Robert Balázs
Affiliations: | University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA |
astrocytes, glutamate receptorsGoogle:
"Robert Balázs"Mean distance: 17.23 (cluster 32)
Sign in to add traineeCiaran M. Regan | grad student | MRC Developmental Neurobiology Unit | |
Graham P. Wilkin | grad student | MRC Developmental Neurobiology Unit | |
Vittorio Gallo | post-doc | MRC Developmental Neurobiology Unit | |
John E. Wilson | post-doc | MRC Developmental Neurobiology Unit |
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Hajós F, Balázs R, Baker RE, et al. (1994) Structural maturation, cell proliferation and bioelectric activity in long-term slice-cultures of immature rat hippocampus. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the International Society For Developmental Neuroscience. 12: 87-97 |
Kingsbury A, Gallo V, Balazs R. (1988) Stimulus-coupled release of amino acids from cerebellar granule cells in culture. Brain Research. 448: 46-52 |
Balázs R, Gallo V, Kingsbury A. (1988) Effect of depolarization on the maturation of cerebellar granule cells in culture. Brain Research. 468: 269-76 |
Regan CM, Meier E, