University of Chicago

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
David Abraham ChoMUN, MUNUC20132017 Christian Wyse (grad student)
Arun Abraham-SinghChoMUN, Model UN
Amy S. AbramsonDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Black Studies2005 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Sami A. AbuhamdehSocial Psychology2008 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (grad student)
Hector Acarón Ledesma Biophysical Sciences2014 Wei Wei (grad student), Bozhi Tian (grad student)
Ashley Achesonsubstance abuse Harriet de Wit (post-doc)
Kirsten C. S. Adamattention, working memory
Christian Adames ChoMUN20092013 Molly (Mary Kate) (grad student)
Seema Agarwala Clifton Ragsdale (post-doc)
Newt Agrawaloscillatory networks, ion channels, entorhinal cortex, movement disorders, surgery, epilepsy Vernon Leo Towle (post-doc)
Phillip F Agres Joel L. Voss (post-doc)
Karen H. Ahmedcultural anthropology2007 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Brett R. Aiello Organismal Biology & Anatomy20122017 Melina Hale (grad student), Mark W. Westneat (grad student)
Asya Akca ChoMUN20142018 Miriam Bial (grad student)
Gabrielle N Akcelikenvironmental neuroscience, gene x environment interaction Psychology2018 Marc G. Berman (grad student)
Neil AlbertMotor learning and skill, Cognition for/from actions2009 Sian L. Beilock (post-doc)
Kimberly A. Aldinger2008 Kathleen Millen (grad student)
Carrie L. Aldrich2001 Carole Ober (grad student)
John K. AlexanderNeuroscience, nicotinic receptors
Martha W. Alibaligesture, mathematical thinking, problem solving, cognitive development1994 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Elizabeth C. AllenVision, color, memory Psychology20072013 Steve Shevell (grad student)
Luz María Alliende, Molly A. Erickson (post-doc)
Kathy J. AlredEducational Psychology Education2001 Frederick F. Lighthall (grad student)
Jorge A Alvarado
Ana Amadorbirdsong Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy20092012 Daniel Margoliash (post-doc)
Yali AmitNeuroscience Biology
Divya (Mona) AnchanMath Cognition, Bilingualism, EEG20092010 Eve Van Cauter (research assistant), Harriet de Wit (research assistant), Gopal Thinakaran (research assistant)
Michael J. AndricLanguage Psychology2011 Steven L. Small (grad student)
Paul Thomas Andronis Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences, Biopsychology19761983 Israel Goldiamond (grad student)
James Rowland Angell1891 John Dewey (research assistant)
Deanna Anuar ChoMUN20142018 Hannah Brodheim (grad student)
James AppelBehavioral Neuropharmacology Charles B. Ferster (grad student)
Lauren R. Applebaumcognitive development Psychology2014 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Caitlin O. Aptowiczrespiratory control2004 Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Demet Araç Axel Brunger (post-doc)
Tesnim ArarMemory, Metacognition, Aging Department of Psychology20202026 David A. Gallo (grad student)
Alyssa K. ArataMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition2012 Christopher Rhodes (grad student)
Fritzie Arce-McShaneSystems Neuroscience, Electrophysiology, Sensorimotor cortex, Aging Organismal Biology and Anatomy Organismal Biology and Anatomy20102015 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (post-doc), Callum F. Ross (collaborator), Callum F. Ross (post-doc)
Barry G. W. Arnasonimmune cell function in multiple sclerosis
Jonathan J. Artvertebrate hair cells19741979 Jay M. Goldberg (grad student)
Wael F. Asaadsystems neuroscience, neurosurgery19951996 Hugh R. Wilson (research assistant)
Eugene Aserinskysleep Nathaniel Kleitman (grad student)
Lauren Y. AtlasExpectancy, Pain, Affective Neuroscience20012003 John T. Cacioppo (research assistant)
Samir Attar1999 Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Nicholas AttarCortical Mapping Neurology Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Shana M. AugustinBasal Ganglia, dopamine Neurobiology2013 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
Judith AustinNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology
Edward AwhPsychophysics, Attention
Crystal Bae
Madelyn A. BaezStress neurobiology, bladder function, pelvic visceral function2007 Peggy Mason (grad student)
Matthew John Baggottcognitive neuroscience, psychopharmacology Lewis Stanford Seiden (research assistant), Harriet de Wit (post-doc)
Percival Baileyneurology, neurosurgery Ward Halstead (collaborator)
Kathleen Bailey
Wilma A. Bainbridgememory, perception
Russell O. BainerOlfaction Human Genetics2012 Yoav Gilad (grad student)
Tanya I. Baker2006 Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Akram BakkourfMRI, memory, decision making
Nisha Bala ChoMUN20112015 Susie Marshall (grad student)
Carey D. BalabanNeuranatomy, Vestibular Neurophysiology19761979 Philip S. Ulinski (grad student)
Aaron B. BallSocial Exclusion, Social Pain, Empathy, Rejection
Michael E. Ballardbehavior, psychopharmacology, human neuroimaging, PET, fMRI, stimulants, cannabinoids, cognition, delay discounting, executive function, memory, emotional processing, working memory Neurobiology20082012 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Bob BalsterDrug Abuse Pharmacology Charles R. Schuster (post-doc)
Nicole C. Baltazar Psychology2012 Katherine D. Kinzler (grad student)
Sumit Bandekar
Hozefa S. BandukwalaImmunology, Pathology2007 Anne I Sperling (grad student)
Marie T. BanichCognitive Neuroscience Jerre Levy (grad student)
Matthew Barber20062010 Matthew Stephens (post-doc)
Charles F Barlow Neurology Richard Biddle Richter (research scientist)
Ricardo Barros LourencoComputational Science, Spatial Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Geophysical Sciences20182019 Elisabeth J. Moyer (research assistant)
George William BartelmezEmbryology, development of the adult human nervous system1910 Charles Otis Whitman (grad student)
Daniel M. BartelsJudgment and Decision Making, Moral Psychology, Consumer Behavior, Concepts and Categories Reid Hastie (post-doc)
Jake Bartolone2004 Tom Trabasso (grad student)
David M. BashwinerMusic, Neuroscience Biology Music2010 Steven M. Rings (grad student)
Elizabeth A. BatesLanguage, Aphasia, Development, Gesture, Cognition, Crosslinguistic1974 David McNeill (grad student)
Navid Bavi2018 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
Frank A. Beachbehavioral endocrinology1935 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Joseph A. BeattyNeurophysiology20062009 S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Gary Keith BeauchampTaste1971 Eckhard Heinrich Hess (grad student)
Leanne Beaudoin-RyanGesture, sign language, cognitive development Psychology2012 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
William Bechtel1977 Manley Hawn Thompson (grad student), Daniel Garber (grad student)
Gillinder Bedisubstance abuse, ecstasy, psychostimulants20072009 Harriet de Wit (post-doc), Nicholas Thomas Van Dam (collaborator)
Dean Beebepediatric neuropsychology, sleep Helene Yurk (grad student), Maureen Lacy (grad student), Neil Pliskin (grad student), Ivan Torres (grad student)
Sian L. Beilockworking memory, expertise, attention, skilled performance Steven L. Small (collaborator)
Leslie E. Beldocultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2014 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Mikhail Belkinartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language2003 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
Catharine Bell2007 Philip W. Jackson (grad student)
Amor Belmeguenai Christian Hansel (post-doc)
Suzanne C. Belmorevision, color2008 Steve Shevell (grad student)
Inbal Ben-Ami BartalImitation, Empathy, Agency Psychology2012 Jean Decety (grad student), Claus Lamm (grad student)
Marc Benayoun Computational Neuroscience2010 Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Robert R. BensleyDiabetes mellitus
Sliman J. Bensmaiasomatosensory neuroscience and neuroprosthetics
Jack Bergman Charles R. Schuster (grad student)
Samantha J. BergmannSocial Psychology, GLBT Studies, Gender Studies, Individual and Family Studies
Talia Berkowitz Psychology20122018 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Erik Berkson
Nia Berriandevelopmental cognitive neuroscience
Anya K. BershadAffective neuroscience, human behavioral psychopharmacology Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience20132019 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Jennifer Beshelolfactory bulb, gamma oscillations20022008 Leslie M. Kay (grad student)
Philip M. Bestcalcium channels Lincoln E. Ford (post-doc)
Francisco BezanillaStructure-Function in Voltage Dependent Ionic Channels and Transport proteins
Miriam Bial ChoMUN20132017 Nisha Bala (grad student)
Nadia M. Biassouphonetics, phonology, computational linguistics Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Hilary S. Bierman20022007 Melina Hale (grad student)
Chris Billman Big Data20102016 Hai-Ping Cheng (grad student)
Walter V. Bingham Edward L. Thorndike (grad student)
Matthew D. Birdcultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2010 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Jason D. BirdSocial Work, GLBT Studies, African American Studies, Black Studies Social Service Administration2009 Dexter Voisin (grad student)
Katie C. BittnerNeuroscience Biology Neurobiology2009 Dorothy Hanck (grad student)
Alyssa Bivins ChoMUN20112015 Dhrooti Vyas (grad student)
Joan M. BlakeySocial Work, Women's Studies, Black Studies, African American Studies Social Service Administration2010 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Marissa C. Blank Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology2009 Kathleen Millen (grad student)
William Emet Blatz1924 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Ran BlekhmanOlfaction Human Genetics2010 Yoav Gilad (grad student)
Donald L. Bliwisesleep Allan Rechtschaffen (grad student)
Konrad BlochBiological Synthesis of Cholesterol
Molly Blondell ChoMUN20112015 Komal Kawatra (grad student)
Tiffany C. Bloomfieldbirdsong, behavior Psychology2012 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Kathleen T. BlueAnthropology2002 Russell Tuttle (grad student)
Max Bluestone Psychology20132016 David A. Gallo (research assistant)
Mark S. BlumbergDevelopmental behavioral neuroscience; developmental neurophysiology; sleep; sensorimotor integration Howard Moltz (grad student)
Diana Bolotin2004 Elaine Fuchs (grad student)
Gerald Borgia19791980 Stevan James Arnold (post-doc)
Gary G. BorisyCytoskeleton19621966 Edwin W. Taylor (grad student)
Simona BottiMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology2004 Ann McGill (grad student)
Zoe M Boundy-Singer20132016 Sliman J. Bensmaia (research assistant)
Raymond W. BourdeauIon channels Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2013 Eduardo Perozo (grad student)
Nora Bradford Department of Neurobiology20172018 Giorgio Grasselli (research assistant)
Sean P. BradleyIngestive Behavior, Neuroendocrinology, Biological Rhythms Psychology20062013 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
David C. BradleyVisual neurophysiology
Joseph V. BradyBehavior analysis Howard F. Hunt (grad student)
David BrangMultisensory processes, Perceptual systems, synesthesia, language, neural connectivity Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Nathan Brantly
Lisa BrauerPsychopharmacology Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Christopher D. Brederpharmaceutical industry19871992 Clifford B. Saper (grad student)
Rachel Shlomit Brezis Comparative Human Development2011 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Alan M. BrichtaVestibular system19901995 Jay M. Goldberg (post-doc)
Thaddeus S. BrinkBladder, neuromodulation, urology19982004 Peggy Mason (grad student)
Steven D BriscoeDevelopment, Evolution, Neuroscience20112017 Clifton Ragsdale (grad student)
Jonathan P. BrittDrug Abuse Neurobiology20032009 Dan McGehee (grad student)
Sara C. BroadersGesture, sign language, cognitive development2003 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Hannah Brodheim ChoMUN20132017 Susie Marshall (grad student)
Juliet S. BromerIndividual and Family Studies, Sociology of Education, Early Childhood Education, Black Studies2006 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Katherine C. Brooksontogeny of behavior, plasticity of behavior Evolutionary Biology2014 Jill M. Mateo (grad student)
Neon B. BrooksGesture, sign language, cognitive development Psychology2014 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Jack Brooks
Geoffrey Brookshire Daniel Casasanto (grad student)
James BrorsonAMPA Receptors, Hypoxia, Excitotoxicity
Dianne M. BroussardVestibular compensation, motor learning, synaptic plasticity19841987 Robert A. McCrea (post-doc)
Josiane BroussardSleep, Circadian Rhythms, Metabolism, Hormones Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition2010 Eve Van Cauter (grad student)
Donald D. Brownhormone signaling, amphibian development Biochemistry1956 Lloyd M. Kozloff (grad student)
Terrance A. Brown
Norman R. BrownCognitive Psychology Psychology1985 Lance J. Rips (grad student)
William E. BrownellAuditory Physiology19691974 Jay M. Goldberg (grad student)
Jason N. Bruckontogeny of behavior, plasticity of behavior Comparative Human Development2013 Jill M. Mateo (grad student)
Camille Wilson Brunesocial psychology2004 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student)
Mildred (Shaffer) Buchsbaumsplanchnic nerve metabolism and invertebrate biology19321934 Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Paul BucyNeurosurgery Neurosurgery Heinrich Klüver (collaborator), Percival Bailey (collaborator), Percival Bailey (post-doc)
