University of California, Berkeley

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Reza Abbasi-Asl Bin Yu (grad student), Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Joshua AbbottComputational Cognitive Science, Particle Filters2010 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Lamiae Abdeladim
Hermann AberleDrosophila neuromuscular synapses, axon guidance19982001 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Jennifer AblowDevelopmental Psychology1998 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Israel AbramovVisual system, color vision Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
Kelley Y. Abrams2000 Mary Main (grad student)
Mario J. Acevesclinical child and adolescent psychology Psychology2010 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Christopher Adalio Psychology Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Anthony J. Adams
Wendy J. AdamsHuman Vision, Touch20002002 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Hillel AdesnikSynaptic transmission and plasticity
Norman T. Adlerbelief Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Mehmet Naci AgaogluVisual psychophysics, neurophysiology Vision Science/ Optometry2015 Susana Chung (post-doc)
Gautam AgarwalOlfaction Neuroscience20112014 Friedrich T. Sommer (post-doc), Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Alekh Agarwal Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Martin Wainwright (grad student)
Krisha AghiSynaptic plasticity, mathematical modeling Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2016 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Anna N. AhnLocomotion2000 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Kurt Franklin AhrensSystems Neuroscience Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
Avigael Aizenman Dennis Levi (grad student)
Kurt Akeleycomputer graphics20032005 Martin Banks (grad student)
Hiromi Akutsu Dennis Levi (grad student)
Sayf H. Alalusi2005 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Badr F. Albannatheoretical neuroscience, information theory, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Neil AlbertMotor learning and skill, Cognition for/from actions20012006 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Duane G. AlbrechtVisual System1978 Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
Alice R. AlbrechtVisual Attention and Perception20132008 Lynn C. Robertson (research assistant), David Whitney (post-doc)
Justin Michael AlesVision, Neuroimaging2007 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
James V. Alexander Plant Pathology1965 William Cowperthwaite Snyder (grad student)
Tyler Scott Aliotogenetics, computational biology2004 John Ngai (grad student)
Henry J. Alitto2007 Yang Dan (post-doc)
Elena A. Allen2008 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Kenneth J.D. Allencognitive control; response inhibition; emotional regulation; nonsuicidal self-injury; suicide Psychology2021 Sheri L. Johnson (research scientist)
Dale Allen Optometry19861990 Christopher W. Tyler (post-doc)
Maria L. AllisonEmotion2006 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Elad AlonIntegrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Communications & Networking (COMNET); Design, Modeling and Analysis (DMA)
Lee J. Altamirano Mark D'Esposito (research assistant), Ralph D. Freeman (research assistant)
Bryan AlvarezVisual attention and perception, Synesthesia Psychology2013 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Amanda A. Alvarez Visual system, myopia Vision Science2012 Christine Wildsoet (grad student)
Ivan Alvarez
Noopur AminAudition2008 Frederic Theunissen (grad student), Daniela Kaufer (post-doc)
Arash A. Amini Electrical Engineering2011 Martin Wainwright (grad student)
Cameron P. AndersonEmotion2001 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Kristopher L. AndersonCognitive Neuroscience20112016 Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Craig Anderson Social Psychology2016 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Phil AndersonC. Elegans1978 John Roger Roth (grad student)
Stephan J. AndersonVisual perception19881990 Martin Banks (post-doc)
J. M. AndresenCell Biology2000 Hsiao-Ping H. Moore (grad student)
Nicholas Angelidesdecision-making, motivation, computational modeling, human performance, neuroimaging, social decision-making20152020 Ming Hsu (grad student)
Daphne J. Anshelclinical child and adolescent psychology2000 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Michelle E. AnthonyCrosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought2002 Dan I. Slobin (grad student)
Tamar M. AntinPublic Health, African American Studies, Marketing Business Administration, Black Studies Public Health2011 Norman Constantine (grad student)
Olga Antonenko YoungEmotion Psychology2013 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Stephen AntonoplisSelf, Personality, Lifespan Development, Social Class, Diversity Psychology Psychology2016 Serena Chen (grad student), Oliver P. John (grad student)
Aki AnzaiVisual cortex Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Jason Aotosynaptic molecule20042009 Lu Chen (grad student)
Richard Applebaum Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Ryan John Arant Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Lindy ArchambeauNeurophysiology, visual system2002 John A. Freeman (grad student)
Kristin L. ArendtPIP3 regulation of AMPA receptor clustering at the postsynaptic membrane20092003 Richard H. Kramer (research assistant), Lu Chen (post-doc), Robert S. Zucker (research assistant)
Armen C. ArevianLateral Inhibition in Olfaction20002001 Mu-Ming Poo (research assistant)
Jason T. AritaVisual Attention, Memory, and Perception Lynn C. Robertson (research assistant)
Norman ArnheimMolecular Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology19651968 Curt Stern (grad student), Allan C. Wilson (post-doc)
David Arroyo Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Jennifer J. ArterGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2012 Lucia F. Jacobs (grad student)
Prafulla AryalGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins MCD20102012 Diana Bautista (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Ascher Psychology2012 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Dana W. AswadProtein chemistry, enzymology1974 Daniel E. Koshland (grad student)
David AttwellNeuron-glia interactions Frank S. Werblin (post-doc)
Vanessa J AuldGlial development19901994 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Joseph L. AusterweilCognition, Computational Modeling, Reasoning, Categorization, Judgment Psychology20072012 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Guy AvrahamMotor Learning, Motor Control, Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology2018 Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Ozlem Ayduk Walter Mischel (grad student)
Turgut S. Ayturcomputational biology, integrated circuits2007 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Francis Rene Bachmachine learning2005 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Benjamin BackusVisual system19931997 Martin Banks (grad student)
Geoffrey I. Bacon2020 Terrance Philip Regier (grad student)
David R. Badcockvisual psychophysics Gerald Westheimer (post-doc)
David Badre Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Helen Bae2000 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Matthew John Baggottcognitive neuroscience, psychopharmacology Neuroscience2010 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Lorraine E. BahrickCognitive and social development19791981 John S. Watson (post-doc)
Yang Bai Social Psychology2017 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Ruzena BajcsyArtificial Intelligence (AI); Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO); Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR); Graphics (GR); Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer vision; Bridging information technology to humanities and social sciences;
Ji Hyun Baktheoretical/computational biophysics, computational neuroscience Michael R. DeWeese (post-doc)
Suzanne L. Baker2003 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
Cydni Baker Psychology2015 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (research scientist)
Oliver S. Baker Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
James Allen Baldwin statistics Dattaprabhakar Vinayak Gokhale (grad student)
Claire N. Balintneurobiology, biomechanics2003 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Robin Wanomi Ball2007 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Lonnele Ball2009 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (post-doc)
Ian C. Ballardmotivated memory Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Daniel R. BallonTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast2006 Jeremy Thorner (grad student)
Michael G. W. BambergDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology1985 Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (grad student), John Filmore (grad student), Jurgan Habermas (grad student)
Onureena Banerjee2007 Laurent El Ghaoui (grad student)
Matthew R. Banghartbehavioral reinforcement, analgesia, opioids, photochemistry20022008 Richard H. Kramer (grad student), Dirk Trauner (grad student)
Martin BanksVisual system
Francisco BarceloNeuropsychology, psychophysiology, prefrontal function, EEG Psychology19982000 Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Davis R. Barch2001 Donald A. Glaser (grad student)
Laurel Andrea BarchasAdult Neurogenesis20072009 Daniela Kaufer (grad student), Christian Mirescu (research assistant)
Lauren Barghout-Stein Vision Sciences19872003 Christopher W. Tyler (grad student)
Cynthia L. BarkleyExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2002 Lucia F. Jacobs (grad student)
George Webber Barlow
Steven Andrew BarnesRetina1985 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Amanda Jane Barnierhypnosis, autobiographical memory, social memory, collaborative recall, collective memory19981998 John F. Kihlstrom (post-doc)
John M. Barrie2000 Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
Jonathan T. Barronvision Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2013 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Alison BarthPlasticity of sensory systems John Ngai (grad student)
Heidi A. BaselerVisual system, neuroimaging19891995 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
Rezaul BasharVision
Greg J. Bashawaxon guidance19982001 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Mariska Priya Batavia Biology2013 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Helen S. BateupMolecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity
Peter Battaglino
Eric D. Battenbergmusic Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 David Wessel (grad student), Nelson Morgan (grad student)
Diana Bautistamolecular basis of somatosensation, light touch, chronic itch, pain David Julius (post-doc)
Jeffrey R. Baylisanimal behavior, evolution George Webber Barlow (grad student)
Frank A. Beachbehavioral endocrinology Stephen E. Glickman (collaborator)
Alan J. Beardenbiophysics
Katherine C. Beattieneuroscience MCB20112013 Diana Bautista (grad student)
Joshua S. BeattiePhilosophy Philosophy2012 John Searle (grad student)
Vahri Beaumontsynaptic transmission, signalling Robert S. Zucker (post-doc)
Diane M. BeckVisual system1998 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student), Irvin Rock (grad student)
Alexander JS Beckett Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2013 David Feinberg (post-doc)
Harold E. BedellNormal and abnormal eye movements Jay M. Enoch (post-doc)
Jennifer S. Beer19952002 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc), Robert T. Knight (post-doc), Robert W. Levenson (grad student), John F. Kihlstrom (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student), Oliver P. John (grad student), Richard W. Robins (research assistant)
Annaliese K. BeeryBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology, Social behavior20082010 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student), Darlene D. Francis (post-doc)
Kazuko Y. Behrens2005 Mary Main (grad student)
Anthony BellComputation & Theory
Sarah C. Bell Chemistry2010 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Serge Justin Belongie2000 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Mark K Bennett
Patrick J. Bennettvisual system, psychophysics19841988 Martin Banks (grad student)
Moustafa BensafiOlfaction20022004 Noam Sobel (post-doc)
George E. BentleyReproductive endocrinology19931996 Daniela Kaufer (collaborator), Elizabeth Kirby (collaborator), Lance J. Kriegsfeld (collaborator), Arthur R. Goldsmith (grad student)
David BentleySynapses
Sheri A. BerenbaumGender development1977 William M. Meredith (grad student), Read D. Tuddenham (grad student)
Alexander C. Bergvision2005 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Tamara L. Bergvision2007 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Benjamin K. BergenMental simulation in language understanding19962001 George Lakoff (grad student)
Andrew Brian Bergermachine learning, mcmc, theoretical neuroscience Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience Jascha Sohl-Dickstein (research assistant)
Thomas K. Berger Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Jean-Baptiste BernardVision, Low Vision
Anne S. Berry
Eric B. Bersonscience education, math education, cognitive development Education2012 Kathleen Emlen Metz (grad student)
Vincent G. BerthiaumeCognitive development, computational modeks Psychology Fei Xu (grad student)
Kimberly Sue Best2003 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Tania J. BettisBehavioral Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2011 Lucia F. Jacobs (grad student)
Barry Lane BeyersteinPsychopharmacology, Olfaction, Consciousness, Visual Neuroscience Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Prateek BhansaliComputational Modeling
Shirkant R. BharadwajVision Science, motor control2005 Clifton M. Schor (grad student)
Palak BhushanMicrobots
Guo-Qiang BiSpike-timing dependent plasticity, Network Dynamics Rick Steinhardt (grad student)
William BialekComputation & Theory1983 Alan J. Bearden (grad student)
Salil S. Bidayelocomotion20142021 Kristin Scott (post-doc), Kristin Scott (post-doc)
Natalia Y. BilenkoVisual System2010 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Sonia J. BishopCognitive Neuroscience
Kabir Hassan Biswas Chemisty Jay T. Groves (post-doc)
Eric L BittmanCircadian Rhythms, Neuroendocrinology19731978 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Dara R. Blachmanclinical child and adolescent psychology2004 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Christopher Blais Silvia A. Bunge (post-doc)
Colin BlakemoreVisual development Neurosensory Laboratory19661970 Horace Barlow (grad student), John D. Pettigrew (collaborator)
Timothy J. BlancheVisual cortex Bruno A. Olshausen (post-doc)
Kimberly S. Bland2001 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
David Meir BleiStatistical Machine Learning, Topic Models, Scalable Bayesian Computation2004 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Lian M. Bloch Psychology2012 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Hugh G. BlodgettAnimal Learning Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Kirsten M. Blount-Matthews2004 Mary Main (grad student)
Benjamin Norman Blum2008 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Rob Blumenfeld Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Peter Bodikcomputer science Electrical Engineering 2010 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Alexandra E BoehmVision Vision Science2019 Austin Roorda (grad student), William S. Tuten (post-doc)
Warren BoekerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology Business Administration1986 Michael Hout (grad student)
Charlotte A. BoettigerAddiction, Executive function20012003 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc), John P. Miller (research assistant), Gwen Jacobs (research assistant)
Briana Bohannoninterneurons, plasticity, neuroscience
Natalie L. BohlmannDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Elementary Education2007 Jonas Langer (grad student)
David BohmQuantum physics, particle physics1943 J. Robert Oppenheimer (grad student)
Robert C. Bolles Edward Chace Tolman (grad student), David Krech (grad student)
Alan B. Bond Psychology Donald A. Riley (post-doc)
AB BondsVisual system Ralph D. Freeman (post-doc)
Ben Bonhamauditory neuroscience19881994 Edwin R. Lewis (grad student)
Katharine BorgesLight-regulated K channels Richard H. Kramer (grad student)
Brendan J. BorrellBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology2006 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Mia BorzelloHuman neurophysiology, In vivo electrophysiology, hippocampus, Epilepsy Walter J. Freeman (research assistant)
Rémi BosNeuron-Glial interactions in the spinal motor networks Molecular and cell biology Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Bernhard E. Bosercomputational biology, integrated circuits
Michael D. BoskaNeuroscience Biology, Immunology, Radiology1985 Kenneth H. Sauer (grad student)
Alexandre Bouchard-Cotemachine learning Computer Science2010 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Lubomir Bourdevvision Computer Science2011 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Joel D Bowen Michael A. Silver (grad student)
Carter D Bower Psychology Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
C. Malik Boykin Department of Psychology Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student)
Christopher Alan BradfieldGenetics, PAS proteins1986 Leonard F. Bjeldanes (grad student)
Arthur Bradleyvisual perception19761983 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Erin Brandt ESPM2012 Damian Octavio Elias (grad student)
Daniel Brantonbiophysics1961 Louis Jacobson (grad student)
Meredith N. Braskiecognitive aging, Alzheimer's disease, MRI, PET20062009 William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Jochen BraunAttention, awareness, neural computation19811985 Gunther S. Stent (grad student)
Alisa Braun2021 William S. Tuten (grad student)
S Marc BreedloveDevelopment
Elizabeth A. BremnerOlfaction Noam Sobel (grad student)
Sydney BrennerC. Elegans1954 Gunther S. Stent (post-doc)
Steven L. Bressler Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
David W. BresslerVisual cortex, attention Vision Science2012 Michael A. Silver (grad student)
Jocelyn M Bretonstress, social behavior, addiction, neuroanatomy, neural circuits, development20182020 Howard L. Fields (grad student), Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Matthew Brett Richard Ivry (post-doc)
James B. BrewerHuman Memory19901991 William J. Jagust (research assistant)
Olga Bridgman Psychology George Malcolm Stratton (grad student)
Scott L. BrincatSystems Gerald Westheimer (research assistant)
Sebastien BrionEmotion Business Administration, Ph.D. Program2010 Cameron P. Anderson (grad student)
Allison M. Briscoeclinical child and adolescent psychology2004 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Michael Britton2006 Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Ali Brivanlouneural development Richard Harland (grad student)
Tamara Ann Broderick Statistics2014 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Robert W. Brodersenlow power design and wireless communications
Stephen G. BrohawnMolecular basis of sensory transduction and cellular electrical signaling
Kevin W. Bronson-CastainOphthalmology, Pathology2008 Anthony J. Adams (grad student)
Angela N. Brooks Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Donald C. Rio (grad student)
Skylar J Brooks HWNI2023 Ming Hsu (grad student)
Joseph L. Brooksvisual attention, perceptual organization19992006 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student), Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Geoffrey Brookshire Richard Ivry (research assistant)
Tilmann M. BrotzDrug Discovery and Development19961999 Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Mireille E. Brouckesomatosensory system, synaptic plasticity, neural circuitry2000 Lu Li (grad student), Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (grad student)
Windy M. BrownBehavioral endocrinology S Marc Breedlove (grad student), Noam Sobel (grad student)
Warner BrownPerception, learning Philosophy George Malcolm Stratton (grad student)
Donald R. BrownPersonality, Cognitive Psychology Leo Postman (grad student)
Michael F. Browncomparative cognition, animal cognition, animal learning Psychology19801985 Donald A. Riley (grad student)
Clarence William Browncognitive psychology
Madison Browne Psychology Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Craig Brozinsky Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Egon Brunswik
Joseph BryanCell Biology Daniel Mazia (post-doc)
Zev D. BryantBioengineering, Structural Biology2003 Carlos José Bustamante (grad student)
Bradley R. Buchsbaumlanguage, working memory, functional neuroimaging Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Theodore (Ted) Holmes Bullockneuroethology, sensory systems1940 Sol Felty Light (grad student)
Silvia A. Bungedevelopment, plasticity Anett Gyurak (collaborator)
Paul M. BunjeMarine Biology2004 David R. Lindberg (grad student)
Fred L. Bunnell1973 Harold Heady (grad student)
Michelle BurbeaCell Biology of the Neuron2002 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Thomas D. Burd2001 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Johannes D. BurgeVisual system20022008 Martin Banks (grad student)
Lindsey Burnside Psychology Iris B. Mauss (grad student)
David M. Buss 1981 Kenneth H. Craik (grad student)
Peter A. ButcherCognitive Neuroscience Psychology20072014 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Matthew P. ButlerSleep research, circadian systems, melatonin20012007 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Thomas Wade Butlercolor vision19761978 Gerald Westheimer (post-doc)
Daniel A. ButtsInformation theory, coding, estimation, vision2000 Daniel S. Rokhsar (grad student)
Leah Caroline Thomas ByrneViral gene therapy, retinal degeneration Neuroscience2011 John G. Flannery (grad student)
Gregory T. ByrnesBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology2009 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Luisa Cacheauxcalcium channels, mTOR, ERK Neuroscience2010 Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Luisa CacheuxEpilepsy Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Charles F. Cadieuvisual system Neuroscience2009 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Baris Cagdasercomputational biology, integrated circuits2005 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Larry M. Cai2008 Christian Mirescu (research assistant), Laurel Andrea Barchas (research assistant)
Matthew S. CainAttention, Perception, Visual Search, Learning20042009 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Rebecca M. Calisi Rodríguezreproduction, neurobiology, genomics Integrative Biology20132014 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (post-doc), George E. Bentley (grad student), Erica Bree Rosenblum (post-doc)
Ian GM CameronSaccades, basal ganglia, fMRI, TMS, Parkinson's disease Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Peter S. Cameron Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Kristin Scott (grad student)
Donald "Don" Thomas CampbellSocial and Methodology1947 Harold Ellis Jones (grad student), Robert Choate Tryon (grad student), Edward Chace Tolman (research assistant), Warner Brown (research assistant)
Joseph C. CampioneEducational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology
Belinda CamposEmotion2003 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Laura Cancedda Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
T Rowan CandyInfant vision19901995 Martin Banks (grad student)
Kevin Robert Canini Computer Science2011 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Maya E. CanoPFC Neuroscience2014 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Ryan Thomas Canolty Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20092013 Robert T. Knight (grad student), Jose Carmena (post-doc)
Christopher R. CantorVision Science, motor control2005 Clifton M. Schor (grad student)
Janelle M. Caponigro Psychology2015 Ann M. Kring (grad student)
Natalia CaporaleSTEM Education, Learning Analytics, QualCrit20082010 John G. Flannery (post-doc), Yang Dan (grad student)
Vanessa Carels
Nicole Carlson
Jose CarmenaMotor System
Lucinda Carnell Hsiao-Ping H. Moore (grad student)
Dana Carney
Thom Carney Ralph D. Freeman (post-doc)
Bert V. CarronBehavioral Psychology, Physical Education Franklin M. Henry (grad student)
Alexandra B. CarstensenMetaphor, Spatial Categorization, Time2013 Richard Ivry (grad student), Terrance Philip Regier (grad student), Kevin J. Holmes (collaborator)
Christian CasanovaVisual system, thalamus, cortex Ralph D. Freeman (post-doc)
Lorraine R. Casazzageology, paleontology Integrative Biology2012 Jere H. Lipps (grad student)
Elena S. CaseyNeuroscience Biology Richard Harland (post-doc)
Jude A. Cassidydevelopmental psychology Mary Main (post-doc)
Rebecca A. Cate2006 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Muruvvet Celikbas2002 J Miguel Villas-Boas (grad student)
Ignas Cerniauskas Stephan Lammel (grad student)
Adelle Cerreta Psychology20112013 Art Shimamura (research assistant)
Sasha N CervantesHuman memory, SOTL, Aging, Creativity, Psychology Psychology Joseph J. Campos (research assistant)
Xiaoqian Jenny Chaicognitive neuroscience20042009 Lucy F. Jacobs (grad student)
