University of California, Santa Barbara

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Annmary S. AbdouGeneral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2013 Erin Dowdy (grad student)
Deanne M. Adams Psychology2013 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Benjamin T. Adamsspatial cognition, cognitive engineering, geographic information science Computer Science2012 Martin Raubal (grad student)
Eyal Aharoni Psychology2009 Alan Fridlund (grad student)
Mina Ahn Psychology1996 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Shabia K. AlimohamedClinical Psychology, Mental Health2005 Larry E. Beutler (grad student)
Colin AllenAnimal Cognition, Philosophy of Science, Logic, Computational Humanities, Artificial Intelligence
Elissa AminoffHigh level vision (scene perception) & long term memory20082011 Michael B. Miller (post-doc)
Amir Aminzadeh GohariComputer Engineering, Computer Science Electrical & Computer Engineering2011 Volkan Rodoplu (grad student)
Don H. AndersonAge-related macular degeneration
Gabrielle E. AndersonTeacher Training Education, Educational Psychology Education, Elementary Education2005 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Greg AshbyCategory Learning, Neurcomputational Modeling, Decison Making
Gregory Ashby
Arlene Asuncion Psychology1992 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Donald R. AtkinsonClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Olga Azarenko Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2009 Leslie Wilson (grad student)
Crystal Bae Geography2020 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Jared Bagley Tod Kippin (grad student)
Jared Robert BagleyNeuroscience, genetics, genomics, addiction Psychological and Brain Sciences20122017 Tod Kippin (grad student)
Crystal M. BahamondesSpecial Education, Educational Psychology Education Education2012 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Benjamin S. BairdCognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2014 Jonathan Wolf Schooler (grad student)
Amber S. BakerClinical Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2010 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Robert A. BancheroDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2000 Jesus M. Casas (grad student)
Sourav Banerjee Kenneth Kosik (post-doc)
Janice E. BaschClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2006 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Danielle S. BassettInformation and Decision Systems2009 Scott T. Grafton (post-doc), Jean M. Carlson (post-doc)
Sarah E. Battersbyspatial cognition, behavioral geography, environmental perception2006 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
David A. Beaulieu Psychology2007 Daphne Bugental (grad student)
Sofie BeemDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education Psychology2012 Matthew Quirk (grad student)
Selin Bekir Psychological and Brain Science2020 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Annabelle Marie BelcherAddiction, Learning and Memory, Neuroimaging, Resting-State Functional Connectivity, NHP models, law and neuroscience20082009 Michael Gazzaniga (post-doc)
Scott M. BeliBehavioral Geography, Disability Geography, Geography of Education2000 Reginald G. Golledge (grad student)
Osnat Ben-Shahar
Cristina M. BenkiClinical Psychology, General Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Craig M. BennettDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience2008 Michael B. Miller (post-doc)
Michael Beyelercomputational neuroscience, neuroengineering, low vision, visual prostheses
Sandeep Krupakar BhatBiological Image Processing
Pallavi Bhattaram Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20042006 Thomas Weimbs (post-doc)
Zhen Bi Physics Physics20122017 Biao Wu (research assistant), Cenke Xu (grad student)
William BialekComputation & Theory19851986 Frank Wilczek (post-doc), Anthony Zee (post-doc)
Kevin R. BinningSocial Psychology Psychology David Sherman (post-doc)
Eileen E. BirchVisual development John M. Foley (grad student)
Jamie H. Bishop2005 Leslie Wilson (grad student)
James BlascovichSocial Psychology
Angela D. BlaverEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education, Hispanic American Studies2009 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Mendy A. BoettcherBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Speech Communication2004 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Bailey M. BonuraSpatial Cognition, Cognitive Aging, Memory, Attention20072008 Barry Giesbrecht (research assistant), Mary Hegarty (research assistant), Andrew T. Stull (research assistant)
Alexander Boone Mary Hegarty (grad student)
Jim BoulterNicotinic Receptors Nancy Lee (grad student)
Geoffrey BoyntonVisual system John M. Foley (grad student)
Dawn T. Bravo2005 Stan Parsons (grad student)
James M. Broadwayattention, working memory, time perception, consciousness
Lauren I. BrookmanClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2004 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Yvonne E. BruinsmaBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Special Education2004 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Daphne Bugental
Uyen BuiSocial Psychology, General, Industrial Psychology2005 Donald R. Atkinson (grad student)
Monica E. Bulger Education2009 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Thomas Bullock2012 Barry Giesbrecht (post-doc)
Janis M. Bunker2004 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Debra P. BunyanSocial Psychology Psychology2011 James Blascovich (grad student)
Yoram BurakTheoretical neuroscience Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics20042007 Boris I. Shraiman (post-doc)
Brandy N. BurkettEvolutionary psychology Psychology2009 Leda Cosmides (grad student)
Theodore R. BurnesCounseling Psychology, Gender Studies, Sexuality Studies, Consulting Psychology2006 Tania Israel (grad student)
William H. ButlerCondensed Matter Physics Physics19651969 Walter Kohn (grad student)
Krista A. BywaterEvolutionary psychology Sociology2009 Leda Cosmides (grad student)
Ana P. CabreraCounseling Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Developmental Psychology Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Melissa L. Morgan-Consoli (grad student)
Eamon CaddiganScene Perception, fMRI decoding20122014 Miguel Eckstein (post-doc)
Roslyn M. CaldwellGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2000 Larry E. Beutler (grad student)
Joannalee C. CampbellNeurobiology of behavior, stem cells Psychology2012 Tod Kippin (grad student)
