Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Larry F. AbbottComputation & Theory20031977 Sacha B. Nelson (collaborator), Eve Marder (collaborator), Stefano Fusi (collaborator), Howard J. Schnitzer (grad student)
Alessio AccardiChloride channels Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Pablo Achardcomputational neuroscience20072007 Eve Marder (post-doc), Erik De Schutter (post-doc)
Kelly M. AddisHuman Memory19992004 Michael Jacob Kahana (grad student)
Mohamed AdelLearning & Memory; Neural Plasticity; Dendritic Computations Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience20232023 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student), Christine Grienberger (post-doc), Eve Marder (grad student)
Yigal AgamNeurophysiology Neuroscience20032007 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Jose L. Agosto-RiveraMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior Neuroscience2008 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Leandro Martin Alonsocomputational neuroscience Biology2017 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Sherry L. AndersSocial Psychology, Speech Communication2000 Malcolm W. Watson (grad student)
Carrie L. AndreolettiSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2002 Margie E. Lachman (grad student)
Mike Arons Psychology Abraham Maslow (post-doc)
Elliot Aronsonsocial psychology, group processes1954 Abraham Maslow (research assistant)
Brent W. Asrican20072008 John Lisman (grad student), John Lisman (post-doc)
Margeaux V. Auslandermemory, aging, culture Psychology2013 Angela H. Gutchess (grad student)
Jason J. Baade Molecular and Cell Biology2014 Susan Birren (grad student)
Ari Bader-Natal Computer Science2008 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Avijit BakshiSpatial Orientation and Motor Control Physics2009 Paul A. DiZio (grad student)
Benjamin N BallintynMultisensory Integration, working memory, reinforcement learning Biology Paul Miller (grad student)
Belinda Barbagallo20142018 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Erick Barrios Biology20182025 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Holly J BeaulacMammalian cochlea, histology, microscopy Psychology Psychology20122012 Angela H. Gutchess (research assistant), Nicholas Rohleder (research assistant)
Jonathan I. BenichovAvian Neurobiology, Vocal Communication20072010 Arthur Wingfield (research assistant)
Pietro Berkesvisual system, computation & theory József Fiser (post-doc)
Pranay BharadwajBehavioral Neuroendocrinology20112012 Stephen D. Van Hooser (grad student)
Sarah Biber Molecular and Cell Biology2014 Avital A. Rodal (grad student)
Hilary S. Bierman20072009 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Cyrus Phiroze Billimorianeural circuits, dynamics2005 Eve Marder (grad student)
Susan BirrenDevelopment
Erin BishopDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Public and Social Welfare Psychology2014 Malcolm W. Watson (grad student)
Melissa P. Blackman Neuroscience2013 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
John H BladonMemory, Systems Neurobiology, Autism Psychology2019 Shantanu P. Jadhav (post-doc)
Robert O. Blaustein Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Mark S. BlumbergDevelopmental behavioral neuroscience; developmental neurophysiology; sleep; sensorimotor integration19821983 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Jasmine BoshyanSocial-Developmental2011 Leslie Zebrowitz (grad student)
Stephanie L. Bostrom Neuroscience2010 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
Mark A. BourjailyNeuroscience Biology, Applied Mathematics Neuroscience2012 Paul Miller (grad student)
Bethany K. Bracken Neuroscience2008 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Nicolas BrunelComputational neuroscience Xiao-Jing Wang (research scientist)
Ayanna S. Bryan2006 Paul A. DiZio (grad student), James R. Lackner (grad student)
Anthony Bucci Computer Science2007 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Dirk M. BucherLobster Stomatogastric Nervous System Eve Marder (post-doc)
Gonzalo BudelliNeuroscience Biology20132021 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
James B. Bulliscellular neurophysiology Sacha B. Nelson (post-doc)
Jasmina Burdzovic AndreasDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2004 Malcolm W. Watson (grad student)
Keki M. Burjorjee Computer Science2009 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Jonathan CannonComputation & Theory Biology20142016 Paul Miller (post-doc)
Jonathan Stuart Caplan Neuroscience2013 Eve Marder (grad student)
Jeremy B. Caplanhuman memory, theta2002 Michael Jacob Kahana (grad student)
Melissa L. CarasAuditory system20042007 Donald B. Katz (research assistant)
Brian Cary2015 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Brittany S. Cassidysocial neuroscience, memory, aging Psychology20092014 Angela H. Gutchess (grad student)
Urann ChanNeurodevelopment, Synapse development Biology20122016 Suzanne Paradis (research assistant)
Frances ChanceSynapses Larry F. Abbott (grad student)
Sooyoung Chung Sacha B. Nelson (post-doc)
Erin Clarke Biology20132020 Sacha B. Nelson (post-doc)
Melissa J. Colemanbirdsong Leslie C. Griffith (post-doc)
