Karl H. Pribram

1948-1958 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
 1958- Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Psychology, frontal lobe
"Karl Pribram"

(1919-2015) Pribram's holonomic model, developed in collaboration with quantum physicist David Bohm, theorizes that memory/information is stored not in cells, but rather in wave interference patterns. Pribram's other contributions include a quantum approach to neurophilosophy: 'this is the critical thing -- that if indeed we're right that these quantum-like phenomena, or the rules of quantum mechanics, apply all the way through to our psychological processes, to what's going on in the nervous system -- then we have an explanation perhaps, certainly we have a parallel, to the kind of experiences that people have called spiritual experiences. Because the descriptions you get with spiritual experiences seem to parallel the descriptions of quantum physics.' (From Wikipedia)

Mean distance: 11.57 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Ronald Chase research assistant 1961-1962 Stanford
Tom Brown grad student Yale
Lawrence Kruger grad student Yale
Allan F. Mirsky grad student Yale
Douglas Rosene grad student
Larry Weiskrantz grad student Yale
Mortimer Mishkin grad student 1949-1951 Stanford
Jerome S. Schwartzbaum grad student 1958 Stanford
Bruce Bridgeman grad student 1967-1971 Stanford
Marc R. Nuwer grad student 1969-1975 Stanford
Andrea G. Nackley grad student 1998-2000 Stanford
Robert J. Douglas post-doc University of Washington
George Ettlinger post-doc University of Bielefeld
Maurice Ptito post-doc
Erich E. Sutter post-doc Stanford
Leslie Ungerleider post-doc Stanford
William A. Wilson post-doc
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Tucker DM, Luu P, Pribram KH. (1995) Social and emotional self-regulation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 769: 213-39
Prigatano GP, Pribram KH. (1982) Perception and memory of facial affect following brain injury. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 54: 859-69
Prigatano GP, Pribram KH. (1981) Humor and episodic memory following frontal versus posterior brain lesions. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 53: 999-1006
Ruff RM, Hersh NA, Pribram KH. (1981) Auditory spatial deficits in the personal and extrapersonal frames of reference due to cortical lesions. Neuropsychologia. 19: 435-43
Lassonde MC, Ptito M, Pribram KH. (1981) Intracerebral influences on the microstructure of receptive fields of cat visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research. 43: 131-44
Pribram KH, Lassonde MC, Ptito M. (1981) Classification of receptive field properties in cat visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research. 43: 119-30
Pribram KH, Spevack A, Blower D, et al. (1980) A decisional analysis of the effects of inferotemporal lesions in the rhesus monkey. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 94: 675-90
Pribram KH, Hebb DO, Jackson F. (1980) Review Symposium : Sir Karl Popper and Sir John Eccles. The Self and Its Brain. New York: Springer Verlag, 1977. Pp. xvi + 597. $17.90. Unpacking Some Dualities Inherent in a Mind/Brain Dualism Karl H.Pribram Psychology, Stanford University Philosophy of the Social Sciences. 10: 295-308
Christensen CA, Pribram KH. (1979) The effect of inferotemporal or foveal prestriate ablation on serial reversal learning in monkeys. Neuropsychologia. 17: 1-10
Nuwer MR, Pribram KH. (1979) Role of the inferotemporal cortex in visual selective attention. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 46: 389-400
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