Emilia A. CamposClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2008 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Matthew S. Canham Psychology2008 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
John A. Carbonmolecular genetics of yeasts, nucleic acid biochemistry, chromosome structure and function
Harry J. CarlislePhysiological Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology
Cynthia M. CarterSpecial Education, Language and Literature Education, Behavioral Psychology2000 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Michael B. CasaleVisual System, Basal Ganglia20012007 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Jesus M. CasasCounseling Psychology, General Psychology
J Manuel Casas
James F. CaseBioluminescence, invertebrate physiology
Hubert CecottiBrain Computer Interfaces20112013 Barry Giesbrecht (post-doc)
Puneeth N. ChakravarthulaVisual Neuroscience, Memory, Learning Psychological and Brain Science2015 Miguel Eckstein (grad student)
Sarah S. Chance2000 Jack Loomis (grad student)
Chien-Chung ChenVisual system1996 David H. Brainard (grad student), John M. Foley (grad student)
Jenna K. ChinGeneral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2013 Erin Dowdy (grad student)
Dennis Clegg
Christena S. ClevelandSocial Psychology Psychology2008 James Blascovich (grad student)
Kenneth CliftonBehavioral Ecology, Life History Evolution19811987 Robert R. Warner (grad student)
Francie E. CoblentzNeurobiology, retinal cell biology, bio-imaging, retinal degeneration2002 Steven K. Fisher (grad student)
Peter Coffey
Alise I. CoggerCounseling Psychology Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Tania Israel (grad student)
Cheryl A. CohenSpatial Cognition2008 Mary Hegarty (grad student)
Nancy L. Collins Stephan Read (grad student)
Heather R. Collins Psychology2007 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Collie ConoleyCounseling Psychology, Social Psychology, Mental Health, Hispanic American Studies
Melissa M. ConsoliCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Theory and Methods
Lisa R. Contiion channels2001 Carol Vandenberg (grad student)
Elizabeth D. CorderoClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Individual and Family Studies2006 Tania Israel (grad student)
Merith CosdenClinical Psychology, Mental Health
Leda CosmidesEvolutionary psychology Roger Newland Shepard (post-doc)
Debra K. Cozzoli Psychology2011 Karen Szumlinski (grad student)
DeeAnn K. Cranston Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2009 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Michael Anthony CrognaleVision, Human factors19821989 Gerald Jacobs (grad student)
Matthew J. CrossleyCategory Learning, Neurcomputational Modeling, Decison Making Psychology2011 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Molly E. Cummings2001 John Arthur Endler (grad student)
Karen Cusato2002 Benjamin E Reese (grad student)
Cristine CzachowskiAlcohol, motivation1998 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Drew Dara-Abramsspatial cognition, navigation, environmental modeling Geography Geography20072011 Mary Hegarty (grad student), Daniel R. Montello (grad student), Martin Raubal (grad student)
Daniel R. Day Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology2011 Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Lainy B. Dayavian cognition, neuroanatomy, cerebellum Deborah H. Olster (post-doc), John Arthur Endler (post-doc)
Theresa M. de los SantosSpeech Communication Communication2014 Robin Nabi (grad student)
Peter B. Delahunt19962001 David H. Brainard (grad student)
Krista DeLeeuwCognition, Multimedia Learning, ERP Psychology2009 Barry Giesbrecht (grad student)
Jennifer G. DeLuca2000 Leslie Wilson (grad student)
Eric L. DenovellisComputational Neuroscience, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex
Bella DePaulodeception detection, singles
Whitney J. DetarSpecial Education, Educational Psychology Education Education2013 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Arturo DezaVision Science, Computer Vision, Robotics Dynamical Neuroscience20132018 Miguel Eckstein (grad student)
Julie A. Dillemuthspatial cognition, behavioral geography, environmental perception Geography2008 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Nicholas Doerr Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20072014 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Rebecca A. DoggettClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2013 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Christa-Lynn J. Donovanmemory, individual differences Psychology2009 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Karl W. Doronneuropsychology Psychology2011 Michael Gazzaniga (grad student)
Erin DowdyDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Adele Doyle
Brad C. Duchaine2001 Leda Cosmides (grad student)
Emma Dugemosquito neurobiology, behavior, audition MCDB2022 Craig Montell (grad student)
Erin T. Dunkle2006 Dennis Clegg (grad student)
Courtney Durdle Psychological & Brain Sciences2018 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Sunny DutraMood Disorders, Reward Processing20062008 Leda Cosmides (research assistant)
Christine DuvauchelleBehavioral pharmacology, dopamine, ethanol1992 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
James A. EarhartGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Social Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2011 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Miguel EcksteinVision, Attention, Learning
Ariella N. EichenbaumSpecial Education, Behavioral Psychology2007 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Katie EklundDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2011 Erin Dowdy (grad student)
Shawn William Ell2003 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Jeffrey K. EllensClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2008 Merith Cosden (grad student)
James C. ElliottMotor Control, Movement & Rehabilitation, Neurobiology of Disease Psychology20072013 Barry Giesbrecht (post-doc), Barry Giesbrecht (grad student)
Katherine A. ElliottClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2001 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Sharon T. ElmensdorpContinuing Education, Educational Psychology Education, Health Education Education2011 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Whitney A. EnceClinical Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Julianna P. Erickson Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology2013 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Kathy Espino-Pérezstigma, minority health
Aaron Ettenberg Norman White (grad student)
Keren EyalMass Communications2004 Dale Kunkel (grad student)