Frances Colon-Hastings2004 Susan Birren (grad student)
Albert CompteComputational Neuroscience Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc)
Rossella Conti2001 John Lisman (grad student)
Kelly A. CotterDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Margie E. Lachman (grad student)
Katheryn A. CousinsCognitive aging and language Neuroscience2014 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Nelson D. Cruz-BermúdezNeurobiology of addiction2007 Eve Marder (grad student)
Robert H. CudmoreIn Vivo Two Photon Imaging, Neurons, Vasculature, Intrinsic Plasticity, Ion Channels19982004 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Yu Yuki DaiSomatosensation, social behaviors, ASDs20152019 Shantanu P. Jadhav (research assistant)
Vardhan S. Danineocortex, development Neuroscience2009 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Jared F. Danker20032005 Michael Jacob Kahana (research assistant), Robert Sekuler (research assistant)
Jonathan H. DarNeuroscience Biology, General Biophysics, Cognitive Psychology Physics2015 Paul Miller (grad student)
Gabriel Robles de La TorreHaptics19931998 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Ricardo A DelgadoCellular physiol, Ion Channels,Neurphysiology Biologia19812000 Pedro Labarca (research scientist)
David J. DeRosierSuper-resolution light microscopy and the structure of the synapse
Niraj S. DesaiNeurocomputation Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Mugdha Deshpande Avital A. Rodal (post-doc)
John C. DeWittNeuro development20022006 Susan Birren (research assistant)
Marissa DiGirolamo Psychology2015 Jennifer Gutsell (grad student)
Mingxin Ding Neuroscience2019 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Paul A. DiZioSpatial Orientation and Motor Control James R. Lackner (collaborator)
Justin J. DoreNeuro Development Molecular and Cell Biology20022007 John C. DeWitt (collaborator), Susan Birren (grad student)
Ken W. DowerMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2004 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Brian Drake Mathematics2008 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Ronny Drapkin1990 James E. Haber (research assistant)
Patrick J. DrewCerebral blood flow19992004 Larry F. Abbott (grad student)
Chad M Dubémathematical modeling, memory Psychology20112013 Robert Sekuler (post-doc)
Jean-Maurice Dura19881990 Tim Tully (post-doc)
Aglaia Efstathiou Richard M. Held (grad student)
Judith Eisen Eve Marder (grad student)
Marguerite A. Eisenstein-Taylor2001 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Arne D. Ekstromlearning and memory, cognitive neuroscience, electrophysiology, fMRI20012004 Michael Jacob Kahana (grad student)
Gina EscobarTheoretical/computational Neuroscience Stephen D. Van Hooser (post-doc)
Manuel EsguerraAddiction, neurobiology, optogenetics19911995 Irwin Levitan (post-doc)
Debra Ann FadoolOlfaction, electrophysiology Irwin Levitan (post-doc)
Yutian Fan2020 Xueying Wang (research assistant)
David H. FarbMolecular physiology of benzodiazepines and other ion channel modulators; GABA(A) receptor structure-function; NMDA receptor structure and function; neuroactive steroids19691975 William P. Jencks (grad student)
Alyssa Fassett-Carman Neuroscience Jennifer Gutsell (grad student)
Arash FazlVisual attention, computational modeling20072010 Robert Sekuler (post-doc)
Arelys Feliciano SanchezCognitive aging and language2006 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Jean-Marc Fellous John Lisman (post-doc), Leslie Zebrowitz (post-doc)
Sarah L. Ferribehavioral neuroendocrinology Biology20022006 Jeffrey C. Hall (research assistant)
Eric C Fieldseeg, emotion, memory, social cognition Psychology2017 Angela H. Gutchess (post-doc)
Kimberly M. FirthDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Margie E. Lachman (grad student)
József FiserVisual information processing, visual learning
Alexander V. FlyaxVisual cortex Neuroscience2013 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Alfredo Fontanini Donald B. Katz (post-doc)
Yaihara M. Fortis-SantiagoNeuroscience Neuroscience2012 Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Charles R. FoxSpatial Orientation, Ethical Development, Higher Education Psychology James R. Lackner (grad student)
Daniel G. FreedmanPsychology, Human Ethology, Human Development Psychology1957 John Paul Scott (grad student)
Pablo J. Funes2001 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Stefano Fusitheoretical neuroscience20022003 Xiao-Jing Wang (research scientist)
Andrew Gainer Mathematics2012 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Melanie A. Gaineysynaptic plasticity Neuroscience20042011 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Henry GalperinVisual information processing, visual learning Psychology2012 József Fiser (grad student)
Alexander Garger2004 John Lisman (grad student)
Enrique Garibay Ruiz2003 Xiao-Jing Wang (grad student)
Paul A. GarrityMolecular Genetics of Behavior2009 Douglas Lowell Theobald (collaborator)
John M. GarveyCell Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2001 Neil Simister (grad student)
Caroline Geislercomputational neuroscience19982004 Xiao-Jing Wang (grad student)
