Thomas Papathomas

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
"Thomas Papathomas"
Mean distance: 16.35 (cluster 23)
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Papathomas T, Bruno N, Farkas A. (2018) The role of binocular disparity in depth-inversion illusions studied with synopters and pseudoscopes Journal of Vision. 18: 497
Farkas A, Papathomas T, Silverstein S, et al. (2018) Face superiority - Cartoon 3-D faces produce a stronger depth-inversion illusion than geometric objects that share the same basic bounding contour. Journal of Vision. 18: 496
Dobias JJ, Papathomas TV, Sarwate A. (2016) Ponzo’s Illusion in 3D: Perspective Gradients Dominate Differences in Retinal Size. Multisensory Research. 29: 421-38
Dobias JJ, Papathomas TV, Vlajnic VM. (2016) Convexity Bias and Perspective Cues in the Reverse-Perspective Illusion. I-Perception. 7: 2041669516631698
Cruz L, Keane B, Kastner S, et al. (2016) Optically correcting visual acuity beyond 20/20 improves visual perception: A cautionary tale for studies of special populations Journal of Vision. 16: 241
Roche M, Keane B, Kastner S, et al. (2015) Visual acuity differences within the normal range strongly alter visual perception: A cautionary tale for studies of special populations. Journal of Vision. 15: 324
Feigenson KA, Hanson C, Papathomas T, et al. (2015) A Functional MRI Index of Spatial Context Effects in Vision Psychology. 6: 2145-2154
Dobias JJ, Papathomas TV. (2014) The role of linear perspective cues on the perceived depth magnitude of the surfaces they are painted on: proper-, reverse-, and flat-perspective paintings. Perception. 43: 989-1000
Dobias JJ, Papathomas TV. (2014) The role of linear perspective cues on the perceived depth magnitude of the surfaces they are painted on: proper-, reverse-, and flat-perspective paintings. Perception. 43: 989-1000
Dobias J, Sarwate A, Papathomas T. (2014) Extending Size Constancy Illusions from 2-D to 3-D Stimuli Journal of Vision. 14: 145-145
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