Otto D. Creutzfeldt

Kraepelin Institute (Munich), München, Bayern, Germany 
visual system
"Otto Creutzfeldt"

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is named for his father. See also:

Mean distance: 10.94 (cluster 17)


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Markus A. Dahlem research assistant
Wolfgang Fries grad student Kraepelin Institute
Klaus-Peter Hoffmann grad student Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie
Sabine Kastner grad student Max Planck Institute
Gerald Langner grad student Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Barry B. Lee grad student MPI Göttingen
Christoph Redies grad student
Bert Sakmann grad student Kraepelin Institute
Henning Scheich grad student Kraepelin Institute
Christoph E. Schreiner grad student Kraepelin Institute
Kazuhiko Shoumura grad student Hirosaki Univ
Tadaharu Tsumoto grad student Kraepelin Institute
Heinz Wässle grad student
Uwe Heinemann grad student 1970- Oxford
Wolf Singer grad student 1966-1968 Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie
Walter H. Ehrenstein grad student 1974-1977 Max-Planck-Institute of biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
Martin J. Lohse grad student 1978-1980 Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie
Joaquin M. Fuster post-doc
Joao C. Hohl Abrahao post-doc University of Brasília
Leonard Maler post-doc University of Ottawa
James T. McIlwain post-doc
Wolfram Schultz post-doc
Jonathan Stone post-doc
Mark Konishi post-doc 1964-1965 Kraepelin Institute
Ronald Chase post-doc 1969-1970 Max-Planck-Institute-Psychiatry, Munich
Russell Fernald post-doc 1969-1971
Lennart Mucke post-doc 1982-1984 Max Planck Institute
Trichur Raman Vidyasagar post-doc 1979-1989
Chao-Yi Li post-doc 1981-1989 Kraepelin Institute
Jochen Herms post-doc 1991-1992 Max Planck Institute Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany
George Benedek research scientist Kraepelin Institute
Christoph von der Malsburg research scientist Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry


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Mark Konishi collaborator UCLA
Louis A. Benevento collaborator 1972-1974 Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Joao C. Hohl Abrahao collaborator 1985-1993 University of Brasília, Brazil
 (He visited our group in Brasilia)
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Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, Volgushev M, et al. (1994) Receptive field analysis and orientation selectivity of postsynaptic potentials of simple cells in cat visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 14: 7130-40
Creutzfeldt OD. (1993) The neurophysiological correlates of colour induction, colour and brightness contrast. Progress in Brain Research. 95: 45-53
Salzmann E, Vidyasagar TR, Creutzfeldt OD. (1993) Functional comparison of neuronal properties in the primate posterior hippocampus and parahippocampus (area TF/TH) during different behavioural paradigms involving memory and selective attention. Behavioural Brain Research. 53: 133-49
Volgushev M, Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, et al. (1993) Excitation and inhibition in orientation selectivity of cat visual cortex neurons revealed by whole-cell recordings in vivo. Visual Neuroscience. 10: 1151-5
Kastner S, Crook JM, Pei X, et al. (1992) Neurophysiological Correlates of Colour Induction on White Surfaces. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 4: 1079-1086
Volgushev M, Pei X, Vidyasagar TR, et al. (1992) Postsynaptic potentials in cat visual cortex: dependence on polarization. Neuroreport. 3: 679-82
Vidyasagar TR, Salzmann E, Creutzfeldt OD. (1991) Unit activity in the hippocampus and the parahippocampal temporobasal association cortex related to memory and complex behaviour in the awake monkey. Brain Research. 544: 269-78
Pei X, Volgushev M, Vidyasagar TR, et al. (1991) Whole cell recording and conductance measurements in cat visual cortex in-vivo. Neuroreport. 2: 485-8
Creutzfeldt OD, Crook JM, Kastner S, et al. (1991) The neurophysiological correlates of colour and brightness contrast in lateral geniculate neurons. I. Population analysis. Experimental Brain Research. 87: 3-21
Creutzfeldt OD, Kastner S, Pei X, et al. (1991) The neurophysiological correlates of colour and brightness contrast in lateral geniculate neurons. II. Adaptation and surround effects. Experimental Brain Research. 87: 22-45
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