James J. ChambersChemical Biology, Neuroscience Chemistry20042006 Richard H. Kramer (post-doc), Dirk Trauner (collaborator)
Hoover ChanVision,Visual system, color vision, spatial vision, electrophysiology1989 Karen K. De Valois (grad student), Russell L. De Valois (grad student), Eugene Switkes (collaborator), James Vernon Odom (collaborator)
Jefferson ChanNeurological Disorders, Photoacoustic Imaging20112014 Christopher J. Chang (post-doc)
Wayne ChanIntergroup Relations Psychology2010 Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student)
Davina P. Chancerebellum, motor control2003 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Wesley Chaney
Edward Changauditory system, language, neurosurgery Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Chen Chang2005 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Young-Hui ChangLocomotion Neuromechanics2000 Rodger Kram (grad student)
Kelly H. Chang Psychology20132015 David Whitney (research assistant)
Michael B Chang
Evan H. Chang-SiuLocomotion Mechanical Engineering2013 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Juliana Chase2018 Linda E. Wilbrecht (grad student)
Amar S. Chaudharymusic2001 David Wessel (grad student)
Avi Chaudhuri1987 Donald A. Glaser (grad student)
Anuj ChauhanOphthalmic Drug Delivery2000 Clayton J. Radke (post-doc)
Serena Chensocial psychology
BinYune Chen
Lu Chen
Yubei ChenUnsupervised Learning, Representation Learning, Sparse Coding, Manifold Learning EECS Neuroscience EECS20222019 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student), Friedrich T. Sommer (collaborator), Yi Ma (collaborator)
Xi Chencognitive aging, memory, preclinical AD, fMRI, PET William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Catherine ChenLanguage, fMRI, human neuroscience, computational neuroscience Psychology, Neuroscience EECS2019 Jack L. Gallant (grad student), Daniel Klein (grad student)
Enna Chen Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology20202022 Robert W. Levenson (research assistant), Iris B. Mauss (research assistant), Dacher Keltner (research assistant), Ariana Guenther (collaborator), Diana M. Heath (collaborator)
Shuo-Wei M. Chen2006 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Lu Chen
Zhimin ChenVisual perception Psychology20162021 David Whitney (grad student)
Chelsea Chen Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Robert W. Levenson (research assistant), Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (research assistant), Ozlem Ayduk (research assistant), Paul Connor (research assistant), Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Xin Chenretina20072010 Frank S. Werblin (post-doc)
Chenmei J. ChenVisual Cortex2009 Yang Dan (grad student)
Ching-Yune Chenmemory2000 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Raymond E. ChenTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast2008 Jeremy Thorner (grad student)
Michelle Leigh Chernock2003 Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
Dimitri Alex Chernyak2001 Lawrence W. Stark (grad student)
Sundari Chetty2009 Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Samantha CheungTaste system Kristin Scott (grad student)
Terry C. Chiclinical child and adolescent psychology2002 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Christine ChiarelloHemispheric Specialization, cognitive neuroscience19781982 Curtis Hardyck (grad student)
Shih-Chieh ChienDevelopment Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Yun Chiu20192022 Hillel Adesnik (research assistant)
Minha Cho Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Vivian Chohmyopia Christine Wildsoet (post-doc)
Sue Yeon Choi2006 Richard H. Kramer (grad student)
Jenny Y. Choih2001 Tito Serafini (grad student)
Steven A. CholewiakVisual perception, Shape representation, Perceptual organization, Probabilistic models Optometry Optometry & Vision Science20182020 Martin Banks (post-doc), Martin Banks (research scientist)
Adrien Chopinvisual system, stereopsis Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Winyoo ChowanadisaiNutrition, Neuroscience, Biology, Genetics, Development Psychology Psychology19982001 Marc S. Breedlove (research assistant), Stephen P. Hinshaw (research assistant)
Lionel Christiaen Michael Levine (post-doc)
Stephen D. ChristmanCognitive neuropsychology, Brain asymmetry19821988 Curtis Hardyck (grad student)
Susana Chung
Jessica A. Church-LangfMRI, reading, development20082012 Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Ulas Ciftcioglu Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Nicholas Cinko Physics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Michael A. Cirannimemory2000 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Kelly B. ClancyNeurobiology Biophysics2014 Dan Feldman (grad student)
Richard D. ClarkNerve regeneration Zoology19701975 David Bentley (grad student)
Dav ClarkSkill Learning, Education, Behavioral Change, Conceptual Change Psychology20072013 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Lee Noel Clark2003 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Dennis Clegg1984 Daniel E. Koshland (grad student)
Lynwood G. ClemensBehavioral Neuroendocrinology19611966 Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Hollis Clinedevelopment, visual system Gunther S. Stent (grad student)
Daniel R Coatesperipheral vision, psychophysics Vision Science Graduate Group20092015 Susana Chung (grad student)
Rebecca A. CodeNeuroanatomy Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
David Harris Cohen1963 Donald A. Riley (grad student), Wayne A. Wickelgren (collaborator)
Jessica R. CohenFunctional Connectivity, Graph Theory, Executive Control, Developmental Disorders20092014 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
David CohenBiomagnetism Burton J. Moyer (grad student)
Brendan I Cohn-SheehyMemory, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, fMRI, neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, context memory, episodic memory Psychology20092012 Art Shimamura (research assistant)
Michael W. ColeCognitive control, fMRI, MEG, rapid instructed task learning (RITL), memory Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Don ColingInner Ear Neurobiology19961999 John G. Forte (post-doc)
Brian G CondieImmune system development, gene editing.1989 Richard Harland (grad student)
Joanie B. ConnellSocial Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Information Science2000 Gerald Mendelsohn (grad student)
Allison E Connell PenskyHaptic perception & spatial representation Psychology2013 William Prinzmetal (grad student), Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Paul Connor Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Alexandra E. ConstantinArtificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics Biology, Radiology, Oncology Computer Science2012 Ruzena Bajcsy (grad student)
Norman ConstantinePublic Health, Developmental Psychology, Higher Education
Anthony ConwayAdult Neurogenesis20082013 David V. Schaffer (grad student), Anuj Chauhan (grad student)
Robert G. CookAnimal Cognition, Avian Vision, Comparative Psychology Psychology Donald A. Riley (grad student)
Ian Cameron Cook2008 Frederic Theunissen (research assistant)
Bradley M. CookeEnergy homeostasis, obesity, diabetes, synaptic plasticity, sexual differentiation, puberty2001 S Marc Breedlove (grad student)
Savannah Cookson2017 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Roshan Cools2003 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc), Margaret A. Sheridan (collaborator)
Clyde H. CoombsMathematical psychology Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Jeffrey W. Cooney Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Emily A. CooperVisual system Neuroscience2012 Martin Banks (grad student)
Joseph C. Corbophotoreceptor transcriptional networks19931997 Michael Levine (grad student)
Daniel T. CordaroEmotion Psychology2014 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Shaun N. CordesDevelopment2006 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Sharif Corinaldi
Lawrence K. CormackVisual system Clifton M. Schor (grad student)
Kathryn A. Cortopassi EECS / Bioengineering Edwin R. Lewis (grad student)
Ignasi CosComputational Neuroscience Jose Carmena (post-doc)
Nicolas P. CottarisVisual prostheses2001 Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
William Coulter20082010 Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Martin V. CovingtonPersonality Psychology, Educational Psychology Education1962 Frederick Thomas Tyler (grad student)
Noah CowanLocomotion Robert J. Full (post-doc)
Carolyn P. CowanClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Christopher W. CowellPhilosophy2001 John Searle (grad student)
Alan Cowen Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Michael C. CrairCortical development, Sensory map development and plasticity19871991 William Bialek (grad student)
Emily E. CraneGenetics Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Thomas J. Crawford
Christopher Crawford Iris B. Mauss (grad student)
Felix CreutzigAuditory system, Information Theory Andreas V. Herz (grad student), Naftali Tishby (grad student)
David Pafford Crews19731975 Paul Licht (post-doc)
Michael Anthony CrognaleVision, Human factors19901994 Anthony J. Adams (post-doc)
Edward R.F.W. CrossmanIndustrial Engineering, Management Business Administration, Operations Research
Poppy A. CrumAuditory system2005 Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Richard Stanley Crutchfield Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Tolga CukurComputational Neuroscience, fMRI2010 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Benjamin Jackson CulpepperVisual system Computer Science20052011 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Sarah B. Cunninghamanimal behavior, physiological substrates of behavior2005 Stephen E. Glickman (grad student)
Clayton E. CurtisExecutive control20002003 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Rebecca A. CutlerCognitive neuroscience, memory, neuroimaging Psychology20132014 Richard Ivry (research assistant)
Josephine D'AngeloVision Vision Science2021 Austin Roorda (grad student)
Mark D'EspositoCognitive Neuroscience Suraj Sunil Pradhan (collaborator)
Federico d'Oleire UquillasNeuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience20122013 Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Ronald E. Dahl
Sarang S. Dalal20032007 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Deniz DalkaraGene therapies, animal models for neurodegenerative diseases John G. Flannery (post-doc), David V. Schaffer (post-doc)
Chris J. DallmannNeuroscience, Motor Control, Proprioception, Drosophila Integrative Biology20122012 Robert J. Full (research assistant)
Cathrine Damsocial behavior and executive control2008 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Yang DanVisual Cortex
Sangita R. DandekarVision2009 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
Joseph R. Daniele Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
James DannemillerInfant vision and visual perception19791984 Martin Banks (grad student)
Dang Q. DaoVisual Neuroscience, Regenerative Medicine, Retina, Cellular Electrophysiology20042005 Yang Dan (research assistant)
Trevor DarrellComputer vision
Shahram DastmalchiVision2003 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
Christopher M. Davenport2009 Richard H. Kramer (post-doc)
Stephen V. Davidauditory system, attention19982005 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Nicolas DavidenkoFace perception20002000 Martin Banks (research assistant)
Graeme W. Davis Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Wendy L. DavisVision2004 Karen K. De Valois (grad student)
William Rhett Davis2002 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Heydar DavoudiSystems Neuroscience
Heather E. DawesGenetics, Neuroscience2000 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Johannes (Han) de Jong Stephan Lammel (post-doc)
Russell L. De ValoisVision Karen K. De Valois (collaborator)
Karen K. De ValoisVision
Eric S. De Vospsychosocial stress, developmental psychology, cultural psychology
Terrence W. DeaconBrain evolution, language, emergence
Camin Beth Dean2003 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Greg DeAngelisMT, stereopsis1992 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
John C. DeFriesBehavior Genetics19631964 Gerald E. McClearn (post-doc)
Vadim E. Degtyarpresynaptic mechanisms, SNAREs, calcium signaling20122012 Robert S. Zucker (research scientist), Richard H. Kramer (research scientist)
Joseph DeGutisSustained Attention, Cognitive Training, Face Recognition Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Kilian Dekoninck Plant and Microbial Biology Matthew F Traxler (post-doc)
Kerry R. Delaneysynaptic physiology, dendritic physiology19871989 Robert S. Zucker (post-doc)
Kristen Delevichfrontal cortex, microcircuitry, mouse models of psychiatric disease, electrophysiology Linda E. Wilbrecht (post-doc)
Shannon N. DeMariaLateral line function and regeneration Molecular & Cell Biology2010 John Ngai (grad student)
Laura Anne DeNardo Richard H. Kramer (research assistant)
Rachel N. Denisonvisual perception, attention, awareness, temporal dynamics in perception20082013 Michael A. Silver (grad student)
Stephanie M. DenisonInfant Cognition, Probabilistic Reasoning Psychology20092012 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Bristol Denlinger Richard H. Kramer (post-doc)
Lisa M. Dennison Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Kristin Scott (grad student)
Robert J. DenverAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology1989 Paul Licht (grad student)
Leon DeouellAudition Robert T. Knight (post-doc), Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Sachin S. DeshmukhHippocampal system, vision, olfaction Yang Dan (post-doc)
Michael R. DeWeeseAuditory Cortex
Kavita P. DhamdhereOphthalmology, Neuroscience Biology Vision Science2012 Anthony J. Adams (grad student)
Marian Diamond
Aaron DiAntonioDrosophila NMJ Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Michael H. Dickinsonneurobiology, biomechanics
Barry Dicksonmating behavior Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Jörn DiedrichsenMotor Control2003 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Gretchen E. Diehl2003 Astar Winoto (grad student)
James J. Diehl Molecular and Cell Biology Jeffery A. Winer (post-doc)
Jian Ding Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Michael J. DischVision2006 Karen K. De Valois (grad student)
Chinh H. Doan2009 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Ellen K. DodgeLinguistics Linguistics2010 George Lakoff (grad student)
Chad Dodson Art Shimamura (post-doc)
Nate Dolensek
Philippe JD Domenechdecision-making, fMRI, computational models, S-EEG, EEG, DBS Ralph D. Freeman (research assistant)
Fulvio Domini3D shape perception19992000 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Yiyan Dongneural circuit and therapy for major depression Molecular Celluar Biology20142014 Kristin Scott (research assistant)
Iskra Pollak Dorocic Stephan Lammel (post-doc)
Nicholas Monroe Dotson Bioengineering20172021 Michael Yartsev (post-doc)
Joshua DownerNeuroscience, Auditory System20092010 Frederic Theunissen (research assistant)
Elizabeth A. DrayEducational Psychology Education, Adult and Continuing Education2003 Nadine Lambert (grad student)
Christine M. DreaBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Stephen E. Glickman (post-doc)
Hubert Dreyfus
Laura Nicole DriscollG-protein coupled receptors20092011 Richard H. Kramer (research assistant)
Joseph R. Driscoll20112013 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student), Howard L. Fields (research scientist)
Nina Dronkersaphasia 19801985 Curtis Hardyck (grad student)
Jiulin Duretina, zebrafish, neuromodulator, vescular Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Audrey Laquita Duarte2004 Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
Audrey DuarteCognitive Neuroscience2004 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Rachit Dubey
John C. Duchi Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2014 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Richard D. Dudasmusic2004 David Wessel (grad student)
Daniel M. DudekLocomotion2006 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Robert DudleyBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology
Peter H. Duesberg karyotypic origin and evolution of cancer cells1964 Harry Rubin (post-doc)
Cynthia Dawn Duggancell biology, development2006 John Ngai (grad student)
Linda Warren Duke
Tim Dunn Richard H. Kramer (research assistant)
Thang Duong2007 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Tom Dupré la Tour Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2019 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Julie Duque20072009 Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Vasha G DuTellTheoretical Neuroscience, Vision, Natural Scene Statistics computer vision Vision Science2015 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Sandrine DuverneCognitive control and aging Psychology20032005 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Raaz DwivediStatistical Machine Learning, Monte Carlo Methods EECS EECS, Statistics EECS20172021 Martin Wainwright (grad student), Bin Yu (grad student), Michael I. Jordan (collaborator)
Michael Philip Dybbsbiotechnology, consulting2005 John Ngai (grad student)
Melody Dye
Stephen S. Easter Jr.Fish, Visual System, Retina, Development19681969 Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Gray EatonBehavioral Neuroendocrinology1969 Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Benjamin A. EatonCell Biology2000 Hsiao-Ping H. Moore (grad student)
Rachel Ebling2006 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Regina Ebo Psychology Iris B. Mauss (grad student)
Maria K EcksteinComputational modeling, psychology, reinforcement learning Psychology Psychology Silvia A. Bunge (grad student), Anne GE Collins (grad student)
Jay A. EdelmanEye movements19891993 Edward L. Keller (grad student), Walter J. Freeman (research assistant)
Miren EdelsteinMusic cognition, synesthesia, auditory perception20102011 Frederic Theunissen (research assistant)
Ashley M. EdenComputer vision Computer Science2010 Trevor Darrell (grad student)
Jordan L Edmundsneuroengineering, neuroprosthetics, microfabrication, optics, optoelectronics, photonics
Erik Edwards2007 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Mark EdwardsVisual perception, psychophysics Clifton M. Schor (post-doc)
David Egert
Alexander J. EhrenbergNeurodegenerative diseases, stress, neuromodulatory systems, neuropathology Integrative Biology / Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2019 Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Sheryl EhrlichVisual perception19931998 Martin Banks (grad student)
Adam Eichenbaum Psychology Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Polina Eidelman Psychology2010 Allison G. Harvey (grad student)
Peter M. Eimonneural development2001 Richard Harland (grad student)
Michael B EisenDevelopmental Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Computational Biology, Structural Biology, Evolution, Microbiology, Behavior
Nancy EisenbergClinical Psychology1976 Paul Mussen (grad student)
Valerie V Ekko School of Social Welfare Neuroscience Vision Science2021 Jennifer L. Skeem (research assistant), Matthew P. Walker (research assistant), David Whitney (research assistant)
Laurent El Ghaoui
Malak El-QuessnyNeural circuit development2015 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Lameese Eldesouky Oliver P. John (research assistant)
Sylvia ElfarVisual system, neurophysiology, prostheses2002 Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
Hillary A. Elfenbein
Damian Octavio EliasCommunication, sound and vibration
Scott Eliasofretina, glutamate transporters, chemical biology19861992 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Julie E. ElieVocal communication, songbird, auditory cortex20112015 Frederic Theunissen (post-doc)
Taffeta M. ElliottAuditory neurobiology, acoustic communication Frederic Theunissen (post-doc)
Mark H. EllismanBioinformatics, Electron Microscopy, Imaging, Microscopy, Subcellular Structure Psychobiology Stephen E. Glickman (grad student)
Jeremy Elman William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Thomas W. ElstonElectrophysiology, Cognitive neuroscience, Primate, Reinforcement Learning, Task Model2021 Joni Wallis (post-doc)
Justin B. Elstrottretina
Carolyn Elyabehavioral parasitology MCB20112017 Michael B. Eisen (grad student)
Tatiana Emmanouilattention Lynn C. Robertson (research assistant)
Miro EnevComputational Neuroscience, Motor Control20032005 Richard Ivry (research assistant)
Joshua S. Eng Psychology2012 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Barbara Elizabeth EngelhardtMachine learning, Bayesian statistics, statistical genetics, computational biology, quantitative genetics.2007 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Florian Alois Engertzebrafish, optic tectum, behavior, vision, imaging Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Tammy L. English2008 Oliver P. John (grad student), Serena Chen (grad student)
Jay M. EnochBasic and clinical vision science
David Epel Daniel Mazia (grad student)
Lisa D. EpsteinManagement Business Administration2000 Barry M. Staw (grad student)
Cynthia A. Ericksonvisual object recognition and memory20042007 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Drew Talyn EricksonDecision Making, Visual Systems, Fronto-Parietal Networks Andrew Kayser (post-doc)
Gennady Erlikhmanvisual perception, perceptual organization, contour perception, object perception,20072008 Martin Banks (research assistant)
Marc O. Ernst Martin Banks (post-doc)
Susan M. Ervin-TrippSociolinguistics, language acquisition
Elena A. EscaleraSociolinguistics, language acquisition2002 Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (grad student)
Ignacio Esclante ESPM2014 Damian Octavio Elias (grad student)
Jaclyn Essigsensorimotor decision making, dopamine Psychology2021 Linda E. Wilbrecht (post-doc)
Edward A. EssockVisual Perception Jay M. Enoch (post-doc)
Daniel Estandian Yang Dan (research assistant), Diana Bautista (research assistant)
Jennifer Beth Esterly2000 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Michael EstermanVisual attention, binding, synesthesia2006 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student), William Prinzmetal (grad student)
Jose EstradaNeurobiology
Jose Emilio Estrada Molecular & Cell Biology2012 John Ngai (grad student)
Marc EttlingerPhonetics, Phonology20052008 Larry M. Hyman (grad student), Carla L. Hudson Kam (grad student), Sharon Inkelas (grad student), Keith Johnson (grad student)
Eduardo EuropaAphasia, Neuroscience, Neurolinguistics20062008 Lori Markson (research assistant)
Dennis J. EvangelistaBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology Biology2013 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Chinwuba D. Ezekwecomputational biology, integrated circuits2007 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Alisa M. FallonEducational Psychology Education, Cognitive Psychology2006 Joseph C. Campione (grad student)
Michael Fang Physics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Wicia M Fangwell-being, social connection, social status Psychology Jack Glaser (research assistant)
Madza Y. Farias VirgensEvolution of Human Language Anthropology20112016 Terrence W. Deacon (grad student)
Claire T. FarleyLocomotion19921994 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Christine A. FawcettSocial-cognitive development20022008 Lori Markson (grad student)
Scott A. Fay Integrative Biology20032010 Jere H. Lipps (grad student)
Matthew R. FeinbergEmotion Psychology Psychology2012 Dacher Keltner (grad student), Robb Willer (grad student)
David FeinbergMRI technology development
David A. Feldheim MCD Biolgoy Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Dan FeldmanNeurobiology
Marla B. Fellerretinal physiology and development
Gidon FelsenSystems2004 Yang Dan (grad student)
Andras D. Ferenczvision2005 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Michael H. Ferkinolfactory communication, animal behavior19881991 Irving (Irv) Zucker (post-doc)
Maria J. FernandezBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology Integrative Biology2010 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Todd Patrick Ferreira2007 John Ngai (grad student)
Daniel P. FerrisNeural Control and Biomechanics of Human Locomotion Human Biodynamics19951998 Claire T. Farley (grad student), Rodger Kram (collaborator), Rodger Kram (grad student)
Christian FiebachCognitive Neuroscience, language, working memory, fMRI, EEG20042006 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc), Jesse Rissman (collaborator)
Howard L. Fieldsopioid regulation of motivated behaviors, synaptic and circuit mechanisms, pain, addiction
John Filmore
Randy Fingerhut psychology Sheri L. Johnson (grad student)
Andrew Kelli Finn2002 Jennifer L. Whistler (grad student)
Amy S. FinnDevelopment of Language, critical periods Psychology Psychology2010 Mark D'Esposito (grad student), Carla L. Hudson Kam (grad student)
Eva M. FinneyVisual development Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Stuart FiresteinOlfaction Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Alana Firl Vision Science2014 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Jason T. Fischervisual perception, visual attention Psychology20062012 David Whitney (grad student)
Walter Fischler-Ruiz Molecular & Cell Biology20042009 Kristin Scott (grad student)
Aaron FisherPerson-specific methodologies; formulation of personalized interventions; psychotherapy; psychophysiology of anxiety disorders; classification of psychopathology.