Kirstie M. FarrarMass Communications2001 Dale Kunkel (grad student)
Stuart Feinstein
Harrison E. Feinstein Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2011 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Lisa R. FigueroaBilingual and Multicultural Education, Reading Education, Elementary Education2007 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Steven K. Fisher2006 Bryan William Jones (collaborator)
John M. Foleypsychology
Maire B. Ford2006 Nancy L. Collins (grad student)
Alissa Fourkasmotor imagery, neurophysiology, motor learning19901992 Roberta Lou Klatzky (research assistant)
Elizabeth D. FragaClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Higher Education2003 Donald R. Atkinson (grad student)
Luis M. Franco Neuroscience Research Institute20172021 Michael Goard (post-doc)
Rosy O. FredeenSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education2005 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Scott FreemanCognitive Neuroscience, PFC-Basal Ganglia Michael B. Miller (research assistant)
Alan Fridlund
Shelly L. Gable
Anindya Gangulygustatory system Craig Montell (post-doc)
Melani Sanchez Garcia Computer Science20222023 Michael Beyeler (post-doc)
Teresa Garcia-Marques Psychology1999 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Dustin C GarnerVisual System, Drosophila melanogaster, Compass Pathway Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology2019 Sung Soo Kim (research assistant)
Maria Cecilia Gastardo-Conaco1989 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Steven J.C. GaulinIntegrative Anthropological Sciences, evolutionary psychology, cognitive adaptations, the human voice, sexual selection, evolution of sex differences, lipid metabolism, brain evolution
Michael Gazzaniganeuropsychology
Grace W. GengouxClinical Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2007 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Roshni C. George Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2011 John Lew (grad student)
Tamsin German
Frederic G. GibouSparsity, Compressive Sensing, Imaging, PDE, Level sets
Barry GiesbrechtCognitive Neuroscience: Attention
Adrian Giovannone Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20082014 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Michael Goard
Bryan Richard GoldsmithComputational Catalysis, Materials Science, Data analytics Chemical Engineering20102015 Baron G. Peters (grad student)
Reginald G. GolledgeBehavioral Geography, Disability Geography, Geography of Education
Qiang Gong Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2009 Dzwokai (zach) Ma (grad student)
Amy Gonzales Communication Jeffrey T. Hancock (grad student)
Guadalupe GonzalezClinical Psychology, Public Health, Social Psychology, Women's Studies, Public and Social Welfare2001 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Raia S. GortchevaClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2008 Tania Israel (grad student)
Courtney L. Gosnell Psychology2013 Shelly L. Gable (grad student)
Claudia Gottstein
Scott T. Graftonmotor systems
Kelly S. GraydonBehavioral Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Hispanic American Studies2007 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Ashley N. GreenwellClinical Psychology, Mental Health Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2007 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Benjamin Groves Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2010 Dzwokai (zach) Ma (grad student)
Scott A. Guerinmemory, individual differences2009 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
AnaMarie C. Guichard2007 Nancy L. Collins (grad student)
Li Guo MCDB Julie H. Simpson (research assistant)
Michael Gurvenbehavioral ecology, human biology, biodemography, hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists, life history theory, indigenous health; Bolivia, Paraguay
Veronica GutierrezSocial Psychology2004 Tania Israel (grad student)
Lisa GutierrezClinical Psychology2008 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Daniel Guzmanpsychostimulant addiction, glutamate, VTA20002008 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Dianna Han
Keith R. Happaney2000 Daphne Bugental (grad student)
Shelley R. HartEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Multilingual Education Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2011 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Mary HegartySpatial Cognition
Jessica A. Hehman2009 Daphne Bugental (grad student)
Asdis HelgadottirMechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2010 Frederic G. Gibou (grad student)
Elisa HernandezCounseling Psychology, Social Psychology, Mental Health, Hispanic American Studies Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Collie Conoley (grad student)
Israel A. Hernandez Moreno Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2013 Kenneth Kosik (grad student)
Nicole H. Hess2006 John Tooby (grad student)
Sherry T. Hikita2005 Dennis Clegg (grad student)
Nickolas Holznecht Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology2020 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Rachel J. HopsickerGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2013 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Jon C. Horvitz Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Yuchen Hou Psychological & Brain Sciences2022 Michael Beyeler (grad student)
Andrew D. HubermanNeural Development, Visual Circuits, Regeneration Harry J. Carlisle (grad student)
Sarah B. Hunter2000 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Roger Ingham
Toru Ishikawaspatial cognition, behavioral geography, environmental perception2002 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Tania IsraelSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Gerald JacobsColor Vision
Robert S. Jacobs
Emily C. Jacobs
Skirmantas JanusonisNeurobiology, Comparative Neurology
Lisa M. Jaremka Psychology2011 Nancy L. Collins (grad student)
Sanghun Jee Sung Soo Kim (grad student)
Elia I. JimenezSpecial Education, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2011 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Shane R. JimersonEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Multilingual Education
Patrick Taylor Johnson2000 Benjamin E Reese (grad student)
Cheryl I. Johnson Psychology2011 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Lincoln V. Johnson
Byron A JohnsonVisual Psychophysics, Low Vision, Visual Impairment, Assistive Technology2020 Michael Beyeler (grad student)
Mary Ann Jordan