Virginie Buggia-PrevotAlzheimer's disease, Secretases, neuronal transport, BACE1
Katherine "Katie" BuhrkeNeuropsychology, Epilepsy Scott Hunter (research assistant)
Michael Buicevisual system, computation & theory2005 Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Susan Beth Bullivant Psychology: Human Development2013 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Kendra Burbank Gabriel Kreiman (post-doc)
Jennifer L. Bureshcognitive development2007 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Stephen A burns Joel Pokorny (post-doc)
John Graham Burrows Business2014 Reid Hastie (grad student)
Katherine A. BursonMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Social Psychology2004 Joshua Klayman (grad student)
Leslie BurtonNeuropsychology Jerre Levy (grad student)
Silas E Busch Neurobiology2019 Christian Hansel (grad student)
Robert A. Butler
Erin J. CableReproductive Behavior, Neuroendocrinology, Biological Rhythms2010 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
John T. CacioppoSocial Neuroscience
Carolyn CainOlfaction Human Genetics2012 Yoav Gilad (grad student)
Minal Caliskan Human Genetics2013 Carole Ober (grad student)
Thierri Callier
Colin CamererEconomics, Neuroeconomics1981 Hillel Einhorn (grad student), Robin Hogarth (grad student)
Peter Campbell
Matthew R. CampioniSynaptic Plasticity Neurobiology20052011 Dan McGehee (grad student)
Isabelle Canaan ChoMUN20122016 Christian Adames (grad student)
Paul Roberts CannonImmunology1925 William Hay Taliaferro (research scientist), Lester R. Dragstedt (grad student)
Dingcai CaoColor Vision, Rod-cone interaction20032008 Joel Pokorny (post-doc), Steve Shevell (grad student)
Nicole Carlson Physics2012 Michael R. DeWeese (grad student)
Anton Julius CarlsonPhysiology, appetite, endocrinology, visceral sensory nervous system
Gabriel Carmona RosasCellular and Structural Biology
Rudolf CarnapPhilosophy of Science
Harvey A. Carr1905 James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Robert Arnulfo Carrillo
Briana J. Carroll Neurobiology2017 S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Michael S. Carrollrespiratory control Computational Neuroscience2009 Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Daniel CasasantoLanguage and thought
Julia CassanitiCultural Anthropology2009 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Justine CassellGesture, discourse, artificial intelligence David McNeill (grad student)
Sonia CavigelliBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Martha K. McClintock (post-doc)
Sasha N CervantesHuman memory, SOTL, Aging, Creativity, Psychology Psychology20082013 David A. Gallo (grad student)
Sudha Chakrapani20032008 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
Brendan Chamberscomputation in neocortical populations Jason Neil MacLean (grad student)
Baron Chanda Francisco Bezanilla (post-doc)
Florian ChapototNeuroscience; sleep; data mining
Merrill Wallace ChaseImmunology, ABO antigens, cell mediated immunity19301931 Edwin Oakes Jordan (research assistant)
Kayla A. ChaseEpigenetics, Schizophrenia Human Genetics20152016 Jason Lieb (post-doc)
Shilpa ChatlaniVestibular periphery Neurobiology20052011 Jay M. Goldberg (grad student)
Ana V. CheeVirology2003 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Peng R. ChenChemical Biology20022007 Chuan He (grad student)
Qiang Chen Wei Wei (grad student)
Kevin H. Chen
Hai-Ping Chengcomputational nano-scale physics Chemistry19881991 R. Stephen Berry (post-doc)
Wanhao Chi Genetics20142019 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
Charles Manning Child18951896 Charles Otis Whitman (post-doc)
David A. Chiribogagerontology, psychology, behavioral health disparities, multicultural competence Committee on Human Development Human Development19641972 Bernice Neugarten (grad student), Morton A. Lieberman (grad student)
Victor Chizhikovdevelopmental neurogenetics Kathleen Millen (research scientist)
Hyunree ChoMusic, Mathematics, Comparative Literature, Aesthetics Music2014 Steven M. Rings (grad student)
Kyoung Whan ChoeCognitive & Educational neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Eye-tracking Psychology Psychology2015 Sian L. Beilock (post-doc), Marc G. Berman (post-doc)
Yeo Bi (YB) Choicognitive neuroscience, vision, autism
Se Hoon H. ChoiAlzheimer, Neurogenesis Neurobiology2009 Yoo Hun Suh (grad student), Sangram Sign Sisodia (grad student)
Jessica X. Chong Human Genetics2012 Carole Ober (grad student)
David James ChristleCondensed matter physics, quantum information, semiconductor defects Physics20092016 David D. Awschalom (grad student)
Paul J. ChurchNeuroscience19891993 Philip E. Lloyd (grad student)
MaryAnn Chutuapesubstance abuse Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Michael D. Clark2015 Eduardo Perozo (grad student)
Andrew M. ClarkSystems20022007 Pascal Wallisch (collaborator), David C. Bradley (grad student)
Bryan S. ClayImmunology, Physiology Biology2008 Anne I Sperling (grad student)
Jared Clemens David J. Freedman (grad student)
Michiel Coesmans Christian Hansel (grad student)
Bertram CohlerDevelopmental Psychology, General Religion, Cultural Anthropology, General
Nicholas (Nick) E. Colliasfunctional avain neuroanatomy1942 Warder Clyde Allee (grad student)
Jeffrey B. ColombeVisual system, computational learning theory, natural scene statistics19951999 Philip S. Ulinski (grad student)
Marc Colomer Department of Psychology Nuria Sebastian-Galles (grad student)
Richard Allen Conephotoreceptors, mucosal antibodies1963 John Rader Platt (grad student)
Jackson Jordan ConeVisual Processing, Reinforcement Learning Neurobiology20152022 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Eliza Lincoln CongdonDevelopmental2010 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Donatella Contini20132015 Jay M. Goldberg (post-doc)
Gustavo Contreras2018 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
Benjamin A. ConverseExperimental Psychology, Social Psychology Business2010 Ayelet Fishbach (grad student)
Clyde H. CoombsMathematical psychology19371940 Louis Leon Thurstone (grad student)
Joseph CooperCortical Mapping
Marie E. Coppola Psychology Psychology20062009 Susan Goldin-Meadow (post-doc), Susan Goldin-Meadow (research scientist)
Herbert L. Cortes MartinezComputer Science, Statistics2009 Yali Amit (grad student)
Paul T. Costapersonality Committee on Human Development Psychology1970 Bernice Neugarten (grad student), Salvatore R. Maddi (grad student)
Jonathan Jay Coueycortex and nicotine20002002 Khaled Houamed (research assistant)
Elise N. CovicCortical Physiology Computational Neuroscience20042010 S Murray Sherman (grad student)
Jack D. Cowan
Jason M. CowellCognitive development, executive function Psychology20122015 Jean Decety (post-doc)
Steven CroneSpinal Cord, Interneurons2003 Kamal Sharma (post-doc)
Gregory P. CrucianParkinson Disease, neuropsychology Sheri A. Berenbaum (grad student)
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiDevelopmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Personality Psychology Education and Psychology19591965 Jacob W. Getzels (grad student)
Bianxiao CuiChemistry2002 Stuart A. Rice (grad student)
Jim CuiTheoretical Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience Neurobiology Brent Doiron (grad student)
Kathleen E. Cullen1991 Robert A. McCrea (grad student)
Elmer CullerPsychology19151922 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Ashley CurrySocial Work Social Service Administration2014 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Darren A. CusanovichOlfaction Human Genetics20092014 Yoav Gilad (grad student)
Daniel M. Czyz20132016 Sean D. Crosson (post-doc)
Anthony D. D'Antonavision, color Psychology2010 Steve Shevell (grad student)
Dennis M. Daceyretina1983 Philip S. Ulinski (grad student)
James E. DahlbergsnRNA, mRNA splicing1966 Robert Haselkorn (grad student)
Wenli Dai Biophysical Sciences2016 Francisco Bezanilla (grad student)
Falcon Dai
Martha Ericson Dale1945 Robert James Havighurst (grad student)
Olivier Dalmas2014 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
Ramanuj Dasgupta2002 Elaine Fuchs (grad student)
Amish S. Davebirdsong, behavior2001 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Norman Davidsonchemistry, ion channels1941 Hermann Irving Schlesinger (grad student)
Trent M. Davis Department of Psychology20202024 Wilma A. Bainbridge (research assistant)
Glyn DawsonCell Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology
Julian Day-Cooney Department of Neurobiology20152020 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Sonsoles de LacalleNeuroanatomy, hormones19901992 Clifford B. Saper (post-doc)
Elizabeth A de Laittre Computational Neuroscience Jason Neil MacLean (grad student)
Maurizio De Pittàcomputational neuroscience, neuron-glia interactions, neuron-glial networks, calcium signaling, Alzheimer's disease, computational glioscience, glial technologies Neurobiology20152017 Nicolas Brunel (post-doc)
Eduardo De RobertisNeuroscience William Bloom (post-doc)
Eric S. De Vospsychosocial stress, developmental psychology, cultural psychology19831992 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Harriet de WitBehavioral pharmacology
Megan deBettencourt Edward K. Vogel (post-doc), Edward Awh (post-doc)
Scott R. DeBoerAlzheimer, Presenilin, Amyloid precursor protein Sangram Sign Sisodia (grad student)
Georges Debrégeas Physics2001 Sidney R. Nagel (post-doc)
Jean DecetyImitation, Empathy, Agency
Jary Y. Delgado Xiaoxi Zhuang (post-doc)
Benoit P. DelhayeSomatosensory neuroscience20152018 Sliman J. Bensmaia (post-doc)
William DementSleep19531957 Nathaniel Kleitman (grad student)
Ozlem Ece Demir-Lira
David J. DeRosierSuper-resolution light microscopy and the structure of the synapse1965 Robert Haselkorn (grad student)
Steven H. DeVriesRetinal synapses19831991 Eric A. Schwartz (grad student)
Carole Deyts2007 Angele Parent (post-doc)
Irving Diamond1953 William Dewey Neff (grad student)
Bram R. Diamondneuropsychology, mri, computational neuroimaging2020 Adam C Martersteck (grad student)
Anthony Steven DickDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience20062010 Steven L. Small (post-doc)
Adam S. Dickey Computational Neuroscience2011 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Stephanie Dimitroff2013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Alex Dimitrovcomputation & systems Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Ethan Dintzner Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Demet Araç (research assistant), Sumit Bandekar (research assistant)
Margaret G. Distlerbehavioral genetics Pathology2012 Abraham Palmer (grad student)
William B. DobynsPediatric Neurology
Henry Herbert Donaldsonorganic growth
Andrew J. Dosmannontogeny of behavior, plasticity of behavior Evolutionary Biology2013 Jill M. Mateo (grad student)
Manoj K. DossEpisodic memory, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychopharmacology, psychoactive drugs, psychedelics Psychology20132018 David A. Gallo (grad student)
Robert W. Doty1950 Ralph Gerard (grad student)
June Etta Downey James Rowland Angell (grad student)
John E. Downey
Lester R. DragstedtPhysiology, surgery1920 Anton Julius Carlson (grad student)
R C. Drisdel William N. Green (post-doc)
Amy C. Driskell2001 Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones (grad student)
Steven DrohoDevelopemnt2008 Kamal Sharma (grad student)
Wim v. DrongelenNeuroscience Biology
Sean E. Duffy2003 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Jennifer Dugas-FordSystems Neuroscience2009 Clifton Ragsdale (grad student)
Stephanie C. DulawaDepression, Anxiety, Serotonin, behavior Kathleen Millen (collaborator)
Alexandra M. DumitrescuGenetics, Human Development, Neuroscience Biology2005 Samuel Refetoff (grad student)
Starkey DuncanDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Susan DuncanGesture, language1996 David McNeill (collaborator), Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Erika Dunn-Weiss
Lizette O. DurandVirology2007 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Linda A. DykstraPsychopharmacology & Addiction Lewis Stanford Seiden (grad student), James Appel (grad student)
Ruth Anne Eatocksensory neurobiology, auditory, vestibular
Stephanie C. EcholsImitation, Empathy, Agency Psychology2012 Jean Decety (grad student)
Gabrielle B. EdgertonNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, General Biophysics Neurobiology2010 Dorothy Hanck (grad student)
Renee C. EdwardsDevelopmental Psychology, Social Work, Individual and Family Studies Social Service Administration2011 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Stacy B. Ehrlichcognitive development2007 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Sarah L. ElliottPsychophysics of color vision, spatial vision20102013 Steve Shevell (post-doc)
Frank P. Elsenrespiratory control2000 Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Alexandriya Emondsobject and scene vision, somatosensation2023 Sliman J. Bensmaia (post-doc)
Barbara Elizabeth EngelhardtMachine learning, Bayesian statistics, statistical genetics, computational biology, quantitative genetics. Matthew Stephens (post-doc)
Nicholas EpleyGesture, language
Nick EpleySocial Psychology, Rhetoric and Composition Language
G Bard ErmentroutDynamical Systems Analysis Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Y. Taylan EsengulNeurodegeneration, Dementias, ALS Neurology2019 Raymond P. Roos (post-doc)
Joseph Evans
Zara M. Fagennicotine2004 Dan McGehee (grad student)
Kelly Faig2013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Yuan FanNeuronal plasticity, LTP, dendritic excitability,excitotoxicity, stroke.
