Richard N. Aslin, Ph.D.

1975-1984 Psychology Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
 1984-2017 Brain and Cognitive Sciences University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
 2017- Baby Lab Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT, United States 
cognitive development
"Richard Aslin"

Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
B.A. in Psychology from Michigan State University, 1971
Ph.D. in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota, 1975

Mean distance: 13.52 (cluster 21)


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Philip Salapatek grad student 1971-1975 UMN
 (dissertation advisor)


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Jon B. Prince research assistant Rochester
Peter W. Battaglia research assistant 2001-2003 Rochester
Julie Markant research assistant 2002-2005 Rochester (PsychTree)
Dan Nathan-Roberts research assistant 2004-2005 Rochester
Jenny R. Saffran grad student UW Madison
Amanda Walley grad student
Jeffry A. Coady grad student 2001 Rochester
Inge-Marie Eigsti grad student 2001 Rochester
James S. Magnuson grad student 1995-2001 Rochester
Ruskin H. Hunt grad student 2002 Rochester
Daniel J. Weiss grad student 2000-2003 Penn State
Bob McMurray grad student 1998-2004 Rochester
Sarah C. Creel grad student 2005 Rochester
Neil P. Bardhan grad student 2004-2010 Rochester
Patricia A. Reeder grad student 2005-2010 Rochester (LinguisTree)
Celeste Kidd grad student 2013 Rochester
Ting Qian grad student 2014 Rochester
Huili Sun grad student 2023-2025 Yale
Elika Bergelson post-doc Univeristy of Rochester
Mohinish Shukla post-doc Rochester
Sara Sanchez-Alonso post-doc 2018- Haskins Laboratories & Yale University
József Fiser post-doc 2000-2004 Rochester
Vikranth Rao Bejjanki post-doc 2011-2012 Rochester
Laurie Bayet post-doc 2015-2018 Rochester
Teresa M. Girolamo post-doc 2021-2023 Haskins Laboratories (LinguisTree)
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Isbilen ES, Laver A, Siegelman N, et al. (2024) Memory representations are flexibly adapted to orthographic systems: A comparison of English and Hebrew. Brain Research. 1844: 149127
Turk-Browne NB, Aslin RN. (2024) Infant neuroscience: how to measure brain activity in the youngest minds. Trends in Neurosciences
Sanchez-Alonso S, Canale RR, Nichoson IF, et al. (2023) Simultaneous Data Collection of fMRI and fNIRS Measurements Using a Whole-Head Optode Array and Short-Distance Channels. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Girolamo T, Butler L, Canale R, et al. (2023) fNIRS Studies of Individuals with Speech and Language Impairment Underreport Sociodemographics: A Systematic Review. Neuropsychology Review
Aslin RN, Fox NA, Lewkowicz DJ, et al. (2023) Multiple pathways to developmental continuity in infant cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Wu S, Blanchard T, Meschke E, et al. (2022) Macaques preferentially attend to intermediately surprising information. Biology Letters. 18: 20220144
McMurray B, Sarrett ME, Chiu S, et al. (2022) Decoding the temporal dynamics of spoken word and nonword processing from EEG. Neuroimage. 260: 119457
Ashton K, Zinszer BD, Cichy RM, et al. (2022) Time-resolved multivariate pattern analysis of infant EEG data: A practical tutorial. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 54: 101094
Sanchez-Alonso S, Aslin RN. (2022) Towards a model of language neurobiology in early development. Brain and Language. 224: 105047
Aslin RN, Wang AF. (2021) A distributional perspective on the gavagai problem in early word learning. Cognition. 104680
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