University of Louisville

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Seema Agarwala1990 Heywood M. Petry (grad student)
Nadia Al-Dajani
Anne M. AlbanoClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Joseph AponteClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Ashley Assgari Psychological and Brain Sciences Christian E. Stilp (grad student)
Lara K. AultSocial Psychology2002 Stanley A. Murrell (grad student)
Adam K. Bakerneuroprotection, neurogenesis2004 Theo Hagg (grad student)
Sarah A. Bakerneuroprotection, neurogenesis2004 Theo Hagg (grad student)
Sherry L. BallVisual system19971999 Heywood M. Petry (post-doc)
Natalie G. BallashClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2006 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Cathy Bays2014 Robert P. Friedland (research scientist)
Kathryn A. BerlaClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2000 Pedro Portes (grad student)
Martha E. Bickford
John C. BirkimerBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Recreation, Women's Studies
John C. BirkinerClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Byron Bloor
Valery Bodziony Psychological and Brain Science Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Warren Boling
Laura R. BolteClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Personality Psychology2000 Paul G. Salmon (grad student)
Jason Bonner Psychological and Brain Sciences Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Andrew J. BrothersClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Alyssa Denise Brownmitochondria, cellular inflammation, neural inflammation, neurons, motor neurons Neuroscience Teresa E. Pitts (research assistant)
Kimberly M. BuckClinical Psychology2005 Stanley A. Murrell (grad student)
Qi-lin Cao19971999 Heywood M. Petry (post-doc)
William B. Carden2001 Martha E. Bickford (grad student)
Manuel F. Casanova
Harpreet k. Chadha2007 Charles Hubscher (grad student)
Shyue-An Chan19931999 Michael T. Tseng (grad student)
L. K. ChapmanClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Black Studies2006 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Julia H. CharikerVisual Spatial Cognition, Learning John R. Pani (grad student)
Lu Chen19972001 George D. Mower (grad student)
Bin Chen2005 Heywood M. Petry (grad student)
Ghennady ChernavskiSciences Education, Educational Psychology Education, Secondary Education2001 Alan Dittmer (grad student)
Ranida Chomsung Martha E. Bickford (grad student)
Glynn D. CoatesIndustrial Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology1966 Earl A. Alluisi (grad student)
Diana L. CoomesNeuroscience Biology, Anatomy Biology2004 Brett R. Schofield (grad student)
Sarah Couch Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology Jeffrey C. Petruska (grad student)
Wenhao Dang Neuroscience20102015 Heywood M. Petry (grad student)
Aygul B. Dankowski2003 Martha E. Bickford (grad student)
Judith H. Danovitch
Thomas E. DawsonVisual Spatial Cognition2004 John R. Pani (grad student)
Jonathan D. Day-BrownVisual system20062011 Martha E. Bickford (grad student), Heywood M. Petry (grad student)
Paul De MarcoVisual system; color mechanisms
Eric DedertPsychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies2007 Sandra Sephton (grad student)
J. Kevin DeFordVisual Perception19962002 Edward A. Essock (grad student)
Nechia A. DeKrygerClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Darcy DeLoach Music Jayne Standley (grad student)
Paul DeMarcoparallel pathways in the visual system Maureen Powers (grad student), Joel Pokorny (post-doc), Vivianne C. Smith (post-doc)
A. N. DePaceClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Anne M. Albano (grad student)
Nicholas Dietz Neurosurgery Robert P. Friedland (grad student)
Alan DittmerSciences Education, Educational Psychology Education, Secondary Education
Michelle D. EastAdministration Education2005 John Keedy (grad student)
Stephen E. EdgellExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Edward A. EssockVisual Perception
Dmitry Familtsev2013 Martha E. Bickford (grad student)
Thomas G. FearingClinical Psychology2002 Stanley A. Murrell (grad student)
Alexandra P. Fonaryova KeyDevelopmental Neuroscience2002 Dennis L. Molfese (grad student)
James W. FransenRetinal ganglion cells, inhibition, disease2013 Maureen A. McCall (grad student)
Robert P. FriedlandAlzheimer disease
Henry Garretson
Sarah Kendall Gault Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology Jeffrey C. Petruska (grad student)