Jennifer R. FanningCognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Physiology Biology, Psychobiology Psychology Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience20142016 Emil F. Coccaro (post-doc)
Robert L. FantzVisual Development of Children, Primates and Chicks Psychology1954 Eckhard Heinrich Hess (grad student)
David FaroMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology2006 Ann McGill (grad student)
Rudolf Peter Faustdopamine; reward; addiction Biology20082014 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
Claudia Feitosa-SantanaVisual psychophysics
T P. Feng19291930 Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Xinran FengNeurology; RNA biology Human Genetics Human Genetics Human Genetics20202023 Xiaochang Zhang (grad student), Chuan He (grad student), Xiaoxi Zhuang (research assistant)
Irena Feng
Kimberly Michelle Fenn2006 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Cesar FernandezVestibular system
Casey S M Ferraramulti-modal language, sign language, gesture, language acquisition, iconicity, aphasia
Vincent P. FerreraCognitive/Systems Neuroscience, Systems and Circuits1989 Hugh R. Wilson (grad student)
Richard Fessler
Frederick Fiedler Carl Ransom Rogers (grad student), Jim Miller (grad student)
Courtney A. FilippiSensorimotor system, cognitive development, individual differences Psychology2011 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student)
Brent FingerClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology2006 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Stacey R. FinkelsteinBehavioral Psychology, General Business Administration Business2011 Ayelet Fishbach (grad student)
Ayelet FishbachBehavioral Psychology
Alan FiskeFrontotemporal Dementia, Models of Social Relationships Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Frank W. Fitchmonoclonal antibodies1960 Robert William Wissler (grad student)
Emily Fitzgerald20212023 Sliman J. Bensmaia (research assistant)
Erin M. Fitzpatrick-BehnkeDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology: Human Development2014 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Molly E. FlahertyGesture, sign language, cognitive development Psychology2014 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Eric S. FortuneElectrosensory system19891995 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Benjamin F. FosqueIon Channel Biophysics Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2015 Francisco Bezanilla (grad student)
Joshua J. Fostercognitive neuroscience, attention, working memory Psychology20132019 Edward Awh (grad student), Edward K. Vogel (grad student)
Lyle E. Foxneuropeptides, transmitter release2000 Philip E. Lloyd (grad student)
Aaron P. FoxCalcium channels, SNARES Richard W. Tsien (post-doc)
Alexander L. FrancisSpeech Perception19951999 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Sunday M. Francis2009 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Cristianne R. Frazierdopamine system, feeding behavior Neurobiology20052011 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
Donald FrederickOlfactory Neurophysiology Psychology20072014 Leslie M. Kay (grad student)
David J. FreedmanNeurophysiology of visual learning and memory
Daniel G. FreedmanPsychology, Human Ethology, Human Development
Leslie Williard "Bill" Freeman Paul Bucy (grad student)
Alexander French Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2016 Tobin R. Sosnick (grad student)
Guy FricanoDevelopmental Psychology, General Religion, Cultural Anthropology, General Psychology: Human Development2009 Bertram Cohler (grad student)
Daniel J. Fridberg Andrea C. King (research scientist)
Fraeda R. FriedmanDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology2001 Starkey Duncan (grad student)
David Frim
Jens Fritzenwanker Chris J. Lowe (post-doc)
Makoto FukushimaSensorimotor learning, Neuroethology, Auditory cortex20042008 Daniel Margoliash (grad student), Jack D. Cowan (grad student), Peter L. Rauske (collaborator)
Jadwiga E. FurdynaDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Behavioral Psychology2000 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Nobuhiro FuruyamaGesture, language2001 David McNeill (grad student)
Roland Gaber2013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Jennifer Meredith GalambaCognitive Development2012 Katherine D. Kinzler (research assistant), Koleen C. McCrink (research assistant), Nim Tottenham (research assistant)
David A. Gallohuman memory20082012 Michael E. Ballard (collaborator)
Perla B. Gamezcognitive development2009 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Susan E. Gans Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Leo GanzVisual perception, plasticity, development; motion perception1959 Austin Riesen (grad student)
Chritina GaoAlzheimer's
Shan Gaocognitive science; concept, reasoning, structure
Alfredo J. Garciastuff
Isabel GaronComputational Neuroscience Jason Neil MacLean (research assistant)
Walter E. GarreyAutonomic nervous system1900 Jacques Loeb (grad student)
Timothy Q. Gentnerauditory systems neuroscience Daniel Margoliash (post-doc)
Ralph GerardNerve metabolism, psycho pharmacology, and biological bases of schizophrenia1922 Anton Julius Carlson (grad student), Lester R. Dragstedt (grad student)
Rebecca Germanphysiology, neuroscience, biomechanics, mechanics of swallowing Charles Ernest Oxnard (research assistant)
Jacob W. Getzels
Supriya GhoshFear learning, amygdala2014 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Dominic James GibsonCognitive Development2011 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Tali Gidalevitz Yair Argon (grad student)
Tom Gijssels
Yoav GiladOlfaction
T. Conrad Gilliamgenetics
James A. Gillis Organismal Biology and Anatomy2009 Chris J. Lowe (grad student)
Lincoln da Silva Gimenes Israel Goldiamond (grad student)
Tom Glanz20122013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
James A. GlazierBiophysics Albert J. Libchaber (grad student)
Ayelet Gneezy2007 Nicholas Epley (grad student)
Dwayne Godwinthalamic physiology, T-type calcium channels, nitric oxide, vision, alcoholism, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Eylana G. GoffeAnthropology2000 Russell Tuttle (grad student)
Joseph V Gogolacomplex learned behavior, development, neuromuscular junction, songbird
Jay M. GoldbergVestibular system1960 William Dewey Neff (grad student), Cesar Fernandez (collaborator)
Israel Goldiamond
Susan Goldin-MeadowGesture, sign language, cognitive development Steven L. Small (collaborator)
Alexander Gonzalez David J. Freedman (grad student)
James M. GoodmanSomatosensory neuroscience Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student)
Doug GoodSmith
James GossGesture, sign language, cognitive development Comparative Human Development2011 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Anitha P Govind William N. Green (post-doc)
Robert W. GoyBehavioral Neuroendocrinology1953 Howard F. Hunt (grad student)
Manu S. GoyalComputational Neuroscience David C. Bradley (grad student)
Chad GrabnerCalcium channels, SNARES2005 Aaron P. Fox (grad student)
bernice grafsteinregeneration, goldfish, Paul A. Weiss (grad student)
Giorgio GrasselliNeurobiology, Neurophysiology, Neurolasticity, Cerebellum, Purkinje cell, Synaptic Plasticity, Intrinsic Plasticity, Ataxia, Multiple Sclerosis Neurobiology Dept. Neurobiology20172018 Christian Hansel (post-doc), Christian Hansel (research scientist)
Stephen J Graymemory Psychology20112016 David A. Gallo (grad student)
John Green
William N. Green
Charles M. GreensponSomatosensation, Pain Organismal Biology and Anatomy2018 Sliman J. Bensmaia (post-doc)
Emma I. Greig Ecology and Evolution2010 Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones (grad student)
Inessa Grinberg2005 Kathleen Millen (grad student)
Yelena GrinbergNeuroscience Biology Neurobiology2013 Richard P. Kraig (grad student)
Sidney Gross
Sebastian P. Grossmanfood intake, water intake, motivation
Elizabeth A. GroveDevelopmental Neuroscience
Tatyana Grushko Biological Sciences Ronald R. Dubreuil (post-doc)
Jose Jesus Guajardo2002 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student)
Yongtao Guan20062010 Matthew Stephens (post-doc)
Andrew M. Guestcultural anthropology2004 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Anitra M. Guillory2007 Paul Vezina (grad student)
Forrest O. GuldenDevelopmental Neuroscience Neurobiology2014 Elizabeth A. Grove (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Gundersoncognitive development Psychology2012 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Eren Günseli20152017 Edward K. Vogel (post-doc), Edward Awh (post-doc)
Xiaohan (Hannah) Guo Department of Psychology Department of Psychology2021 Wilma A. Bainbridge (grad student), Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Eleazar Sebastian Guzman Barron
Ryan HagglundVirology2003 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
William Hagopian Howard S. Tager (grad student)
Nicole HakimCognitive neuroscience2015 Edward K. Vogel (grad student)
Edgar Brewer HaleAnimal Behavior Sewall Wright (grad student)
Melina Hale
Diane J. Halladministration
Darien A. Hall
Ward HalsteadNeuropsychology Heinrich Klüver (grad student), Paul Bucy (collaborator)
Earl J. Hamilton
Phillip L. HammackSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology2006 Bertram Cohler (grad student)
Amy J. HammondGesture, sign language, cognitive development2005 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Donna L. HammondNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Dorothy HanckNeuroscience Biology
Sydney HansClinical Psychology, Oncology, General Religion
Christian Hansel
Israel HanukogluEpithelial sodium channel (ENaC), Steroidogenesis, Keratin structure, Oxidoreductase enzymes, Cell biology Department of Biochemistry19801983 Elaine Fuchs (post-doc)
Maheema Haque ChoMUN20132017 Susie Marshall (grad student)
Andrew D. Harlemcultural anthropology2002 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Neil L. HarrisonGABA-A receptors
Amy B. Hart Human Genetics2013 Abraham Palmer (grad student)
John HarveyBehavioral pharmacology, Learning and memory Howard F. Hunt (grad student)
Michael Harvey Sliman J. Bensmaia (research scientist)
Khaleda B. HasanSystems Neuroscience2008 Clifton Ragsdale (grad student)
Uri HassonCognition, neuroimaging Steven L. Small (post-doc), Howard Charles Nusbaum (post-doc)
Reid HastieJudgement, Decision-Making
Reig HastieMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos Sliman J. Bensmaia (collaborator)
Jessica Lauren HauserMolecular Neuroscience Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Robert James Havighurstgerontology, education, cross-cultural research
Judith HavlicekSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare Social Service Administration2009 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Sayuri Hayakawa Psychology20122017 Boaz Keysar (grad student)
Qinpu He
Qinpu He
Xiaofei Heartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language2005 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
Bin Z HeGene regulatory evolution, stress response, pathogenic fungi Ecology and Evolution20062012 Martin Kreitman (grad student)
Shannon L. M. HealdSpeech Perception and Production, Categorization Psychology20032012 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Chad Heer
Linda Heidingerfunctional MRI20002005 Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Robert F. Heimburger Paul Bucy (grad student)
Jessica Heineman-Pieper2005 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student)
Gordon T. Heistad1954 Howard F. Hunt (grad student)
Alfred HellerPharmacology
Kevin HellmanPain, Sleep, Brainstem, autonomic function20052011 Peggy Mason (post-doc)
Michael Helzer ChoMUN20122016 Susie Marshall (grad student)
Jake E HendersonDevelopmental Biology, Neurodevelopment, Neuronal Guidance, Circuit Wiring
Jess Hermann
Gretchen Louise Hermes2003 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Marc W. HernandezDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2009 Nancy L. Stein (grad student)
William Thomas Heron1924 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Charles Judson Herrick
Bruce E. Herring Neurobiology2009 Aaron P. Fox (grad student)
Jacob R. Hickmancultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2011 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Joseph E. HindAuditory system
Jonathan Hirschalzheimer's disease, amyloid beta protein, tau20042005 Sangram Sign Sisodia (research assistant)
Gabriella V. Hirschhuman memory, memory distortion, aging, social processes Department of Psychology20162021 David A. Gallo (grad student)
Pravin HivareNeuroscience, Neurodegeneration, DNA Nanodevices, 3D Cell Culture, Endocytic mechanisms, Microscopy, Super-resolution microscopy, Nanomaterials, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, Peptide and Protein Aggregation, Proteomics: Mass spectrometry