Swapna Joshi Electrical & Computer Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering2012 Scott T. Grafton (grad student), B. S. Manjunath (grad student)
Linda Juang
Mordechai Z. Juni2012 Miguel Eckstein (post-doc)
Konstantin Kaganovsky20112013 Aaron Ettenberg (research assistant)
Kathryn V. Kamath2003 Mary Ann Jordan (grad student)
Heidi S. Kane2009 Nancy L. Collins (grad student)
Justin M. Kasowski Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Dynamical Neuroscience Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Dynamical Neuroscience20202023 Michael Beyeler (grad student), Elizabeth R. Chrastil (grad student)
Ryan W. KasperCognitive Neuroscience: Attention Psychology20082013 Barry Giesbrecht (grad student)
Kristen S. Kaumemory, individual differences2006 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Amanda G. KautzmanVisual neuroscience Benjamin E Reese (grad student)
Patrick W. Keeley Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology2013 Benjamin E Reese (post-doc), Benjamin E Reese (grad student)
Ronald KeiflinLearning, Decision, Reward
Kathy KellermannSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Speech Communication
Jonathan W. Kelly2006 Jack Loomis (grad student)
Kerry A. KerstetterNeurobiology of behavior, stem cells Psychology2011 Tod Kippin (grad student)
Alex D. Keuperspatial cognition, behavioral geography, environmental perception2004 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Parul Khare Chemistry2009 Stan Parsons (grad student)
Pete KhooshabehSpatial Cognition Psychology2009 Mary Hegarty (grad student)
Maryam Kia-KeatingClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Sung Soo Kim
Danielle R. Kingmemory, individual differences Psychology2013 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Kevin Kipp Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20112016 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Tod KippinNeurobiology of behavior, stem cells
Larisa S. KirbyEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Adult and Continuing Education Education2012 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Erkan Kiris Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2008 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Jeff Kirkby Geography2021 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Slobodan Kirschnikov
Amber M. KleinEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Lori A. Knackstedt2005 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Christopher P. Knight Psychology2013 Tod Kippin (grad student)
Susan F. KoDevelopmental Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Guidance and Counseling Education2001 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Robert L. KoegelClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Kenneth Kosik
Neneh Kowai-BellSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 James Blascovich (grad student)
Maria Kozhevnikov Mary Hegarty (post-doc)
Jamie KraftVisual psychophysics19961999 David H. Brainard (post-doc)
Anna M. KrasnoClinical Psychology Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Max M. Krasnow Psychology20032010 John Tooby (grad student), Steven J.C. Gaulin (collaborator), Leda Cosmides (grad student)
Faith R. Kreitzer GPCR pharmacology, directed cell migration20002004 Wayne G. Brake (research assistant)
John M. KrejciSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology2007 Tania Israel (grad student)
Sarah E. KrizSpatial Cognition2006 Mary Hegarty (grad student)
David M. KuhlmanIndustrial Psychology1970 David M. Messick (grad student)
Dale KunkelMass Communications, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Marketing Business Administration
Sarah KuriakoseClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Ilmari Kurkispatial vision, perceptual learning, visual psychophysics, modeling, fMRI Miguel Eckstein (post-doc)
Robert KurzbanEvolutionary psychology19931998 Leda Cosmides (grad student)
Tonya Kydland
Min Jeong KyemicroRNA, local translation, neurodegeneration20052009 Kenneth Kosik (post-doc)
Nhi A. LamCounseling Psychology, General Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2011 Jesus M. Casas (grad student)
Jessica L. LarsenClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Won-Fong K. LauGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2013 Matthew Quirk (grad student)
Evan LayherHuman memory Psychology2015 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Margo S LeDecision making, learning, memory, fiber photometry, animal behavior Psychological and Brain Sciences2023 Ronald Keiflin (grad student)
Adria C. LeBoeufbiophysics, neuroscience, social insects, behavior20032005 Stuart Feinstein (research assistant)
Sean H. Leeimmunology, diabetes
Nancy LeeMolecular Biology and Biochemistry
Taraz G. LeeCognitive Neuroscience20122015 Scott T. Grafton (post-doc)
Diana J. Leonard Psychology2012 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Dmitri Leonoudakision channels2002 Carol Vandenberg (grad student)
Sara Leslie
Katherine J. LevingerDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Jocelyn R. LevitanClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Developmental Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2013 Maryam Kia-Keating (grad student)
Sasha F. Levy2005 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
John Lew2000 Donald John Graves (collaborator)
Geoff Lewis
Julian Lim Anthropology2012 John Tooby (grad student)
Christie E. LinClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2010 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Yen-jui LinCounseling Psychology, GLBT Studies, Web Studies Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Tania Israel (grad student)
Jiangqu Liuneural circuit NRI Craig Montell (post-doc)
Bin Liu20032005 Guillermo C. Bazan (post-doc)
Guangyi Liu Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology20152016 Thomas Weimbs (post-doc)
Jasmin D. LlamasCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Theory and Methods Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Melissa M. Consoli (grad student)
Kevin D. Lominac Psychology2013 Karen Szumlinski (grad student)
Philippe Longere20002001 David H. Brainard (post-doc)
Jack Loomis
Brian A. LopezHuman Memory, Recognition Memory, Criterion Shifting, Individual Differences, Aging, Imaging2009 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Hassan Habib LópezBehavioral neuroscience, sexual behavior19952001 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Susana A. LopezCounseling Psychology, Mental Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Mathew Quirk (grad student)
Matthieu Louis MCDB Leslie B. Vosshall (grad student)