Reiko Fitzsimonds Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Patrick Joseph Flaherty2006 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
John G. FlanneryNeuroscience , retina Steven K. Fisher (grad student)
Brendan L. Flannery Lee W. Riley (grad student)
Tinya C. FlemingDevelopment2004 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Russell B. Fletcherneural development2006 Richard Harland (grad student)
Anastasia V. Flevarisface perception Psychology2009 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Adeen Flinkerspeech, audition, Broca, Language, ECoG Neuroscience2012 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Octavian Florescucomputational biology, integrated circuits Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Michelle V. FlytheIntergroup Relations Psychology2013 Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student)
Peying Fongion transport in non-excitable cells Rick Steinhardt (post-doc)
Carlton J. FongEducational Psychology, Motivation20072008 Randi A. Engle (grad student)
Yvonne M FonkenPredictive coding, motor control, sensory systems2012 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Kevin J. Ford Molecular & Cell Biology20052011 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Celia F. FordCognitive Neuroscience
John G. ForteH+/K+ - ATPase, secretion, vesicle trafficking
Francesca FortenbaughVisual attention and perception Psychology2012 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Alexander Hawthorne FossAnxiety, face perception2009 Sonia J. Bishop (grad student)
Ruthe Foushee Psychology20152020 Fei Xu (grad student)
Charless C. Fowlkesvision2005 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Edward Paxon FradyComputation20172019 Friedrich T. Sommer (post-doc)
Ashley E. FrakesALS, microglia Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Malik J. Francis Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Donald C. Rio (grad student)
Darlene D. FrancisStress & Development2006 Daniela Kaufer (collaborator), Christian Mirescu (collaborator)
C. Andrew FrankSynaptic Plasticity, Homeostatic Mechanisms, Drosophila Neurobiology19982004 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Kurt M. FraserMotivation, Reward, Dopamine2021 Stephan Lammel (post-doc)
Blaise deBonneval FrederickfMRI, NIRS, cerebral hemodynamics, NMR, sodium Biophysics19871994 Thomas Budinger (grad student)
Christina M. FrederickVision2004 Karen K. De Valois (grad student)
Barbara L. Fredricksonpositive emotions19901992 Robert W. Levenson (post-doc), Charles A. Schreiber (collaborator), Daniel Kahneman (post-doc)
Ralph D. FreemanVisual system Gerald Westheimer (grad student), Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Louise Margaret Freemanbehavioral neuroendocrinology19881995 S Marc Breedlove (grad student)
David A. Freemanbiological rhythms19962002 Irving (Irv) Zucker (post-doc)
Tom FreemanVisual perception19951997 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Walter J. FreemanOlfactory System
Thane Fremouw Frederic Theunissen (post-doc)
Matthew FrerkingNeuroscience, electrophysiology, synaptic transmission Yang Dan (post-doc)
Shelley I. Fried2004 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Wolfgang Otto FriesenNeuroethology, sensory motor integration19741977 Gunther S. Stent (post-doc)
Adam Frim Physics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Robert Froemke19992004 Yang Dan (grad student)
Andrea Lynn FromeComputer Vision20022007 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Barrie J. Frostneurophysiology, birds1968 Gerald Westheimer (post-doc)
Charles Frye Neuroscience Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Robert J. FullLocomotion
Robert S. Fullerproprotein processing and protein localization in yeast Jeremy Thorner (post-doc)
Daniella Furman
Christopher J. GadeCognitive Psychology2008 Martin V. Covington (grad student)
Christopher Gagne Psychology David Badre (research assistant)
Melanie A. Gaineysynaptic plasticity2012 Dan Feldman (post-doc)
Jack L. GallantSystems Stephen E. Palmer (research assistant)
Frederick J. GallunAuditory system, psychoacoustics2003 Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Christina Gambacorta Dennis Levi (grad student)
Kate D. Games Molecular and Cell Biology Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
Shashank GandhiNeural crest, Developmental Biology Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology2021 Richard Harland (post-doc)
Chris Shrenik Gandhi2003 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Sumitra GaneshComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics Engineering2009 Ruzena Bajcsy (grad student)
Deep GanguliComputational biology Frederic Theunissen (research assistant)
James GaoVisual system2009 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Shan Gaocognitive science; concept, reasoning, structure Linguistics2020 Terrance Philip Regier (research assistant)
John GarciaTaste Aversion Learning David Krech (grad student)
Mariana B. Garcia Visual system, myopia Vision Science2014 Christine Wildsoet (grad student)
Jaime García-AñoverosNeuroscience19881989 Anthony Otsuka (research assistant)
David E. Gard2005 Ann M. Kring (grad student)
Jonathan S. Gardner Psychology2011 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
Gian GarrigaDevelopment
Pierre Jerome Garrigues2009 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Gabriel M. Gauthiermotor control, sensori-motor integration Lawrence W. Stark (grad student)
Brian C. Gawalt Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Laurent El Ghaoui (grad student)
Neta Gazit Stephan Lammel (post-doc)
Adam GazzaleyTop-down modulation, visual system, aging20022007 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc), Jesse Rissman (collaborator)
Emil J. Geiger2008 Albert P. Pisano (grad student)
Linda K. George Psychology2010 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Sergei Gepshteinvisual perception, intersensory interaction, theoretical neuroscience20042007 Martin Banks (post-doc), Laurence T. Maloney (collaborator), Marc O. Ernst (collaborator), Michael S. Landy (collaborator), Julia Trommershäuser (collaborator)
Anna Geraghty Daniela Kaufer (research assistant), George E. Bentley (grad student)
John GerhartDevelopmental Biology, Genetics 1962 Arthur B. Pardee (grad student)
Thomas William Gerling2002 Harold Lecar (grad student)
Wulfram GerstnerComputation & Theory19891990 William Bialek (post-doc)
Sara GesuatoPhonetics2004 John Ohala (grad student)
Peter GettingSynapses Rick Steinhardt (grad student)
Wayne M. Getz
Afshin M. GharibHunger, metabolism, depression2002 Seth Roberts (grad student)
Geoffrey Ghose Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Tandra GhoseVision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization20042006 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
Robert Gibboni2014 Shaowen Bao (grad student)
Sasha E. GibbsExecutive control2004 William J. Jagust (post-doc), Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Jay R. Gibson Gerald Westheimer (research assistant)
Erin M. GibsonNeuroendocrinology Psychology20062011 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Arthur C. GieseBiology1932 Sumner Cushing Brooks (research assistant)
Laura Gigliotti Environmental Science, Policy, and Management2020 Arthur Middleton (post-doc)
Jeffrey M. Gilbert2000 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Holly GildeaGlial biology, Aging, Axon Guidance Molecular and Cell Biology20172022 Andrew Dillin (grad student)
Grace Gillmolecular mechanisms that regulate transcription19891994 Robert Tjian (post-doc)
Patrick R. Gillsystems2007 Frederic Theunissen (grad student)
Peter F. GilletteDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2006 Jonas Langer (grad student)
David Henry GireOlfactory system, Neurophysiology, Behavioral Neuroscience20012002 Frederic Theunissen (research assistant)
Ahna C. Girshickvisual perception, psychophysics, computational models of vision20012007 Martin Banks (grad student)
Per F. GjerdeDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology Jack Block (grad student)
John GladdenDevelopmental Biology2005 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Donald A. GlaserVisual system
Edward Glasscockion channels, epilepsy20002005 Mark Tanouye (grad student)
Henry GleitmanLanguage and Communication1950 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Stephen E. Glickmananimal behavior, physiological substrates of behavior
Joel C. GloverDevelopmental neuroscience, Vestibular system, Brain stem development, Spinal cord development, Stem cell biology19781984 Gunther S. Stent (grad student)
Michael Goard Neuroscience2009 Yang Dan (grad student)
Angelica GodinezPsychophysics, eye-movements Dennis Levi (grad student)
Alexandra Serna Godoy Psychology Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Phillip A. GoffSocial Psychology, Public and Social Welfare Claude Steele (grad student)
Judith P. GogginPsychometrics Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Modern Language1964 Leo Postman (grad student)
Dattaprabhakar Vinayak Gokhale
Joseph Goldbeck20112012 Dan Feldman (grad student), Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Andrea GoldsmithElectrical Engineering1994 Pravin Pratap Varaiya (grad student)
David GoldsteinExpertise, Giftedness, Talent, Judgment & Decision-making in the Elderly
Andrea N. GoldsteinSleep and Emotion Matthew P. Walker (grad student)
Gian C. GonzagaEmotion2001 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Madeleine S. Goodkind Psychology2011 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Corey S. Goodman C. H. F. Rowell (grad student)
Alison GopnikDevelopment
Aubrey Gorbman1940 Herbert McLean Evans (post-doc), Charles William Creaser (grad student)
Sara M. Gorchoff2008 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Jeremy Raboff GordonComputational Cognitive Science, Psychology, Information Studies School of Information School of Information20172022 Max T. Curran (collaborator), John Chuang (grad student)
Shefa DeGroot Gordon2004 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Michael R. Gormanbiological rhythms Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Pau Gorostiza Langa Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Neta Gotlieb2014 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Michael Grabeion channels Department of Physics19962002 George F. Oster (grad student)
Marcia Graboweckyvisual perception, attention Anne Treisman (grad student)
Carl E. Granrud
George B. GrantRetina Bioinformatics Genotyping Genetics19881992 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Caterina Gratton Neuroscience20082013 Michael A. Silver (grad student), Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Charles Marshall GrayVisual System, Cortical Physiology Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
Eric Spencer Green2000 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Jeremy Green Molecular and Cell biology19921994 John Gerhart (post-doc)
Kenneth P. GreenbergVisual system, retina20072007 Frank S. Werblin (post-doc), John G. Flannery (grad student)
Maxwell Greene2021 William S. Tuten (grad student)
Ian Greenhousecognitive control Psychology Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Gilbert S. Greenwald Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Naomi I. Gribneau2006 Marian Diamond (grad student)
Sandon GriffinBrain stimulation MCB Psychology20162018 Hillel Adesnik (research assistant), Robert T. Knight (research assistant)
Thomas L. Griffithscomputation
Konstantinos GrigorakisInfant cognitive development2000 John S. Watson (grad student)
William GriscomVisual Perception and Aesthetics Psychology20092014 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
David H. GrosofVisual system, neocortex, retina, imaging19821989 Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
James Grossemotion, emotion regulation Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
June GruberPositive Emotions and Psychopathology20052009 Dacher Keltner (grad student), Sheri L. Johnson (grad student), Ann M. Kring (grad student), Allison G. Harvey (grad student), Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Chunhui Guvision Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Ming GuNumerical linear algebra, Scientific computing
Dadi Gudmundsson2005 J George Shanthikumar (grad student)
Brian T. Guelzowclinical child and adolescent psychology Psychology2013 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Joshua S. GuenterPhonetics2000 John Ohala (grad student)
Ariana Guenther Psychology Psychology20212022 Robert W. Levenson (research assistant), Iris B. Mauss (research assistant)
Karen I. GuerinNeuroscience , retina2008 John G. Flannery (grad student)
Blas G. GuerreroEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Martin V. Covington (grad student)
Giovanna Guerrero-MedinaDrosophila NMJ, fluorescent neural activity reporters19982004 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student), Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Saurabh GuptaComputer Vision2018 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Mark A. GurlingDevelopment Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Kapil Gururanganclinical neurology, epilepsy Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience20122013 Robert T. Knight (research assistant), Mark D'Esposito (research assistant), Sepideh Sadaghiani (research assistant), Avgusta Shestyuk (research assistant)
Katie A. GustavsenAudition, anatomy2007 Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
Kate A. GustavsenAttention, Veterinary Medicine20002007 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Anett Gyurakemotion regulation, executive control Psychology20052010 Robert W. Levenson (grad student), Ozlem Ayduk (grad student)
Ruby HaVoluntary & involuntary attention20072007 William Prinzmetal (research assistant)
Jurgan Habermas
Gunilla Haegerstrom-PortnoyOphthalmology, Neuroscience Biology
Ervin R. HafterAuditory system
Ilana S. Hairstonsleep20052008 John Allison (post-doc)
Richard HakimSystems Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience20142016 Alexander Naka (collaborator), Scott R. Pluta (collaborator), Gregory Telian (collaborator), Julia Veit (collaborator), David Taylor (collaborator), Hillel Adesnik (research assistant)
Ira M. Hall
Andrew HalleyBrain evolution Anthropology20092016 Terrence W. Deacon (grad student)
Nathaniel M. HallinanMarine Biology Integrative Biology2011 David R. Lindberg (grad student)
Duco Hamasaki Elwin Marg (grad student)
Aaron Michael Hamby Molecular and Cell Biology2013 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Russell D. HamerVisual system, psychohysics, photoreceptors, phototransduction, visual development19821984 Jay M. Enoch (post-doc)
Helen H. Hamiltongeology, paleontology2001 Jere H. Lipps (grad student)
Liberty S. HamiltonAuditory cortex, speech, ECoG20092013 Shaowen Bao (grad student), Katherine L. Narr (research assistant)
Jessica B. HamrickComputational cognitive science2012 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Feng HanVisual Cortex2007 Yang Dan (grad student)
Daniel HandwerkerHemodynamic signals, aging20002005 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Giao Hangneural circuits2009 Yang Dan (grad student)
Peter W. HanksPhilosophy2002 John Searle (grad student)
Blake HannafordBiorobotics19801985 Lawrence W. Stark (grad student)
Kathleen A. Hansen20012006 Jack L. Gallant (grad student), Yang Dan (research assistant)
Thomas E. HarbaughDevelopment2001 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Joseph L. HardyCognitive Training19972002 Karen K. De Valois (grad student)
Curtis HardyckHemispheric Specialization, Visual Cognition, Cognitive Neuroscience
William Hare W. Geoffrey Owen (grad student)
Adeola N Harewood2017 Michael A. Silver (grad student)
Richard Harlandneural development
Wolf M. HarmeningVisual system, Psychophysics, Adaptive optics2011 Austin Roorda (post-doc)
Richard E. Harrision channels, pain, neuroimaging, acupuncture19921998 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Thomas C. Harrisonmotor cortex, stroke2013 Yang Dan (post-doc)
Tessa Harrison William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Allison G. Harveysleep
Lynn Hasher Leo Postman (grad student)
William B. Haskell Industrial Engineering & Operations Research2011 J George Shanthikumar (grad student)
Benjamin Y. HaydenCognitive Neuroscience20002005 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Eliot HazeltineMotor control, executive control, dual-task19921998 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Gordon G. Heath Gordon Lynn Walls (grad student)
Ulrike Heberlein Gerald M. Rubin (post-doc), Robert Tjian (grad student)
Jeffrey HeerHuman-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence20012001 Noam Sagiv (research assistant)
Erin A. Heerey Social Psychology2004 Ann M. Kring (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Carol D. HegstromNeurobiology, Psychology Public health20012003 S Marc Breedlove (post-doc), Fenyong Liu (post-doc)
Laura M. Heiserspatial cognition Yang Dan (research assistant)
William J. Heitlerneuroethology, computational neuroscience C. H. F. Rowell (post-doc)
William D. HendricksCortical circuits, perception, synaptic plasticity, optogenetics2019 Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Robin R. HenkeAdministration Education2000 Martin V. Covington (grad student)
John Richard HenleyAxon Guidance, Developmental Neurobiology, Neural Regeneration Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Franklin M. HenryMotor control19351938 Clarence William Brown (grad student)
Arturo E. HernandezCognitive Neuroscience of Language19901991 Art Shimamura (research assistant)
Ryan J. Herring Industrial Engineering & Operations Research2010 Laurent El Ghaoui (grad student)
Christoph S. HerrmannPsychology, EEG, gamma oscillations20002000 Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
George Paul Hesscaged neurotransmitters, photolysis, kinetics, nicotinic acetylcholine, GABA(A), NMDA, glutamate, glycine, receptors, inhibitors, epilepsy1951 Choh Hao Li (grad student)
Erik David HesseAttachment and evolution; narrative; disorganized and unclassifiable child and adult attachment status; alterations in normal consciousness as related to adverse attachment experiences; effects of frightened and frightening parental behavior
E. Mavis HetheringtonDevelopmental psychology1958 Leo Postman (grad student)
Adam L. Hickenbothamvision Bioengineering2012 Austin Roorda (grad student)
Laura L. Hieber Richard Ivry (research scientist)
Sara M. Hiebert Irving (Irv) Zucker (post-doc)
Ryan I. HillBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology2008 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Rose Hillsensory neurobiology Molecular and Cell Biology20152019 Diana Bautista (grad student)
Richard M. Hill Elwin Marg (grad student)
Sarah Hillenbrandcognition Richard Ivry (grad student)
James M. HillisColor vision, Cue combination, Depth perception19972002 Martin Banks (grad student)
Stephen P. Hinshawclinical child and adolescent psychology
Makoto HiroiTaste system2006 Kristin Scott (post-doc)
Yasushi HiromiDrosophila neural development Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Jerry HirschPsychology19501955 Robert Choate Tryon (grad student)
Tiffany Cheing Hocognitive neuroscience, adolescence, attention, depression, mood disorders Psychology20062007 Ilana S. Hairston (research assistant), Allison G. Harvey (research assistant)
Theresa W. Ho2002 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Yeuk Fai Ho2000 Lawrence W. Stark (grad student)
Adam D. Hoaglandsynaptic plasticity and homeostasis Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology20142014 Ehud Y. Isacoff (research assistant), Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Julian Hochbergvisual perception1949 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Mark Holder Seth Roberts (grad student)
Christopher Ramsay HoldgrafCognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology20102011 Thomas L. Griffiths (research assistant)