Judith A. HobertCell Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Biology2006 Glyn Dawson (grad student)
Pierce V HoenigmanCell and Molecular Biology, Plant Biology, Microbiology Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology20222023 Jean Toby Greenberg (research assistant), Jessica Morgan (research assistant), Rama Ranganathan (grad student)
Wilhelm HofmannSelf-Control
Louis Holdstockpharmaceutical research2000 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Carolyn L. HollandsDevelopemnt Developmental Biology2011 Kamal Sharma (grad student)
Joseph Christopher HoltVestibular, vestibular system, efferents19951998 Jay M. Goldberg (post-doc)
Howard HoltzerCell Biology, Cytoskeleton, atin networks1952 Paul A. Weiss (grad student)
Karl J. Holzinger
Philip S. HolzmanSchizophrenia, psychoanalytic metapsychology and treatment
Christina K. HondeDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2007 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Sang Wook W. Hongvision2005 Steve Shevell (grad student)
Lisa A. HoogstraGesture, sign language, cognitive development2002 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Matthew J. Hoptmanschizophrenia, connectivity, impulsivity19841991 Jerre Levy (grad student)
Randall A. Hortoncultural anthropology2006 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Eric Hosy Christian Hansel (post-doc)
Pinky Hotacultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2012 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Ningqi HouEpidemiology
Yuan Hou Business2013 Reid Hastie (grad student)
Khaled HouamedSK channels
Lauren Shuck HowardDevelopment, Agency, Memory
Jeanne A. HowardSocial Work, Developmental Psychology2001 Tina Rzepnicki (grad student)
Christopher K. HseeExperimental Psychology, Marketing Business Administration
Xiaoping Hu David N. Levin (grad student)
Xiaolin Huang Neurobiology20152021 Wei Wei (grad student)
June Huang ChoMUN20112015 Dhrooti Vyas (grad student)
Yinxiao Huangfinance Statistics2011 Wei Wu (grad student)
Yibi HuangStatistics Statistics2010 Yali Amit (grad student)
Raymond E. HulseIon channels Neurobiology2013 Eduardo Perozo (grad student)
Thomas Arthur Hummer2009 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Margaret D. HunsickerGesture, sign language, cognitive development Psychology2012 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Reid HuntPharmacology18961896 Jacques Loeb (post-doc)
Howard F. HuntPsychology
Jeremy P. HunterDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology2001 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (grad student)
Walter S. Hunter1912 Harvey A. Carr (grad student), James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Scott HunterPediatric neuropsychology
Karen M. Hurleyneurophysiology, vestibular system, ion channels19871993 Clifford B. Saper (grad student)
Timothy Robert HussonVisual system, metabolism20052009 Naoum P. Issa (grad student), Ari Rosenberg (collaborator)
Janellen Huttenlocher
Libby Henrietta Hyman Invertebrate zoology19061910 Charles Manning Child (grad student)
Michael P. Iacoviellonicotine2008 Dan McGehee (grad student)
Guilhem Ibos2009 David J. Freedman (post-doc)
Ryoko Imaicultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2012 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Mika IshinoGesture, language2007 David McNeill (grad student)
Mark M Iskaroussensory feedback; neuromorphic encoding; neural prostheses; neuroengineering; sensorimotor BCI; Organismal Biology and Anatomy2024 John E. Downey (post-doc)
Annette Iskracultural anthropology2007 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Ellen Isman ChoMUN20122016 Molly (Mary Kate) (grad student)
Naoum P. IssaVisual cortex
Jana M. IversonGesture, cognitive development, autism1996 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Andrew C. IvyGastrointestinal physiology & pharmacology1918 Anton Julius Carlson (grad student)
Shachar Iwanir
Philip W. Jackson
Suma JacobNeuroscience, Neuroendocrinology, Developmental Psychopathology19941998 Martha K. McClintock (grad student), Edwin H. Cook, Jr. (research scientist)
Kristen Jacobson
Babak S. JahromiVasospasm/Neurological disorders2003 R. Loch Macdonald (grad student)
Ankit Jain ChoMUN20112015 Arun Abraham-Singh (grad student)
Edmund Janes James
Petr Janata Daniel Margoliash (post-doc)
Aren Jansenartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language2008 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
Paul A.J. JanssenPsychiatry, neurology, GI, anti-infectives, anti-virals Chemistry1948 Carl Curt Pfeiffer (research assistant)
Lindsey Jay Departent of Neurobiology20172017 Giorgio Grasselli (research assistant)
Gregory JeffordCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2001 Ronald R. Dubreuil (grad student)
Michael J. JenuwineClinical Psychology, Mental Health2000 Bertram Cohler (grad student)
Yoonkyung Jeong2003 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Okunola B. JeyifousSynaptic Plasticity, Synaptogenesis20082005 Paul Vezina (post-doc), William N. Green (post-doc), William N. Green (grad student)
Yu Ji Psychology2015 Leslie M. Kay (grad student)
Anqi Jiang
Kenneth E. JochimAutonomic pharmacology, cardiovascular physiology1941 Louis N. Katz (grad student)
Vishwanath JoginiPotassium channel, Molecular dynamics simulations2009 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
E. Roy John Physiology Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Craig M. Josephcultural anthropology2001 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Angela Justicepharmaceutical research2000 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Juhi R. KaboskiSocial Work Social Service Administration2012 Sydney Hans (grad student)
August Kampf-LassinVisual plasticity, Neuroendorinology, Biological Rhythms Psychology20062013 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
Uma Kandaswamy
J. Robert Kane
Denise F. KaneSocial Work2001 Tina Rzepnicki (grad student)
Para Kangvision, color Psychology2012 Steve Shevell (grad student)
T Kao
Ernst K. Karelcultural anthropology2003 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Jordan O. Karubian2001 Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones (grad student)
Molly (Mary Kate) ChoMUN20072011 Konrad Weeda (grad student)
Lawrence C. KatzSensory systems1979 Ray W. Guillery (research assistant)
Louis N. KatzCardiovascular physiology
Charles Kore Kaufman2003 Elaine Fuchs (grad student)
Komal Kawatra ChoMUN20122016 Susie Marshall (grad student)
Wolfram KawohlCortical functional organization, Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Leslie M. KayOlfaction
Jin KeCognitive neuroscience Department of Psychology Monica Rosenberg (research assistant)
Barbara Kee
Ariela Keiser Argyris Stringaris (research assistant)
Spencer D. KellyGesture, psycholingustics1999 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
John E. Kelseydrug addiction, Parkinson\'s, schizophrenia,19661971 Sebastian P. Grossman (grad student)
Ernest W. Kent Sebastian P. Grossman (grad student)
Alyssa J. Kersey Psychology2018 Susan Goldin-Meadow (post-doc)
Haig Keshishian Michael O'Shea (post-doc)
Vivek KhatriHyperexcitability after traumatic brain injury19951999 Philip S. Ulinski (research assistant)
Mazen A. Kheirbek2008 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
Naveen M. Khetarpalcognitive development Psychology2012 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Leila Khorasanimapping cortical function, electrocorticography Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Nelson YS Kiangauditory system William Dewey Neff (grad student)
Stacey L. Kigar
Keith Fenton KillamPharmacology Pharmacology1954 Carl Curt Pfeiffer (grad student)
Sungshin KimNeuroscience and neuroprosthetics Sliman J. Bensmaia (post-doc)
Irene KimbaraGesture, sign language, cognitive development2006 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Heather M. King Organismal Biology and Anatomy2012 Melina Hale (grad student)
Andrea C. KingNeuroscience Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Pharmacology
Leann H. KinnunenMaternal behavior2001 Howard Moltz (grad student)
Katherine D. Kinzler
Joseph Mitsuo KitigawaReligions of Asia
Harry Dexter KitsonThe Psychology of Vocational Adjustment James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Mark A. Kittisopikulimage analysis, lamins, systems biology, bacillus subtilis, biofilms20042006 Ka Yee C. Lee (research assistant), Aaron R. Dinner (research assistant)
Joshua KlaymanMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Social Psychology
Abbie Elizabeth Klein Alex Shaw (research assistant)
Nadav Klein Nicholas Epley (grad student)
Nathaniel KleitmanFather of modern sleep research1923 Anton Julius Carlson (grad student)
Stephanie J. KlenotichDepression, Anxiety, Serotonin, behavior Neurobiology2013 Stephanie C. Dulawa (grad student)
Heinrich Klüver Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc)
Sarah KnissNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology2002 Judith Austin (grad student)
Young Hoon Koh2016 Eduardo Perozo (grad student)
Jerry J. Kollrosneurodevelopment in amphibians1942 Paul A. Weiss (grad student)
Minjung KooMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology2009 Ayelet Fishbach (grad student)
Jessica L. KorandaBasal Ganglia, dopamine Neurobiology2014 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
David Koren Wei Wei (grad student)
Marios Kosmas Chemistry19741978 Karl F. Freed (grad student)
Gulum Kosova Genetics2010 Carole Ober (grad student)
Hiroki KotabeExecutive Functions, Impulse Control Department of Psychology20142016 Jean Decety (grad student), Wilhelm Hofmann (grad student), Marc G. Berman (grad student)
Aaron P. Kozbelt2002 Tom Trabasso (grad student)
Cassie KozyrkovDecision-making, neuroeconomics20082010 Howard Charles Nusbaum (research assistant)
Richard P. KraigNeuroscience Biology
Max Kramer Psychology20202022 Wilma A. Bainbridge (grad student)
David KrechPsychology Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student)
Seetha KrishnanNeuroscience, Zebrafish Mark Sheffield (post-doc)
Anne C Krok20132015 Xiaoxi Zhuang (research assistant)
Katherine M. KrpanTraumatic Brain Injury, Frontal Lobes
Kevin KrullDevelopmental Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Tomoya Kubota Francisco Bezanilla (post-doc)
Jennifer T. KubotaSocial Neuroscience
Vivek KumarAddiction, Forward Genetics, Mouse Genetics Robert Haselkorn (research assistant)
Chay T. KuoNeural stem cells, Postnatal brain dev. Jeffrey M. Leiden (grad student)
Samuel A. Kutinartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language2002 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
Mee K. Kwoncognitive development Psychology2011 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Maureen Lacy
John Laffertystatistical machine learning
Anthony LaMantia Ray W. Guillery (research assistant)
Peter J. LammersAM Fungal Research Site, Bioinformatics Research Page Robert Haselkorn (post-doc)
Matthew J. Lang19921997 Graham R. Fleming (grad student)
Kenneth W. LatimerComputational Neuroscience, Statistical Modeling2019 David J. Freedman (post-doc)
Federica Latta2005 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
T V Joe LayngInstructional Design, Learning Sciences. Clinical Behavior Analysis Behavioral Sciences (Biopsychology)19791994 Israel Goldiamond (grad student)
Toby E. Lazaruscognitive development2002 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Eve A. LeBartonGesture, developmental psycholinguistics Psychology2010 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
France LeclercMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Social Psychology
Hyunjung Leephonetics Alan C. L. Yu (post-doc)
SangWook LeeSensorimotor interaction, Computational neuroscience Department of Neurobiology2016 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Elizabeth Erin Lailei LeeIon Channels, muscle, neuroregeneration Neurobiology20112019 Francisco Bezanilla (grad student)
Charles C. Leeauditory system, thalamus, cortex, autism, schizophrenia, neurodegeneration S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Jeffrey M. Leiden
Michael LeonOlfaction, Autism Howard Moltz (grad student)
Maciej S. Lesniakoncology
Alison M. Leston2000 William N. Green (grad student)
Cynthia G. Leung Peggy Mason (grad student)
Allan I. Levey Bruce H. Wainer (grad student)
David N. Levin
Tal Levinbirdsong, behavior2008 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Linda J. LevineCognitive Psychology Psychology Nancy L. Stein (grad student)
Susan Cohen Levinecognitive development
Aiva Levins2012 Philip John Horner (grad student)
Jerre LevyNeuropsychology of cortical asymmetry
Maayan Levy Neurobiology20152021 Jason Neil MacLean (grad student)
David M. Levy Economics Economics Economics Harry G. Johnson (grad student), Earl J. Hamilton (grad student), Lester G. Telser (grad student)