David D Lowe20152019 Denise J. Montell (research assistant)
Mary-Ellen LynallSystems neuroscience20132013 Scott T. Grafton (research assistant)
Loy D. Lytle
Tamsin C. M GermanDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Dzwokai (zach) Ma
Diane M Mackie
Mary MacLean Barry Giesbrecht (post-doc)
Kristen L. Macuga2008 Jack Loomis (grad student)
Hamta Madari2003 Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Amanda L Maheras Psychological & Brain Sciences2020 Ronald Keiflin (grad student)
Angela T. Maitner Psychology2007 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Brenda MajorSocial Psychology
Victoria Makrides2001 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Mary L. MalikClinical Psychology2003 Larry E. Beutler (grad student)
Sunanda Marella MCDB Julie H. Simpson (research scientist)
Nicole MarinsekCognitive Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Reasoning, Inference-making2012 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
James R. MarstonBehavioral Geography, Disability Geography, Geography of Education2002 Reginald G. Golledge (grad student)
Benny R. MartinClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2004 Larry E. Beutler (grad student)
Dylan M MartinsVisual system, Navigation2022 Michael Goard (grad student)
Gabriela A. Martorell2000 Daphne Bugental (grad student)
Traci MarxDevelopmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Laura J. Massa2005 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Jaime Matera Anthropology2013 Michael Gurven (grad student)
Gerald B. Matsonmagnetic resonance J. Thomas Gerig (post-doc)
Patricia D. Mautone2005 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Richard E. Mayer
Cade McCallSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, General Psychology Psychology2009 James Blascovich (grad student)
Kevin A. McGough2000 Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Mary McIlrathMass Communications, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Marketing Business Administration2006 Dale Kunkel (grad student)
Joanne M. McNamaraClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2000 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Nicholas A. Meloshmolecular electronics and plasmonics, diamondoids, dynamic self-assembly of biomolecules and lipid bilayers as nano-bio interfaces2001 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student), Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Allen Francis Mensingerneural mechanisms of behavior1991 James F. Case (grad student)
Spencer J MermelsteinCognitive Development Psychology2015 Tamsin German (grad student)
Donald MershonPerception1970 Walter Charles Gogel (grad student)
Gayane Meschyanbilingualism, literacy, fmri2002 Arturo E. Hernandez (grad student)
Michael B. Millermemory, individual differences
Seyed M. MirzadehMechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2014 Frederic G. Gibou (grad student)
Carla M. MoleiroClinical Psychology2003 Larry E. Beutler (grad student)
Craig MontellSensory biology, TRP channels
Denise J. MontellCell migration, Drosophila genetics and cell biology
Daniel R. Montellospatial cognition, behavioral geography, environmental perception Edward Sadalla (grad student)
Wesley G. Moons2008 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Heidi D. Morales
Melissa L. Morgan-ConsoliCounseling Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Developmental Psychology
Sakurako ( MoriGuidance and Counseling Education, Vocational Education, Industrial and Labor Relations2004 Donald R. Atkinson (grad student)
Justin M. MoscarelloBehavioral neuroscience; motivation, learning & memory2010 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Amanda P. MossmanClinical Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2007 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Claudia E. Moya2004 Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Emily Moyer-GuseMass Communications Communication2007 Robin Nabi (grad student)
Michael D. MrazekGeneral Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Psychology2013 Jonathan Wolf Schooler (grad student)
Ye Muclimatology, atmospheric science, geography Geography2021 Charles Jones (grad student)
Dennis Murphy
Robin NabiMass Communications, General Psychology
Lucas Gil Nadolskis Dynamical Neuroscience2023 Michael Beyeler (grad student)
Nicolette NefdtEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education, Technology of Education2007 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Maureen NeitzMolecular Genetics and Color Vision John A. Carbon (grad student)
Cori N. Newton2003 Leslie Wilson (grad student)
Yen Ting Ng Computer Science2010 Frederic G. Gibou (grad student)
Jeffrey L. Niehaus Psychology20022009 Tamsin German (grad student)
Rachel M. Nilsson2003 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Sharon R. NobleGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2005 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Barbara S. Nofrey Psychology2009 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Thomas G NolenNeuroethology; insect neurophysiology; insect acoustic communication; development of learning in Aplysia Biology19761978 James F. Case (grad student)
Kaila R. NormanClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2014 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Andrea NuernbergerBehavioral Geography, Disability Geography, Geography of Education Geography2008 Reginald G. Golledge (grad student)
Jeffrey Bryce O'Brienprocedural learning2008 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Meagan D. O'MalleyEducational Psychology Education, Organizational Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2011 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Donata OertelAuditory Physiology1975 James F. Case (grad student)
Ana M. Ojeda2004 Stan Parsons (grad student)
Dimitry OlevskyMusic, General Psychology, Music Education, Educational Psychology Education Music2012 Yuval Yaron (grad student)
Erin Olsan Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20072014 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Daniel A. OpendenSpecial Education, Individual and Family Studies2005 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Micah J. OrlissClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2004 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Nicholas A. PalomaresSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Speech Communication2005 Kathy Kellermann (grad student)
Frances N. PanteleakosClinical Psychology2008 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Joseph E. PapacMechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Materials Science Engineering Mechanical Engineering2010 Frederic G. Gibou (grad student)