Sarah R. Holley Psychology2010 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Ralph L. HollowayBrain evolution Marian Diamond (grad student), Sherwood Larned Washburn (grad student)
Kevin J. Holmescognitive science, language and thought, concepts20132014 Terrance Philip Regier (post-doc)
Lars Holzhausen Richard H. Kramer (post-doc)
Heather L. HoneaMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology2001 Priya Raghubir (grad student)
Ignace HoogePsychophysics19992000 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Christine I. Hooker Mark D'Esposito (post-doc), Anett Gyurak (collaborator)
Woody HopfElectrophysiology, motivation, drugs of abuse Rick Steinhardt (grad student)
John J. HopfieldModelling
Elizabeth J. HorbergEmotion Psychology2010 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Todd HorowitzVisual attention19901995 Anne Treisman (grad student)
Peter Howarth Vision Sciences19851989 Christopher W. Tyler (grad student)
James E. Howell2005 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Ronald R. HoyAuditory system David Bentley (post-doc)
Colin W. HoyCognitive control, network dynamics Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2014 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Linda C. Hsieh-Wilsonmolecular basis of fundamental brain processes1996 Peter G. Schultz (grad student)
Ming Hsudecision making, risk, social behavior, game theory, neurogenetics of choice
Anne HsuComputation & Theory2005 Frederic Theunissen (grad student)
Hain-Ann Hsueh
Jane HuCognitive development, language acquisition Psychology2014 Fei Xu (grad student)
Hailan Hu2002 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Yi-Fei HuVision20182018 David Whitney (research assistant)
Fei Huvisual attention; synaptic transmission
Camillian Huang Molecular and Cell Biology19941999 Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
Xiaolin Huang Yang Dan (post-doc)
Edward M. HubbardEducational Cognitive Neuroscience, Numerical Cognition, Multisensory Integration, Synesthesia19981999 Stephen E. Palmer (research assistant)
Ronald Hübner Ervin R. Hafter (post-doc)
Jenica HuddlestonPublic Health Public Health2010 Norman Constantine (grad student)
Jennifer I. HudinPhilosophy2003 John Searle (grad student)
Carey You Lim HuhHippocampus, Medial septum, Glutamate neurons Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Jeremy J. Huntmusic2008 David Wessel (grad student)
James B. Hutchinsvisual system, development19801982 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Alexander G. HuthfMRI, vision, semantic representation, language Neuroscience20132017 Jack L. Gallant (grad student), Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Kai HwangCognitive Neuroscience Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Tiffany Jean Hwuneurorobotics, spatial navigation Cognitive Science Cognitive Science20122014 Thomas L. Griffiths (research assistant), Joshua Abbott (research assistant)
Ben A. InglisNMR2000 Mark D'Esposito (research scientist)
Michele N. InsanallyAuditory system, plasticity, learning, perception Neuroscience20072011 Shaowen Bao (grad student)
Carolyn N Irving Neuroscience Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Ehud Y. IsacoffChannel Physiology19881992 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Guy Isely2010 Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Brian R. IsettSensory encoding, plasticity, gamma rhythms2011 Dan Feldman (grad student)
Richard Ivrycerebellum, motor control
Takeshi IwasaNeuroendocrinology/fertility20112012 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (post-doc)
Shizuko Iwasaki Donald M. Wilson (post-doc)
Skyler L. Jackmansynaptic physiology Physics2009 Richard H. Kramer (grad student)
Tija JacobGABA A receptor trafficking, circuit development2002 Joshua M. Kaplan (grad student)
Emily C. Jacobs Neuroscience20042010 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Adam L. JacobsComputational neuroscience, retina Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Gwen JacobsSystems Janis Weeks (post-doc)
Lucy F. JacobsComparative neuroanatomy; navigation
Lucia F. JacobsCognitive Psychology
Anna JafarpourCognitive Neuroscience
William J. JagustBrain aging, dementia Thomas Budinger (post-doc)
Burnley Jaklevic Kristin Scott (post-doc)
Patricia H. JanakNeural basis of Addiction Joe L. Martinez (grad student)
Murray JarvikSmoking and addiction1947 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Meg Jay2005 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Dinesh JayaramanComputer vision, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence EECS EECS2017 Sergey Levine (post-doc), Alexei (Alyosha) Efros (post-doc)
Hooria JazaieriReputation, Team Chemistry, Emotion, Emotion Regulation, Compassion Social Psychology Psychology20132018 Dacher Keltner (grad student), Janice Kuo (research assistant)
Lloyd Jeffress Warner Brown (grad student)
Francis Jeffreyvisual system, neuropsychology, biomimetic software, communication networks, social media Physiological Optics19701972 Lawrence W. Stark (research assistant)
Adrianna C. Jenkinssocial cognition, cognitive neuroscience Ming Hsu (post-doc)
Kimberly J. Jennings
Kimberly J. JenningsBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Psychology20112017 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Russell M. JeungEthnic and Racial Studies, General Religion2000 Robert N. Bellah (grad student)
Xuesong Jiangcomputational biology, integrated circuits2003 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Devin L. JindrichLocomotion2001 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Oliver P. JohnSelf-concept; self-perception accuracy and biases; personality development and assessment across the life span; emotion experience and expression; cultural differences
Brad N. JohnsonOlfaction
Marcia K. Johnson1971 Leo Postman (grad student)
Sheri L. JohnsonEmotion-related impulsivity. Basic and treatment research on bipolar disorder.
Richard E. JonesReproductive physiology, reproductive behavior1968 A. Starker Leopold (grad student), Howard A. Bern (grad student)
David G. JonesComputational Neuroscience19881992 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Brad JonesGlial cells, cell fate Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Michael I. Jordanmachine learning, statistics
Nicholas Jourjine MCB2013 Kristin Scott (grad student)
Margaret M. JowGenetics2009 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Caneel K. JoyceManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology Business Administration, Ph.D. Program2009 Barry M. Staw (grad student)
Benjamin JudkewitzBiophotonics Noam Sobel (research assistant)
David JuliusSomatosensation1984 Jeremy Thorner (grad student), Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Elizabeth C. Junqueira2002 J George Shanthikumar (grad student)
Ardian JusufiLocomotion Integrative Biology2013 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Nisha H. Kabra2000 Astar Winoto (grad student)
Daniel Kahnemandecision making, behavioral economics Psychology1961 Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (grad student), Edwin Ernest Ghiselli (grad student)
Henry Kaiser
Aaron Kaluszka20072007 Jose Carmena (grad student), Yang Dan (grad student)
Maarten KamermansOuter retina19891991 Frank S. Werblin (post-doc)
Ann Kammer19631968 Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Louis Kang Michael R. DeWeese (post-doc)
Helen Kang2019 Friedrich T. Sommer (research assistant)
Katherine Ann Kaplan Psychology2013 Allison G. Harvey (grad student)
Sergey K. KarayevComputer vision Computer Science2014 Trevor Darrell (grad student)
Alireza Karimi JavanBrain injury, plasticity, teratology Psychology20022004 Steven Palmer (research assistant)
Roger P. Karlsson2005 Mary Main (grad student)
Uma R. KarmarkarLearning, Memory, Timing, Decision-Making Yang Dan (post-doc)
Christina M. Karnsemotion and social neuroscience, multisensory integration, neuroplasticity20012007 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Sheer KarnyMotor Learning
Gary KarpenDrosophila genetics, chromosome organization
Herbert G. Kasler2000 Astar Winoto (grad student)
Peter W. Kassakian2006 Laurent El Ghaoui (grad student)
Daniela Kaufer Robert M. Sapolsky (post-doc)
Alexander (Sasha) KauffmanNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive Neuroscience, Biological Rhythms2002 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Lloyd KaufmanVision, Electrophysiology Irvin Rock (grad student)
Paul D. Kaufman Biochemistry19851986 Robert Tjian (research assistant)
Grant Kauwe Neuroscience2010 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Kendrick Norris Kayvisual system, fMRI, computational methods, neural network models Psychology20032009 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Leslie M. KayOlfaction Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
Andrew Kayser Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Dacher Keltneremotion, social interaction, individual differences, conflict and negotiation, culture
Joan Kendig Donald M. Wilson (post-doc)
Steven W. Kennerley Joni Wallis (post-doc)
Kaarin Goncz Kerr1994 Harold Lecar (grad student)
Haig Keshishian David Bentley (grad student)
Benjamin Kessler ESPM2015 Damian Octavio Elias (grad student)
Rehan Khan Noam Sobel (post-doc)
Ilya Khaytin Donald A. Glaser (research assistant)
Beena Khurana Anne Treisman (grad student)
Thomas KiddAxon guidance, Developmental genetics, Behavioral genetics19941999 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Gavin J. KilduffEmotion Business Administration, Ph.D. Program2010 Cameron P. Anderson (grad student)
Michael P. KilgardAuditory system plasticity19921993 Barbara J. Meyer (research assistant)
Melanie KillenDevelopmental Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology Elliot Turiel (grad student)
Hyosub E Kimmotor control, motor learning Psychology20152018 Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Heesoo KimAuditory system20072011 Shaowen Bao (grad student), John D.E. Gabrieli (research assistant)
Sunah KimVision, Touch, Multisensory Integration, Neuroimaging, Shape, Motion, Direction, Color, Space Perception2010 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Taekjun Kim Choongkil Lee (grad student), Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Veronica J. Kim Psychology Psychology20132017 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (research assistant), Lance J. Kriegsfeld (research scientist)
Moon Hae KimReal-Time Systems Computer Science and Engineering1991 C. V. (Chittoor Vijayaraghavalu) Ramamoorthy (grad student)
Soo Young KimStroke, Synapse, Astrocytes Daniela Kaufer (post-doc)
Erica J. KimBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology Biophysics2014 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Ruth Kimchiperceptual organization Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
Arlene R. King2003 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Leana King Neuroscience2019 Kevin S. Weiner (grad student)
Maedbh KingCerebellum, Cognition, Motor Control, Neuroimaging, Machine Learning Psychology20172022 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Elizabeth Kirby20062012 Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Molly J. KirkVoltage Imaging and Drosophila Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2015 Evan W. Miller (grad student), Kristin Scott (grad student)
Lowry Kirkby Biophysics2014 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Colleen Kirkhart Kristin Scott (grad student), Barbara S. Beltz (research assistant)
Stanley A. KleinVision Thom Carney (collaborator), Dennis Levi (collaborator)
Ariel Jacob Kleiner Computer Science2012 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Heidi KlevenNeuroanatomy20152016 Michael Yartsev (research assistant)
Ryan R. KlimczakNeuroscience , retina Molecular & Cell Biology2010 John G. Flannery (grad student)
Evguenia S. KlimenkoTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Jeremy Thorner (grad student)
Ellen C. Klostermann Wallacememory2009 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Robert T. KnightPFC
Mee Jung KoPTSD, Myelination, Hippocampus, GPCR, Neuropsychiatric disorders Integrative Biology2020 Daniela Kaufer (post-doc)
Katsunori Kobayashi Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Kenji KobayashiDecision Making, fMRI20122017 Ming Hsu (grad student)
Meghan A KochImmunology Greg Barton (post-doc)
Kilian Koepsell Friedrich T. Sommer (post-doc), Bruno A. Olshausen (post-doc)
Charles A. Kofoidparsitology
Michael M. KohlSynaptic Plasticity, Sensory Processing, Systems Neuroscience
Susy C. Kohout Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Kathleen D. KolstadNeuroscience , retina Molecular & Cell Biology2009 John G. Flannery (grad student)
Lingkai KongElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2012 Elad Alon (grad student)
Scott M. Konishiearly visual system2002 W. Geoffrey Owen (grad student)
Mark KonishiAuditory system1963 Peter R. Marler (grad student)
Talia Konkle Richard Ivry (research assistant)
Frank Kooi Vision Science Karen K. De Valois (grad student)
Aaron C. KoralekSkill learning Neuroscience20082014 Jose Carmena (grad student)
Sheldon J. Korchinclinical psychology
Alan P. KoretskyMRI methods1984 Melvin P. Klein (grad student), Thomas L. James (grad student), Michael W. Weiner (grad student)
Polina Kosillo Stephanie Cragg (grad student)
Anna KosovichevaVision and Action
Hania KöverAuditory system Neuroscience20072011 Shaowen Bao (grad student)
Richard H. KramerOptogenetics, Visual System, Vesicle cycle Robert S. Zucker (grad student)
Erica Kratzgenetics, cell biology2002 John Ngai (grad student)
Michael W. Kraussocial psychology Psychology20042010 Serena Chen (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Daniel C. Krawczyk2005 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
David KrechPsychology
Oliver J. Krentzman Psychology2021 Linda E. Wilbrecht (research assistant)
Lance J. KriegsfeldNeuroendocrinology, circadian biology
Anne Kring
Ann M. KringPsychopathology. Emotional features of schizophrenia
Jennifer T. Krishnaswamyearly visual system2003 W. Geoffrey Owen (grad student)
William B. Kristan Gunther S. Stent (post-doc)
Alfred L. KroeberAnthropology
Kristen L. KrollNeurogenesis, neural cell fate, transcriptional and epigenetic regulation, human pluripotent stem cells, neurodevelopmental disorders Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology19891994 John Gerhart (grad student)
Danna KrupikStress Daniela Kaufer (post-doc)
John K. Kruschkeattention in learning, connectionist models, bayesian statistics19841990 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
Shuguang KuaiVisual system Cong Yu (grad student)
T Kumar Donald A. Glaser (research scientist)
Cenita S. Kupperbusch2002 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Tamar KushnirSocial Cognitive Development2005 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Wolfram Kutsch David Bentley (research assistant)
Alex C. Kwan20092013 Yang Dan (post-doc)
Sau Y. Kwan2002 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Sunwoo KwonVisual System / Attention / Motion / Eye Movements School of Optometry2020 Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Simon Lacoste-Julien2009 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Tina LaiDevelopment2003 Gian Garriga (grad student)
George LakoffLinguistics
Vasudevan Lakshminarayananvision science, optical physics and engineering School of Optometry School of Optometry19831985 Jay M. Enoch (grad student), Lawrence W. Stark (grad student)
Marvin R. Lamb Donald A. Riley (grad student)
William K. Lamb2004 Ann M. Kring (grad student)
Nadine LambertEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Oncology
Max Lambert
Stephan LammelDopamine System
Gert Lanckriet2005 Laurent El Ghaoui (grad student)
Susan M. LandauLearning2004 William J. Jagust (post-doc), Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Ayelet Landauvisual attention, face perception Psychology2010 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student), Alexandra List (collaborator)
Gabriel C. Landercryo-EM20092013 Eva Nogales (post-doc)
Jonas LangerDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Ellen R. Langer2001 Alan Timberlake (grad student)
Sasha A. LangleyDrosophila genetics, chromosome organization Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Gary Karpen (grad student)
Regina C. Lapateemotion, PFC, visual awareness2016 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Antonio Homero LaraPFC Neuroscience2010 Joni Wallis (grad student)
Jennie Larkinsystems biology19972000 Irving (Irv) Zucker (post-doc)
H Peter Larssonvoltage-gated ion channels1997 Harold Lecar (grad student), Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Dana LauAudition2000 R Channing Moore (grad student)
Brian LauDecision making, Reinforcement Learning Yang Dan (research assistant), Walter J. Freeman (research assistant)
Thomas Z. LauritzenComputational neuroscience
Nilli LavieVisual system Anne Treisman (post-doc)
Stephanie L. Leal Neuroscience20112016 Michael A. Yassa (grad student), William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Amanda LeBelCognitive neuroscience, cerebellum, computational20212025 Richard Ivry (grad student), Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Harold Lecarion channels
Taraz G. LeeCognitive Neuroscience Psychology20072012 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Steve S. Leeclinical child and adolescent psychology2004 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Joyce C. Leeclinical child and adolescent psychology2006 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Elsa LeeH+/K+ - ATPase, secretion, vesicle trafficking2008 John G. Forte (grad student)
Edwin S. LeeAudition2004 R Channing Moore (grad student)
Teresa W. LeeGenetics Molecular and Cell Biology2014 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Randy T. Lee Department of Psychology Department of Psychology Department of Psychology20152018 Joseph J. Campos (research assistant), Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (research assistant), Ozlem Ayduk (research assistant)
Steven Lee Physics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Pattana Lee
Hanson Lee2007 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Theresa M. Leebiological rhythms19821988 Irving (Irv) Zucker (post-doc)
Seung-Hee Lee20092013 Yang Dan (post-doc)
Charles C. Leeauditory system, thalamus, cortex, autism, schizophrenia, neurodegeneration2004 Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
Sangil Arthur Lee Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2021 Ming Hsu (post-doc), Andrew Kayser (post-doc)
Frances Lefcort David Bentley (grad student)
Liu Lei Vision Sciences19891994 Christopher W. Tyler (grad student)
Edward S. LeinGene expression Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Amy M LeMessuriersomatosensory system, plasticity, sensory coding, barrel cortex HWNI2012 Dan Feldman (grad student)
William C. Lemon19952000 Wayne M. Getz (post-doc)
Mathew Leonard
Mat Leonard
Samuel LepkovskyNutrition, neurophysiology, biochemistry, neuroanatomy,
Jennifer L. LernerEmotion, decision-making2008 Philip E. Tetlock (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Mark D. LescroartVisual System, Object Recognition2011 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Amy E. Lesengeology, paleontology2003 Jere H. Lipps (grad student)
Thomas King-Hong Leung2000 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Lai-Wo Stan (LS) LeungEpilepsy, Theta Rhythm Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
Robert W. LevensonEmotion. Autonomic nervous system and facial expressive components
Dennis LeviVision2002 Denis G. Pelli (collaborator)
William R. Levick Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Jacob E. Levin John P. Miller (grad student)
Peter A. Levine Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Daniel J. Levitinauditory perception and cognition19992000 Stephen E. Palmer (post-doc)
