Lawrence J. Ryan

1988-1991 Psychology Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
"Lawrence Ryan"
Mean distance: 106866 (cluster 23)


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Seth K. Sharpless grad student 1977-1981 CU Boulder
Philip M. Groves post-doc 1982-1990 UCSD


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Kevin B. Clark research assistant 1988-1991 Oregon State


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Jim Barr collaborator 1980-1988 CU Boulder
James M. Tepper collaborator 1980-1988 CU Boulder
Stephen J. Young collaborator 1980-1988 CU Boulder
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Ryan LJ. (2000) Lesion of the subthalamic nucleus or globus pallidus does not cause chaotic firing patterns in basal ganglia neurons in rats. Brain Research. 873: 263-7
Henderson JM, Annett LE, Ryan LJ, et al. (1999) Subthalamic nucleus lesions induce deficits as well as benefits in the hemiparkinsonian rat. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 11: 2749-57
Ryan LJ, Sanders DJ. (1994) Subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus lesions alter activity in nigrothalamic neurons in rats. Brain Research Bulletin. 34: 19-26
Ryan LJ, Sanders DJ. (1994) Neostriatal modulation of motor cortex excitability. Brain Research. 651: 241-51
Ryan LJ, Wilson MG. (1994) Dextromethorphan Potentiation of d-Amphetamine-Induced Behavior and Neurodegeneration in Rats Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2: 194-205
Ryan LJ, Sanders DJ. (1993) Subthalamic nucleus lesion regularizes firing patterns in globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons in rats. Brain Research. 626: 327-31
Ryan LJ, Sanders DJ, Clark KB. (1992) Auto- and cross-correlation analysis of subthalamic nucleus neuronal activity in neostriatal- and globus pallidal-lesioned rats. Brain Research. 583: 253-61
Ryan LJ, Clark KB. (1992) Alteration of neuronal responses in the subthalamic nucleus following globus pallidus and neostriatal lesions in rats. Brain Research Bulletin. 29: 319-27
Ryan LJ, Clark KB. (1991) The role of the subthalamic nucleus in the response of globus pallidus neurons to stimulation of the prelimbic and agranular frontal cortices in rats. Experimental Brain Research. 86: 641-51
Ryan LJ, Linder JC, Martone ME, et al. (1990) Histological and ultrastructural evidence that D-amphetamine causes degeneration in neostriatum and frontal cortex of rats. Brain Research. 518: 67-77
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