Thales Papagiannakopoulos Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2010 Kenneth Kosik (grad student)
Lumari Pardo-Rodriguez Geography2018 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Mi N. ParkClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Jocelyn Parongcognitive psychology, educational psychology Psychological and Brain Sciences20152019 Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Stan Parsons
Sarah E. PatzClinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2011 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Janet V.T. Pauketat2017 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Erick J. PaulCognitive Neuroscience, Perceptual Category Learning Psychology20072012 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Austin J. Peck2008 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Stacey PeersonClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2001 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Hannah Pellegrini Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology2017 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Constance PenleyCinema, Information Technology, Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
Susan J. PerskySocial Psychology, Mass Communications2004 James Blascovich (grad student)
Matthew F. PetersonSocial perception Psychology20062012 Miguel Eckstein (grad student)
Daniel Phillips Geography2020 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
David J. PietraszewskiEvolutionary psychology Psychology2009 Leda Cosmides (grad student)
Celeste C. Pilegard
Sarah M. PletcherClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Hispanic American Studies, Criminology and Penology2008 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Kyle Ploense Psychological & Brain Sciences Tod Kippin (grad student)
Galen Pogoncheff Computer Science2022 Michael Beyeler (grad student)
Beth L. PoireSpeech Communication, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Joshua Campbell PooreSocial Attachments, Trust, Personality20012003 Nancy L. Collins (research assistant), Leda Cosmides (research assistant)
Abby L. PrestinSpeech Communication, Multimedia Communications, Clinical Psychology Communication2012 Robin Nabi (grad student)
Laura A Pritschethormones, cognition, functional magnetic resonance imaging, network science Psychological and brain sciences2017 Emily C. Jacobs (grad student)
Thery Prok Psychology2014 Shelly L. Gable (grad student)
Edward PultarIoT, Sensors, Water, Monitoring, Industrial IoT, M2M, Internet of Things, Telemetry, IIoT, GIS, geographic information science Geography2011 Martin Raubal (grad student)
Sema G QuadirAlcohol, Addiction, Pain, Methamphetamine, Stress, Psychological and Brain Sciences20132016 Karen Szumlinski (research assistant)
Bridget N. Queenan Mechanical Engineering2017 Sumita Pennathur (research scientist)
Sarah Queller Psychology1997 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Matthew QuirkDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education
Mathew QuirkCounseling Psychology, Mental Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Lucila Ramos-SanchezClinical Psychology2000 Donald R. Atkinson (grad student)
Kyle G. RatnerSocial Neuroscience
Martin Raubalspatial cognition, cognitive engineering, geographic information science
Primoz Ravbar MCDB Julie H. Simpson (post-doc)
Mary A. Raven2000 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Devin G. Ray Psychology2009 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Elena Reales Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20062010 Thomas Weimbs (post-doc)
Stacy Rebich Hespanhaspatial cognition, behavioral geography, environmental perception Geography2011 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Megan Reed Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Benjamin E ReeseVisual neuroscience
Jack R. Reifert Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2011 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Tyler L. RenshawSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Middle School Education Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2011 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Donald L. RiddleC. Elegans19721973 John A. Carbon (post-doc)
Katia Ripamonti20022004 David H. Brainard (post-doc)
Jelena RisticCognitive Neuroscience: Attention20072009 Barry Giesbrecht (post-doc)
Suzanne E. RobinsonSpecial Education, Teacher Training Education, Technology of Education Education2007 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Francisco RoccoCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education2005 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Volkan RodopluComputer Engineering / Communications & Signal Processing
Michael N. RogersCounseling Psychology, GLBT Studies, Mental Health Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Tania Israel (grad student)
James R. Roney
Luke A RosedahlVisual Learning Dynamical Neuroscience Dynamical Neuroscience20152021 Greg Ashby (grad student), Miguel Eckstein (grad student)
Cliff Ross2005 Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Francine Rosselli Psychology1996 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Manuel Rowe20002001 David H. Brainard (post-doc)
Teisha J. Rowland Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2011 Dennis Clegg (grad student)
Matthew A. RudermanSocial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Shelley R. RuelasClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2000 Donald R. Atkinson (grad student)
Mel Rutherfordanimacy perception, social perception, face perception2000 David H. Brainard (grad student)
Melissa D. RutherfordVision2000 David H. Brainard (grad student)
Sadie Jane RyanMedical Geography, Ecology, Conservation Biology, Disease Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Spatial Ecology, Primatology Geography David Lopez-Carr (post-doc)
Elina SaekiGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Matthew Quirk (grad student)
Onur Sakarya Computer Science2008 Kenneth Kosik (grad student)
Tyler Santander Psychological and Brain Science2017 Michael B. Miller (post-doc)
Lory Z. Santiago-Vazquez2002 Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Jeffrey L. SchnellClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Mental Health, Criminology and Penology2005 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Eric Schniter Anthropology2009 Michael Gurven (grad student)
Jonathan Wolf Schoolermemory, problem solving, creativity, the relationship between language and thought.
