städele C, Stein W. (2022) Neuromodulation Enables Temperature Robustness and Coupling Between Fast and Slow Oscillator Circuits. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 16: 849160
Stein W, DeMaegd ML, Braun LY, et al. (2022) The dynamic range of voltage-dependent gap junction signaling is maintained by -induced membrane potential depolarization. Journal of Neurophysiology. 127: 776-790
Städele C, Keleş MF, Mongeau JM, et al. (2020) Non-canonical Receptive Field Properties and Neuromodulation of Feature-Detecting Neurons in Flies. Current Biology : Cb
Keleş MF, Hardcastle BJ, Städele C, et al. (2020) Inhibitory Interactions and Columnar Inputs to an Object Motion Detector in Drosophila. Cell Reports. 30: 2115-2124.e5
Städele C, Rimniceanu M, Frye MA. (2019) Drosophila Neuroscience: Should I Land or Should I Jump? Current Biology : Cb. 29: R1089-R1091
Städele C, DeMaegd ML, Stein W. (2018) State-Dependent Modification of Sensory Sensitivity via Modulation of Backpropagating Action Potentials. Eneuro. 5
DeMaegd ML, Städele C, Stein W. (2017) Axonal Conduction Velocity Measurement. Bio-Protocol. 7: e2152
Städele C, DeMaegd ML, Stein W. (2017) Extracellular Axon Stimulation. Bio-Protocol. 7: e2151
DeMaegd M, Städele C, Stein W. (2017) Axonal Conduction Velocity Measurement Bio-Protocol. 7
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