William A. Wilson
Affiliations: | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States |
"William Wilson"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeMarlene Oscar-Berman | grad student | 1961-1968 | University of Connecticut |
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Wilson M, Wilson WA, Remez R. (1978) Effects of prestriate, inferotemporal, and superior temporal sulcus lesions on attention and gaze shifts in rhesus monkeys. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 91: 1261-71 |
Short RA, Lieb JP, Wilson WA. (1977) Effects of light intensity and edge density on visually evoked potentials in rhesus monkeys. Psychophysiology. 14: 531-6 |
Wilson WA, Zieler S. (1976) Some tests of intermodality transfer of intensity in squirrel monkeys. Neuropsychologia. 14: 237-241 |
Yeterian EH, Wilson WA. (1976) Cross-modal transfer in rats following different early environments Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 7: 551-553 |
Yeterian EH, Waters RS, Wilson WA. (1976) Posterior cortical lesions and specific crossmodal transfer in the rat Physiological Psychology. 4: 281-284 |
Braitman DJ, Wilson WA. (1976) The role of the pretectum in the acquisition and retention of visual discrimination habits in monkeys Physiological Psychology. 4: 18-22 |
Riddell WI, Rothblat LA, Wilson WA. (1969) Auditory and visual distraction in hippocampectomized Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 67: 216-219 |
Rothblat LA, Wilson WA. (1969) Dimensional preferences with object and pattern stimuli in monkeys with inf erotemporal lesions Psychonomic Science. 17: 149-150 |
Wilson M, Wilson WA, Sunenshine HS. (1968) Perception, learning, and retention of visual stimuli by monkeys with inferotemporal lesions. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 65: 404-12 |