Andrew R. Schumacher2011 Stuart Feinstein (grad student)
Alex Schwartz Psychology2009 Daphne Bugental (grad student)
Nitsan SchwarzBiopsychology
Anthony Scroggins Psychological & Brain Sciences2016 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Priti ShahCognitive Psychology Psychology Psychology Mary Hegarty (post-doc), Richard E. Mayer (post-doc)
Elizabeth Sharpe Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology2018 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Julie E. ShawGLBT Studies, Leadership Education, Sports Management Business Administration, Recreation Education2013 Tania Israel (grad student)
Amy L. Shertzer2004 Leslie Wilson (grad student)
Jonathan Shillingford Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20032012 Thomas Weimbs (post-doc)
Steven S. Shimozaki Miguel Eckstein (post-doc)
Patricia Shinnick-Gallagher Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Jonathan Z. SimonMEG, auditory system, computational neuroscience1990 James B. Hartle (grad student)
Jessica Simonson Psychological and Brain Science2020 Michael B. Miller (research assistant)
Julie H. Simpson
Valerie Sims19901996 Mary Hegarty (grad student)
Anjileen K. SinghClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Kevin K SitWorking Memory, Vision, Mouse Psychological and Brain Sciences20162022 Michael Goard (grad student)
John J. Skelly Psychology1993 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Mary A. SkokutEducational Psychology Education, English as a Second Language Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education2009 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Jiyeon SoSpeech Communication, Mass Communications, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Communication2012 Robin Nabi (grad student)
Linda Soo Hooion channels Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2009 Carol Vandenberg (grad student)
Fabian A. SotoVisual categorization and object recognition, causal and predictive learning, stimulus generalization, computational cognitive neuroscience. Psychological and Brain Sciences20112015 Greg Ashby (post-doc)
Jon M. Speigle1998 David H. Brainard (grad student)
Brian J. Spiering Neuroscience, Category Learning, Neurcomputational Modeling20032009 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Caryll M. SpragueClinical Psychology Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2014 Maryam Kia-Keating (grad student)
George E. StelmachNeuroscience Biology
Christopher S. Stevenson2002 Robert S. Jacobs (grad student)
Lisa M. Stevenson2002 John Lew (grad student)
Skye W. StifelGeneral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology2013 Shane R. Jimerson (grad student)
Benjamin C. Storm Arturo E. Hernandez (research assistant)
Sebastian Streichan
Sebastian Strubl Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology20192022 Thomas Weimbs (post-doc)
Andrew T. StullCognitive psychology, Educational psychology Psychology Psychology20062009 Mary Hegarty (grad student), Richard E. Mayer (grad student)
Zu-In Su Psychology2012 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Kristen M. SullivanDevelopmental Psychology, Higher Education, Clinical Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Joselyne M. SulznerClinical Psychology, Teacher Training Education, Evaluation Education Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2010 Tania Israel (grad student)
Alexander B. Swancognitive psychology/cognitive neuroscience20112016 Russell Revlin (grad student)
Martin SwobodzinskiPublic-Participation GIS, Spatial Decision Support, Spatial Behavior and Choice-Making20062010 Reginald G. Golledge (grad student), Martin Raubal (grad student)
Jocelyn L. SyAttention Psychology20052011 Barry Giesbrecht (grad student)
Jennifer B. SymonSpecial Education, Adult and Continuing Education2002 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Karen M. SzeClinical Psychology2006 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Daniel Sznycer Anthropology2010 John Tooby (grad student)
Karen Szumlinski
Jiro TakaiSpeech Communication, Social Psychology2002 John Wiemann (grad student)
Jeffrey J. Talbot Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2013 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Jane L. TalebiSpecial Education, Behavioral Psychology2007 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Hani TalebiClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Hispanic American Studies2006 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Margaret R. TarampiSpace perception, Spatial cognition, Perspective taking20132015 Mary Hegarty (post-doc)
Dhananjay ThakurBiophysics, behavior Craig Montell (post-doc)
Maxime TheillardMechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics Mechanical Engineering2014 Frederic G. Gibou (grad student)
James Alexander ThomsonEmbryonic Stem Cell, Regenerative Biology, Induce Pluripotent Stem Cell,
Christine Marie Tipperaction representation, social neuroscience, body language, EEG, attention, fMRI, placebo effect, mind body connection Psychological and Brain Sciences Psychology20082012 Scott T. Grafton (post-doc), Alan F. Kingstone (grad student)
Kristianne M. Toledomemory, individual differences2006 Michael B. Miller (grad student)
Filip Tomaskaneurooptophysiology2021 Spencer L. Smith (grad student)
John Toobyevolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology; social psychology, economics, hominid-behavioral evolution, behavioral ecology, evolutionary genetics
Jacob Torres Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20112017 Thomas Weimbs (grad student)
Quy H. TranClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2007 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Danielle R. Truxaw Psychology20032010 Leda Cosmides (research assistant), John Tooby (research assistant), Steven J.C. Gaulin (collaborator), Tamsin German (grad student)
Etsuko Tsuchiya2002 Leslie Wilson (grad student)
Victoria F. TurekPhysiological Psychology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Harry J. Carlisle (grad student)
Lily M. Turkstra Psychological & Brain Sciences2023 Michael Beyeler (grad student)