Casey Lew-Williams Lori Markson (research assistant), Carla L. Hudson Kam (research assistant), Lily Wong Fillmore (grad student)
Edwin R. Lewisauditory/vestibular neuroscience
Zengyi Li2019 Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Chengyu LiNeural circuits20042009 Yang Dan (post-doc)
Kaccie Y. LiOptics, Wavefront Sensing, iOS20052010 Austin Roorda (grad student), Geunyoung Yoon (research assistant)
Lu Lisomatosensory system, synaptic plasticity, neural circuitry
Rung-chi Li
Zeyu LiComputer Science Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2014 Ruzena Bajcsy (grad student)
Roger Li Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Percy Shuo Liangmachine learning Computer Science2011 Michael I. Jordan (grad student), Dan Klein (grad student)
Alina LibermanVisual perception, fMRI2012 David Whitney (grad student)
William Liberti20122017 Timothy J. Gardner (grad student)
Paul LichtComparative Endocrinology
Cheng-Chang LienHippocampus, GABAergic interneurons20042006 Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Andrew Ligeralde Biophysics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Byungkook LimReward circuit20032008 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Brian N. Limketkai2004 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Susan S. Linarticulatory phonetics, speech perception, sound change
Wan Chen Lin20142020 Linda E. Wilbrecht (grad student)
Ming C. LinComputer Animation, Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, Robotics, Virtual Reality Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences19881993 John F. Canny (grad student)
David LinDevelopmental Neurobiology John Ngai (post-doc)
Rommelda A. Lina2001 Astar Winoto (grad student)
David R. LindbergMarine Biology
Reyna B. LindertCrosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought2001 Dan I. Slobin (grad student)
Jere H. Lippsgeology, paleontology
Brian W. LipscombDevelopment John Ngai (post-doc)
Alexandra Listvision, audition2006 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Alan Michael LitkeParticle physics, Neuroscience Biology19731975 M. Lynn Stevenson (post-doc)
Jeffrey Litt Richard H. Kramer (post-doc)
Daniel Y. Little Molecular & Cell Biology20092013 Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Karen J. Liuneural development2003 Richard Harland (grad student)
Gang Liuvisual learning and memory2006 li Liu (grad student)
Rongzhi Liu Psychology Fei Xu (grad student)
Jesse Livezey
Raymond Lobrain aging, dementia, Parkinson's disease, neurodegeneration Epidemiology2012 William J. Jagust (grad student)
Connson C. LockeEmotion2008 Cameron P. Anderson (grad student)
Samuel N. LockhartCognitive Neuroscience of Aging and Dementia20142017 William J. Jagust (post-doc)
John C. LoehlinHuman behavior genetics, multivariate statistics, and structural modeling1957 Richard Stanley Crutchfield (grad student), Donald Wallace MacKinnon (grad student)
Ben Z. LoewyEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Oncology2001 Nadine Lambert (grad student)
Po-Ling Loh Statistics2014 Martin Wainwright (grad student)
Tania LombrozoConcepts, causation
Kim L. Longneuroendocrinology
John Long Neuroscience2011 Yang Dan (research assistant), Jose Carmena (grad student)
Eli Asheley Loots2000 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Patricia Lopes2009 George E. Bentley (grad student)
Martha B. Lopez-Forment De Los Cobosgeology, paleontology2003 Jere H. Lipps (grad student)
Elizabeth LorencVisual working memory, source memory, visual perception20122018 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Taylor Loskotveterans; geropsychology; social connection Personality Psychology20162019 Oliver P. John (research assistant)
Psyche LouiMusic Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience20032007 Robert T. Knight (grad student), Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Chris J. Lowe John Gerhart (post-doc)
Fred Loyaclinical child and adolescent psychology Psychology2012 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Bai Lu Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Hui Lu Neuroscience2009 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Lihui LuVisual system
Christopher G. LucasComputational Cognitive Science Psychology Psychology20062010 Alison Gopnik (grad student), Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Elena LuchkinaLaguage acquisition, infant cognition Psychology Fei Xu (grad student)
Chung-Hay LukPFC Neuroscience2011 Joni Wallis (grad student)
Peter D. Lukasiewiczvisual neurophysiology Frank S. Werblin (post-doc)
Ray LuoComputational Neuroscience, Synaptic Physiology, fMRI, Computer Vision, Motor Control Richard Ivry (research assistant)
Jessie Irene Luomaintracellular signaling mechanisms, steroid hormones, cell survival, neurotoxicity Astar Winoto (post-doc)
Daniel Jonathan Lurieneuroimaging, executive function, memory systems2014 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Percy Luuprosthetics2002 John Ngai (grad student)
Uyen A. Lyscience education, math education, cognitive development Education2011 Kathleen Emlen Metz (grad student)
Evan H Lyallbarrel cortex, surround integration Biophysics20132018 Hillel Adesnik (grad student), Austin Roorda (research assistant), Lydia Lee Sohn (research assistant)
Jessica B. Lyonsneural development Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Richard Harland (grad student)
Anne Maass William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Sean Mackesey2016 Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Lester Wayne Mackey Electrical Engineering 2012 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Allyson P. MackeyDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience Neuroscience2012 Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Paul Ryan MacNeilageVisual-vestibular interaction20002007 Martin Banks (grad student)
Brian MacWhinneyChild language acquisition, second language acquisition19651974 Dan I. Slobin (grad student), Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (grad student)
Alan E. MacyVision
Anita A. Madan Psychology2010 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Vijay K. Madisetti1989 David Gavin Messerschmitt (grad student)
Temina Madonvisual system19982004 W. Geoffrey Owen (grad student)
Robert K. Maedaneural development2000 Richard Harland (grad student)
Jacob C. Magid Bartlett D. Moore IV (research assistant)
Lucía Magis-Weinbergsocial and cognitive development in adolescence Institute of Human Development2018 Ronald E. Dahl (post-doc)
Greg MaguireStem cell therapeutics, visual system therapeutics Molecular and Cell Biology19851990 Frank S. Werblin (post-doc), Bruce Maple (collaborator), Peter D. Lukasiewicz (collaborator)
Henry R. MahlerMitochondria, Neurochemistry1948 Melvin Calvin (grad student)
Mary MainAttachment; animal behavior; ethology; narrative; Gricean maxims as related to life-history descriptions; children's drawings and other representational products as related to attachment
Joel D. MainlandOlfaction20012006 Noam Sobel (grad student)
Michael R. Mairevision2009 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Subhransu Majivision Computer Science2011 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
William S. Maki Donald A. Riley (grad student)
Ruth MakiCognitive Psychology, Technology of Education, Educational Psychology Education Leo Postman (grad student)
Rafael MalachVisual cortex19771982 Richard Van Sluyters (grad student)
Latha M. Malaiyandimitochondria, ion homeostasis19971998 Paola S. Timiras (research assistant)
Nicholas MalecekfMRI, neurophysiology, object recognition, choice behavior2015 Joni Wallis (post-doc)
Jitendra Malikvision
Roberto Malinow John P. Miller (grad student)
Ariel Malka2004 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Tyler Maltba Statistics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Mauro Manassivision psychophysics spatial vision serial effects Psychology2015 David Whitney (post-doc)
Bryce A. ManderSleep, Memory, Neuroimaging, Cognition, Sleep Deprivation20092015 Matthew P. Walker (post-doc), William J. Jagust (collaborator), Mark D'Esposito (collaborator)
Jennifer A. MangelsEpisodic memory, attention, ERPs1995 Arthur P. Shimamura (grad student)
Kevin MannDrosophila, Taste, behavior, vision Neuroscience20082013 Kristin Scott (grad student)
Andrea V. Manzo Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Kristin Scott (grad student)
Bruce Maple Molecular and Cell Biology Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Natalie Marchant William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Virginia A Marchmanlanguage development Psychology19841989 Dan I. Slobin (grad student)
Alan R. Mardinly Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Sunanda Marella Kristin Scott (post-doc)
Elwin MargVisual System
Lisa Anne Margerum Integrative Biology2013 Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Diane E. Marianmemory2009 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Francesca V. Marianidevelopmental neurobiology19931998 Richard Harland (grad student)
Gerard Marriott
James H. MarshelVisual system, in vivo imaging, neural circuits, optogenetics20032005 Joseph L. Brooks (research assistant), Lynn C. Robertson (research assistant)
Adam C Martersteckneuroimaging, aging, Alzheimer disease, frontotemporal lobar degeneration
Jay B. MartinCausality, categorization, active learning, and computational models20072010 Thomas L. Griffiths (research assistant)
Gail MartinFGF signaling and mouse hindbrain development1971 Harry Rubin (grad student)
Miles D. MartinezPerception & action, computational modeling, deep learning, learning Psychology20142016 Allison Yamanashi Leib (research assistant)
Andres Golden Martinez Psychology Social Psychology2012 Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student), Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Gary L. MartinsenOphthalmology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy (grad student)
Laura Maruskin Social Psychology2013 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Pavel Masek Kristin Scott (post-doc), Martin Heisenberg (grad student)
Christina MaslachSocial Psychology
Laura B. MasonPsychotherapy research
Alex Mason Psychology20052010 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
cindy masonArtificial Intelligence, Robotics, Mathematics, intelligent agents
Robert T. Masson Economics Joe Staten Bain (grad student)
Jonathan F. Mattanah Psychology19931998 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Gerrit W. MausVisual perception20082015 David Whitney (post-doc)
Iris B. MaussEmotion and emotion regulation; psychological health; psychophysiology; sociocultural norms and beliefs; aging and emotion regulation
James MaxwellEye Movements William Michael King (grad student)
Earl Mayeri19641969 Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
James A. Mazervisual system2004 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Jon David McAuliffe2005 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Brian D. McCabeDrosophila nervous system development Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Arthur Gilbert McCallaAgriculture Department of Field Crops1931 Robert Newton (grad student)
Loren M. McCarter2001 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Gerald E. McClearnBiopsychology Harry F. Harlow (grad student)
Christin Hansen McCool20012001 William Prinzmetal (research assistant)
Theodore McCown Alfred L. Kroeber (grad student), Arthur Keith (grad student)
Kenneth McCutchan Hugh G. Blodgett (grad student)
Patrick E. McDonelGenetics2006 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Samuel D. McDouglelearning, memory, Decision Making Psychology2018 Anne GE Collins (post-doc)
James C. McGannneural development Molecular & Cell Biology2009 Richard Harland (grad student)
Mary L. McGanngeology, paleontology2004 Jere H. Lipps (grad student)
James L. McGaughAmygdala, memory19531957 David Krech (grad student), Mark Rosenzweig (grad student)
Eleanor Louise McGlinchey Psychology2013 Allison G. Harvey (grad student)
Maureen Elisabeth McGrath2002 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Nicolette L. McGuire Integrative Biology20062011 George E. Bentley (grad student)
Suzanne P. McKeeVision1970 Gerald Westheimer (grad student)
Kaja Johnson McMaster
Carson K McNeilVisual system, sensory systems, deep learning HWNI2017 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Jeffrey R. MeaselleClinical Psychology, General Psychology, Physiological Psychology1998 Philip A. Cowan (grad student)
Matthew J. MedeirosBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology Integrative Biology2009 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Matthew MelissaNeurovision20112013 Bartlett D. Moore IV (research assistant)
C Daniel Melizaneural mechanisms of pattern recognition20002005 Yang Dan (grad student)
Jeffrey Garrett Mellott Molecular and Cell Biology20182019 Jeffery A. Winer (post-doc)
Gerald MendelsohnSocial Psychology
Rodolfo Mendoza-DentonIntergroup Relations Michael W. Kraus (collaborator)
Yuan Mengcognitive development Psychology20162022 Fei Xu (grad student)
Teresa MengSignal Processing1988 David Gavin Messerschmitt (grad student)
Vinod MenonCognitive neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Systems Neuroscience19911994 Walter J. Freeman (post-doc)
Michael Dayton Menz2001 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Emily X. Meschkefunctional brain networks
Melissa Metcalf2016 Andrew Dillin (grad student)
David G. MetsGenetics2008 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Shelley E. MettlerH+/K+ - ATPase, secretion, vesicle trafficking2007 John G. Forte (grad student)
Kathleen Emlen Metzscience education, math education, cognitive development
Barbara J. MeyerGenetics
Pam MiddletonIon channel modulation Biochemistry Daniel E. Koshland (grad student)
Arthur Middleton
Joshua A. MieleAuditory system2003 Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Amori Y. Mikamiclinical psychology19992004 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Kurt Tadayuki Miller Electrical Engineering 2011 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Craig T. MillerDevelopmental and evolutionary genetics
Lee M. MillerSensory processing, Speech recognition2004 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
John P. MillerSystems
Brian T. Miller2008 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Alison Miller Singley Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Christian MirescuAdult Neurogenesis, Neuroendocrinology2006 Daniela Kaufer (post-doc)
Isaac A Mirzadeganparenting, anxiety, parent engagement Psychology20162018 Allison G. Harvey (research assistant)
Kevin J. MitchellNeural development, synaesthesia, schizophrenia, axon guidance, semaphorins19921997 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Donald E. MitchellVisual System Gerald Westheimer (grad student)
Jacob Moeller Endocrinology2016 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Nitin M. MoholkarLocomotion2004 Claire T. Farley (grad student)
Gaia Molinarocognitive computational science, reinforcement learning, goals20212026 Anne GE Collins (grad student)
Alyosha Molnaranalog circuits2007 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Ali Momenimusic2005 David Wessel (grad student)
Gianluca Monaci20082010 Friedrich T. Sommer (post-doc)
Jean-Michel MongeauNeuromechanics Biophysics20132017 Robert J. Full (grad student), Mark A. Frye (post-doc)
Maria Monroy Social Psychology2016 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Richard D. Mooneybirdsong, development Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
R Channing MooreAudition Frederic Theunissen (grad student)
Hsiao-Ping H. MooreCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Bartlett D. Moore IVcognitive neuroscience Ralph D. Freeman (post-doc)
Helene G. MoormanMotor control2009 Jose Carmena (grad student)
Rudolf H. Moos Joseph Speisman (grad student)
Roberto Moralesmusic2006 David Wessel (grad student)
Erin K. Moran Psychology2014 Ann M. Kring (grad student)
Valerie S. MorashVisual system Psychology2014 Martin Banks (grad student)
J. Ryan MoreheadMotor Learning, Motor Control, Decision-Making,20102015 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Nelson MorganSpeech Recognition Room Acoustics Simulation with Discrete-Time Hardware1980 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Chet T. Moritz2003 Claire T. Farley (grad student)
Elizabeth Mormino William J. Jagust (grad student)
Ryan Morrie Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Jasmine Moteemotion, motivation, schizophrenia, social functioning Psychology20112017 Ann M. Kring (grad student)
Alexandre MourotIon channels, optogenetics, nicotinic receptor20072012 Richard H. Kramer (post-doc)
Yangling Mu2006 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Thomas A. MuenchRetina2005 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Brendan C. Mullaney Kristin Scott (post-doc)
Tim R. MullenComputational Neuroscience20052008 Robert T. Knight (research assistant)
Benjamin C. Mullinclinical child and adolescent psychology2009 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Brian Mulloneypattern generation, locomotion, computational neuroscience19631969 Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Thomas A. MünchVisual System, Retina, Circuits19992005 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Katharine Ellen Munckton2007 Richard H. Kramer (grad student)
Jonathan D. MunkBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology Integrative Biology2011 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Yuki Murai Department of Psychology2017 David Whitney (post-doc)
Boris MurmannElectrical Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science2003 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Rodney K. MurpheyInvertebrates, competition, synapse formation David Bentley (post-doc)
Michael Murray19651970 Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Richard M. Murray Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1991 S. Shankar Sastry (grad student)
Leslie J. MurraySynthetic Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Chemistry20072010 Jeffrey R. Long (post-doc)
Richard Morris Myers Biochemistry19771982 Robert Tjian (grad student)
Toni NaccaratoSensory processing, Speech recognition2005 Lee M. Miller (grad student)
Irene Nagel Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Barbara Nagle Zoology Daniel Mazia (post-doc)
Mor Nahum Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Alexander NakaSomatosensory Cortex Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2013 Hillel Adesnik (grad student)
Ken NakayamaVision Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Christine I. Nam2008 Lu Chen (grad student)
Bence Nanay2006 John G. MacFarlane (grad student), John Searle (grad student)
Chetan Nandakumarvision Vision Science2011 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Thomas Naselaris2005 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Ryan G. NatanSensory cortex, coritcal circuits, advanced optics
Elizabeth Shannon NawrotInfant vision Psychology19881992 Martin Banks (grad student), Carl E. Granrud (grad student)
Sahand N. Negahban Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Martin Wainwright (grad student)
Janek M. NelsonEmotion2007 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Alan C. Nelson1980 Cornelius Anthony Tobias (grad student)
Keith Nelson1962 Peter R. Marler (grad student)
Amy J. NelsonDecision-Making in Political Science
Randy J. NelsonBehavioral endocrinology19781984 Frank A. Beach (grad student), Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Rolf Nelsonperceptual organization2003 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
John E. Nelsoncomparative neuroanatomy, marsupials, bats1964 Peter R. Marler (post-doc)
Erik J. Nemeth2000 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Charlan J. NemethSocial Psychology, Management Business Administration
