Alvin Raj

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Alvin Raj"
Mean distance: 14.49 (cluster 23)
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Rosenholtz R, Huang J, Raj A, et al. (2012) A summary statistic representation in peripheral vision explains visual search. Journal of Vision. 12
Raj A, Huang J, Rosenholtz R. (2012) Modeling Inefficiencies in Visual Search Journal of Vision. 12: 725-725
Balas B, Raj A, Rosenholtz R. (2011) A summary-statistic model of the visual periphery predicts the difficulty of visual curve tracing Journal of Vision. 11: 1207-1207
Raj A, Rosenholtz R, Balas B. (2011) Collinearity and Containment Grouping have Different Effects on Object Substitution Masking Journal of Vision. 11: 1083-1083
Johnson MK, Cole F, Raj A, et al. (2011) Microgeometry capture using an elastomeric sensor Acm Transactions On Graphics. 30
Raj A, Rosenholtz R, Balas B. (2010) Texture processing model visualizes perception of Pinna-Gregory illusion Journal of Vision. 9: 990-990
Balas B, Rosenholtz R, Raj A. (2010) Beyond texture processing: further implications of statistical representations Journal of Vision. 10: 28-28
Rosenholtz R, Balas BJ, Raj A, et al. (2010) The Visual System as Statistician: Statistical Representation in Early Vision Journal of Vision. 10: 23-23
Raj A, Rosenholtz R. (2010) What your design looks like to peripheral vision Proceedings - Apgv 2010: Symposium On Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization. 89-92
Raj A, Johnson MK, Adelson EH. (2009) An interactive "retrographic sensor" for touch, texture, and shape Acm Siggraph 2009 Emerging Technologies, Siggraph '09
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