Kazuhiko Shoumura
Affiliations: | Hirosaki Univ, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori-ken, Japan |
"Kazuhiko Shoumura"Mean distance: 12.99 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Meguro R, Asano Y, Odagiri S, et al. (2010) Cellular and subcellular localizations of nonheme ferric and ferrous iron in the rat brain: A light and electron microscopic study by the perfusion-perls and -turnbull methods Hirosaki Medical Journal. 61: S245-S251 |
Ichinohe N, Shoumura K. (2001) Marked miosis caused by deafferenting the oculomotor nuclear complex in the cat. Autonomic Neuroscience : Basic & Clinical. 94: 42-5 |
Yu S, Iwatsuki H, Ichinohe N, et al. (2001) 'In vivo perfusion Turnbull's reaction' for Fe(II) histochemistry in non-anoxic/non-ischemic and anoxic/ischemic cat brains. Neuroscience Letters. 308: 79-82 |
Ichinohe N, Iwatsuki H, Shoumura K. (2001) Intrastriatal targets of projection fibers from the central lateral nucleus of the rat thalamus. Neuroscience Letters. 302: 105-8 |
Ichinohe N, Mori F, Shoumura K. (2000) A di-synaptic projection from the lateral cerebellar nucleus to the laterodorsal part of the striatum via the central lateral nucleus of the thalamus in the rat. Brain Research. 880: 191-7 |
Sakuraba M, Yun S, Ichinohe N, et al. (1999) Lattice-like collagen fiber meshwork in the iris stroma of the cat: a possible mechanism to generate the tension directed towards the iris root which is required for pupillary dilatation in the sympathectomized eye. Kaibogaku Zasshi. Journal of Anatomy. 74: 577-86 |
Amayasu H, Shoumura K, Ichinohe N, et al. (1999) Cornu Ammonis of the dog: a rudimentary CA2 field is only present in a small part of the dorsal division, and is absent in the ventral division of the cornu Ammonis. Journal Fã¼R Hirnforschung. 39: 355-67 |
Amayasu H, Shoumura K, Ichinohe N, et al. (1999) Cornu Ammonis of the Dog: A Rudimentary CA2 Field is only Present in a Small art of the Dorsal Division, and is Absent in the Ventral Division of the Cornu Ammonis Journal of Brain Research. 39: 355-367 |
Ichinohe N, Shoumura K. (1998) A di-synaptic projection from the superior colliculus to the head of the caudate nucleus via the centromedian-parafascicular complex in the cat: an anterograde and retrograde labeling study. Neuroscience Research. 32: 295-303 |
Hirama J, Shoumura K, Ichinohe N, et al. (1997) Cornu ammonis of the cat: lack of a separate field of CA2. Journal Fã¼R Hirnforschung. 38: 487-93 |