Benjamin O. TurnerCategory learning, computational models Psychology20122013 Michael B. Miller (post-doc), Greg Ashby (grad student)
Ethan D. TusseyCinema, Information Technology, Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration Film and Media Studies2012 Constance Penley (grad student)
Dylan Tweed Psychology20132015 Leda Cosmides (research assistant)
Jennifer M. TwyfordDevelopmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2012 Erin Dowdy (grad student)
Soo Y. UhmGeneral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2004 Merith Cosden (grad student)
Vivian Valentin2005 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Megan T. Valentinecondensed matter, colloidal dispersions, rheology
John Darrell Van Hornneuroimaging of brain form, function, and connectivity; systems neuroscience; the brain as a data science Michael Gazzaniga (research scientist), Scott T. Grafton (research assistant)
Carol Vandenbergion channels
Apurv VarshneyComputer Science, HCI, Computer Vision Computer Science2023 Michael Beyeler (grad student)
Dana K. VaughanRetinal cell biology19821988 Steven K. Fisher (grad student)
Ty W. VernonClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Philip A. VieiraMemory, Addiction, Epigenetics
Laurie A. VismaraSpecial Education, Clinical Psychology2005 Robert L. Koegel (grad student)
Shivakumar ViswanathanVisual memory, spatial navigation, Action observation, planning and control20092014 Scott T. Grafton (post-doc)
Christopher R. von Rueden Anthropology2011 Michael Gurven (grad student)
Elliott Mack Waldron2000 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Jennifer G. WaldschmidtCategory Learning, Neurcomputational Modeling, Decison Making Psychology2013 Greg Ashby (grad student)
Brendan M. WalkerAlcohol & Drug Dependence, Withdrawal, Plasticity, Motivation, Impulsivity, Adolescence2004 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
David Waller Mary Hegarty (post-doc)
William A. WaltherCounseling Psychology, GLBT Studies Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2010 Tania Israel (grad student)
Wuyi WangMultisensory cognition, EEG, fMRI
Shihwe WangCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Asian American Studies Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2010 Tania Israel (grad student)
Wuyi WangCognitive Science Psychology Scott T. Grafton (post-doc)
Yijin Wangvisual learning and memory MCDB2013 Craig Montell (post-doc)
Sierra M. Webb Psychology2014 Karen Szumlinski (grad student)
Rene WeberSpeech Communication, Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Mass Communications, Marketing Business Administration
Thomas Weimbspolycystic kidney disease, membrane trafficking, SNARE membrane fusion proteins
Friedbert WeissNeuroscience of Addiction19821986 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student), Roberta Lou Klatzky (grad student)
Jennifer M. Wenzel Psychology2013 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Walter WernerCurriculum and Instruction Education, Developmental Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education Biological Sciences Al Ebeling (grad student)
Annie E. Wertz Psychology2009 Tamsin German (grad student)
Amber L. Westcott-BakerSpeech Communication, Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Mass Communications, Marketing Business Administration Communication2013 Rene Weber (grad student)
Irene Whitney Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology2013 Benjamin E Reese (grad student)
John WiemannSpeech Communication, Social Psychology
Gary A. WilliamsColor Vision2006 Gerald Jacobs (grad student)
Leslie Wilson
Maxwell Z WilsonOptogenetics, Stem Cell Biology, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Phase Separation
Kevin L. Wingerd2003 Dennis Clegg (grad student)
Christine Winterstein Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20072012 Thomas Weimbs (post-doc)
Thomas Wolbersspatial cognition, cognitive neuroscience Mary Hegarty (post-doc), Jack Loomis (post-doc)
Nora S WolcottSystems neuroscience, hippocampal circuitry, neuroendocrinology, Alzheimer's disease
Maren M. WolfeClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2005 Donald R. Atkinson (grad student)
Eunice C. WongClinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Larry E. Beutler (grad student)
Kylie Woodman
Vanessa E. Woods2006 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Leila Worth Psychology1988 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Crystal L. Wright2000 Diane M Mackie (grad student)
Brenda Wu Psychological & Brain Sciences20192020 Ronald Keiflin (research assistant)
Nicholas F. Wymbs Psychology2011 Scott T. Grafton (grad student)
Danqing Xiao Geography2013 Daniel R. Montello (grad student)
Zhuojin Xu Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2010 Dzwokai (zach) Ma (grad student)
Peggy H. YangClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Guidance and Counseling Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Donald R. Atkinson (grad student)
Yuval YaronMusic, General Psychology, Music Education, Educational Psychology Education
Ashley K YehNeural circuits, neurodegeneration NRI Dennis Clegg (research assistant)
Enoch Yeung
Shingo Yoshikawa MCDB Julie H. Simpson (research scientist)
Hongbo Yumoral cognition, social emotion, neuroscience
Yihong Yuanspatial cognition, cognitive engineering, geographic information science Geography2013 Martin Raubal (grad student)
Jinguang ZhangHuman signaling
Lingyan Zhang Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology2010 John Lew (grad student)
Neil Zhang MCDB Julie H. Simpson (grad student)
PENG ZHANGNeuronal development2016 Olivier Deschenes (grad student)
Dongyuan Zhao Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry (College of Letters and Science), Materials Department (College of Engineering) Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Jian ZhenElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering2014 Volkan Rodoplu (grad student)
Jianyu ( ZhouBehavioral Geography, Disability Geography, Geography of Education2006 Reginald G. Golledge (grad student)
Madeleine Louise ZoellerAnimate monitoring, Life history theory, Personality Psychology20142017 Leda Cosmides (research assistant)