Francis Li2016 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
Tian Li2014 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
sihai licognitive neuroscience Neurobiology David J. Freedman (post-doc)
Ziqian LiQuantum computing
Yu LiangVirology2005 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Zoe Libermandevelopmental psychology20112017 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student), Katherine D. Kinzler (grad student)
Benjamin Libet Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Justin D. Lieber20112019 Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student)
Steven P. Lieskerespiratory control2002 Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Frederick F. LighthallEducational Psychology Education
Sean Austin O. LimStriatum, movement disorders Neurobiology Neurobiology20092014 Dan McGehee (grad student), Dan McGehee (grad student)
Sean A. LimNeuroscience Biology Neurobiology2014 Daniel S. McGehee (grad student)
Sukbin Lim Nicolas Brunel (post-doc)
Ting-Feng Lin2019 Christian Hansel (post-doc)
Olivia Lin ChoMUN20132016 June Huang (grad student)
Andy C. Lin2001 Jeffrey M. Leiden (grad student)
Eric LinGlutamate receptor trafficking2006 William N. Green (grad student)
Charles P. Lin1986 Gerhard L. Closs (grad student)
Daniel Lindberg Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Anne G. Lindgren2007 Kathleen Millen (grad student)
Delwin T. LindseyVisual perception, cognition Joel Pokorny (grad student)
Emily Lines
Gilbert N. Ling1948 Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Morris A. Lipton Eleazar Sebastian Guzman Barron (post-doc)
Daniel Y. Little
Bing Liucognitive/computational neuroscience
Mengzhan Liufumemory and learning, motor control Psychology Neurobiology Neurobiology Psychology2021 Jai Yu (research assistant), Jason Neil MacLean (research assistant), Elizabeth A de Laittre (collaborator), Sameera Shridhar (collaborator)
Daniel A. LlanoThe role of top-down projections in the processing of complex sounds2006 S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Philip E. Lloydneuropeptides, transmitter release
Katie Long
Susan Longestontogeny of behavior, plasticity of behavior2009 Jill M. Mateo (grad student)
Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higginsartificial intelligence, theoretical chemistry19481949 Robert Sanderson Mulliken (post-doc)
Stella F. Lourencospatial cognition, quantitative reasoning2006 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Philip Steven LowComputational Neuroscience, Sleep20002001 Daniel Margoliash (research scientist)
Chris J. Lowe
Jessica A. Loweth Neurobiology2009 Paul Vezina (grad student)
Catherine Lowry20002005 Leslie M. Kay (grad student)
Oliver H. LowryNeurochemistry1937 Fred Conrad Koch (grad student)
Ché Luceroembodied cognition, gesture, mental metaphor Psychology2015 Daniel Casasanto (grad student)
Barbara J. Lukarepresentation of knowledge, especially linguistic knowledge1999 John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
Scott E. LukasBehavioral Pharmacology, Medications Development, Addiction research Joseph V. Brady (grad student)
Tracy Lukscognitive neuroscience2000 Jerre Levy (grad student)
Sean Luoolfaction, theory and computation Philip S. Ulinski (research assistant)
Michael E. Lusignanbirdsong, behavior Computational Neuroscience2012 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Olivia Lutz Organismal Biology & Anatomy2019 Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student)
Elias Potter LyonPhysiology1897 Jacques Loeb (grad student)
Ian M. Lyonsworking memory, expertise, attention, skilled performance Psychology2012 Sian L. Beilock (grad student)
Anna LysakowskiVestibular, vestibular system19871993 Jay M. Goldberg (post-doc), Ray W. Guillery (research assistant), Bruce H. Wainer (post-doc), Cesar Fernandez (post-doc)
Craig R. M. McKenzieGeneral Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies1994 Robin Hogarth (grad student)
R. Loch MacdonaldVasospasm/Neurological disorders
Emily L. Mackevicius20102011 Sliman J. Bensmaia (research assistant)
Jason Neil MacLeanCortical microcirciutry20012007 Rafael Yuste (post-doc)
Carol Macmillan
Antoine Madar
Jesus E. MadridDevelopmental Psychobiology, Behavioral Neuroscience Dario Maestripieri (research assistant)
Marcelo O. MagnascoTheoretical Neuroscience19891991 Leo Phillip Kadanoff (grad student)
James S. MagnusonPsycholinguistics19901993 Howard Charles Nusbaum (research assistant), Gerd Gigerenzer (research assistant)
Alexandra I. MagoldGamma-Secretase, Alzheimer's Disease, Ciliogenesis
Stephen V. MahlerBehavioral neuroscience, addiction, pleasure, motivation, desire, opioid, dopamine, cannabinoid20012003 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Norman Maier Karl Spencer Lashley (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. MajkaSocial Neuroscience Psychology2014 John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
Katrin MaldreSocial Work Social Service Administration2012 Tina Rzepnicki (grad student)
Vera Maljkovic Paolo Martini (collaborator)
Atul K. MallikVisual cortex2009 Naoum P. Issa (grad student)
Stephen L. MallonVirology Microbiology2012 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Etienne G. Manderscheidbirdsong, behavior Computational Neuroscience2014 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Louise R. Manfredi Sliman J. Bensmaia (post-doc)
Huibert D. Mansvelder Dan McGehee (post-doc)
Buqing Mao
Jonathan D. MarcotVertebrate evolution, evolution of mammals Committee on Evolutionary Biology19982004 John J. Flynn (grad student), Peter J. Wagner (grad student)
Benjamin A. MarcusBehavioral Pharmacology2012 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Alan R. Mardinly20042006 James Brorson (research assistant)
Gerard Joseph MarekPrefrontal cortex and 5-HT2A receptor/glutamate interactions Pharmacology & Physiology19821989 Lewis Stanford Seiden (grad student)
Daniel Margoliashbirdsong, behavior
Sol Markman Neurobiology20212023 Marlene R. Cohen (research assistant)
Alexander E. Marras Matthew V. Tirrell (post-doc)
Jocelyn Marrowcultural anthropology2008 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Susie Marshall ChoMUN20102014 Molly (Mary Kate) (grad student)
Wade Marshall1935 Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Amber MartellNeurobiology Biology Computational Neuroscience2010 Wim v. Drongelen (grad student)
Adam C Martersteckneuroimaging, aging, Alzheimer disease, frontotemporal lobar degeneration
Claire MartinOlfactory Neurophysiology20052007 Leslie M. Kay (post-doc)
Carol A. Mason Ray W. Guillery (post-doc)
Peggy Mason
Nicolas Y. MasseOlfactory system, neural coding David J. Freedman (post-doc)
Ryan G. Mastro2006 William N. Green (grad student)
Jill M. Mateoontogeny of behavior, plasticity of behavior
Andrew Mattarella-Micke Psychology20062012 Sian L. Beilock (grad student)
Irina Matveevaartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language2008 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
John HR MaunsellVision
Leah Mayodrug conditioning20102015 Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Cyrus Henderson McCandlessNeuroethology, Spatial orientation, Affect, Reinforcement learning Human Behavioral Pharmacology Neuropsychopharmacology Psychology Psychology Psychology Robert A. McCrea (grad student), Alan M. Brichta (grad student), Harriet de Wit (research assistant), Paul Vezina (research assistant), Miriam Bassok (research assistant), Boaz Keysar (research assistant), Nancy L. Stein (research assistant)
R. A. McCleary
Martha K. McClintockOlfaction, endocrinology, cancer
Robert A. McCrea Alain Berthoz (grad student)
Karl-Erik McCulloughGesture, language2005 David McNeill (grad student)
Ian M. McDonoughMemory, Metacognition, Aging, Cognitive Neuroscience, Health Disparities Psychology20062011 David A. Gallo (grad student)
Nikolaus R. McFarlandParkinsonism, atypical parkinson disorders, neurodegenerative models, AAV19901992 Donna L. Hammond (research assistant)
Dan McGeheenicotine
Daniel S. McGeheeNeurobiology Biology
Ann McGillExperimental Psychology, Marketing Business Administration1986 Robin Hogarth (grad student)
Lane T. McIntoshcomputation/theory, information theory20102010 David A. Gallo (research assistant), Jason Neil MacLean (research assistant)
Jillian McKee Computational Neuroscience20092014 David J. Freedman (grad student)
Africa McLeod Neurobiology20152018 William N. Green (research assistant)
Stephen E. McMillinSocial Work, Public Health Education, Early Childhood Education Social Service Administration2013 Tina Rzepnicki (grad student)
David McNeillGesture, language
Megan M. McNultyPharmacology, General Biophysics2005 Dorothy Hanck (grad student)
Emma Megla2021 Wilma A. Bainbridge (grad student)
Kimberly Lewis Meidenbauerenvironmental psychology, neuroimaging, aggression, emotion psychology20172020 Marc G. Berman (grad student)
C Daniel Melizaneural mechanisms of pattern recognition20062013 Daniel Margoliash (post-doc)
Scott J. Mendelsonneuropeptides, transmitter release Neurobiology2010 Philip E. Lloyd (grad student)
Julia Meng Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology20172022 Ellie S. Heckscher (grad student)
Julie A. MennellaDevelopmental Psychobiology19831988 Howard Moltz (grad student), Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Lisa H. MerckNeurological Emergencies, TBI, hydrocephalus, critical care, intensive care, clinical trials, epidemiology, medical ethics David M. Frim (research scientist)
Matthew MeriggioliElectromyeology1989 Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Kalina J. MichalskaEmpathy, Agency, Fear Learning, Affective Neuroscience Psychology2009 Jean Decety (grad student)
Klaus A. MiczekPsychopharmacology1972 Sebastian P. Grossman (grad student)
Kathleen Millendevelopmental neurogenetics
Joan G. Miller Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Richard J. Millercalcium, neurodevelopment, chemokines
Jim Miller
Kavya Minnema-Reddy
Lloyd B. MinorVestibular physiology19841988 Jay M. Goldberg (post-doc)
Yuriko Mishima Neurobiology2009 Kathleen Millen (grad student)
Ralph E. MistlbergerCircadian Rhythms Allan Rechtschaffen (grad student)
Suzanne MitchellImpulsivity, risk taking, learning, decision-making, drug abuse Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Robert D. Mitchumnicotine2007 Dan McGehee (grad student)
R Ranney Mizedevelopment of superior colliculus1975 E Hazel Murphy (grad student)
Christina MoSensory systems, neural circuits Neurobiology S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Purvi D. ModyImmunology2007 Anne I Sperling (grad student)
Elizabeth Ghini Moliski Business2010 Reid Hastie (grad student)
Howard MoltzMaternal behavior
Robert James Moonscanning X-ray microscope, optical biophysics studies on the action potential in nerves1936 William Draper Harkins (grad student)
Carl Richard Mooresex hormones in animals1916 Frank Rattray Lillie (grad student)
Tamson V. MooreImmunology Immunology2009 Anne I Sperling (grad student)
Santiago A. Morillo Salazar Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology2012 Ilaria Rebay (grad student)
Richard I. Morimoto19741978 Murray Rabinowitz (grad student)
Charles Morris
John S. MorrisBehavioral Endocrinology2013 Greg J. Norman (post-doc)
Jeffrey Mosenkiscultural anthropology Psychology: Human Development2010 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Ana Mrejerudopamine, nicotine, neurodegeneration, calcium, NMDA receptors, reward learning Neurobiology2009 Dan McGehee (grad student)
David M. Mueller19811985 Murray Rabinowitz (post-doc)
J. Sean Mullan
Erin E. MullarkeyDevelopmental Neuroscience Neurobiology2014 Elizabeth A. Grove (grad student)
Kevin J. Mulqueeny Psychology2013 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Joshua C. MungerVirology2001 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Paul L. Munsonneuroendocrinology1942 Fred Conrad Koch (grad student)
Alan MusicantHearing research Robert A. Butler (grad student)
Ronald E. Myers1955 Roger W. Sperry (grad student)
Neely L. MyersCultural Anthropology, Medical and Forensic Anthropology, Social Work Comparative Human Development Comparative Human Development2009 Sydney Hans (grad student), Tanya Marie Luhrmann (grad student)
Kristian O. MyrsethExperimental Psychology, General Psychology, Social Psychology Business2009 Ayelet Fishbach (grad student)
N. N
Scott K. Nagle2000 David N. Levin (grad student)
Ken NakagakiHuman Computer Interaction
Jeanne E. NakamuraDevelopmental Psychology, Gerontology2002 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (grad student)
Hariharan Narayananartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language Computer Science2009 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
Eugene NarmourMusic, Cognitive Psychology Music1974 Leonard B. Meyer (grad student)
Howard A. NashBehavioral Genetics1963 Julian Tobias (grad student)