Maame-Safowaa Geary Education and Counseling Psychology2016 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Sharon R. GieselmannAdministration Education, Elementary Education2004 John Keedy (grad student)
Cindy M. GnadingerCurriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 Ellen McIntyre (grad student)
Kate Godwin Paul DeMarco (grad student)
Vella GoebelTeacher Training Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Higher Education2005 John Keedy (grad student)
Cynthia Gomes Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology Jeffrey C. Petruska (research scientist)
Pacifico Gonzaga Education and Counseling Psychology2017 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
David Gozalpediatric sleep disorders and respiratory control
Everett Grantham
Ronald G. GreggBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology, Ophthalmology
Juanling L. GrissomTests and Measurements Education, Teacher Training Education, Elementary Education2003 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
William GuidoLGN, Visual System
Yihe Guo19951997 George D. Mower (grad student)
Theo Haggneuroprotection, neurogenesis Silvio Varon (post-doc)
Bruce C. Hansen2004 Edward A. Essock (grad student)
James I. HarbisonExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2005 Stephen E. Edgell (grad student)
Susan Jill Harkemahuman locomotion, spinal cord injury, rehabilitation
Benjamin J. Harrison Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology; KY Spinal Cord Injury Research Center20082015 Jeffrey C. Petruska (post-doc)
Holly F. HartsonDevelopmental Neuroscience2000 Dennis L. Molfese (grad student)
Kyle W. HarvisonClinical Psychology2006 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
W. B. HaseltonFinance Education2004 John Keedy (grad student)
Andrew M. Haunspatial vision, visual perception, natural scenes, consciousness20052009 Edward A. Essock (grad student)
Ray K. HaynesAgricultural Education, Higher Education, Law2003 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
Zijiang J. Hevisual system
Wendy L. HeckNeuroscience Biology2000 Laura Schweitzer (grad student)
Michal Hetman
Jonah Matthew HickmanSuicide, Emotion Regulation, Internalizing Psychopathology, Help-seeking Psychological and Brain Sciences2024 Nadia Al-Dajani (grad student)
Ivy K. HoClinical Psychology2004 Tamara Newton (grad student)
Jonathan Hodes
Katherine HooverClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology2005 Paul G. Salmon (grad student)
Matthew T. Houglandneural plasticity, pain, sensory systems, spinal cord, DRG2013 Jeffrey C. Petruska (grad student)
Alan A. Hughescolor vision2000 Paul DeMarco (grad student)
Tatsuya IimoriEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology, Social Work2002 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
Megan E. JablonskiClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Cognitive Psychology2013 Paul G. Salmon (grad student)
C Harry Jarboemedicinal chemistry, dopamine receptor
Parminder K. JassalAdministration Education, Higher Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2007 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
Benjamin Jeppsen
Nathan JohnsonVisual Spatial Cognition John R. Pani (grad student)
Roberta J. JonkersClinical Psychology, Art Education, Mental Health, Guidance and Counseling Education2006 Kai Kirby (grad student)
Ezidin G. Kaddumi2006 Charles Hubscher (grad student)
Katarzyna Kalita Michal Hetman (post-doc)
Irina Kaplan19921997 George D. Mower (grad student)
John KeedyHigher Education, Social Psychology
Anna M. Kelley
Yeon Jin KimVision20042011 Edward A. Essock (grad student)
Caleb King Christian E. Stilp (grad student)
Kai KirbyIndustrial Psychology, Special Education
Paul Kiser20062011 George D. Mower (grad student)
Harold E. Kleinert
Holly Knight Psychological and Brain Sciences Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Maria V. Kondaurova Linguistics20022008 Alexander L. Francis (grad student)
William "Kip" Krebs Edward A. Essock (grad student)
Robin F. Krimmtaste system, development
Sarah Krupp Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology Jeffrey C. Petruska (grad student)
Zimple KurlawalaNeurodegeneration
Jiin-Chyuan M. LaiBilingual and Multicultural Education, Adult and Continuing Education2007 Ellen McIntyre (grad student)
Andrew S. LaJoieExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health2003 Stephen E. Edgell (grad student)
James Lamb Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology Jeffrey C. Petruska (grad student)