Peter Neri Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Theoden I. NetoffExperimental and Computational Neuroscience Walter J. Freeman (research assistant)
Rocky NevinNeural modeling19861989 John P. Miller (grad student)
Zachary L. NewmanSynaptic Plasticity, Drosophila NMJ2010 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Melissa Newton Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Robert Newton
Jason S Ngvisual acuity, color vision, electroretinogram, diabetic retinopathy School of Optometry2008 Gerald Westheimer (research assistant), Anthony J. Adams (grad student)
Andrew Y. Ng2003 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
John NgaiOlfaction
XuanLong Nguyenmachine learning, statistics2007 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Tuan NguyenAtomic Physics2005 Dmitry Budker (grad student)
Mark NicasEnvironmental Sciences, Environmental Health, Psychobiology Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety, Toxicology1991 Robert C. Spear (grad student)
Andrea C. NicholasHippocampus, Learning and Memory
Joel T. NiggDevelopmental psychopathology, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, neuropsychology, child psychopathology, genetics Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Romi Nijhawan Irvin Rock (grad student)
Jasmine Nirody Bartlett D. Moore IV (research assistant)
Shinji NishimotoRepresentation, encoding/decoding20052013 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
David J. Nishioka Zoology Daniel Mazia (grad student)
Sven Nissen-Meyerbiostatistics
Emi Marie Nomuracognitive Neuroscience Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Michael L. NonetSynapse Development, C. elegans, zebrafish19891994 Barbara J. Meyer (post-doc)
Nima Noorshams Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2013 Martin Wainwright (grad student)
Christine E. NothelferVisual attention20102012 Stephen E. Palmer (research assistant), Lynn C. Robertson (research assistant), Shlomo Bentin (research assistant)
Fernando NottebohmBirdsong1966 Peter R. Marler (grad student)
Pawel M. NowakPhonetics2006 John Ohala (grad student)
Rafael NunezMathematical cognition, conceptual metaphor theory19951996 George Lakoff (collaborator), George Lakoff (post-doc), Hubert Dreyfus (post-doc)
Anwar O. Nunez-Elizalde2011 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Michael F. NunnAIDS19781984 Peter H. Duesberg (grad student)
Nils NybergNeuroscience Department of Psychology Silvia A. Bunge (research assistant)
Terrence Nycum2008 Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Erika Marie NyhusCognitive Neuroscience20012003 Robert T. Knight (research assistant)
Alexander O'ConnorIntergroup Relations Psychology2012 Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student)
Ian D. O'Donnell2006 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Shaun O'Grady Psychology20152020 Fei Xu (grad student)
Elizabeth D. O'HareDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroimaging
Michael O'Shea C. H. F. Rowell (post-doc)
James P. O'SheaVisual system Vision Science2012 Martin Banks (grad student)
Brendan M. O'SullivanPhilosophy2002 John Searle (grad student)
Guillaume Romain Obozinski2009 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Lindsay G. OdcikinTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast2007 Jeremy Thorner (grad student)
Kyung-ju OhSociolinguistics, language acquisition2003 Susan M. Ervin-Tripp (grad student)
Hwamee OhNeural Basis of Cognition, Aging, and Alzheimer's disease20092014 William J. Jagust (post-doc)
John OhalaPhonetics20052008 Marc Ettlinger (collaborator)
Frank Ohl Walter J. Freeman (post-doc)
Izumi OhzawaEarly Vision19791986 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Nana J Okada Psychology Psychology20172019 Linda E. Wilbrecht (research assistant), Kristen Delevich (research assistant)
Gold Okafor Psychology Iris B. Mauss (grad student)
Ian A. OldenburgNeuroscience Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Flavio T. Oliveiracerebellum, motor control Psychology2009 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Michael D. OliverComputational Neuroscience Vision Science20072011 Jack L. Gallant (grad student), Richard Ivry (research assistant), William J. Jagust (research assistant)
Richard W OlsenGABA-A receptor proteins1971 Clinton E. Ballou (grad student)
Bruno A. OlshausenComputation & Theory
Carl R. Olson Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
James Arthur OlzmannCell biology, organelle biogenesis, proteomic dynamics, lipid homeostasis, lipid droplets, lipotoxicity
Christian L. Omidiran Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2013 Laurent El Ghaoui (grad student)
Stephen Malvern Omohundro1985 Allan Nathan Kaufman (grad student), Alan Weinstein (grad student)
Naomi R. Ondrasek
Deborah Orel-Bixler
Amy L. OrsbornMotor Control, Brain-Machine Interfaces Bioengineering20072013 Jose Carmena (grad student)
Jefferson Ortegavisual working memory, perception, emotion Psychology2021 David Whitney (grad student)
Stephanie L. Osborn2009 Astar Winoto (grad student)
Leslie C. Osbornecomputational systems neuroscience Alan J. Bearden (grad student), John P. Miller (grad student)
Lisa A. OstrinVision, myopia, accommodation Christine Wildsoet (post-doc)
Rosemary Ostwald
Jorge Otero-MillanVisual System, Eye Movements
Puey Ounjai20092013 Kenneth H. Downing (post-doc)
Shima Ovaysikia20092010 Joni Wallis (research assistant)
Simon A. Overduinrobotics, prosthetics2010 Jose Carmena (research scientist)
W. Geoffrey Owenearly visual system Roger Y. Tsien (collaborator)
Geoff OwenNeuroscience Biology
Clyde W. Oyster19631967 Horace Barlow (grad student)
Michael PacerComputational Cognitive Science, Causal Inference2010 Tania Lombrozo (grad student), Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Weston David Pack Vision Science20072013 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
Mayra L. PadillaPFC2005 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Elizabeth Page-GouldIntergroup Relations Psychology20022008 Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student)
Se-Bum PaikVisual System2009 Donald A. Glaser (grad student)
Dylan M Paitonvision science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, visual neuroscience Vision Science20132019 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Michal J. PakesMarine Biology Integrative Biology2013 David R. Lindberg (grad student)
Jessica E. Palmer2003 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Stephen E. PalmerVision Science, Psychophysics, Visual Organization Irvin Rock (collaborator)
Jennifer L. Pals2000 Oliver P. John (grad student)
Chun-Liang PanDevelopment2008 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Michael A. ParadisoVisual system Ralph D. Freeman (post-doc)
Allen ParducciPerception, Judgment and Decision Making1954 Leo Postman (grad student)
Hyungju ParkSynaptic plasticity2009 Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Lillian Parkmemory, autobiographical memory, recollection, language19992005 John F. Kihlstrom (grad student)
Jin-Ho ParkNeuroendocrinology, Reproductive physiology, Regulation of neuropeptide gene expression2005 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Jin Ho Park2005 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Sang Hee Park2009 Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton (grad student)
Ben J. ParkerCognitive Neuroscience, Neuroanatomy
Benjamin J. ParkerCognitive Neuroscience Neuroscience2020 Kevin S. Weiner (grad student)
Brent D. ParsonsTime Perception, Visual Neuroscience Psychology20112017 Richard Ivry (grad student), Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Brian N. Pasleybrain stimulation, speech processing, neurovascular coupling20092008 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student), Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Medha M. PathakIon channels20002006 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Jesse C. PattersonTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Jeremy Thorner (grad student)
Matthew J. PaulChronobiology, Reproductive Neuroendocrinology, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology2005 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Anthony J. PawsonSignal Transduction19761980 G. Steven Martin (post-doc), Peter H. Duesberg (post-doc)
Sussan Paydar Gwen Jacobs (grad student)
Pedro M. Paz-AlonsoDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Anne M. PeattieLocomotion2007 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Andrew D. Peckhamimpulsivity, emotion regulation, bipolar disorder, cognitive control Psychology20112017 Sheri L. Johnson (grad student)
Jamy C. PengDrosophila genetics, chromosome organization2007 Gary Karpen (grad student)
Nicole Perfito2005 George E. Bentley (post-doc)
Pietro Peronavision1990 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Elizabeth A. PerottiMarine Biology2008 David R. Lindberg (grad student)
Lee Michael PerryVisual System, Diffusion Imaging, fMRI, Quantitative Neuroimaging, ECoG Robert T. Knight (research assistant)
Harvey Peskinholocaust survivors, developmental psychology
Jan PetersReward, Memory, Decision-making
Matthew Russell Peterson2003 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
David Henry PeterzellVision Science, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical/Social Science19801983 Curtis Hardyck (research assistant)
Vladimir P. Petkovcomputational biology, integrated circuits2004 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Lewis PetrinovichPsychology Curtis Hardyck (collaborator), Egon Brunswik (grad student)
John D. PettigrewVision Horace Barlow (post-doc)
Sara Marie Peyrot2007 Richard B. Levine (grad student)
Samuel L. PfaffDevelopment Peter H. Duesberg (grad student)
Rebecca R. PferdehirtGenetics Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Audrey T. Phancognitive neuroscience, memory, cognitive control20182020 Regina C. Lapate (research assistant), Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Chayarndorn Phumsatitpong Psychology Lance J. Kriegsfeld (post-doc)
Auran P. Piatigorskyclinical child and adolescent psychology2006 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
David Piekarski Psychology20112013 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student), Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Lucas PintoDecision Making, Neuromodulation, Cortical Circuits, Sensory Processing,20102015 Yang Dan (grad student)
Gordon C. Pipes2000 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
JT Pirog2020 William S. Tuten (grad student)
Ned J. Place Stephen E. Glickman (post-doc)
Madelaine C. PlauchePhonetics2001 John Ohala (grad student)
Scott R. Plutaneuroethology MCB20122017 Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Navin Pokala MCB19952005 Tracy M. Handel (grad student)
Nnamdi PoleClinical Psychology Enrico E. Jones (grad student)
Aleksandra Polosukhina Vision Science2013 Richard H. Kramer (grad student)
Mu-Ming PooDevelopment
Allan-Hermann PoolTaste, hunger, thirst2008 Kristin Scott (grad student)
Michael M. PoonLocal translation, dendrites, synapses Lu Chen (post-doc)
Ada PoonElectrical Engineering2004 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student), David Ngar Ching Tse (grad student)
Sara F. PophamSensory systems, Language Neuroscience2015 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Ariella PoppleVisual psychophysics & fmri Dennis Levi (post-doc), Stanley A. Klein (post-doc)
Jessica A. PorterOlfaction2007 Noam Sobel (grad student)
Leo PostmanPerception, memory Stanley Smith Stevens (grad student)
Jennifer R. PowellGenetics2003 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Arnd Prallechannel structure function20002006 Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Melanie Sue Prasoloncology2009 John Ngai (grad student)
Brian J. PrendergastBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Seasonality, Circadian biology, Psychoneuroimmunology Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Ryan Prengervisual system20022008 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
David Presti
Stephanie D. Preston Lucy F. Jacobs (grad student)
Jorge J. Prieto Molecular and Cell Biology19901995 Jeffery A. Winer (post-doc)
William Prinzmetal
Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones1985 Frank A. Pitelka (grad student)
Elizabeth PurdomStatistics, BioX
Nicole M. Putnamvision Vision Science2012 Austin Roorda (grad student)
Jennie E. PyersCrosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought2004 Dan I. Slobin (grad student)
Salman E. QasimCognitive Electrophysiology Psychology20112013 Richard Ivry (research assistant)
Lei Stanley QiBioengineering, Chemical and Systems Biology Bioengineering2012 Adam P. Arkin (grad student)
Menglu QianNeurodegenerative diseases
Maggie Raboin ESPM2014 Damian Octavio Elias (grad student)
Nandita Radhakrishnan Data Science and Cognitive Science DEBPRASAD DUTTA (grad student)
Anna Noonan Rafferty Computer Science2014 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Priya RaghubirMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Dobromir RahnevfMRI, TMS, Perception, Prefrontal influences in vision20122015 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
M. Natasha RajahAging, PFC, Memory, Functional Connectivity20032005 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Rajit RajappaGaba receptors, photoswitch, presynapse Molecular & Cell Biology2016 Richard H. Kramer (post-doc)
Srivarsha Rajshekar Gary Karpen (post-doc)
Alexander RakhlinMachine Learning, Online Learning / Expert Advice, Optimization, Statistical Learning Theory, Multitask Learning, Generalization Bounds,
Deepa L. Ramamurthy2018 Dan Feldman (post-doc)
Ary S. Ramoa1986 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Raul Ramos2022 Diana Bautista (post-doc)
Sinai RandTheoretical physics1956 Edward Teller (grad student)
Charan RanganathMemory Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Vinitha N. RangarajanCognitive Neuroscience Psychology2015 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Vikram RaoSleep and Neuroimaging20092013 Matthew P. Walker (research scientist)
Michael RapeCell cycle, Ubiquitin Stefan Jentsch (grad student)
Garvesh Raskutti Statistics2012 Martin Wainwright (grad student)
Kavitha Ratnamadaptive optics, visual acuity, VR/AR Vision Science20122017 Austin Roorda (grad student)
Giancarlo Ratto W. Geoffrey Owen (post-doc)
Susan M. RavizzaCognitive Control19952000 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Radhika RawatNeuropsychiatry
Stephanie Reeves Jorge Otero-Millan (grad student)
Terrance Philip RegierLanguage and thought, spatial language, color naming1992 Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Martin Rehn20062009 Friedrich T. Sommer (post-doc)
Wisam ReidComputational Neuroscience, Auditory Neuroscience, Biological Intelligence, Machine Learning, Spatial Audio
Jeffey A. Reimer
Carolina Reisenman19941998 Claudio R. Lazzari (grad student)
Xiaofeng Renvision2006 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Michael J. RennerAnimal cognition, organism-environment interactions, environmental enrichment, human-animal conflict, zoo behavior Psychology Psychology Psychology19791984 Mark Rosenzweig (grad student), Stephen E. Glickman (grad student), Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Betty M. RepacholiDevelopmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Shai RevzenLocomotion Integrative Biology2009 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Elaine Reynoldsfly model19921997 Mark Tanouye (post-doc)
Michelle Rheinschmidt Social Psychology2014 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Barry K. RhoadesOlfactory system, spike-train analysis19831990 Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
Stephen Ribisineural development2000 Richard Harland (grad student)
Erin L. RichLearning and Memory Joni Wallis (post-doc)
Virginia M. RichardsAuditory cognition, psychophysics Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Gary D. Richards2007 Francis Clark Howell (grad student)
Frank Richardson1939 Alden Holmes Miller (grad student)
Justin Riddle2013 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Frederick M. RiekeRetina William Bialek (grad student)
Anne E. Rifkin2005 Mary Main (grad student)
Donald A. RileyCognitive processes in animals
Donald C. Rio
Patricio A. Riquelme19971999 Carla J. Shatz (research assistant)
Jesse RissmanMemory, Attention, Cognitive Control, fMRI20022007 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Virginia A. RitcheyEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Special Education2003 Martin V. Covington (grad student)
Michal Rivlin-EtzionRetinal Neurobiology Anna Louise Vlasits (collaborator), Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Milena Rmus Anne GE Collins (grad student)
Tony RoAttention and Perception Irvin Rock (research assistant), Charles A. Schreiber (collaborator)
Seth RobertsHunger, metabolism, depression
Nicole A. Roberts2003 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Lynn C. Robertson Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
David K. RobinsonHistory of science, History of psychology History Psychology History1987 John E. Lesch (grad student), Gerald Westheimer (grad student), Roger Hahn (grad student)
Gregory Chia-Hua Robison2000 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Siobhan E. Roche2000 Donald C. Rio (grad student)
Daniel D. Rocheneural development2006 Richard Harland (grad student)
Irvin RockAttention
Avital A. Rodal2002 David G. Drubin (grad student)
J Cooper Roddey Gwen Jacobs (grad student)
Christopher Rodgers
Henk RoelinkInduction in vertebrate development and ES cell differentiation
Joseph F. Rogers Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Duke S Rogers
Herbert R. Roitblat Donald A. Riley (grad student)
Ariel RokemMRI, Vision, Data Science Neuroscience20062010 Michael A. Silver (grad student)
Daniel S. RokhsarComputation & Theory
Austin Roordavision
Andrea Denise Rosati2001 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Eleanor RoschCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Maimon C. Rose HWNI2015 Michael Yartsev (grad student)
Tom RoseberryBasal Ganglia EECS2017 Jose Carmena (post-doc)
Ephraim Rosen Psychology1950 Robert Nevitt Sanford (grad student)
Ruth RosenholtzVisual system1994 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Mark RosenzweigLearning and memory
Botond M. RoskaVisual system, Retina2002 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Zachary A. Rosnermemory Psychology2012 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Andrew M. Ross2001 J George Shanthikumar (grad student)
Ethan A. RossiVisual Resolution, Retinal Imaging20042010 Austin Roorda (grad student)
Christopher J. Rozellneuroengineering, computational neuroscience, interactive machine learning, dimensionality reduction20072008 Bruno A. Olshausen (post-doc)
John A. Ruben1975 Paul Licht (grad student)
David A Rubin
Norman F. (Bud) Rubycircadian rhythms, hibernation, learning, memory19851991 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Sean M. RuddyStatistics, Genetics Statistics2014 Elizabeth Purdom (grad student)
Anna M. Ruef2000 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Azzurra Ruggeri Psychology20162019 Fei Xu (post-doc)
Randall R. RuleCognitive Neuroscience2000 Robert T. Knight (grad student), Joe L. Martinez (grad student), Art Shimamura (grad student)
Thomas Lee Russell Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Kim RussoB2011 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
David B. RutledgeRadio and Microwave circuits and Antennas1980 Steven E. Schwarz (grad student)
Sadie Jane RyanMedical Geography, Ecology, Conservation Biology, Disease Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Spatial Ecology, Primatology20012006 Wayne M. Getz (grad student)
Bart Rypma Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Soojin RyuDevelopment and Function of Hypothalamic Neural Circuits19941999 Robert Tjian (grad student)
