Partha Niyogi
Affiliations: | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and languageWebsite:
"Partha Niyogi"Bio:
Partha Niyogi is currently a Professor in the Computer Science and Statistics departments at the University of Chicago.
Mean distance: 13.98 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - MathTree
Sign in to add traineeSamuel A. Kutin | grad student | 2002 | Chicago |
Mikhail Belkin | grad student | 2003 | Chicago |
Xiaofei He | grad student | 2005 | Chicago |
Zhimin Xie | grad student | 2006 | Chicago |
Vikas Sindhwani | grad student | 2007 | Chicago |
Aren Jansen | grad student | 2008 | Chicago |
Irina Matveeva | grad student | 2008 | Chicago |
Hariharan Narayanan | grad student | 2009 | Chicago |
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Narayanan H, Niyogi P. (2014) Language evolution, coalescent processes, and the consensus problem on a social network Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 61: 19-24 |
Jansen A, Niyogi P. (2013) Intrinsic spectral analysis Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 61: 1698-1710 |
Belkin M, Narayanan H, Niyogi P. (2013) Heat flow and a faster algorithm to compute the surface area of a convex body Random Structures and Algorithms. 43: 407-428 |
Niyogi P, Smale S, Weinberger S. (2011) A topological view of unsupervised learning from noisy data Siam Journal On Computing. 40: 646-663 |
Ma Y, Niyogi P, Sapiro G, et al. (2011) Dimensionality reduction via subspace and submanifold learning Ieee Signal Processing Magazine. 28: 14-15+126 |
Jansen A, Niyogi P. (2010) Detection-based speech recognition with sparse point process models Icassp, Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 4362-4365 |
Jansen A, Mesgarani N, Niyogi P. (2010) Point process models of spectro-temporal modulation events for speech recognition Conference Record - Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 104-108 |
Zhang J, Niyogi P, McPeek MS. (2009) Laplacian eigenfunctions learn population structure. Plos One. 4: e7928 |
Niyogi P, Berwick RC. (2009) The proper treatment of language acquisition and change in a population setting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 10124-9 |
Jansen A, Niyogi P. (2009) Point process models for spotting keywords in continuous speech Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech and Language Processing. 17: 1457-1470 |