L. M. LavalleeCurriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Reading Education2006 Ellen McIntyre (grad student)
Ovsanna LeyferClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2007 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Kenneth G. LombartClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, General2002 Paul G. Salmon (grad student)
Haidong D. LuVisual system, optical imaging19972002 Heywood M. Petry (grad student)
Cynthia P. LucasClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Stanley A. Murrell (grad student)
Steven Macchiocchi
Stephen Macciocchi
David S.K. Magnuson
Sean Masterson Psychological & Brain Sciences20112013 Heywood M. Petry (post-doc)
Maureen A. McCallRetinal ganglion cells, inhibition, disease John Z. Levinson (grad student)
Jason McCarley Edward A. Essock (grad student)
Stephanie McDonough Psychological and Brain Sciences Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Aaron W. McGeevisual development
Ellen McIntyreCurriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education, Educational Psychology Education
Rochelle C. MehlClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Stanley A. Murrell (grad student)
Nicholas M. MellenRespiratory rhythm generation
Carolyn Mervislanguage, Williams and Down syndrome
Jeffrey Meyer Psychological and Brain Sciences Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Amanda M. Mitchell Patrick Pössel (grad student)
Peter J. MolfeseCognitive Neuroscience, Learning, Quant20042006 Dennis L. Molfese (grad student), Victoria J. Molfese (collaborator)
Victoria J. MolfeseEarly childhood development
Bartlett D. Moore IVcognitive neuroscience Dennis L. Molfese (research assistant)
George D. MowerVisual system development Mitchell Glickstein (grad student)
Suparna MukhopadhyayGenetics, Ophthalmology2002 Ronald G. Gregg (grad student)
Penina MunganiaAdult and Continuing Education, Technology of Education, Industrial Education2004 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
Lisa D. MurleyAdministration Education2005 John Keedy (grad student)
Stanley A. MurrellClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Farah NaazLearning and Memory, Visual Cognition, Computer based Learning20072012 John R. Pani (grad student)
Joseph Neimat
Tamara NewtonClinical Psychology
Kara L. NicholsClinical Psychology2002 Stanley A. Murrell (grad student)
Manal OthmanNeuroscience Biology2005 Fred J. Roisen (grad student)
Gobinda PangeniVisual System
John R. PaniVisual Cognition
Joseph C. Parker
Marta T. PattersonVocational Education, Educational Psychology Education2006 Pedro Portes (grad student)
Ralphiel S. PaynePharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2001 Avital Schurr (grad student)
Lisa C. PellegrinClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology2003 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Michelle K. PembleClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
William M. PenrodExperimental Psychology2000 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
Joseph PetroskoExperimental Psychology
Jeffrey C. Petruskaneural plasticity, pain, sensory systems, spinal cord, DRG
Heywood M. PetryVisual system
Amanda M PocratskyNeural control of movement, movement disorders, motor control, spinal cord, spinal interneurons, spinal cord injury, dystonia Neurological Surgery Neurological Surgery David S.K. Magnuson (grad student), Scott R. Whittemore (grad student)
Ashok Reddy Polu Neurology20172020 Robert P. Friedland (grad student)
Cassandra Gonzalez Porter Psychological and Brain Science Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Pedro PortesClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Patrick Pössel
Charles L. PrideHigher Education, Social Psychology2007 John Keedy (grad student)
Todd Purkisspediatric ophthalmology Paul DeMarco (grad student)
Ian S. PyleVisual System, retina
Troy J. RaffieldClinical Psychology2003 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Lauren N RatcliffeNeuropsychology, Clinical Psychology Steven Macchiocchi (grad student)
Kristofer K. Rau Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology; KY Spinal Cord Injury Research Center20092015 Jeffrey C. Petruska (post-doc)
Carol D. RaubenheimerHigher Education2004 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
Daniel S. ReadBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology, Ophthalmology2002 Ronald G. Gregg (grad student)
Stephen R. Reevespediatric sleep disorders and respiratory control 2006 David Gozal (grad student)
