Seymour Benzer

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
"Seymour Benzer"

(1921 - 2007)

Mean distance: 11.89 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: FlyTree - Chemistry Tree


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Karl Lark-Horovitz grad student 1947 Purdue (Physics Tree)
 (Photoelectric Effects in Germanium)
Max Delbrück post-doc 1949-1951 Caltech (FlyTree)
François Jacob post-doc 1951-1952 Institut Pasteur
Jacques Lucien Monod post-doc 1951-1952 Institut Pasteur
Sydney Brenner post-doc 1957-1958 Cambridge
Francis Harry Compton Crick post-doc 1957-1958 Cambridge


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Ron Konopka grad student (FlyTree)
William Leiserson grad student (FlyTree)
Donald Ready grad student Caltech
Horng-Dar Wang grad student Caltech (FlyTree)
William A. Harris grad student 1972-1976 Caltech
Julien Muffat grad student 2002-2007 Caltech
Dennis Ballinger post-doc (FlyTree)
Utpal Banerjee post-doc
Nancy Mara Bonini post-doc
Ted Brummel post-doc
Yadin Dudai post-doc Caltech
Markus Friedrich post-doc Caltech (FlyTree)
Barry Ganetzky post-doc Caltech
Alain Ghysen post-doc Caltech
Yoshiki Hotta post-doc
Douglas R Kankel post-doc Caltech (FlyTree)
Changsoo Kim post-doc Caltech (FlyTree)
Doris Kretzschmar post-doc Caltech
John Archie Pollock post-doc (FlyTree)
William "Chip" Quinn post-doc Caltech (FlyTree)
Obaid Siddiqi post-doc Caltech
Mark Tanouye post-doc
Tadmiri R. Venkatesh post-doc CCNY
David Walker post-doc Caltech (FlyTree)
Chun-Fang Wu post-doc
S. Lawrence Zipursky post-doc Caltech
Masayasu Nomura post-doc 1959-1960 Purdue (Chemistry Tree)
Jeffrey C. Hall post-doc 1971-1974 Caltech
Lily Y. Jan post-doc 1974-1977 Caltech
Yuh Nung Jan post-doc 1974-1977 Caltech
David R. Hyde post-doc 1985-1988 Caltech
Kwang Wook Choi post-doc 1988-1994 Caltech (FlyTree)
Konrad E. Zinsmaier post-doc 1990-1995 Caltech
Kyung-Tai Min post-doc 1993-1998 Caltech
Laurent Seroude post-doc 1995-2001 Caltech (FlyTree)
Anne F. Simon post-doc 1998-2003 City University of New York - York College
W Dan Tracey post-doc 1999-2004 Caltech
Pankaj Kapahi post-doc 2000-2005 Buck Institute for Research on Aging (FlyTree)
William Ja post-doc 2005-2009 Caltech


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David J. Anderson collaborator Caltech
Philip Batterham collaborator (FlyTree)
Edward B. Lewis collaborator (FlyTree)
Michael Roshbash collaborator Caltech
Obaid Siddiqi collaborator
Lawrence T. Reiter collaborator 1988-1991 Caltech (FlyTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Cho J, Hur JH, Graniel J, et al. (2012) Expression of yeast NDI1 rescues a Drosophila complex I assembly defect. Plos One. 7: e50644
Al-Anzi B, Armand E, Nagamei P, et al. (2010) The leucokinin pathway and its neurons regulate meal size in Drosophila. Current Biology : Cb. 20: 969-78
Ja WW, Carvalho GB, Zid BM, et al. (2009) Water- and nutrient-dependent effects of dietary restriction on Drosophila lifespan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 18633-7
Zid BM, Rogers AN, Katewa SD, et al. (2009) 4E-BP extends lifespan upon dietary restriction by enhancing mitochondrial activity in Drosophila. Cell. 139: 149-60
Al-Anzi B, Sapin V, Waters C, et al. (2009) Obesity-blocking neurons in Drosophila. Neuron. 63: 329-41
Ja WW, Carvalho GB, Madrigal M, et al. (2009) The Drosophila G protein-coupled receptor, Methuselah, exhibits a promiscuous response to peptides. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 18: 2203-8
Carvalho GB, Ja WW, Benzer S. (2009) Non-lethal PCR genotyping of single Drosophila. Biotechniques. 46: 312-4
Hull-Thompson J, Muffat J, Sanchez D, et al. (2009) Control of metabolic homeostasis by stress signaling is mediated by the lipocalin NLaz. Plos Genetics. 5: e1000460
Liu YL, Lu WC, Brummel TJ, et al. (2009) Reduced expression of alpha-1,2-mannosidase I extends lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. Aging Cell. 8: 370-9
Al-Anzi B, Sapin V, Waters C, et al. (2009) Obesity-Blocking Neurons in Drosophila (DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2009.07.021) Neuron. 64: 290-291
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