
Ohad Ben-Shahar, Ph.D.

2003 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Computer Vision
"Ohad Ben-Shahar"
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Steven W. Zucker grad student 2003 Yale
 (The perceptual organization of visual flows.)
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Dutta A, Lev-Ari T, Barzilay O, et al. (2020) Self-motion trajectories can facilitate orientation based figure-ground segregation. Journal of Neurophysiology
Reichenthal A, Segev R, Ben-Shahar O. (2020) Feature integration theory in non-humans: Spotlight on the archerfish. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Reichenthal A, Ben-Tov M, Ben-Shahar O, et al. (2019) What pops out for you pops out for fish: Four common visual features. Journal of Vision. 19: 1
Ben-Tov M, Ben-Shahar O, Segev R. (2018) What a predator can teach us about visual processing: a lesson from the archerfish. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 52: 80-87
Orlowski J, Ben-Shahar O, Wagner H. (2018) Visual search in barn owls: Task difficulty and saccadic behavior. Journal of Vision. 18: 4
Dövencioglu DN, Ben-Shahar O, Barla P, et al. (2017) Specular motion and 3D shape estimation. Journal of Vision. 17: 3
Barnea E, Mairon R, Ben-Shahar O. (2016) Colour-agnostic shape-based 3D fruit detection for crop harvesting robots Biosystems Engineering
Ben-Ari R, Ben-Shahar O. (2016) A computationally efficient tracker with direct appearance-kinematic measure and adaptive Kalman filter Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. 11: 271-285
Orlowski J, Beissel C, Rohn F, et al. (2015) Visual pop-out in barn owls: Human-like behavior in the avian brain. Journal of Vision. 15: 4
Ben-Shahar O, Ben-Yosef G. (2015) Tangent Bundle Elastica and Computer Vision. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 37: 161-74
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