Eyal Aharoni, Ph.D.

2009 Psychology University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
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Alan Fridlund grad student 2009 UC Santa Barbara
 (Why do we punish? Studies of lay judgments against criminal offenders.)
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Aharoni E, Kleider-Offutt HM, Brosnan SF, et al. (2020) Slippery scales: Cost prompts, but not benefit prompts, modulate sentencing recommendations in laypeople. Plos One. 15: e0236764
Fernandes S, Aharoni E, Harenski CL, et al. (2020) Anomalous Moral Intuitions in Juvenile Offenders with Psychopathic Traits. Journal of Research in Personality. 86
Allen CH, Vold K, Felsen G, et al. (2019) Reconciling the opposing effects of neurobiological evidence on criminal sentencing judgments. Plos One. 14: e0210584
Aharoni E, Kleider-Offutt HM, Brosnan SF, et al. (2018) Justice at any cost? The impact of cost-benefit salience on criminal punishment judgments. Behavioral Sciences & the Law
Aharoni E, Sinnott-Armstrong W, Kiehl KA. (2014) What's wrong? Moral understanding in psychopathic offenders. Journal of Research in Personality. 53: 175-181
Steele VR, Claus ED, Aharoni E, et al. (2014) A large scale (N=102) functional neuroimaging study of error processing in a Go/NoGo task. Behavioural Brain Research. 268: 127-38
Aharoni E, Mallett J, Vincent GM, et al. (2014) Predictive accuracy in the neuroprediction of rearrest. Social Neuroscience. 9: 332-6
Saks MJ, Schweitzer NJ, Aharoni E, et al. (2014) The impact of neuroimages in the sentencing phase of capital trials Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 11: 105-131
Steele VR, Aharoni E, Munro GE, et al. (2013) A large scale (N=102) functional neuroimaging study of response inhibition in a Go/NoGo task. Behavioural Brain Research. 256: 529-36
Aharoni E, Vincent GM, Harenski CL, et al. (2013) Neuroprediction of future rearrest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 6223-8
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