Wulfram GerstnerComputation & Theory1995 Larry F. Abbott (post-doc)
Ira Martin Gessel
Amy E. GhirettiNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology Neuroscience2014 Suzanne Paradis (grad student)
David Gillespiemolecular Biology
Kelly S. Giovanello Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Marie Luize Goeritzmotor systems, modulation Eve Marder (research scientist)
Julie D. Golomb20012004 Arthur Wingfield (research assistant)
Eileen K. GrahamDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology2010 Margie E. Lachman (grad student)
Rachel G. Grashowcellular, computational neuroscience, central pattern generation Neuroscience20042010 Eve Marder (grad student)
Annette C. GrayVoltage-gated calcium channels2006 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Thomas R GrayNeuroscience2020 Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Anthony J. GreenefMRI, Learning and Memory19951997 James R. Lackner (research scientist)
Chloe Greppi20152020 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Leslie C. Griffith
Alecia K. GrossPhotoreceptors, GPCR trafficking2002 Daniel D. Oprian (grad student)
Stephen GrossmanVisual cortex Neuroscience2009 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Cosmo Joseph Guerinimotor systems, network dynamics, stomatogastric ganglion, neuromodulation Volen Center for Complex Systems20162021 Eve Marder (research assistant)
Angela H. Gutchessmemory, aging, culture
Gabrielle J. Gutierrezcomputational neuroscience Neuroscience20062013 Eve Marder (grad student)
Jennifer Gutsell
Sara A HaddadSystems Neuroscience, Retina, Retinal Physiology, Vision Research Biology Eve Marder (grad student)
Ralf Haefner2011 József Fiser (post-doc)
Brandon M. Hager Psychology2016 Jennifer Gutsell (grad student)
Jeffrey C. Hall Michael Roshbash (collaborator)
Fumika Hamada20052009 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
David Hamptonneuromodulation, connectomics, neurocircuitry dynamics Neuroscience2015 Eve Marder (grad student)
Paul E. HardinDrosophila circadian rhythms19891991 Michael Roshbash (post-doc)
Jane E. HarriesClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Psychology2011 Raymond A. Knight (grad student)
Gaiti Hasan Michael Rosbash (post-doc)
Alexis Hattox
KC Hayes
Alan Hein1960 Richard M. Held (grad student)
Amanda R. Hemmesch Psychology2011 Leslie Zebrowitz (grad student)
Keith B. HengenNeuroscience Biology2011 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Linnea E Herzog Neuroscience20152020 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student), Donald B. Katz (grad student), Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Arild Hestviklinguistics & experimental psychology Jane Grimshaw (grad student)
Gregory S HickokLanguage, Aphasia Linguistics1992 Edgar Zurif (grad student)
Jeanine Mary Hinterneder Neuroscience2009 Susan Birren (grad student)
Jay Hirsh Robert F. Schleif (grad student)
Scott L. HooperCentral Pattern Generators19811986 Eve Marder (grad student)
Gregory S. Hornby2003 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Marc Howardhuman memory, computational modeling Michael Jacob Kahana (post-doc)
Ken Jamel HoyteCognitive Neuroscience and Neuroepidemiology20022006 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Z. Josh HuangGABA network development Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Jie HuangVisual memory, attention Psychology20022010 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Kristiana Marie HubleyFear
Patricio T. HuertaCognition, Memory, NMDA Receptor, Hippocampus, Brain-Immune Axis, Sepsis, Lupus John Lisman (grad student)
Aminul Huq Mathematics2009 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Jennifer Hurvitz Wolff2007 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Grace M. HwangVision, Electrophysiology, Multisensory interactions, Cognition, Aging, Memory2005 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Joo-Seok Hyunvisual attention, memory, ERPs20062009 Robert Sekuler (post-doc)
Marco A P IdiartComputational Neuroscience Biology Department19941995 John Lisman (post-doc)
Helene Intraub19731977 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Aishwariya Iyengar2023 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Aishwariya Iyengar
Allan Jacobson David Gillespie (grad student)
Pallavi S. Jayawant2001 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
William P. JencksCatalysis, Enzyme Mechanisms
Ole Jensenoscillations, MEG, EEG, brain imaging19941998 John Lisman (grad student)
Shengnan JinGPCR membrane protein crystallography2004 Daniel D. Oprian (grad student)
Alexis R. Johns Psychology20162018 Arthur Wingfield (post-doc)
Edwin C. Johnsonmolecular pharmacology, nicotinic receptors, mGluRs19841987 John Lisman (post-doc)
Connor Johnson Psychology2023 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student), Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Lauren M. JonesComputational Neuroscience20052007 Donald B. Katz (post-doc)
Anne Joseph Life Sciences2010 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Daniel JoynerNeuroscience
Maki Kaneko2000 Jeffrey C. Hall (grad student)
KyeongJin Kang20062012 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Janna Kaplanspatial orientation
