Stephen P. Tipper
Affiliations: | University of Wales, Bangor, Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom |
Experimental PsychologyGoogle:
"Stephen Tipper"Mean distance: 15.89 (cluster 15)
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Sign in to add traineeDavid I. Shore | research assistant | 1990-1991 | McMaster University |
Alexandra Frischen | grad student | University of Wales, Bangor | |
Heather Jordan | grad student | 1995-1999 | University of Wales, Bangor |
Bruce Milliken | post-doc | McMaster University | |
Juan Lupiáñez | post-doc | 1996-1998 | Bangor University |
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Strachan JW, Tipper SP. (2016) Examining the durability of incidentally learned trust from gaze cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1-24 |
Manssuer LR, Pawling R, Hayes AE, et al. (2016) The role of emotion in learning trustworthiness from eye-gaze: Evidence from facial electromyography. Cognitive Neuroscience. 7: 82-102 |
D'Angelo MC, Thomson DR, Tipper SP, et al. (2016) Negative priming 1985 to 2015: A measure of inhibition, the emergence of alternative accounts, and the multiple process challenge. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1-47 |
Bayliss AP, Tipper SP, Wakeley J, et al. (2016) Vulnerability to depression is associated with a failure to acquire implicit social appraisals. Cognition & Emotion. 1-9 |
Strachan JW, Kirkham AJ, Manssuer LR, et al. (2016) Incidental Learning of Trust: Examining the Role of Emotion and Visuomotor Fluency. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition |
Kirkham AJ, Tipper SP. (2015) Spatial compatibility interference effects: a double dissociation between two measures. Visual Cognition. 23: 1043-1060 |
Kirkham AJ, Hayes AE, Pawling R, et al. (2015) Facial Mimicry and Emotion Consistency: Influences of Memory and Context. Plos One. 10: e0145731 |
Wiggett AJ, Tipper SP. (2015) Priming of hand and foot response: is spatial attention to the body site enough? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 22: 1678-84 |
Brattan VC, Baker DH, Tipper SP. (2015) Spatiotemporal Judgments of Observed Actions: Contrasts Between First- and Third-Person Perspectives After Motor Priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance |
Manssuer LR, Roberts MV, Tipper SP. (2015) The late positive potential indexes a role for emotion during learning of trust from eye-gaze cues. Social Neuroscience. 1-16 |