Malcolm W. Nason Jrpain modulatioin2004 Peggy Mason (grad student)
M. M. Nawas1961 N. N (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Neckasocial psychology, loneliness, social networks Psychology20112016 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
William Dewey Neff Mariano Yela (collaborator)
Darryl B. NeillBehavioral Pharmacology; Motivation Sebastian P. Grossman (grad student)
Phillip G. Nelson Julian Tobias (grad student)
Nicole L. NeubarthSomatosensory system, mechanosensation, spinal cord physiology20082011 Melina Hale (research assistant)
Florian B. Neubauercortical network activity, multi-neuron imaging2009 Jason Neil MacLean (post-doc)
Dina L Newmangenetics, human genetics, biology education Human Genetics Biochemistry and Molecular Biology19982003 Carole Ober (post-doc), James A. Shapiro (grad student)
William X Q Ngiamvisual working memory, visual attention Department of Psychology2019 Edward Awh (post-doc)
Andrea C. NicholasHippocampus, Learning and Memory2002 Peggy Mason (grad student)
Nora C NickelsBiopsychology, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Endocrinology Comparative Human Development20142019 Dario Maestripieri (grad student)
Patrick R. NickolettiDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Sydney Hans (grad student)
David A. NielsenPsychiatric Genetics
Partha Niyogiartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language
Daniel K. Nolan2005 Carole Ober (grad student)
Greg J. NormanSocial Neuroscience, Psychophysiology20102012 John T. Cacioppo (post-doc)
Catherine J. NorrisSocial Neuroscience2004 John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
Douglas C. NovotnySocial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Black Studies2005 Bertram Cohler (grad student)
Paolo NuciforaCalcium channels, SNARES2000 Aaron P. Fox (grad student)
Sevda Numanbayraktaroglucultural anthropology Psychology: Human Development Psychology: Human Development Human Development2010 Richard A. Shweder (grad student), John A. Lucy (grad student), Moishe Postone (grad student)
Howard Charles NusbaumSpeech, language, memory Steven L. Small (collaborator)
Alexander NyeChoMUN, Model UN ChoMUN20132017 David Abraham (collaborator)
John O'Brienretina, gap junctions19911994 Barbara A. Block (post-doc)
John G. O'Leary20022004 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (research assistant)
James L. O'Leary Robert R. Bensley (grad student)
Michael O'Shea
Sean M. O'SheaNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2000 Neil L. Harrison (grad student)
Carole Ober
William Ogle Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Gen Ohtsuki Christian Hansel (post-doc)
Gen Ohtsuki
Catherine L. Ojakangasmotor system, motor learning,basal ganglia
Elizaveta OkorokovaComputational Neuroscience Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student)
Arika Okrent2004 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Kenneth G OnishiBiological Rhythms Psychology2015 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
Mark D. OpalDepression, Anxiety, Serotonin, behavior Neurobiology2013 Stephanie C. Dulawa (grad student)
Steven OrmanAuditory system
Boleslaw Osinski Biophysics2012 Leslie M. Kay (grad student)
Madeleine M OswaldCognitive Development Psychology2016 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Athma A. PaiOlfaction Human Genetics2012 Yoav Gilad (grad student)
Julius Pak ChoMUN20122016 Nisha Bala (grad student)
Abraham A. PalmerDrug abuse, fear, anxiety, genetics, qtl
Stephanie E. Palmer
Abraham Palmerbehavioral genetics Kathleen Millen (collaborator)
Shu Panmemory, consciousness19231927 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
Ariel M. Pani Evolutionary Biology2013 Chris J. Lowe (grad student)
Angele Parent
Hyung-Bum Parkvisual working memory, attention Psychology Psychology2023 Edward K. Vogel (post-doc), Edward Awh (post-doc)
Da E. Parkworking memory, expertise, attention, skilled performance Psychology2014 Sian L. Beilock (grad student)
Fey ParrillGesture, language2006 David McNeill (grad student)
Brent ParrisCortical Mapping Neurology Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Meera J Patel Neurobiology20152019 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
Elissa PattersonBiological Psychology20032008 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Shane Thomas PeaceOlfactory system, planar array recordings Psychology2015 Leslie M. Kay (post-doc)
Zhe Pei Wei Wei (post-doc)
Michael E. PereiraPrimate Behavior and Ecology19791984 Jeanne Altmann (grad student)
Ulises Pereira Obilinoviccomputational neuroscience Department of Statistics20132018 Nicolas Brunel (grad student)
Eduardo PerozoIon channels
Norbert Perrimon Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology19831986 Anthony P. Mahowald (post-doc)
Tristan Peters ChoMUN20142018 Komal Kawatra (grad student)
Joseph Peterson
Desislava Ivova Petkova Statistics2013 Matthew Stephens (grad student)
Iraklis PetrofThalamus2007 S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Gregg A. PharesSynaptic plasticity, neuropeptide structure and function, Aplysia19891996 Philip E. Lloyd (grad student)
Louis H. PhilipsonMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, General Biophysics
Judith I. PiggotDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Raedy M. PingGesture, sign language, cognitive development Psychology2009 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Jay M. Pinto Carole Ober (research scientist)
Benjamin S. Pittembodied cognition, mental metaphor2013 Daniel Casasanto (grad student)
Walter Pitts Physiology Nicolas Rashevsky (grad student)
Joel PokornyVision Vivianne C. Smith (collaborator)
Judy A. Prasadthalamus, cortex Neurobiology2014 S Murray Sherman (post-doc)
Melanie Sue Prasoloncology Maciej S. Lesniak (post-doc)
Brendan Prendergast
Brendan Prendergastauditory neurophysiology, spatial perception Organismal Biology & Anatomy20162018 Sliman J. Bensmaia (research assistant)
Brian J. PrendergastBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Seasonality, Circadian biology, Psychoneuroimmunology2006 Leslie M. Kay (collaborator)
Karl H. PribramPsychology, frontal lobe Percival Bailey (grad student)
Steven D. PriceVisual system, Vestibular system19901995 Ray W. Guillery (research assistant), Bruce H. Wainer (research assistant), Alfred Heller (research assistant)
Michael F. Priest Neurobiology20102015 Francisco Bezanilla (grad student)
Nicholas Henry Pronko Jacob Robert Kantor (grad student)
Shannon M. PrudenLanguage Development, Semantic Development, Bilingualism, Spatial Language20072010 Susan Cohen Levine (post-doc), Janellen Huttenlocher (post-doc)
Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones
Michael C. PuljungGeneral Biophysics, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2005 Dorothy Hanck (grad student)
Gopathy PurushothamanNeural decision making, Visual system David C. Bradley (post-doc)
Aarti Pyaticultural anthropology2004 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Peter Pytel
Leah M. PyterBehavioral Neuroendocrinology
Cai QiCortical Development and Diseases Human Genetics Xiaochang Zhang (post-doc)
Yuchen Qiu
Colin T. QuirkWorking Memory, Event-related Potentials Psychology Psychology2016 Edward K. Vogel (grad student), Edward Awh (grad student)
Murray RabinowitzBiochemistry, physiology
Ab Matteen RafiqiEvolution, development, evo devo Organismal Biology and Anatomy20022008 Urs Schmidt-Ott (grad student)
Clifton RagsdaleSystems Neuroscience
Anthony Raimondi
Alexander RajanComputational Neuroscience, Motor Control20092016 Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student), Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Gerardo Ramirezworking memory, expertise, attention, skilled performance Psychology2013 Sian L. Beilock (grad student)
Jan Marino Ramirezrespiration
Nino RamirezNeuroscience Biology
Amelia M. RandichIon channels Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2013 Eduardo Perozo (grad student)
Stephen Walter Ransonmechanisms of postural tonus, hypothalamus1905 Henry Herbert Donaldson (grad student)
Aditya Manohar RaoComputational Immunology, Immunology, Bioinformatics Immunology2010 Barbara Kee (research assistant)
Kariyushi Raocausal reasoning, responsibility attribution, organizational learning, social networks2021 Reid Hastie (grad student), Richard H. Thaler (grad student)
Brent I Rappaport Psychology Amanda L. Woodward (research assistant)
Brian G. RashDevelopmental Neuroscience20012007 Elizabeth A. Grove (grad student)
Heather C Ratiganneuroscience, memory, hippocampus, CA1, nucleus reuniens, contextual fear conditioning,dendrites, axons, calcium imaging, optogenetics, thalamus, fear learning, virtual reality Neurobiology20182023 Mark Sheffield (grad student)
Kristin R. RatliffSpatial Cognition, Cognitive Development20082010 Susan Cohen Levine (post-doc)
Diana M. Rauner2002 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Peter L. Rauskebirdsong, sleep, motor neurons, stroke Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Ilaria Rebay
Lionel Israel Rebhun1955 Hewson Swift (grad student)
Allan Rechtschaffen
Carlos I. Reed1925 Anton Julius Carlson (grad student)
David A. Reed Callum F. Ross (grad student)
Patrick J ReedGenomics, Neuropsychiatric Disorders Human Genetics20082015 Kevin P. White (grad student)
Samuel RefetoffGenetics, Human Development, Neuroscience Biology
Jill S. Reichmancultural anthropology2003 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Jacob ReimerVision, Brain States, Attention Neurobiology20032009 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Erica L. Reischercultural anthropology2000 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Ralph M. ReitanNeuropsychology19451950 Ward Halstead (grad student), Louis Leon Thurstone (grad student)
Cambria Revsine Department of Psychology2021 Wilma A. Bainbridge (grad student)
Brady Reynoldsimpulsivity Harriet de Wit (post-doc)
Tasha Rhoadscognition, neuropsychology, schizophrenia Psychiatry20142016 Sarah Keedy (research assistant)
Christopher RhodesNeuroscience Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Physiology Biology
Aaron N. Ricemarine ecology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, evolutionary biology20022006 Mark W. Westneat (grad student)
Grant J. RichIndustrial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2001 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (grad student)
Jerry B. RichardsSubstance Abuse Lewis Stanford Seiden (research scientist)
Jerome A. RichardsonDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Black Studies, Women's Studies2000 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Richard Biddle Richter
Edith M. RickettSocial Neuroscience2005 John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
George A. Ricuarte Lewis Stanford Seiden (grad student)
Barnaby B. Riedelcultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2009 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Frederick M. RiekeRetina19921994 Eric A. Schwartz (post-doc)
Jonathan P RiggleBiological Rhythms Psychology2016 Brian J. Prendergast (grad student)
Lorenzo Rinaldo Neurobiology2013 Christian Hansel (grad student)
Steven M. RingsMusic, Neuroscience Biology
Chris A RishelNeuroanesthesia, Perioperative medicine2008 David J. Freedman (grad student)
Christopher A. Rishel Computational Neuroscience2012 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Lauren Risoleo20122013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Michael Thomas Robertsauditory neurophysiology19972000 Khaled Houamed (research assistant)
Richard Roberts Kathleen Millen (research assistant)
Brady R. T. RobertsPsychology, cognitive neuroscience, symbolism, memory, drawing, enactment Department of Psychology2023 Wilma A. Bainbridge (post-doc)
François B RobinCell and Developmental Biology Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology20092014 Edwin M. Munro (post-doc)
Edward Stevens Robinson1920 James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Daniel J.O. RocheAddiction Psychiatry20072012 Andrea C. King (grad student)
Mary Rose Rogers Kathleen Millen (research assistant)
Bernard RoizmanVirology
Eduardo RojasBiophysics Julian Tobias (grad student)
Daniel Rojas-LíbanoCognitive Neuroscience20052011 Leslie M. Kay (grad student)
James R. Roney2002 Dario Maestripieri (grad student)
Diego Loyo Rosales ChoMUN20132017 Nisha Bala (grad student)
Wilfredo RosarioNeuroscience Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Physiology Biology Neurobiology2014 Christopher Rhodes (grad student)
Mario G. RosascoIon channels, voltage-sensitive phosphatases, biophysics, computational biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20072009 Francisco Bezanilla (research assistant)
Ari RosenbergVisual system, motion processing Computational Neuroscience2009 David C. Bradley (grad student), Naoum P. Issa (grad student)