Donald B. KatzNeuroscience19972002 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Paul S. KatzCentral pattern generators / neuromodulation / evolution / neuromics / evolution / Connectomics19891992 Irwin Levitan (post-doc)
Geoffrey Keane2022 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Arielle S KellerCognition, Attention, Perception, Depression, Anxiety Psychology20122016 Robert Sekuler (research assistant)
Adam KepecsSniffing2002 John Lisman (grad student)
Kimberly Sayer Kerr Biology Biology Biology20122015 Michael Rosbash (research assistant), Leslie C. Griffith (research assistant), Jeffrey C. Hall (research assistant)
Inna Keselmanneurophysiology, biophysics, potassium channels, muscarinic receptors, phospholipids, adenosine receptors
Lena Khibnik John Lisman (research assistant)
Yevgenia L. KhodorMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Masako Kikuchi Psychology2007 Leslie Zebrowitz (grad student)
Valerie L. Kilmancircadian rhythms, sleep19982000 Eve Marder (grad student), Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Jong H. Kim Mathematics2011 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Eugene Kim Neuroscience2013 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
Rebecca Kinsler James R. Lackner (research assistant), Paul A. DiZio (research assistant)
Ryan Kirk Neuroscience20182024 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Alfredo KirkwoodPlasticity1990 John Lisman (grad student)
Tilman J. KisperskyNeuronal Dynamics Eve Marder (post-doc)
Stanley A. KleinVision Physics1967 Howard J. Schnitzer (grad student)
Naomi Klickstein Leslie C. Griffith (research assistant)
Susan Klinedinst20062010 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Zachary Knecht20132018 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Raymond A. KnightClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology
William Rudolf KobertzIon Channels Biochemistry Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Sandhya P. Koushika19921998 Kalpana White (grad student)
Benjamin A. KramerSensation and Perception Paul A. DiZio (grad student), James R. Lackner (grad student)
Richard H. KramerOptogenetics, Visual System, Vesicle cycle19851989 Irwin Levitan (post-doc)
Rebecca E. Kreipke
Judith F. KrollSecond language acquisition, bilingualism Maurice E. Hershenson (grad student)
Stefanie Ellen KuchinskyCognitive neuroscience, Language comprehension, Language production Arthur Wingfield (research assistant)
Nicholas KuperwasserMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2005 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Yerbol Z. Kurmangaliyev
Isaac KurtzerMotor Control, Upper-Limb Refexes James R. Lackner (grad student), Paul A. DiZio (grad student)
Pedro Labarca19771980 Christopher Miller (grad student)
Scott A. LacadieMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2006 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Margie E. LachmanDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
James R. LacknerSpatial Orientation and Motor Control
Cindy J. Laharcognitive aging, positive psychology, cross-cultural psych19851991 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Mary E. Lambo Neuroscience2012 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Michelle LandstromSongbird development, Songbird communication, Vocal learning Biology20142017 KC Hayes (research scientist)
Brian J LaneHomeostatic plasticity, experience-dependent plasticity, visual system, invertebrate CPGs, gap junctions2017 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Amanda LashCognitive aging20092014 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Timothy D. LauerMolecular sensory genomics, structure, function, evolution, and circuit mechanisms 2011 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Willem Laursen2017 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Nicolas Le Roux20072008 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Ronald M. LechanHypothalamic disease, pituitary disease, disorders of the thyroid, adrenal disease, islet cell tumors
Hyeon-Nyeon Leememory, aging, culture Psychology2012 Angela H. Gutchess (grad student)
Yoona LeeGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology2013 Malcolm W. Watson (grad student)
Daniel Lemanhomeostasis, plasticity, stability, sensory systems, motor systems, birdsong
Avi Lepskycomputational Neuroscience, vision neuroscience Biology Stephen D. Van Hooser (research assistant)
Kenneth R. Leslie2001 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Susan M. LetourneauCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, General Psychology Psychology2010 Teresa V. Mitchell (grad student)
Simon D. Levyrobotics, Vector Symbolic Architectures2003 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Ji Li Mathematics2007 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Yue LiMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior Molecular and Cell Biology2014 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Xiaolan LiSpatial Orientation and Motor Control Psychology2013 Paul A. DiZio (grad student)
Pao-Yen Lin2005 Susan Birren (grad student)
Rui LinDevelopmental Neuroscience/Electrophysiology Neuroscience20192021 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
