Ruby Hsu

Columbia University, New York, NY 
schizophrenia genetics, miRNAs
"Ruby Hsu"
Mean distance: 14.93 (cluster 6)


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Eric R. Kandel research assistant 2000-2002 Columbia
Michael Thomas McManus grad student UCSF (Chemistry Tree)
Joseph Gogos grad student 2003-2008 Columbia
Erik M. Ullian post-doc UCSF
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Hsu R, Schofield CM, Dela Cruz CG, et al. (2012) Loss of microRNAs in pyramidal neurons leads to specific changes in inhibitory synaptic transmission in the prefrontal cortex. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 50: 283-92
Babiarz JE, Hsu R, Melton C, et al. (2011) A role for noncanonical microRNAs in the mammalian brain revealed by phenotypic differences in Dgcr8 versus Dicer1 knockouts and small RNA sequencing. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 17: 1489-501
Schofield CM, Hsu R, Barker AJ, et al. (2011) Monoallelic deletion of the microRNA biogenesis gene Dgcr8 produces deficits in the development of excitatory synaptic transmission in the prefrontal cortex. Neural Development. 6: 11
Huang TH, Wu F, Loeb GB, et al. (2009) Up-regulation of miR-21 by HER2/neu signaling promotes cell invasion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284: 18515-24
Stark KL, Xu B, Bagchi A, et al. (2008) Altered brain microRNA biogenesis contributes to phenotypic deficits in a 22q11-deletion mouse model. Nature Genetics. 40: 751-60
Osokine I, Hsu R, Loeb GB, et al. (2008) Unintentional miRNA ablation is a risk factor in gene knockout studies: a short report. Plos Genetics. 4: e34
Hsu R, Woodroffe A, Lai WS, et al. (2007) Nogo Receptor 1 (RTN4R) as a candidate gene for schizophrenia: analysis using human and mouse genetic approaches. Plos One. 2: e1234
Si K, Giustetto M, Etkin A, et al. (2003) A neuronal isoform of CPEB regulates local protein synthesis and stabilizes synapse-specific long-term facilitation in aplysia. Cell. 115: 893-904
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