Sherman Ross1944 C. J. Warden (grad student)
Callum F. RossEvolutionary morphology, neuroscience
Melissah M. Rowe2008 Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones (grad student)
Joanna J. RowellSystems Neuroscience Neurobiology2013 Clifton Ragsdale (grad student)
Christopher N. Rowleycomputational chemistry, biophysics, quantum chemistry, theoretical chemistry, statistical thermodynamics, molecular dynamics Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20102012 Benoit Roux (post-doc)
Doug RubinoTheoretical Neuroscience20042006 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Linda Rueckertneuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience Jerre Levy (grad student)
Nicholas Ruiz20152017 Harriet de Wit (research assistant)
Katarina J. RuscicStructure-Function in Voltage Dependent Ionic Channels and Transport proteins Computational Neuroscience2012 Francisco Bezanilla (grad student)
Ted Russell Anis Contractor (research assistant)
Karen Koeninger RyanCNS regulation of metabolism2000 Jeanne Altmann (grad student)
Devon P. RyanBioinformatics, neuronal alterations associated with neurocognitive and neurodegenerative disorders20032003 Khaled Houamed (research assistant), R. Loch Macdonald (research assistant)
Tina RzepnickiSocial Work, Developmental Psychology
Hannes P. Saal Sliman J. Bensmaia (post-doc)
Sally SadoffLabor Economics, General Education Economics2010 John List (grad student)
Alexander J. SadovskyNeocortical microcircuitry Computational Neuroscience20072014 Jason Neil MacLean (grad student)
Ankan Sahastatistical machine learning Computer Science2013 John Lafferty (grad student)
Anahi Salazar
Maryam SalehMotor Systems Computational Neuroscience20052011 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Sohrab SalimianComputational Neuroscience Computational Neuroscience2020 Matthew T. Kaufman (grad student)
Shana F. Sandbergcultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2010 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
AmyCecilia E. SandersBasal Ganglia, dopamine2006 Xiaoxi Zhuang (grad student)
Timothy A. SandersSystems Neuroscience2001 Clifton Ragsdale (grad student)
Shaifali SandhyaSocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology2002 Nancy L. Stein (grad student)
Rachel Santymire
Arup Sarma David J. Freedman (grad student)
Dibyendu Kumar SasmalProtein structure, function and dynamics, Biophysics and Spectroscopy, T-cell immunology, Neuroscience: Ion channel and neurotransmitters20152018 Jun Huang (post-doc)
Ritch Savin-WilliamsHuman Development, Sexual Orientation19731977 Daniel G. Freedman (grad student)
Andrew Savoy20192024 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Seth T. ScanlonImmunology Immunology2010 Anne I Sperling (grad student)
Jeffrey C. SchankBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Social Structure and Development, Evolution and Development Biology1991 William C. Wimsatt (grad student)
Judy SchavrienPhilosophy of Religion, Philosophy, Cognitive Psychology1973 Saul Bellow (grad student), David Grene (grad student)
Ann E. Scheels2007 Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Christopher John SchellAnimal personality, behavioral endocrinology, urban ecology Committee on Evolutionary Biology Committee on Evolutionary Biology Evolution and Ecology20092015 Jill M. Mateo (grad student), Rachel Santymire (grad student), Trevor Price (collaborator)
Kenneth A. SchmidtBehavioral Ecology of Birds and Mammals1997 Joel S. Brown (grad student)
Urs Schmidt-Ott
Matthew T. Schmolesky Christian Hansel (post-doc)
Theodore C. SchneirlaArmy Ants Karl Spencer Lashley (grad student)
Monika Scholz Biophysics David Biron (grad student)
Adam J. SchorrSocial Psychology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Public Health2000 Starkey Duncan (grad student)
Henry SchultzEconometrics mathematical economist
Eric A. SchwartzRetinal synapses
Jason M. Scimecacognitive neuroscience, executive function, learning and memory20082010 David A. Gallo (research assistant), Ian M. McDonough (collaborator)
Anthony SclafaniAppetite, Obesity, Conditioning19661970 Sebastian P. Grossman (grad student)
Karen E. SearsVertebrate evolution, evolution of mammals, evolution and development2003 John J. Flynn (grad student)
Thomas Sebeok Anthropology Roman Osipovich Jakobson (grad student)
Audrey Sederberg20112015 Stephanie E. Palmer (post-doc)
Caitlin E. SedwickCalcium channels, SNARES2001 Aaron P. Fox (grad student)
Maurice H. SeeversPharmacology, drug and alcohol abuse1928 Arthur Lawrie Tatum (grad student)
Lewis Stanford SeidenPsychopharmacology1962 John Leonard Westley (grad student)
Anindya Sen2005 Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Marty Serenovisual cortex Philosophy William C. Wimsatt (grad student)
Carrie Sha
Nancy A. ShanahanDepression, Anxiety, Serotonin, behavior Neurobiology2011 Stephanie C. Dulawa (grad student)
Joel ShananPsychology, Personality Disorders1957 Morris "Moe" Stein (grad student)
Natela M ShanidzeVestibular System, Eye movements
Sylvan S. Shankbirdsong, behavior2008 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Xiaofeng Shaofinance2006 Wei Wu (grad student)
Lilah D. Shapirocultural anthropology Comparative Human Development2012 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
James A. Shapiro
Arthur G. ShapiroVision19921995 Joel Pokorny (post-doc), Vivianne C. Smith (post-doc)
Kamal SharmaDevelopemnt
Seth K. SharplessStimulation of brain reward centers, habituation in the mammalian brain, effects of drugs of abuse on the nervous system, denervation supersensitivity, sedative hypnotics Philosophy19461950 Rudolf Carnap (grad student)
Ewurama E. Shaw-Taylor2005 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Stephen D. Sheamouse olfaction, audition19972004 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Mark Sheffielddendrites
Michael L. ShelanskiNeural development, cytoskeleton19631967 Edwin W. Taylor (grad student)
Natalya Shelchkova Organismal Biology & Anatomy2019 Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student)
Luxi ShenMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology Business2014 Ayelet Fishbach (grad student)
Rong Shen2014 Eduardo Perozo (post-doc)
Katie Shen ChoMUN20132017 Christian Adames (grad student)
Andrew Sheriffolfaction, respiration, systems neuroscience, electrophysiology Psychology2015 Leslie M. Kay (grad student)
S Murray Shermanthalamus and cortex20062007 Leslie M. Kay (collaborator)
David J. ShernoffEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education2001 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (grad student)
Steve Shevellvision, color
Evelyn K. Shih2009 Kathleen Millen (grad student)
Tomomi Shimogori19982004 Elizabeth A. Grove (post-doc)
Priya M. Shimpi2006 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Hadas Shintel2005 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
ChengShi ShiuSocial Work, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology Social Service Administration2013 Dexter Voisin (grad student)
Laura A. ShneidmanGesture, sign language, cognitive development Psychology2010 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Steven E. Shoelson insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Structural biology of diabetes and insulin resistance. 1984 Howard S. Tager (grad student), Arthur H. Rubenstein (grad student)
Marion Priscilla Short
Sameera Shridhar Psychology2021 Jai Yu (grad student)
Richard A. Shwedercultural anthropology
Melvin Leslie Silberman Philip W. Jackson (grad student)
Lynette M. SilvaCerebellum, Neuropsychology
Dana H. Simmonsneurobiology, cerebellum, autism Neurobiology Christian Hansel (grad student)
Herbert A. SimonArtificial intelligence Political science Political science1943 Henry Schultz (grad student), Charles E. Merriam (grad student), Harold Lasswell (grad student)
Claudio SimonciniVisual information integration, ocular movements and perceptual decision
Vikas Sindhwaniartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language2007 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
Melissa A. SingerGesture, sign language, cognitive development2004 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Bryan F. Singeraddiction, learning, conditioning, psychostimulant, sensitization Paul Vezina (grad student)
Thomas P. Singer Eleazar Sebastian Guzman Barron (grad student)
Milton Borah SingerAnthropology, Indian Studies Philosophy19361940 Rudolf Carnap (grad student)
Sangram Sign Sisodia
Roma SiugzdaiteNeuroimaging, laterality, autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, brain connectivity, GNM Neurology Steven L. Small (research scientist)
Laurie R. SkellyImitation, Empathy, Agency Psychology2012 Jean Decety (grad student)
Jeremy I. Skipper2007 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student), Steven L. Small (grad student)
Steven L. SmallLanguage
George K. Smelserophthalmology1932 Frank Rattray Lillie (grad student)
Graham A Smith
Amanda Smith Organismal Biology and Anatomy20182021 Callum F. Ross (post-doc)
Karen E. Smith2013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Vivianne C. SmithVision
Benjamin A. Smith-DonaldVirology2006 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Elliot Snyder ChoMUN20122016 Nisha Bala (grad student)
Anton R Sobinov Organismal Biology and Anatomy2019 Sliman J. Bensmaia (post-doc)
Anna Soderpalm Harriet de Wit (post-doc)
Greta Sokoloff
Ana SolodkinMotor system, limbic system Gary Van Hoesen (post-doc)
Jessica A. SommervilleCognitive development2002 Amanda L. Woodward (grad student)
Lisa Sorensenpediatric neuropsychology Jerre Levy (grad student)
Elizabet U. SpaepenGesture, sign language, cognitive development2008 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Natasha Anne Spencer2001 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Anne I Sperling
Roger W. SperryCerebral lateralization1941 Paul A. Weiss (grad student)
Caleb S. SponheimNeural Interfaces Organismal Biology and Anatomy Organismal Biology and Anatomy Organismal Biology and Anatomy2018 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student), John E. Downey (collaborator), Sliman J. Bensmaia (collaborator)
Ramanujan Srinath3D vision, attention, computation Department of Neurobiology2020 Marlene R. Cohen (post-doc)
Maddy Stanich ChoMUN20122016 Arun Abraham-Singh (grad student)
Joel StavansBiophysics, membrane mechanics, complex fluids Albert J. Libchaber (grad student)
Rebecca L. StClairAttention, Motion, Tracking20052007 Steve Shevell (research assistant)
Kári Stefánsson
Nancy L. Stein
H. Burr Steinbach
Donald F. Steiner1956 Herbert S. Anker (research assistant)
Matthew Stephensgenetics, statistics
Natalie N. Stepienvisual perception, color vision, color perception20112014 Steven Shevell (research assistant)
Tyler J. Stevenson2011 Brian J. Prendergast (post-doc)
Andrew J Stier Psychology2018 Marc G. Berman (grad student)
George Stigler Economics1938 Frank H. Knight (grad student)
E. Birgitta Stolpe2003 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Shelley C. Stone Jacob W. Getzels (grad student)
Alfred Strickholminstrumentation design to permit intra-cellular and voltammetric recording from small neurons to determine synaptic pharmacological pathways and interactions in neuronal systems; redesign of the single electrode voltage and current clamp1960 Julian Tobias (grad student)
Nicolette (Nikki) J. SullivanNeuroeconomics20062007 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student), Steven L. Small (collaborator)
Kathleen R. SullivanCognitive development, word learning Katherine D. Kinzler (post-doc)
Madeline A. SullivanCognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Aging Psychology2023 David A. Gallo (grad student)
Aaron J. SuminskiMotor Control, Neurophysiology, Biomedical Engineering Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (post-doc)
Vincent Ching-Wen SunColor Joel Pokorny (grad student)
Changyu SunOlfactory system, neural circuit Neurobiology2021 Anne-Marie M. Oswald (grad student)
Yang Suncolor vision Psychology2011 Steve Shevell (grad student)
Hao SunVision2001 Joel Pokorny (grad student)
Aneesha Krithika SureshSomatosensory neuroscience Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student)
Linda W. SuriyakhamClinical Psychology, psychotherapy20012007 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Andrew B. SuthDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies2000 Bertram Cohler (grad student)
Mitchell Sutterauditory system Daniel Margoliash (post-doc)
David William SuttererCognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Memory Psychology20122018 Edward Awh (grad student)
Samuel SuttonPsychophysiology, William Dewey Neff (grad student)
Sruthi Swaminathan David J. Freedman (grad student)
Sruthilaya K. Swaminathan Neurobiology2012 David J. Freedman (grad student)
Hewson Swiftquantitative electron microscopy