John Lismanhippocampus, neurophysiology
Deborah M. Littlecategory learning, aging, dementia19972001 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Feng Liucomputational neuroscience20032005 Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc)
Chang Liu20122019 Leslie C. Griffith (post-doc)
Yinghui Liu2000 Xiao-Jing Wang (grad student)
Xiaomeng Long2001 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
April M. Lowell Molecular and Cell Biology20072014 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Cecilia S. Lu2004 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
Victor X. Luevano Psychology2007 Leslie Zebrowitz (grad student)
Jian LvNeuroscience Biology Physics2012 Paul Miller (grad student)
Kimberly J. MacKenzieVisual learning Neuroscience2012 József Fiser (grad student)
Roderick MacKinnonIon channels1989 Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Katrina M. MacLeodAuditory Brainstem Sacha B. Nelson (post-doc)
Merritt MadukeMolecular & Cellular Physiology Biochemistry19952001 Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Hamid Reza MaeiMachine Learning, Reinforcement Learning20022003 Larry F. Abbott (grad student), Jané Kondev (grad student)
Arianna Maffeicircuit plasticity20022008 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Abuzar MahmoodSystems Neuroscience, Taste processing, Sensory Processing, Neural Dynamics Psychology20182023 Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Joost X. Maierauditory system Donald B. Katz (post-doc)
Maira Majano2022 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Ryan T. MaloneyVision20092011 Eve Marder (research assistant)
Eve Mardermotor system, network dynamics
David A. Markowitz20032004 Eve Marder (research assistant)
Lisandro MartinLearning and Memory, Visual System, Neural Circuits
Jessica MaryottImitation and aging Neuroscience20052009 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Abraham Maslowhierarchy of human needs
Jennifer Matheroctopus behaviour James R. Lackner (grad student)
Mark D. Mattaliano2006 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
Jason K. Maurice2004 Leslie Zebrowitz (grad student)
Christina Mazzio20192022 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Jacqueline E McDermott Molecular and Cellular Biology20132018 Suzanne Paradis (grad student)
Michael J. McDonaldMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2002 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Charmian Courtney McIntyreLTP, hippocampus2006 John Lisman (grad student)
Timothy D. McKeeGPCR membrane protein crystallography2002 Daniel D. Oprian (grad student)
Jennifer E. MehrenCourtship2005 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
Edward Rivera Melendez Neuroscience2021 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Ofer S. Melnik2000 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Zhiqiang MengCongnition Neuroscience Psychology20172019 Donald B. Katz (post-doc)
Mark N. MillerMicrocircuitry, Song System Neuroscience20022008 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Paul Millercomputation & theory Physics Xiao-Jing Wang (post-doc)
Joseph A. MindellPhysical principles governing membrane-protein function Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Nathaniel J Miska Life Sciences20112019 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Teresa V. MitchellCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, General Psychology
Kevin Monk20112013 Donald B. Katz (research assistant)
Jung-Il Moon Molecular and Cell Biology2008 Susan Birren (grad student)
Thomas M MorinfMRI Neuroscience2022 Anne S. Berry (post-doc)
Matthew Moynihan Mathematics2012 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Chaelon I. MymeVisual cortex2004 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Farzan Nadimneurobiology, neuroethology, stomatogastric nervous system Volen Center for Complex Systems19951998 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Marc Nahmani20082016 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Amir NainiPotassium channels Christopher Miller (grad student)
Roshan D. NanuSchizophrenia, Thalamocortical Interactions, Working Memory, Memory, Hippocampal-Prefrontal Circuitry Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience20162017 John Lisman (grad student), Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student), Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Darshana Narayanan
Neil NathansonSignal transduction Robert F. Schleif (grad student)
Pipat Nawathean Rachna K. Rangan (collaborator)
Inna NechipurenkoNeuroscience Biology20122019 Piali Sengupta (post-doc)
Sacha B. NelsonVisual cortex Gina G. Turrigiano (collaborator)
Megan C. NevilleMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2000 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Ehren L. NewmanLearning & Memory and Neural Circuits19992002 Michael Jacob Kahana (research assistant)
Estelle E. NewtonCell Biology2005 Neil Simister (grad student)
