Kenneth B. Abrams, Ph.D.

1995-2000 Psychology University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
 2008- Psychology Carleton College, Northfield, MN, United States 
panic disorder, anxiety, psychopathology, substance use
"Kenneth Abrams"
Mean distance: 16.9 (cluster 15)


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William G. Iacono grad student 2000 UMN
 (The self-administration of alcohol before and after a public speaking challenge by individuals with social phobia.)


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Katelyn Donisch research assistant 2008-2009 Carleton College
Kate Leger research assistant 2008-2010 Carleton College
Heather Yang research assistant 2010-2012 Carleton College
BETA: Related publications


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Abrams KB, Mei L, Chen CS, et al. (2021) The paradoxical association between tension-reduction alcohol outcome expectancies and tension following alcohol consumption. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 1-11
Mansueto G, Carrozzino D, Sparle Christensen K, et al. (2021) Clinimetric properties of the Smoking Abstinence Expectancies Questionnaire. Addictive Behaviors. 123: 107061
Abrams K, Cieslowski K, Johnson S, et al. (2017) The effects of alcohol on heartbeat perception: Implications for anxiety. Addictive Behaviors. 79: 151-158
Abrams K, Krimmel S, Johnson S, et al. (2017) Nicotine deprivation attenuates panic reactivity in smokers: Findings from a placebo-controlled nicotine patch study. Depression and Anxiety
Cosci F, Bertoli G, Abrams K. (2013) Effects of nicotine withdrawal on panic-like response to breath holding: A placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover patch study Depression and Anxiety. 30: 1217-1221
Abrams K, Goldstein SB. (2012) Book Review: Crazy like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche, Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives: Psychology, Learning and Teaching. 11: 445-448
Abrams K. (2012) Student-Designed Public Service Announcement (PSA) Videos to Enhance Motivation and Engagement. College Teaching. 60: 84-84
Abrams K, Zvolensky MJ, Dorman L, et al. (2011) Development and validation of the smoking abstinence expectancies questionnaire Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 13: 1296-1304
Abrams K, Leger K, Schlosser L, et al. (2011) Nicotine withdrawal exacerbates fear reactivity to CO2-induced bodily sensations among smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. 13: 1052-1058
Abrams K, Schlosser L, Leger K, et al. (2011) Panic-relevant cognitive processes among smokers Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 25: 71-81
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