Bing Wu, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States |
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"Bing Wu"Mean distance: 15.26 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorZijiang J. He | grad student | 2004 | University of Louisville | |
(The visual perception of distance in action space.) |
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Wu B, He ZJ, Ooi TL. (2007) The linear perspective information in ground surface representation and distance judgment. Perception & Psychophysics. 69: 654-72 |
Wu B, He ZJ, Ooi TL. (2007) Inaccurate representation of the ground surface beyond a texture boundary. Perception. 36: 703-21 |
Ooi TL, Wu B, He ZJ. (2006) Perceptual space in the dark affected by the intrinsic bias of the visual system. Perception. 35: 605-24 |
He ZJ, Wu B, Ooi TL, et al. (2004) Judging egocentric distance on the ground: occlusion and surface integration. Perception. 33: 789-806 |
Wu B, Ooi TL, He ZJ. (2004) Perceiving distance accurately by a directional process of integrating ground information. Nature. 428: 73-7 |
Wu B, He ZJ, Ooi TL. (2003) Evidence for a sequential surface integration process hypothesis from judging egocentric distance with restricted view of the ground Journal of Vision. 3: 500a |
Ooi TL, He ZJ, Wu B. (2002) Delineating the perceived ground surface from a direction constancy rule Journal of Vision. 2: 716a |
Yarbrough GL, Wu B, Wu J, et al. (2002) Judgements of object location behind an obstacle depend on the particular information selected Journal of Vision. 2: 625a |
Wu B, He ZJ, Ooi TL. (2002) A ground surface based space perception in the virtual environment Journal of Vision. 2: 513a |
Ooi TL, Wu B, He ZJ. (2001) Distance determined by the angular declination below the horizon. Nature. 414: 197-200 |