Carol L. RobersonClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Janet Woodruff-Borden (grad student)
Tami L. RoblekDevelopmental Neuroscience2003 Dennis L. Molfese (grad student)
Fred J. RoisenNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
Chelsea Rothschild Psychological and Brain Sciences Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Melissa L. Rowelanguage, Williams and Down syndrome2007 Carolyn Mervis (grad student)
Botir T. Sagdullaevretinal ganglion cell electrophysiology Maureen A. McCall (post-doc)
Paul G. SalmonClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Personality Psychology
Nicholas L. SalsmanClinical Psychology2005 Stanley A. Murrell (grad student)
Avital SchurrPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Laura SchweitzerNeuroscience Biology
Ratnam S. Seelanautism, epigenetics
Sandra SephtonClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Carissa L. ShaftoDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, General Psychology2013 Fred Wightman (grad student)
Christopher Shields
Anya Shorey-Smith Christian E. Stilp (grad student)
Amy L. ShuttAdministration Education, Elementary Education2004 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
R. Christopher Spears Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology Jeffrey C. Petruska (grad student)
Elizabeth R. SpievakClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 John C. Birkiner (grad student)
Glen Spurling
Narayanan SrinivasanVisual Perception, Attention Psychological & Brain Sciences19961998 Edward A. Essock (post-doc), Heywood M. Petry (post-doc)
Gillian S. StarkeyMath, Early Numeracy, Education, Neuroimaging20072009 Dennis L. Molfese (research assistant)
Barbara StetsonClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Benjamin Ryan Stewart Neurology20152019 Robert P. Friedland (grad student)
Christian E. StilpExperimental Psychology
Rebecca R. StobaughAdministration Education, Elementary Education2003 John Keedy (grad student)
Teodora Stoicaneuroimaging, affective neuroscience Psychological and Brain Sciences20152020 Brendan Depue (grad student)
Melissa L. SutherlandElementary Education, Black Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Ellen McIntyre (grad student)
Andrew E. SwitalaImage processing and statistics
Erzsebet Maria SzatmariNeuroscience2006 Michal Hetman (post-doc)
Shinichi TakaharaTests and Measurements Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Pedro Portes (grad student)
Wade K. TalleyAdministration Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2002 John Keedy (grad student)
Allan Tasmanpsychoanalysis, brain mapping
Sean Trusty Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology Jeffrey C. Petruska (grad student)
Michael T. Tseng
Christi S. UlmerClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2006 Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Maria D. Vasquez-ColinaManagement Business Administration, Social Work, Public and Social Welfare2005 Joseph Petrosko (grad student)
Lianda VelicLearning
Eric VukmanicERG Paul DeMarco (grad student)
Siting Wang2002 Martha E. Bickford (grad student)
Jennifer Ward Psychological and Brain Sciences Barbara Stetson (grad student)
Kaylyn L. Watterson Education and Counseling Psychology2017 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Madonna A. WeeseCurriculum and Instruction Education, Recreation2002 Alan Dittmer (grad student)
Haiyang Wei2004 Martha E. Bickford (grad student)
Inka WeissbeckerClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology2005 Sandra Sephton (grad student)
Scott R. Whittemore
Fred WightmanDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, General Psychology
Michael B. Wood Hand surgery19761977 Harold E. Kleinert (post-doc)
Janet Woodruff-BordenClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology
Bing Wuvisual system2004 Zijiang J. He (grad student)
Jingping P. XuVisual system20052010 Zijiang J. He (grad student)
JoJo Yao Education and Counseling Psychody2016 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Roxanne YeomanElementary Education, Sociology of Education2000 Ellen McIntyre (grad student)
Cong YuVision Edward A. Essock (grad student)
José A. ZadunaiskyPhysiology, biochemistry, ophthamology, marine biology
Pavel Zahorik
Jody ZhongDisparities in access to care Education and Counseling Psychology2016 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Diane K. ZimmermanClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies, Guidance and Counseling Education2001 Pedro Portes (grad student)