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Steven W. Zucker

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Computer Vision
"Steven Zucker"
Mean distance: 16.61 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: MathTree - Computer Science Tree


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Azriel Rosenfeld grad student University of Maryland (Computer Science Tree)


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James Elder grad student Yale
Jonas M. August grad student 2001 Yale
Ohad Ben-Shahar grad student 2003 Yale
Patrick S. Huggins grad student 2005 Yale
Pavel Dimitrov grad student 2008 Yale
Edo Liberty grad student 2009 Yale
Matthew Lawlor grad student 2014 Yale
Minh-Tam Le grad student 2014 Yale
Gregory L. Dudek post-doc 1990-1992 McGill (Robotree)
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Dyballa L, Hoseini MS, Dadarlat MC, et al. (2018) Flow stimuli reveal ecologically appropriate responses in mouse visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Kunsberg B, Holtmann-Rice D, Alexander E, et al. (2018) Colour, contours, shading and shape: flow interactions reveal anchor neighbourhoods. Interface Focus. 8: 20180019
Kunsberg B, Zucker SW. (2018) Critical Contours: An Invariant Linking Image Flow with Salient Surface Organization Siam Journal On Imaging Sciences. 11: 1849-1877
Holtmann-Rice DN, Kunsberg BS, Zucker SW. (2018) Tensors, Differential Geometry and Statistical Shading Analysis Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 60: 968-992
Kunsberg B, Zucker S. (2017) Critical contours link surface inferences with image flows Journal of Vision. 17: 319
Elder JH, Victor J, Zucker SW. (2016) Understanding the statistics of the natural environment and their implications for vision. Vision Research
Kunsberg B, Zucker SW. (2014) How shading constrains surface patches without knowledge of light sources Siam Journal On Imaging Sciences. 7: 641-668
Lawlor M, Zucker SW. (2014) Feedforward learning of mixture models Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 3: 2564-2572
Fleming R, Vergne R, Zucker S. (2013) Predicting the effects of illumination in shape from shading Journal of Vision. 13: 611-611
Alexander E, Holtmann-Rice D, Zucker S. (2013) When Shading Flows With Color: Grounding Shape and Material Inference Journal of Vision. 13: 257-257
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