Vivan Nguyen ChiDrug Discovery, Drug Development, Tolerability Testing, Efficacy Testing, In Vivo Pharmacology, Toxicology, Learning and Memory, Mood Disorders Psychology Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Lina Ni20112017 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Abigail L. Noycecognitive neuroscience, attention, short-term memory, prediction20082014 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Michael P. NusbaumNeural Circuits Eve Marder (post-doc)
Kymberlee M. O'BrienCognitive aging and language Psychology2011 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Michael P. O'Donnell Biology2013 Piali Sengupta (post-doc)
Benjamin Okaty Neuroscience2011 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Margaret A. OliveiraSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Mass Communications2000 Malcolm W. Watson (grad student)
Jacob M OlsonSystems Neuroscience2019 Shantanu P. Jadhav (post-doc)
Daniel D. OprianGPCR membrane protein crystallography2012 Douglas Lowell Theobald (collaborator)
Michael L. OshinskyNeuroscience, Pain, Migraine19891992 Eve Marder (research assistant)
Jason J OsikNeuroscience Neuroscience20112017 Stephen D. Van Hooser (grad student)
Jonah Ostroff Mathematics2013 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Nikolai OtmakhovSynaptic plasticity1994 John Lisman (research scientist)
Adriane Gerndt OtopalikStomatogastric ganglion, neuromodulation Eve Marder (grad student)
Alejandro Torrado Pacheco2014 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Heather PanicVestibular system, Navigation2010 James R. Lackner (grad student)
Vincent C. Panzano Neuroscience20082013 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Suzanne ParadisNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Jourdan H Parentneural networks, aging, dopamine Psychology Anne S. Berry (grad student)
Lisa Payne2009 Robert Sekuler (post-doc)
Jonathan E. PeelleSpeech comprehension, hearing loss, neuroimaging20002004 Julie D. Golomb (collaborator), Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Ying PengMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2005 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
T. K. Petersen2006 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Hyun-Jae Pihippocampus, plasticity Physics2009 John Lisman (grad student)
Caitlin E. PietteNeuroscience Neuroscience2012 Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Davide PiovesanMotor control, Mechanical Impedance, Force Control Ashton Graibiel Spatial orientation lab20042008 James R. Lackner (grad student)
Tepring PiquadoNeurobiology of Language Neuroscience20052010 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Nicolás PírezOlfactory coding, Imaging,20092012 Leslie C. Griffith (post-doc)
Jessica Marie Pisano2000 Susan Birren (grad student)
Diego PlacidoExecutive functions, visual attention, memory, emotional regulation, autism, neurocognitive, development, neuroscience, neuroconstructivism, clinical, language, decision-making, learning, computational modeling Department of Psychology and Neuroscience20142016 Arthur Wingfield (research scientist)
Jordan B. Pollack
Marjena PopovicLow level vision, probabilistic representation Neuroscience Psychology Neuroscience Psychology20122016 Stephen D. Van Hooser (grad student), József Fiser (grad student), Stephen D. Van Hooser (grad student), József Fiser (grad student)
Blake S PorterNeural mechanisms of quitting and self control, network interactions, learning and memory, in vivo electrophysiology Psychology2021 Shantanu P. Jadhav (post-doc)
Adriana M. Prada Biology Department2022 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Kara G. Pratt2004 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Thomas PreatLearning and memory19901991 Tim Tully (post-doc)
Kristen J. PrenticeCognitive aging and language2000 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Astrid A. Prinzcomputational neuroscience, pattern generation20002004 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Stefan R. Pulver Neuroscience2009 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
Sri RaghavachariComputational neuroscience John Lisman (post-doc)
Aram J. RaissiNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience2014 Suzanne Paradis (grad student)
Raul Ramos20152021 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Rachna K. RanganCicadian Rhythms, Emotion, Personality and Altruism20042006 Michael Roshbash (post-doc)
Martin A RaymondSensory Neuroscience, Taste
Kristina J. Rehm20012008 Eve Marder (grad student)
Robert E. Remezlanguage, speech, perception19671971 James R. Lackner (research assistant)
Nichola J. Rice2006 Robert Sekuler (post-doc)
Kathryn S. Richards2000 Eve Marder (grad student)
Emmanuel J Rivera-RodriguezSleep, Neuroscience, microRNA, education, teaching, diversity Department of Biology20152022 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
Daniel S. Rizzutomemory19972002 Michael Jacob Kahana (grad student)
Stephanie A. Robinson20132017 Margie E. Lachman (grad student)
Avital A. Rodal
Joseph RodriguezMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Chad S. RogersSpeech and Hearing, Aging2011 Arthur Wingfield (post-doc)
Nicholas Rohleder
Nicole M. Rosamemory, aging, culture Psychology2013 Angela H. Gutchess (grad student)
Mercedes H. Rosas2000 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Michael RosbashMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior
