
Dan Nathan-Roberts, Ph.D.

2000-2005 Mechanical Engineering University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
 2007-2012 Industrial & Operations Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
 2012-2014 Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
 2014-2023 Industrial & Systems Engineering San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, United States 
 2022-2023 Health and Safety By Design WorkSafe New Zealand 
 2023- School of Information San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, United States 
Human Factors, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Systems Engineering
"Dan Nathan-Roberts"
Mean distance: 18.4 (cluster 21)
Cross-listing: MichiganTree


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Richard N. Aslin research assistant 2004-2005 Rochester
David Rempel research assistant 2006-2007 University of Michigan
Yili Liu grad student 2007-2012 University of Michigan
 (Using Interactive Genetic Algorithms to Support Aesthetic Ergonomic Design.)
Barry Kantowitz grad student 2008-2012 University of Michigan
Jeff DeGraff grad student 2010-2012 University of Michigan
Patricia Flatley Brennan post-doc 2012-2014 UW Madison
 (AHRQ Postdoctoral Fellow)
Pascale Carayon post-doc 2012-2014 UW Madison
 (AHRQ Postdoctoral Fellow)


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Denny Yu research assistant 2006-2007 University of California
Kimberly Yung research assistant 2006-2007 University of California
Alex Beeker research assistant 2008-2009 University of Michigan
BinYune Chen research assistant 2008-2009 University of Michigan
John D. Hays research assistant 2008-2009 University of Michigan
Christian Little research assistant 2008-2009 University of Michigan
Christine An So research assistant 2008-2009 University of Michigan
Michael Young research assistant 2008-2009 University of Michigan
Liang How Zhao research assistant 2008-2009 University of Michigan
Meghan Noel research assistant 2013-2013 UW Madison
Danielle Ishak grad student 2014- San Jose State
Timothy Visich grad student 2014-2016 San Jose State
Nishtha Mehrotra grad student 2015-2017 San Jose State
Senxuan Wang grad student 2015-2017 San Jose State
Qinge Wu grad student 2015-2017 San Jose State
Joseph Lafoon grad student 2016-2018 San Jose State
Saaikishore Rathinasamy grad student 2016-2018 San Jose State
Sommayah Soliman grad student 2017-2019 San Jose State
Jenna Garafalo grad student 2020 San Jose State
Alexandra Huang grad student 2018-2020 San Jose State
Monica Espinosa Martinez grad student 2018-2020 San Jose State
Kelli Sum grad student 2018-2020 San Jose State
Jenny Lee grad student 2019-2021 San Jose State
Wakana Ishihara grad student 2020-2021 San Jose State


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Dan Odell collaborator 2006-2007 University of California
Gretchen Gscheidle collaborator 2006-2009 UC Berkeley
Jarod C. Kelly collaborator 2008-2012 University of Michigan
Michael Tschirhart collaborator 2010-2012 University of Michigan
Peter Hoonakker collaborator 2012-2014 UW Madison
Ann Schoofs Hundt collaborator 2012-2014 UW Madison
BETA: Related publications


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Sotto KT, Hedli LC, Sie L, et al. (2021) Single-center task analysis and user-centered assessment of physical space impacts on emergency Cesarean delivery. Plos One. 16: e0252888
Chastain J, Kumar AR, Nathan-Roberts D. (2021) Healthcare Handoffs Among Lay Caregivers. International Journal For Quality in Health Care : Journal of the International Society For Quality in Health Care
Werner NE, Tong M, Nathan-Roberts D, et al. (2020) A sociotechnical systems approach toward tailored design for personal health information management Patient Experience Journal. 7: 75-83
Lanzotti A, Vanacore A, Tarallo A, et al. (2019) Interactive Tools for Safety 4.0: Virtual Ergonomics and Serious Games in Real Working Contexts. Ergonomics. 1-22
Goh LS, Nathan-Roberts D. (2019) Smart Home Devices: Promoting User Trust and Protecting User Data Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 63: 1659-1663
Espinosa M, Nathan-Roberts D. (2019) Understanding Prosthetic Abandonment Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 63: 1644-1648
Flanagan J, Nathan-Roberts D. (2019) Theories of Vigilance and the Prospect of Cognitive Restoration Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 63: 1639-1643
Huang A, Nathan-Roberts D. (2019) Searching for Fiction for Pleasure Reading: Current Research and Recommendations Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 63: 1590-1594
Brzowski M, Nathan-Roberts D. (2019) Trust Measurement in Human–Automation Interaction: A Systematic Review Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 63: 1595-1599
Jue K, Nathan-Roberts D. (2019) How Noise Affects Patients in Hospitals Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 63: 1510-1514
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