Herbert G. Kasler, Ph.D.

2000 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Herbert Kasler"
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Astar Winoto grad student 2000 UC Berkeley
 (A novel type of MAP kinase containing a transcriptional activation domain: ERK5 regulation of the transcription factor MEF2D in T cell apoptosis.)
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Kasler HG, Lee IS, Lim HW, et al. (2018) Histone deacetylase 7 mediates tissue-specific autoimmunity via control of innate effector function in invariant Natural Killer T-Cells. Elife. 7
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Jeng MY, Hull PA, Fei M, et al. (2017) Metabolic reprogramming of human CD8+ memory T cells through loss of SIRT1. The Journal of Experimental Medicine
Myers DR, Lau T, Markegard E, et al. (2017) Tonic LAT-HDAC7 Signals Sustain Nur77 and Irf4 Expression to Tune Naive CD4 T Cells. Cell Reports. 19: 1558-1571
Lim HW, Kang SG, Ryu JK, et al. (2015) SIRT1 deacetylates RORγt and enhances Th17 cell generation. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 212: 607-17
Kasler HG, Lim HW, Mottet D, et al. (2012) Nuclear export of histone deacetylase 7 during thymic selection is required for immune self-tolerance. The Embo Journal. 31: 4453-65
Kasler HG, Young BD, Mottet D, et al. (2011) Histone deacetylase 7 regulates cell survival and TCR signaling in CD4/CD8 double-positive thymocytes. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 186: 4782-93
Kasler HG, Verdin E. (2007) Histone deacetylase 7 functions as a key regulator of genes involved in both positive and negative selection of thymocytes. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 27: 5184-200
Parra M, Kasler H, McKinsey TA, et al. (2005) Protein kinase D1 phosphorylates HDAC7 and induces its nuclear export after T-cell receptor activation Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280: 13762-13770
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