Robert L. Rosenbergnicotinic receptors, Na channels, Ca channels, neural regeneration19771979 Christopher Miller (research assistant)
Michael RoshbashRNA processing as well as the genes and mechanisms that underlie circadian rhythms
Benjamin D. Rubin2008 Donald B. Katz (post-doc)
Clifton RumseyIntrinsic plasticity, computational neuroscience Larry F. Abbott (grad student)
Ayelet Meron Ruscio Psychology1996 Teresa Amabile (research assistant)
Abigail A Russomotor control, decision making, learning
Brian F. SadaccaLearning, Reward, Taste Neuroscience20062012 Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Honi SandersHippocampus2010 John Lisman (grad student)
John Paul SanGiovanniRetina, Nutrition Lynn Halpern (grad student)
David M. Santucci2008 John Lisman (post-doc)
Tatevik Sarkissian2017 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Michael Satchell Neuroscience2023 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Mark S. SavianoSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology2005 Malcolm W. Watson (grad student)
William M. SchopperleNeuronal excitability2001 Irwin Levitan (grad student)
David J. SchulzMotor networks, ion channels20022005 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Jackie Seddonelectrophysiology, neuromodulation Biology2023 Eve Marder (research assistant)
Aaron R. SeitzSensory Systems, Perceptual Learning Psychology Robert Sekuler (research scientist)
Robert SekulerVision, Electrophysiology, Multisensory interactions, Cognition, Aging, Memory Computer Science2014 Michael Jacob Kahana (collaborator), Timothy J. Hickey (collaborator)
Kamal SenBirdsong Larry F. Abbott (grad student)
Shruti ShankarNeuroscience2021 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Justin Shin Neuroscience20152021 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Sonal Shruti2010 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Ashutosh Shukla2023 Shantanu P. Jadhav (post-doc)
Aafia SiddiquiVision, Electrophysiology, Multisensory interactions, Cognition, Aging, Memory2001 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Viviane Siino-SearsSpatial Orientation and Motor Control2004 Paul A. DiZio (grad student)
Neil SimisterCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Marianne SimmelNeuropsychology
Jeremy C. Simon Psychology2015 Jennifer Gutsell (grad student)
Kathleen K. SiwickiCourtship conditioning, fruit flies, drosophila Jeffrey C. Hall (post-doc)
Per Jesper SjöströmNeuroscience, synaptic plasticity, cortical circuits19982002 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Frances K. Skinner Eve Marder (post-doc)
Elizabeth I. Sklar2000 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Justin B. Slawson Neuroscience2012 Leslie C. Griffith (grad student)
John David Slonimsky2003 Susan Birren (grad student)
WeiQing V. SoMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2000 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Alireza SoltaniComputational Neuroscience; Cognitive Neuroscience 20022006 Xiao-Jing Wang (grad student)
Sen SongComputational Neuroscience, Imaging, Connectomics19962002 Larry F. Abbott (grad student)
Pengcheng Song2006 Xiao-Jing Wang (grad student)
Pavel SountsovNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience2015 Paul Miller (grad student)
Per StampeK Channels19921993 Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Jennifer Tehan StanleyAging, Emotion
Jennifer Tehan Stanleyemotion, aging Psychology2011 Derek Isaacowitz (post-doc)
Heather Sternsheinelectrophysiology, vision Neuroscience20052010 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Raj A. StewartCognitive neuroscience, reading comprehension, language processing Neuroscience20022008 Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Elizabeth A L Stine-MorrowCognitive Aging, Language and Discourse Processing19851990 Arthur Wingfield (post-doc)
Dan S. StoleruMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2005 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Bradly T. StoneChemosensory, Systems Neuroscience, Network States, Affective States, Oscillations Neuroscience20162021 Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Michael A. Strom Psychology2011 Leslie Zebrowitz (grad student)
Lubert StryerVision, G proteins, signal transduction19611962 Carolyn Cohen (post-doc)
Nadya Styczynski Psychology20132019 Jennifer Gutsell (grad student)
Víctor Manuel Suárez CasanovaVisual System Biology Brandeis University20202016 Stephen D. Van Hooser (grad student), Gina G. Turrigiano (research assistant)
Ken SuginoVisual cortex2004 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Qian SunHippocampal circuit function Neuroscience20052011 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Vipin SuriMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior 2001 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Daniel Svedberg Neuroscience2017 Donald B. Katz (grad student)
Andrew Mark Swensen2000 Eve Marder (grad student)
Christian D. SwinehartData visualization, Information graphics19982005 Larry F. Abbott (grad student), Eve Marder (grad student)
Claire A Symanskihippocampus, calcium imaging2015 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student), Stephen D. Van Hooser (grad student)