Kourosh SaberiAuditory System, Neuroscience19901993 Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Philip N. SabesSensorimotor Control Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Alejandro Sabogal2009 Donald C. Rio (grad student)
Pratik Sachdeva Physics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Benjamin D. Sachsbehavioral neuroscience, animal behavior Psychology19611966 Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Sepideh SadaghianifMRI, functional connectivity, intrinsic activity, alertness, perceptual awareness20132014 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc), Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Ignacio SaezDecision-making, human electrophysiology Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute2014 Ming Hsu (post-doc), Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Noam SagivSynaesthesia, Synesthesia, Consciousness, Face Perception19982003 Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Lynda M. SagrestanoSocial Psychology, Public Health Psychology19881993 Christina Maslach (grad student)
Samuel SakhaiStress, Development, Hormones and Behavior20062008 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (research assistant), Darlene D. Francis (grad student)
Jared Meyer SaletinSleep, Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory2008 Matthew P. Walker (grad student)
Alberto SalleoMaterials Science and Engineering2001 Timothy D. Sands (grad student)
Jonathan Sammartinovisual perception, aesthetics Psychology20052011 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
Edward E. Sampson
Guillaume SandozNeuroexcitability, two-pore domain potassium channel, calcium channels, optogenetic molecular and cell biology20092012 Ehud Y. Isacoff (research scientist)
Sanjay SaneNeuroethology, Biomechanics19962001 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Laura H. SanftnerNeuroscience , retina2001 John G. Flannery (grad student)
Sriram Sankararaman Computer Science2010 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Samantha R. Santacruzbrain machine interfaces, neurotherapeutics, electrical stimulation20142018 Jose Carmena (post-doc)
Dario Santiago Karl Oswald (grad student)
Anastasios SarampalisAuditory Perception Monita Chatterjee (post-doc), Ervin R. Hafter (post-doc)
Christian Sardet reproduction, fertilization and development of marine invertebrates (ascidians, ctenophores, urchins19691973 Rosemary Ostwald (grad student)
Saeed Saremimachine learning Bruno A. Olshausen (research scientist)
Vincent Sarich Sherwood Larned Washburn (grad student), Allan C. Wilson (post-doc)
Federica SartiHomeostatic plasticity Molecular & Cell Biology Molecular & Cell Biology20082013 John Ngai (grad student), Lu Chen (grad student)
Laura Saslow Social Psychology2011 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Gordon H. Sato Gunther S. Stent (post-doc)
William R. Schafer1991 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Gerald P. SchattenStem Cells19711975 Daniel Mazia (grad student)
Heide SchattenCell Biology of Cancer and Neurodegenerative Diseases Daniel Mazia (post-doc)
Julian Scheffermoral decision making, self control Psychology Robert W. Levenson (post-doc)
Michael ScheierHealth Psychology, Behavioral Self-Regulation, Dispositional Optimism), Personality and Health, Anger and Cardiovascular Reactivity, Self-Awareness and Self-Consciousness Institute of Human Learning19691971 Donald A. Riley (research assistant)
Peter Scheiffelesynapse formation, cell adhesion19992000 Tito Serafini (post-doc)
Haline E. Schendanvision, learning, memory, meaning, knowledge Anne Treisman (research assistant)
John E. SchlerfMotor Control, Cerebellum Neuroscience20042010 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Kurt SchlesingerEndocrinology, genetics, seizure, effects of alochol and nictotine on nervous system19641967 Gerald E. McClearn (grad student)
Karen B. Schlossvisual perception, color Psychology20052011 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student)
Brian P. SchmidtVisual perception School of Optometry2016 Austin Roorda (post-doc)
Joseph A. R. Schmidtorganometallics2002 John Arnold (grad student)
Francis O. Schmittstructure and molecular properties of proteins, of cells, and of tissues; neuroscience1927 Gilbert N. Lewis (post-doc)
Michael Schöll William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Clifton M. SchorVision Science, motor control David R. Badcock (collaborator)
Kai Markus SchreiberStereopsis, Eye Movements, Machine Learning, FMRI20062007 Clifton M. Schor (post-doc), Martin Banks (collaborator), Gunnar Blohm (collaborator)
Charles A. Schreiberjudgment, emotion, memory, perception2001 Paul Ekman (research assistant), Irvin Rock (grad student), Daniel Kahneman (grad student), Art Shimamura (grad student)
Laura E. SchulzCognitive Development, Causal Inference2004 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Eric H. SchumacherAttention, memory, cognitive control20002004 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Jason M. Scimecacognitive neuroscience, executive function, learning and memory2015 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Gary SclarElectromyography19781985 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Jonathan A. Scolnickneurodegenerative disorders, human ES20002006 John Ngai (grad student)
Kristin ScottTaste
Chessa Scullin
John SearlePhilosophy
Lavi SecundoPFC Neuroscience2010 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Jennifer SeeOptometry
Mark SeegerDrosophila midline axon guidance Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Tyler SeibertMagnetoencephalography Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Benjamin H. Seider Psychology2011 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Elizabeth A. SeiverSocial Cognitive Developmental, Cultural Psychology Psychology20052013 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Allison B. Sekulervision science, cognitive neuroscience19861991 Stephen E. Palmer (grad student), Martin Banks (grad student)
Dongjin Seo Elad Alon (grad student)
Tito Serafini
Michael N. ShadlenDecision & reward1985 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student), Thom Carney (collaborator)
Sarita ShaevitzNeuroethology2007 Frederic Theunissen (grad student)
Joshua W. Shaevitzbiophysics Miller Fellow20042007 Daniel A. Fletcher (post-doc)
Behrooz ShahsavariComputer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering
Kiarash ShamardaniCancer Neuroscience Molecular & Cell Biology20172019 Hillel Adesnik (research assistant)
Yu Raymond Shaocortex; sensory processing; plasticity
Allison ShapiroCognitive Neuroscience, Action, Language
Shahriar SheikhbahaeiNeuron-Glia Interactions Molecular and Cell Biology20082010 Robert S. Zucker (research assistant)
Maya Shelly Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Kai Shen Yang Dan (research assistant)
Zejuan Sheng2007 Richard H. Kramer (grad student)
Amitai ShenhavCognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Control, Decision Making20032007 Michael A. Silver (research assistant)
Summer L. SheremataVisual Attention, Working Memory, Spatial Neglect20102013 Michael A. Silver (post-doc)
Margaret A. SheridanADHD Psychology20052007 Amy S. Finn (collaborator), Mark D'Esposito (grad student), Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Alex C. Sherriffs
Avgusta Shestyuk
Jacob Sheyninneuroplasticity, perceptual learning, vision Vision Science Vision Science Vision Science20142016 Michael A. Silver (research assistant), Dennis Levi (research assistant), Adrien Chopin (collaborator)
Changchun Shi2004 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Lei ShiComputational neuroscience/ Visual system Neuroscience20052009 Yang Dan (grad student), Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student)
Cassie A. ShigeokaLocomotion2003 Claire T. Farley (grad student)
Arthur P. ShimamuraGeneral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Art Shimamuramemory
Hyeyoung Shinneocortical dynamics underlying perception MCB Neuro Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Michelle N. ShiotaEmotion2003 Dacher Keltner (grad student), Robert W. Levenson (post-doc)
Lauren Shipp Integrative Biology Nutritional Science & Toxicology20062009 Sheila N. Patek (research assistant), Jen-Chywan Wang (research assistant)
Kirill N. ShokhirevNeuroscience Biology, General Physics, General Biophysics2005 Donald A. Glaser (grad student)
Ryan K. ShostedPhonetics2006 John Ohala (grad student)
Rachel Shoup Jack L. Gallant (post-doc), Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Peter Shrager1969 Robert I. Macey (grad student), Alfred Strickholm (grad student)
Mark J. ShulewitzTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast2000 Jeremy Thorner (grad student)
Alex Yu Shyr Electrical Engineering 2011 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Philip SiekevitzMolecular biology of PSDs1949 David M. Greenberg (grad student)
Lauren D. SilverCrosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought2000 Dan I. Slobin (grad student)
Michael A. SilverVisual cortex, attention20042005 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Daniel Silverman2020 Yang Dan (post-doc)
Amnon Silverstein Optometry19921994 Christopher W. Tyler (grad student)
Zilin Sim Psychology20142019 Fei Xu (grad student)
Warren Brian SimisonMolecular Evolutionary Biology20002000 James F. Parham (collaborator), David R. Lindberg (grad student)
Aleksandr Simma Electrical Engineering 2010 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Emiliana R. Simon-ThomasPFC2004 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Itamar SimonsonMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Julie H. Simpson2001 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Greg V. Simpsonattention, multi-modal imaging Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Adriane W. Sinclairanimal behavior, physiological substrates of behavior Integrative Biology2014 Stephen E. Glickman (grad student)
Annabelle C. SingerMemory, Hippocampus, Alzheimer's Disease, Neurostimulation Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Sonali Singhgene therapy, retinal degeneration, amd, aav Vision Science20212026 John G. Flannery (grad student)
Aakanksha Singhvi20012008 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Kelly A. SinnottDrosophila Epilepsy Mutants, Electrophysiology, Neural Circuits
Kevin K SitWorking Memory, Vision, Mouse2022 Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Kevin Sitek Linguistics20102011 Charles B. Chang (research assistant), Keith Johnson (research assistant)
Benjamin SivyerNeuroscience20152017 W Rowland Taylor (post-doc)
Jennifer L. SkeemSocial Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Karl R. Skuchacomputational biology, integrated circuits Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2012 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Virginia P. Slaughter
Jennifer SloanPFC Neuroscience2013 Joni Wallis (grad student)
Dan I. SlobinCrosslinguistic language acquisition, language and thought
Scott D. SlotnickVisual Memory19951997 Stanley A. Klein (grad student), Art Shimamura (grad student)
Greenfield Sluder Zoology Daniel Mazia (post-doc)
Laura Smalecircadian biology, neuroendocrinology Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Stephen SmaleAlgorithms, Numerical analysis, Global analysis
Benjamin L. Smarr2013 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (post-doc)
Tina H. Smilkstein2007 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Brian H. SmithOlfaction19871987 Wayne M. Getz (post-doc)
D Max SnodderlyVisual cortex19691971 Russell L. De Valois (post-doc)
Charles David SnyderPhysiology1905 Jacques Loeb (grad student)
Madeleine C Snyderhippocampus, navigation, neuroethology Bioengineering Michael Yartsev (grad student)
Hayden K. So2007 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Kelvin So Electrical Engineering 2013 Jose Carmena (grad student)
David M. SobelCognitive Development, Causal Inference19952001 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
David A. Sobel2008 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Marta E. Soden Neuroscience2010 Lu Chen (grad student)
Adriane M. Soehner Psychology2014 Allison G. Harvey (grad student)
Jascha Sohl-Dickstein Biophysics2012 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Maryam Soltani2007 Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Rachana Deven Somaiya2022 Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Friedrich T. SommerMemory, Sensory systems Guenther Palm (grad student), Peter Dayan (post-doc)
Hyun O. SongComputer vision Computer Science2014 Trevor Darrell (grad student)
Shuang SongVision Vision Science2009 Dennis Levi (grad student)
Jose A. Soto2004 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Emilio Soto-Soto HWNI2015 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Michael SouzaExecutive functions Psychology20072010 Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Lauren Spano Dennis Levi (grad student)
Kevin SpeharAging, Brain Aging, Plasma Factors, Alzheimer's, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Stem Cell Aging Bioengineering20182018 Irina Conboy (research assistant)
Joseph Speisman
Rebecca M. Spencercerebellum, sleep Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Jeffrey M SpielbergEmotion, Motivation, Depression, Anxiety Ronald E. Dahl (post-doc)
Simon N. SponbergNeuromechanics, Motor Control20022008 Robert J. Full (grad student)
Gareth G. Spor2006 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Rudolph Spreckles
Kartik K. Sreenivasan Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Mahesh SrinivasanLanguage and Cognitive Development
Sanjay SrivastavaPersonality, social19962002 Ravenna Helson (grad student), Oliver P. John (grad student)
Earl R. StadtmanProtein chemistry, aging1949 Horace Albert Barker (grad student)
Mark T. Stanbackavian behavioral ecology Walter Daniel Koenig (grad student)
Daniel Stancato Social Psychology2013 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Garrett B. Stanleysystems Yang Dan (post-doc)
Dustin E. StansburyVisual System Vision Science20082014 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
R. Brent StansfieldMedical education19952001 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Lawrence W. StarkVision20022003 Giuseppe Boccignone (collaborator)
Sarah E. StaveteigPhilosophy Sociology & Demography2011 Peter W. Hanks (grad student)
Barry M. StawManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
G Christopher SteckerSpatial Hearing, Auditory cortex19942000 Ervin R. Hafter (grad student)
Rick SteinhardtBiophysics, Cell Biology
Jennifer E. StellarEmotion, Psychophysiology, Health, Altruism, Morality, Positive Psychology Psychology2013 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
David D. Stellwagen19942000 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
G E. StelmachMotor control19621967 Franklin M. Henry (grad student)
Christine Stelzel Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Gunther S. StentEmbryonic development; history/philosophy of science
Friedrich K. StephanCircadian rhythms1972 Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Natalie N. Stepienvisual perception, color vision, color perception Vision Science2014 Austin Roorda (grad student)
Gabriella Sterne Molecular & Cell Biology20162022 Kristin Scott (post-doc)
Ian H. StevensonComputation20112013 Bruno A. Olshausen (post-doc)
Scott B. StevensonVision Science, motor control19871995 Clifton M. Schor (post-doc)
Andrea L. Stierclinical child and adolescent psychology Psychology2010 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Jennifer StisoComputational Neuroscience Robert T. Knight (grad student)
Vladimir StojanovicIntegrated Circuits (INC); Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC); Physical Electronics (PHY); Communications & Networking (COMNET); Integrated Photonics, Circuit design with Emerging-Technologies
Arjen Stolk HWNI Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Rebecca H. Stoloff (Elenzil)neural engineering Bioengineering2013 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Christian Storm2003 Walter J. Freeman (grad student)
Daniel R. StormMemory, Olfactory System1971 Daniel E. Koshland (grad student)
George Malcolm Strattonvisual perception, visuo-motor coordination, sociology, international relations
Caroline A. Stromberg2003 David R. Lindberg (grad student)
Thomas T. Struhsakerprimate behavior, conservation1965 Peter R. Marler (grad student)
Barbara K. Stuart2006 Ann M. Kring (grad student)
Virginia E. Sturm Psychology2009 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
James Su Visual system, myopia Vision Science2009 Christine Wildsoet (grad student)
Shruthi SukumarDecision making; foraging;
Kathleen R. SullivanCognitive development, word learning
Frank J. SullowayEvolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, history of science
Frank J. SullowayPersonality development and family dynamics
German SumbreNeuroethology Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Felice T. SunComputational neuroimaging William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Wenzhi SunNeuroscience Shigang He (grad student), Yang Dan (post-doc)
Diane Elizabeth SunarPsychology of morality, child-rearing practices, social development, cross-cultural psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology19671973 Thomas J. Crawford (grad student), Edward E. Sampson (grad student), Jack Block (grad student)
Nicole C. Swann20032006 Robert T. Knight (research assistant)
Erika N. Swansonclinical child and adolescent psychology Psychology2013 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Guy E. SwansonSociology
Sara M. SzczepanskiVisual attention2010 Robert T. Knight (post-doc)
Jocelyn A. Sze Psychology2011 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Stephanie Szobota2009 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Moriah L. SzparaNeural development, neurovirology, pathogens, disease19982004 John Ngai (grad student)
Paul H. TaghertCircadian rhythms, Drosophila, Neurobiology, Neuropeptide, GPCR, 2nd messenger signaling Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Jared C. TalbotMusculo-skeletal development in zebrafish
Lisa Susan Talbot Psychology2010 Allison G. Harvey (grad student)
Jefferson M. Taliaferro Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Donald C. Rio (grad student)
Jeff Shun-Wei Tan2004 Mark Tanouye (grad student)
Haiyun Tang2003 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Jing TangElectrochemistry, Biosensing, Human-Machine Intelligence, Neuroscience, Biomaterials, Bioelectronics, Sustainability20172023 Jeffrey Alan Reimer (post-doc)
Mark TanouyeMechanisms of nervous system structure and function
Kereshmeh Taravosh-LahnStroke, Aggression, Stress, Behavior2010 Daniela Kaufer (post-doc), Darlene D. Francis (post-doc)
Janice M. Tarrant Visual system, myopia Vision Science2010 Christine Wildsoet (grad student)
David Taylor
Jordan A. TaylorMotor Control, Motor Learning2008 Richard Ivry (post-doc)
Charles P. Taylor19751980 C. H. F. Rowell (grad student)
Charles V. TaylorBiology19141918 Charles A. Kofoid (grad student)
Guy Tearaxon guidance, drosophila19911995 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Gregory Telian2015 Hillel Adesnik (grad student)
Davida Tellervision, development1965 Tom N. Cornsweet (grad student)
Jeremy TemanMotor decision modeling, theoretical neuroscience, mathematical psychology. Psychology Ian Greenhouse (research assistant)
Silvio Gabriel Temprana Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Santani Teng
Paul Terranova Gilbert S. Greenwald (grad student)
Claudia D. TescheCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology Physics John Clarke (grad student)
Chayut Thanapirom Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Justin D Theiss Michael A. Silver (grad student)
Frederic Theunissenauditory system Jack L. Gallant (collaborator), John P. Miller (grad student)
Romain Jean Thibaux2008 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Larry N. Thibos1975 Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