Ibrahim Syedanalysius ECoG anlaysis, MRI registration Neurology19931997 Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Gregg Tabot Sliman J. Bensmaia (grad student)
Kazutaka TakahashiMotor control , control theory, corticocerebellar system, cortical oscillation2007 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (post-doc)
Helen Niña TappanPaleontology1942 Carey Gardiner Croneis (grad student)
Kanayo Tatsumi Kathleen Millen (research assistant)
Arthur Lawrie TatumSubstance abuse1913 Anton Julius Carlson (grad student)
Albert A. TaylorDevelopmental Neuroscience Neurobiology2012 Elizabeth A. Grove (grad student)
Petra TelgkampNeuroscience Biology2000 Nino Ramirez (grad student)
Petra TelgkampNeuroscience, Neuronal Excitability, Plasticity, Neuromodulation2000 Jan Marino Ramirez (grad student)
Jolan A. Terner Harriet de Wit (post-doc)
Amanda G. TesciubaImmunology2003 Anne I Sperling (grad student)
Stanley A. Thayercalcium, cannabinoids, neurotoxicity Richard J. Miller (post-doc)
Brian B. TheyelThalamus Computational Neuroscience20062009 S Murray Sherman (grad student)
Gopal ThinakaranCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Muriel Thoby-Brisson Jan Marino Ramirez (post-doc)
Peter J. Thomascomputational neuroscience, mathematical modeling19942000 Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Yen-Li Thompson ChoMUN20112015 Nisha Bala (grad student)
Katarina H. ThorenSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Organizational2008 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Dean H. Thorsen2006 Melina Hale (grad student)
Matthew J. ThullenSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies Social Service Administration2011 Sydney Hans (grad student)
Louis Leon Thurstone19141917 Walter V. Bingham (grad student), Mariano Yela (collaborator), James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Manasi Tirodkarcultural anthropology2005 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Heather TitleyMotor learning, synaptic plasticity Neurobiology2011 Christian Hansel (post-doc)
Dennis C. TkachClinical Neurosciences20032009 Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos (grad student)
Julian TobiasNeurophysiology
Sheldon S. Tobin Psychology1963 Bernice Neugarten (grad student)
James Jay ToddMemory, Attention, Human Factors, Visual Perception20092010 Sian L. Beilock (post-doc)
Shubha ToleDevelopmental Neuroscience19941999 Elizabeth A. Grove (post-doc)
Cordelia I. Tomasino2000 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Pinar Toptaslearning and memory Jai Yu (grad student)
Maferima Toure-TilleryMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Social Psychology Business2013 Ayelet Fishbach (grad student)
Vernon Leo Towle
Tom Trabasso
Jeremy Treger MSTP20102015 Francisco Bezanilla (grad student)
Shubhendu Trivedi2018 Gregory Shakhnarovich (grad student)
Devanshi TrivediCognitive Neuroscience, Foundational Numeracy, Symbol Learning, Early Childhood
Andrew Tryba Jan Marino Ramirez (post-doc)
Hsiang-Yu Tsai Ecology & Evolution2020 Marcus R. Kronforst (grad student)
I-Wen Tsai2007 Reid Hastie (grad student)
Robert Tschirgi1949 Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Michael TuNeuroethology19911996 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Jakub Tucholski
Ledyard Tucker Louis Leon Thurstone (grad student)
Henry C. Tuckwell Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Michael Turchin2012 Matthew Stephens (grad student)
Ty TurleyGeneral Economics Economics2013 John List (grad student)
Castellano TurnerSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology19631966 Donald Winslow Fiske (grad student)
John C. Tuthillbrains and trains Biology20082012 Michael Reiser (grad student)
Susana D. UgarteNeuroscience Biology2000 Donna L. Hammond (grad student)
Philip S. Ulinski
Benjamin D Umanssensory neuroscience Genetic Medicine2020 Yoav Gilad (post-doc)
Sarah Urbit2013 Matthew Stephens (grad student)
Lee O VaasjoDendrites, Cell Identity, Microscopy Neurobiology20162018 Xiaoxi Zhuang (research assistant)
Alec E. Vaezi2004 Elaine Fuchs (grad student)
Yolanda F. Vallejo2002 William N. Green (grad student)
Eve Van CauterSleep, Circadian Rhythms, Metabolism, Hormones
Nicholas Thomas Van DamAnxiety, Depression, Mindfulness, fMRI, Emotion, Decision-making,20062007 Harriet de Wit (research assistant)
Sarah B. Van Deusen PhillipsGesture, sign language, cognitive development2008 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Kasey Van Hedger Psychiatry Harriet de Wit (grad student)
Charles L. Van SantVirology2001 Bernard Roizman (grad student)
Kasey Van Tyne2013 Greg J. Norman (grad student)
Carmen Varelathalamus2002 S Murray Sherman (grad student)
Maria d. Varela Castrothalamus and cortex2008 S Murray Sherman (grad student)
Shona N. Vas
Terrie VasilopoulosCognitive Aging, Behavior Genetics
Marina Vasilyeva2000 Janellen Huttenlocher (grad student)
Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele19942006 Edwin H. Cook, Jr. (research assistant)
Karthik VeeraraghavaluNeurogenesis, AD
Mia N VelazquezSpatial Cognition, Numerical Cognition, Mathematics Achievement Psychology2018 Susan Cohen Levine (grad student)
Jack VeveaQualitative Psychology1996 Larry V. Hedges (grad student)
Paul Vezina
Angela N. ViaeneThalamus Computational Neuroscience2012 S Murray Sherman (grad student)
Peter Dennis Viechnicki2002 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Eric M. Vikingstad2006 David N. Levin (grad student)
Ruvanee Maryse Vilhauer2002 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
Edward K. Vogelelectrophysiology, working memory, attention
Dexter VoisinSocial Work, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology
Harold C. Voris1929 Charles Judson Herrick (grad student)
Dhrooti Vyas
George C. WagnerNeurodevelopment1981 Lewis Stanford Seiden (grad student)
Paul Wakenight
Arthur Earl WalkerNeurosurgery Neurology and Neurosurgery Percival Bailey (grad student)
Pascal WallischVisual Neuroscience20022007 David C. Bradley (grad student), Paymon Hosseini (collaborator), Gopathy Purushothaman (collaborator), Ari Rosenberg (collaborator), Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Chris A. WalshGenes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex Ray W. Guillery (grad student)
Heather S. Walsh2006 William N. Green (grad student)
Vivian Wan Neurobiology20112012 Giorgio Grasselli (research assistant)
Christian P. Wanamaker2002 William N. Green (grad student)
Gao Wang Matthew Stephens (post-doc)
Ning Wangcultural anthropology2002 Richard A. Shweder (grad student)
Wenlong Wangfinance Statistics2010 Wei Wu (grad student)
Z Yan Wang Neurobiology20122018 Clifton Ragsdale (grad student)
Zhaohui Wangspermatogenesis Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
yating wangmicro
Yiyi Wangsocial development
Hantao Wang Linguistics20152018 Alan C. L. Yu (research assistant)
C. J. Warden1922 Harvey A. Carr (grad student)
John B. WatsonBehaviorism James Rowland Angell (grad student)
Gordon Watters Douglas Buchanan (grad student)
Ray L. WattersonEmbryology
Sharon W. Wayneuroscience, molecular genetics Neurology20112015 Brian Popko (post-doc)
Adam WaytzSocial Neuroscience2009 John T. Cacioppo (grad student), Nicholas Epley (grad student)
Alison Weber
John Weber Christian Hansel (post-doc)
Konrad Weeda
Wei WeiVisual system, circuit development
Lai WeiVisual Neuroscience Biological Sciences Department2021 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
John A. WeilChemical Physics, NMR, EPR1955 Clyde Allen Hutchison (grad student)
Bryce Weir
Lauren WeissGenetics of Autism2005 Edwin H. Cook, Jr. (grad student)
Paul A. WeissZoology
Naomi WeissteinFeminist Psychology, Vision, Neuroscience
Xiaoquan Wen Statistics2011 Matthew Stephens (grad student)
Julia Yvonne Wernke
Gina D. WesleyVertebrate evolution, evolution of mammals2003 John J. Flynn (grad student)
Rebecca J. WhiteCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Judgment and Decision Making
Eliza T WienerTeneurin, Basal Ganglia Committee on Neurobiology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jorge A Alvarado (research assistant), Demet Araç (research assistant)
Bari Wieselman SchulmanGesture, sign language, cognitive development2004 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Benjamin Harrison WillierDevelopment, endocrine systems1920 Frank Rattray Lillie (grad student), Anton Julius Carlson (research assistant)
Hugh R. WilsonVisual system1969 Jack D. Cowan (collaborator), Jack D. Cowan (post-doc), Stuart A. Rice (grad student)
Paul D. Wilson Austin Riesen (grad student)
Michael L. Wilsonprimate behavior and ecology, aggression, warfare, chimpanzees, baboons19921994 Jeanne Altmann (research assistant)
So C. Wing CheeGesture, bilingualism2007 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Morgan Wirthlinvocal learning, evolution of behavior, neurogenomics20092010 Daniel Margoliash (research assistant)
Robert William Wissleratherosclerosis1946 Paul Roberts Cannon (grad student)
Harriet d. WitNeuroscience Biology
Marcin Wlizla Developmental Biology2011 Chris J. Lowe (grad student)
Robert L. Wollmann
Jessica Wong20082011 David A. Gallo (grad student), Ian M. McDonough (collaborator)
Raymond C.S. WongElectrophysiology Bozhi Tian (post-doc)
Amanda L. WoodwardCognitive development
William L. Woolverton1977 Charles R. Schuster (grad student)
Clifford Ian WorkmanMorality, Aesthetics, Psychiatry Psychology20162018 Jean Decety (post-doc)
Lawrence Wrabetz Kári Stefánsson (research scientist)
Sewall WrightGenetics
Carolyn Wrobel
Wei Wufinance
Emily W. WyattExperimental Psychology Psychology20072011 Howard Charles Nusbaum (grad student)
Christian Wyse ChoMUN20122016 Dhrooti Vyas (grad student)
shengqian xiamolecular evolution
Han Xiaofinance Statistics2011 Wei Wu (grad student)
Zhimin Xieartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language2006 Partha Niyogi (grad student)
Wenjun Xiong Cancer Biology2010 Ilaria Rebay (grad student)
Qingqing XuStatistics, Computer Science2009 Yali Amit (grad student)
Hong XuVisual System20012007 David C. Bradley (grad student), Pascal Wallisch (collaborator)
Draco (Yunlong) XuComputational Neuroscience2023 Brent Doiron (grad student)
Yuke Yan
Chao P. Yan2003 Jack D. Cowan (grad student)
Claudia Yang ChoMUN20112015 Susie Marshall (grad student)
Shu-Ju Yangworking memory, expertise, attention, skilled performance Psychology2011 Sian L. Beilock (grad student)
Anmin YangNeurobiology Bobby Kasthuri (research assistant), Alfredo J. Garcia (research assistant)
De Fu Yap Daniel Casasanto (grad student)
Jason R. Yee20022008 Martha K. McClintock (grad student)
David C. YeomansPain19891992 Herbert K. Proudfit (post-doc)
Mike YeomansJDM
Michael YeomansSocial Psychology, Rhetoric and Composition Language Business2014 Nick Epley (grad student)
Theodore O. YntemaExperimental Psychology, Marketing Business Administration Economics Economics1929 Henry Schultz (grad student), Jacob Viner (grad student)
Keith J Yodermoral cognition, decision-making, fMRI, EEG Psychology2017 Jean Decety (post-doc)
Hyun-Ah YoonCortical Mapping Neurology Vernon Leo Towle (grad student)
Eric D. YoungAuditory system Jay M. Goldberg (post-doc)
William (WC) YoungBehavioral Neuroendocrinology Carl Richard Moore (grad student)
Christopher J. YoungNumerical Cognition, Model Selection
Galit Yovel19972001 Jerre Levy (grad student)
Helene Yurk
Qasim ZaidiVision Joel Pokorny (grad student), Vivianne C. Smith (grad student)
Derek Zarazabirdsong, behavior Computational Neuroscience2011 Daniel Margoliash (grad student)
Zaina Zayyad Department of Neurobiology20172021 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Phyllis C ZeeCircadian Rhythms, Sleep, Aging, Metabolism, Cognition, Genetics, Sleep Disorders, Circadian Medicine, Sleep Medicine19891990 Robert A. Butler (post-doc)
Donglei Zhang
Xiaochang ZhangBrain development and disorders
Ziwei Zhangsustained attention, learning Psychology2020 Monica Rosenberg (grad student)
Xihan Zhang
Wenhao ZhangComputational neuroscience
Xi-Han ZhangNeuroscience, Genetics, Affective and Neural dynamics Psychology20192021 Marc G. Berman (research assistant)
Xulun Zhang
Wenshuo ZhangPhysiology Biology, Toxicology Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition2011 Christopher Rhodes (grad student)
Zhibiao Zhaofinance2007 Wei Wu (grad student)
Mingyu ZhengGesture, sign language, cognitive development2000 Susan Goldin-Meadow (grad student)
Yunda Zhongfinance Statistics2013 Wei Wu (grad student)
Haotian ZhouSocial Neuroscience Psychology2014 John T. Cacioppo (grad student)
Xueyuan Zhouartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language Computer Science2011 Mikhail Belkin (grad student)
Nan ZhouMemory, Learning
Xiaoxi ZhuangBasal Ganglia, dopamine René Hen (post-doc)
Mark C. Zielinski20092011 Sliman J. Bensmaia (research assistant)
Jeffrey M. ZigmanGut-brain control of eating behavior19901994 Donald F. Steiner (grad student)