Victor X. Luevano, Ph.D.

2007 Psychology Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United States 
"Victor Luevano"
Mean distance: 16.06 (cluster 29)


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Leslie Zebrowitz grad student 2007 Brandeis
 (Truth in advertising: The relationship of facial appearance to apparent and actual health across the lifespan.)
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Zebrowitz LA, Franklin RG, Boshyan J, et al. (2014) Older and younger adults' accuracy in discerning health and competence in older and younger faces. Psychology and Aging. 29: 454-68
Jonason PK, Luevano VX, Adams HM. (2012) How the Dark Triad traits predict relationship choices Personality and Individual Differences. 53: 180-184
Zebrowitz LA, Wadlinger HA, Luevano VX, et al. (2011) ANIMAL ANALOGIES IN FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF FACES. Social Cognition. 29: 486-496
Zebrowitz LA, Luevano VX, Bronstad PM, et al. (2009) Neural activation to babyfaced men matches activation to babies. Social Neuroscience. 4: 1-10
Luevano VX, Zebrowitz LA. (2007) Do Impressions of Health, Dominance, and Warmth Explain Why Masculine Faces are Preferred More in a Short-Term Mate? Evolutionary Psychology. 5: 147470490700500
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