Del ThiessenBehavioral Endocrinology1963 Gerald E. McClearn (grad student), Peter R. Marler (grad student)
Rob Thistle Kristin Scott (grad student)
Robert S. ThistleTaste Molecular & Cell Biology2014 Kristin Scott (grad student)
James P. Thomasvisual psychophysics1962 Tom N. Cornsweet (grad student)
Logan Thomas2019 Frederic Theunissen (grad student)
Jeffrey ThompsonVisual cortex, hemodynamic signals20002005 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Wesley J. Thompson Gunther S. Stent (grad student)
Balasaravanan Thoravi KumaravelHCI, AR, VR
Jeremy ThornerTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast
Yibin TianVisual system, optics, imaging2007 Christine Wildsoet (grad student)
Alina S Tiemroth
Paola S. TimirasNeurobiology of Aging
Daniel Shaw Ting Statistics2012 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Ivan Tochitsky Molecular & Cell Biology2013 Richard H. Kramer (grad student)
Daniel Toker2017 Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Edward Chace TolmanMemory Egon Brunswik (collaborator)
Francesco TombolaIon channels2003 Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Gordon Mayer Tomkinsembryonal carcinoma stem cells1953 Israel Lyon Chaikoff (grad student)
Andrew Tomlinson Gerald M. Rubin (post-doc)
Roger TootellVisual cortex1985 Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
Pamela D. TorranceTransmembrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways in yeast2000 Jeremy Thorner (grad student)
Salvatore J. TorrisifMRI, connectivity, UHF, methods20192022 David Feinberg (research scientist)
Sharon Touryanemotion, memory19982005 Art Shimamura (grad student)
Jonathan TouryanVisual Cortex, Visual Search, EEG, BCI19992004 Yang Dan (grad student)
Mona TousianNeuroimaging Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Jennifer D. TownsendfMRI, emotion, mood disorders, layer fMRI, neuropsychiatry
Natsuko ToyofukuVision2006 Stanley A. Klein (grad student)
Tara E. Tracy Neuroscience2010 Lu Chen (grad student)
Dirk TraunerOptochemcical Genetics, visual system, NMDA channels, glutamate receptors, ion channels, optogenetics
Anthony Merrill Truchard2001 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Sandra TruongCognitive Neuroscience20082009 Jose Carmena (research assistant)
Tan N. Truong Vision Science2014 Lu Chen (grad student)
Robert Choate TryonPsychology19241928 Edward Chace Tolman (grad student)
Pei-San Tsaireproductive endocrinology19891993 Paul Licht (grad student)
Ming-Chi TsaiSynaptic transmission, glutamate transporter, GABAa receptor, Optogenetic pharmacology2013 Richard H. Kramer (post-doc), Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Chun TsaiGenetics2001 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Chak Foon TsoSleep MCB Yang Dan (post-doc)
Orapim Tulyathan Biophysics2010 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Sadi Turgut Physics19891994 Leopoldo M. Falicov (grad student)
Gary TurnerRehabiltiation, neuroimaging Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
William S. Tutenvision Vision Science2014 Austin Roorda (grad student)
Kevin Ubillacomputer vision, programmable material, self assembly robotics, biomimetic design, rocket propulsion, gene-editing, microbial production, human-animal communication, dual reality Molecular and Cell Biology2019 Francis Jeffrey (research scientist), Jamie H.D. Cate (collaborator)
Takayoshi Ubuka2005 George E. Bentley (post-doc)
Maximilian H. UlbrichSingle molecule fluorescence, ion channels20042009 Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Shiro Usui Lawrence W. Stark (grad student)
Victor VacquierFertilization Daniel Mazia (grad student)
Lucia Vaina Lotfi A. Zadeh (post-doc)
Theony Valcana Paola S. Timiras (post-doc)
Yvonne VallesMarine Biology2007 David R. Lindberg (grad student), Jeffrey L. Boore (grad student)
Els Van der HelmSleep, Emotion, Memory
Raymond van EeBiophysics, clinical physics19961998 Martin Banks (post-doc), Clifton M. Schor (post-doc)
Richard Van Sluyters
Vincent Van Veen Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Thomas M. Van VleetNeuropsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience Lynn C. Robertson (post-doc)
Mark F. A. VanBerkumAxon guidance19911995 Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Johan P. Vanderhaegen2005 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Pamela J. VanderzalmDevelopment2006 Gian Garriga (grad student)
John Erik Vanston
John Erik VanstonVisual system; color vision
Devavrat D. VartakVision, Attention School of Optometry2018 Michael A. Silver (post-doc)
Ramanarayan VasudevanElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomechanics Biophysics, Robotics Engineering Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2012 Ruzena Bajcsy (grad student)
José Pablo Vázquez-Medina
José Pablo Vázquez-Medina
Miriam Y. VegaSocial Psychology2002 Gerald Mendelsohn (grad student)
Julia Veitvisual cortex, oscillations, electrophysiology MCB20142019 Hillel Adesnik (post-doc)
Nuria Vendrell LlopisNeuroprosthetic learning EECS2015 Jose Carmena (post-doc)
Subramaniam Venkatraman Electrical Engineering 2010 Jose Carmena (grad student)
Timothy D. VerstynenMotor systems, computational motor control20012006 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Sylvia Villeneuve William J. Jagust (post-doc)
Bradley W. Vinescognitive neuroscience, music, stroke rehabilitation, non-invasive brain stimulation - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)20002001 Ervin R. Hafter (research assistant)
William VinjeSystems19962002 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castelloindividual differences, semantics, cognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience, mvpa, encoding models, fMRI2018 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Dhanraj VishwanathVisual perception20022004 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Ahalya Viswanathan2008 Ralph D. Freeman (grad student)
Anna Louise VlasitsNeural circuits2011 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Björn VlaskampPsychophysics2006 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Brian Kenneth Vogel2005 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
David Vogelsang2016 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Willa I. Voorhies Psychology2018 Kevin S. Weiner (grad student)
Bradley Voytektop-down processing, neuronal oscillations, attention, working memory, ecog, automated science Neuroscience20102011 Robert T. Knight (grad student), Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Jason VytlacilPrefrontal Cortex, Dopamine system2009 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
George WadeBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Irving (Irv) Zucker (grad student)
Neha Wadia Biophysics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Irving Wagman19371941 James Montrose Duncan Olmsted (grad student)
Martin Wainwright19981999 Eero P. Simoncelli (grad student), Michael I. Jordan (post-doc)
Anna S. WaismanCognitive Psychology Psychology2010 Lucia F. Jacobs (grad student)
Anna WaismeyerCognitive Development, Comparative Psychology2010 Alison Gopnik (grad student)
Jerome C. WakefieldPhilosophy2001 John Searle (grad student)
Ingrid Waldron19631968 Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Peter Walentekdevelopment, cilia, signaling, systems biology MCB20122017 Richard Harland (post-doc)
Caren M. WalkerDevelopment, Cognitive Science, Learning20102015 Alison Gopnik (grad student), Tania Lombrozo (grad student), Ellen L. Air (grad student)
Matthew P. WalkerSleep, Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory
Deanna L. Wallaceaddiction/cognition2008 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Kurt WallenAnimal Behavior19711977 Stephen E. Glickman (grad student)
Jonathan D. WallisNeuroscience Biology
Joni WallisPFC
Trinity WallsAnimal behavior ESPM2018 Damian Octavio Elias (grad student)
Charlie Walters Psychology20172019 David Foster (research assistant)
Hong I. Wan2000 Corey S. Goodman (grad student)
Stanley B. Wang2005 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Yuqi (Cosmos) Wang MCB20142014 Kristin Scott (research assistant)
Han Chin Wang Dan Feldman (post-doc)
Gordon Xiang WangSynapse, Sleep, Aging, Neurodegeneration, Axon Guidance, Imaging MCB Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Gordon Xiang Wang2005 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Jimmy Ching Wang Vision Science2010 Bruno A. Olshausen (grad student)
Yiyi (Charlotte) Wang2020 William S. Tuten (grad student)
Silu WangSpeciation
Xin Wang2020 Trevor Darrell (grad student)
Tianhe Wang
Jun WangAlcohol abuse, NMDA receptor, Basal ganglia, Dopamine Molecular & Cell Biology19992003 Robert S. Zucker (post-doc)
Chris Warner20152019 Friedrich T. Sommer (grad student)
Natasha Warnerphonetics, psycholinguistics, language revitalization John Ohala (grad student)
Erica Kirsten Warp Neuroscience2012 Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
David E. WarrenMemory, Cognitive Neuroscience, Eye Movements19981999 Art Shimamura (research assistant)
John S. WatsonInfant cognitive development
Neil V. Watsonbehavioral endocrinology, sexual differentiation, gonadal steroids,19951996 S Marc Breedlove (post-doc)
Simon J. WattVisual perception20002003 Martin Banks (post-doc)
Sarah J. WaughVisual Psychophysics, Spatial Vision Dennis Levi (grad student)
Fabian Lutz-Frank Wauthier Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences2013 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
S. David Webb19591964 Ruben Arthur Stirton (grad student)
Michele Webergeology, paleontology Integrative Biology2009 Jere H. Lipps (grad student)
Franz Weber Yang Dan (post-doc)
Corey M. Websterreactive oxygen species (ROS), neurodegeneration, synaptic plasticity, microglia, P2Y12.2019 Marla B. Feller (grad student)
Michael A. WebsterVisual system Karen K. De Valois (grad student), Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
Eva E. WehlingLinguistics Linguistics2013 George Lakoff (grad student)
Christian WehrhahnEarly Vision Gerald Westheimer (post-doc)
Wei WeiVisual system, circuit development Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Jeanne M. Weidner2000 Marian Diamond (grad student)
Benjamin D. WeinerNeural Code20092011 Shaowen Bao (research assistant)
Kevin S. WeinerVision
Brian T. Weinert2006 Donald C. Rio (grad student)
Irwin D. WeismanDiagnostic Radiology1967 Walter David Knight (grad student)
Yair WeissHuman and machine vision, Machine Learning, Bayesian methods, Neural computation19982001 Michael I. Jordan (post-doc), Jitendra Malik (post-doc)
Jenna Wells Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
John Carter Wendelken20032003 Silvia A. Bunge (research scientist), Silvia A. Bunge (grad student), Jerome Arthur Feldman (grad student)
Heidi Wenk John F. Kihlstrom (post-doc)
Jeffrey J. WenstrupAuditory system, Acoustic communication19861989 Jeffery A. Winer (post-doc)
Frank S. WerblinRetina
Kelly H. Werner2005 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
David Wesselmusic
Martin A. Westerberg20092009 Yang Dan (research assistant)
Gerald WestheimerVisual psychophysics Manfred Fahle (collaborator)
Patrick K. Whalen Psychology2010 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Richard WhalenBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Frank A. Beach (grad student)
Evangeline A. Wheeler Donald A. Riley (grad student)
Kirstie J. WhitakerDevelopmental Psychology Neuroscience20072012 Silvia A. Bunge (grad student)
Robert L. White20112017 Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Paula A. Whiteanimal behavior, physiological substrates of behavior2002 Stephen E. Glickman (grad student)
Kelly L Whitefordpitch, aging, EEG Psychology Psychology20122013 Ervin R. Hafter (research assistant), Stephen E. Palmer (research assistant)
David WhitneyVision and Perception
Thomas D. WickensMathmatical Psychology, Learning, Memory
Katherine E. WickliffeCell cycle, Ubiquitin Molecular and Cell Biology2013 Michael Rape (grad student)
Sonja WiedenhauptPersonality Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2002 Martin V. Covington (grad student)
Linda E. Wilbrechtadolescent development of circuits involved in value based decision making, addiction
Christine Wildsoet Visual system, myopia
Ethan H. WillbrandNeuroimaging20192023 Kevin S. Weiner (research assistant)
Lindsay Williamsquality assurance, women veterans Infectious Diseases & Immunity2011 Eva Harris (grad student)
Joseph Jay WilliamsExplanation and Learning Psychology20072013 Thomas L. Griffiths (grad student), Tania Lombrozo (grad student)
Trey (Wilbur) P. Williams Psychology20062011 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (grad student)
Adam WilliamsonCell cycle, Ubiquitin Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Michael Rape (grad student)
Christine N. WillisCognitive development, language acquisition2008 Lori Markson (grad student)
Benjamin Willmoreauditory system20032006 Jack L. Gallant (post-doc)
Andrea E. Willsdevelopment and regeneration2009 Richard Harland (grad student)
Anthony WilsonVisual cortex2002 Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
James Russell WilsonBehavioral Genetics; Hormones Psycholgoy Psycholgy19621968 Frank A. Beach (grad student), Gerald E. McClearn (grad student)
Anna J. WilsonNumerical Cognition19961996 Richard Ivry (research assistant), William Prinzmetal (research assistant)
Jessica K. Wilsonlong-term memory, dopaminergic system20052008 Richard Ivry (research assistant)
Margaret WilsonEmbodied cognition, working memory19881994 Anne Treisman (grad student)
Martin Wilson Frank S. Werblin (post-doc)
Kathryn WilstermanReproductive Neuroendcrinology2014 George E. Bentley (grad student)
Jeffery A. WinerAudition, anatomy20012002 David Henry Gire (collaborator)
Sandra D. Winguth Molecular and Cell Biology Jeffery A. Winer (grad student)
Astar Winoto
Michele Winter
Bianca C. Wittmannincentive motivation, episodic memory Mark D'Esposito (post-doc)
Kenneth E. Wojciechowskicomputational biology, integrated circuits2005 Bernhard E. Boser (grad student)
Nikki Wolfe
Benjamin A. WolfeEye movements, visual attention, peripheral vision2010 David Whitney (grad student)
Jerry O. Wolff1977 Frank A. Pitelka (grad student)
Nicole Wongscience education, math education, cognitive development Education2011 Kathleen Emlen Metz (grad student)
Alan WongAdult Neurogenesis Daniela Kaufer (grad student)
Lianna D. WongDevelopment2003 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Lily Wong Fillmore
Lydia WoodEpileptogenesis2010 Daniela Kaufer (post-doc)
Melanie A. WoodinInhibitory Synaptic Plasticity20012003 Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Sarah M. WoolleyBirdsong20022005 Mark E. Hauber (collaborator), Frederic Theunissen (post-doc)
Samuel M. Wuretina Frank S. Werblin (post-doc)
Minnie M. WuAudition2000 R Channing Moore (grad student)
Wayne W. WuPhilosophy2005 John Searle (grad student)
Tammy F. WuGenetics2003 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Michael C.-K. WuComputation & Theory20022007 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Di Wusynaptic transimission20002002 Robert S. Zucker (post-doc)
Cinna J. WuApplied Mathematics Mathematics2012 Ming Gu (grad student)
Claire Julie WyartOlfaction- Light Activated Channels20062006 Noam Sobel (post-doc), Ehud Y. Isacoff (post-doc)
Robert J. Wyman19631968 Donald M. Wilson (grad student)
Sarah L. Wynia SmithIon Channels20092011 Bryan A. Krantz (post-doc)
Tong Xiao John Y. Kuwada (grad student)
Poe Xing2004 Michael I. Jordan (grad student), Richard Karp (grad student), Stuart J. Russell (grad student)
Jing XuMotor Control Psychology2011 Richard Ivry (grad student)
Tian XuGenetic methods, Cancer biology, Obesity Gerald M. Rubin (post-doc)
Fei XuCognitive development, language acquisition
Shubhash Chandra YadavVisual science Department of Molecular and Cell Biology20212023 Richard H. Kramer (post-doc)
Walter M. Yamada Edwin R. Lewis (grad student)
Allison Yamanashi Leibensemble perception, summary statistics Psychology Psychology20102015 David Whitney (grad student), Lynn C. Robertson (grad student)
Jing Yang Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2010 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Hongbin Yangcircuits of negative emotions
Sijie Yang
Sungchil YangNeuroscience Shaowen Bao (post-doc)
Eunice Yangvisual neuroscience, cognitive psychology2012 Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Zepeng Yao MCB Kristin Scott (post-doc)
Haishan YaoVisual system2000 Yang Dan (post-doc)
Michael YartsevDecision Making in Bats
Jacob Yates Optometry20202022 Daniel A. Butts (post-doc)
Claire Yee Robert W. Levenson (post-doc)
Dennis G. Yee2001 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Suling Yehvisual perception, attention, Chinese character processing Karen K. De Valois (grad student), Russell L. De Valois (grad student)
Kseniya V. Yershovaclinical child and adolescent psychology2008 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Junming Yin Computer Science2010 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Arik Yochelispattern formation, renewable energy, theoretical biology, nonlinear dynamics Physics20052006 Edgar Knobloch (post-doc)
Stephanie A. YonkerGenetics2003 Barbara J. Meyer (grad student)
Randall C. YoungEmotion2001 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Gerald Young Psychology Iris B. Mauss (grad student)
Sahar M. YousefCognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Training, Vision Science, Psychopharmacology Vision Science20122018 Michael A. Silver (grad student)
Cong YuVision Stanley A. Klein (post-doc), Dennis Levi (post-doc)
Kexin YuanAuditory system, Inhibitory circuits2006 Jeffery A. Winer (post-doc)
Joyce W. Yuan Psychology2010 Robert W. Levenson (grad student)
Herman H. Yue2004 Astar Winoto (grad student)
Lotfi A. Zadehfuzzy logic
Christine A. Zaleckiclinical child and adolescent psychology2005 Stephen P. Hinshaw (grad student)
Amir R ZamirComputer Vision, Machine Learning20152019 Jitendra Malik (research assistant)
Ryan Zarcone Biophysics Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Christina M. ZelanoOlfaction2007 Noam Sobel (grad student)
Felicia Zerwas Psychology Iris B. Mauss (grad student)
Youwei Zhang Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences2011 Laurent El Ghaoui (grad student)
Ning Zhang2001 Robert W. Brodersen (grad student)
Zhihao ZhangNeuroeconomics, Consumer Research, Marketing Haas School of Business2016 Ming Hsu (post-doc)
Jun Zhang Neurobiology Karen K. De Valois (grad student)
Yuting Zhang
Jia Wei Zhang Social Psychology2017 Dacher Keltner (grad student)
Xiaohui ZhangCritical period, hippocampus20002005 Mu-Ming Poo (post-doc)
Tianjiao ZhangNavigation2016 Jack L. Gallant (grad student)
Hao ZhangComputer vision20002007 Jitendra Malik (grad student)
Sheng Zhao20062012 Lance J. Kriegsfeld (post-doc)
Xin ZhaoADHD, fMRI, Sleep Psychology Psychology20152016 Allison G. Harvey (research assistant), Lu Dong (research assistant)
Alice Xiaozhou Zheng2005 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Ning Zhongsynaptic transmission20042004 Robert S. Zucker (post-doc), Karl H. Weisgraber (post-doc)
Qing ZhouDevelopmental psychopathology
Jiang ZhuMathematics2005 Ming Gu (grad student)
Rebecca ZhuCognitive Development
Xiaowei Zhuangsingle-molecule approaches to examine protein-RNA complexes1996 Yuen-Ron Shen (grad student)
Ellen L. Zippi Jose Carmena (grad student)
Karen Zito Corey S. Goodman (grad student), Ehud Y. Isacoff (grad student)
Roberto ZoncuHow organelles sense nutrients and regulate cellular growth
Liang ZouAttention, neural probe
Irving (Irv) ZuckerBehavioral endocrinology, circadian rhythms Stephen E. Glickman (collaborator)
Robert S. Zuckersynaptic transmission
Charles S. ZukerTaste Gerald M. Rubin (post-doc)
R. Suzanne ZukinIschemia, NMDA receptors, AMPA receptors, preconditioning, neurodegenerative diseases Daniel E. Koshland (post-doc)
Elizabeth Zuniga Mark D'Esposito (research assistant)
Nathan ZuzowStress response of neural progenitor cells2009 Laurel Andrea Barchas (research assistant)