Ruskin H. Hunt, Ph.D.

2002 University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
cognitive development
"Ruskin Hunt"
Mean distance: 15.64 (cluster 21)


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Richard N. Aslin grad student 2002 Rochester
 (The induction of categories from distributionally defined contexts: Evidence from a serial reaction time task.)
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Silverman MH, Wilson S, Ramsay IS, et al. (2019) Trait neuroticism and emotion neurocircuitry: Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for a failure in emotion regulation. Development and Psychopathology. 1-15
Demers LA, Handley ED, Hunt RH, et al. (2019) Childhood Maltreatment Disrupts Brain-Mediated Pathways Between Adolescent Maternal Relationship Quality and Positive Adult Outcomes. Child Maltreatment. 1077559519847770
Herzberg MP, Hodel AS, Cowell RA, et al. (2018) Risk taking, decision-making, and brain volume in youth adopted internationally from institutional care. Neuropsychologia
Jedd K, Hunt RH, Cicchetti D, et al. (2015) Long-term consequences of childhood maltreatment: Altered amygdala functional connectivity. Development and Psychopathology. 27: 1577-89
Cullen KR, LaRiviere LL, Vizueta N, et al. (2015) Brain activation in response to overt and covert fear and happy faces in women with borderline personality disorder. Brain Imaging and Behavior
Hodel AS, Hunt RH, Cowell RA, et al. (2015) Duration of early adversity and structural brain development in post-institutionalized adolescents. Neuroimage. 105: 112-9
Silverman MH, Krueger RF, Iacono WG, et al. (2014) Quantifying familial influences on brain activation during the monetary incentive delay task: an adolescent monozygotic twin study. Biological Psychology. 103: 7-14
Hall LM, Klimes-Dougan B, Hunt RH, et al. (2014) An fMRI study of emotional face processing in adolescent major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 168: 44-50
Couperus JW, Hunt RH, Nelson CA, et al. (2011) Visual search and contextual cueing: differential effects in 10-year-old children and adults. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 73: 334-48
Hunt RH, Aslin RN. (2010) Category induction via distributional analysis: Evidence from a serial reaction time task. Journal of Memory and Language. 62: 98-112
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