Theresa M. SzaboNeuroscience20072010 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Christine E. Taft Neuroscience2011 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Anthony TangCircadian cycle
Lamont S. TangNeural Circuits, neuromodulation, electrophysiology, computational models, molecular biology Neuroscience20042010 Eve Marder (grad student)
Chih-Hang A. TangMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior Neuroscience2012 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Ruocong Tang2019 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
Wenbo Tang Neuroscience20162023 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Daniel F. TardiffMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior Molecular and Cell Biology2007 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Veda Tatavarty2011 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Adam L. TaylorStomatogastric ganglion2003 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Vatsala Thirumalaicircuits, computation & theory Eve Marder (grad student)
Linda Tickle-DegnenGeneral Psychology, Aging, Social Psychology
Anne-Elise Tobincentral pattern generators, neuromodulation, electrophysiology, computational models, molecular biology2005 Eve Marder (post-doc)
Alex Trottvisual system, corticocortical feedback
Gina G. Turrigiano Eve Marder (post-doc)
Vera Valakh Neuroscience20142021 Sacha B. Nelson (post-doc)
Lena van Giesen20162018 Paul A. Garrity (post-doc)
Stephen D. Van HooserVisual system, development19992005 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Carl van VreeswijkComputation, Theory Larry F. Abbott (grad student)
Juan A. VarelaVisual cortex2000 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Anna L. Varvak2004 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Christopher G. VecseySleep, memory, cAMP signaling, neuropeptide regulation of behavior Biology20092013 Leslie C. Griffith (post-doc)
Kristina M. VisscherVisual and Auditory memory, attention, fMRI, EEG20042009 Robert Sekuler (post-doc)
Shivakumar ViswanathanVisual memory, spatial navigation, Action observation, planning and control20072009 Robert Sekuler (post-doc), Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Tim VogelsComputational neuroscience20012007 Larry F. Abbott (grad student)
Christopher T. WalshEnzymes Chemistry19701972 Robert Heinz Abeles (post-doc)
Chao-Jen Wang Mathematics2011 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
David P. Waterman Biology2012 James E. Haber (grad student)
Richard A. Watson2002 Jordan B. Pollack (grad student)
Malcolm W. WatsonDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Alanna J. WattCerebellum, development2003 Gina G. Turrigiano (grad student)
Lena Webb20072010 Paul A. Garrity (grad student)
John W. WeiselBlood clotting, fibrinogen1973 Carolyn Cohen (grad student)
Wei WenSynaptic plasticity, Homeostatic plasticity, Visual system Biology2018 Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
Naomi L. WernickCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2005 Neil Simister (grad student)
Stacey B. WhitbourneCognitive Psychology2005 Margie E. Lachman (grad student)
Michael M. Whiteligand gated ion channels19771982 Christopher Miller (grad student)
Ryan T. Willett Michael Rosbash (research assistant)
Alex Henry WilliamsComputational Neurobiology20122014 Eve Marder (research assistant)
Arthur WingfieldCognitive aging and language
Derek L. Wise20162024 Sacha B. Nelson (grad student)
Martin Wojtyniak Molecular and Cell Biology2013 Susan Birren (grad student)
Nicole F. WongAuditory, in vitro electrophysiology, synapses Gina G. Turrigiano (post-doc)
KongFatt Wong-LinComputational Neuroscience, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence20012006 Xiao-Jing Wang (grad student)
Tigist Wubu Arthur Wingfield (grad student)
Guoce Xin2004 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Dapeng Xu2003 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Gary YellenIon Channel Biophysics, Metabolism and Excitability19841986 Christopher Miller (post-doc)
Jeongsook YoonClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology Psychology2009 Raymond A. Knight (grad student)
Takashi Yoshidaneurophysiology, taste Donald B. Katz (post-doc)
Yuko YotsumotoCognitive Neuroscience20012005 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Edgar Youngbiophysics of ion channels Jeff Gelles (grad student)
Ryan Younghippocampus, interregional communication, non-spatial coding Biology2015 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Xiaolin YuDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Malcolm W. Watson (grad student)
Yunliang Zangcerebellum; somatogastric ganglion; homeostasis Biology Eve Marder (post-doc)
Leslie Zebrowitz
Yuchun ZhangSchizophrenia John Lisman (post-doc)
Peng Zhang John Lisman (post-doc)
Dong ZhangMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior2000 Michael Rosbash (grad student)
Feng ZhouVision, Brain imaging20002005 Robert Sekuler (grad student)
Ping Zhou2003 Ira Martin Gessel (grad student)
Mark C. Zielinski2014 Shantanu P. Jadhav (grad student)
Laurence J. ZwiebelMosquito Olfaction19861991 Michael Rosbash (grad student)