Vidal J. Annan, Ph.D.

2000 Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - Newark, United States 
"Vidal Annan"
Mean distance: 17.59 (cluster 23)


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Alan Gilchrist grad student 2000 Rutgers, Newark
 (The role of immediate past experience of lightness.)
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Annan V, Gilchrist A. (2004) Lightness depends on immediately prior experience. Perception & Psychophysics. 66: 943-52
Gilchrist AL, Annan V. (2002) Articulation effects in lightness: historical background and theoretical implications. Perception. 31: 141-50
Annan V, Gilchrist AL. (2001) Updating the anchor in lightness computations Journal of Vision. 1: 466a
Gilchrist A, Kossyfidis C, Bonato F, et al. (1999) An anchoring theory of lightness perception. Psychological Review. 106: 795-834
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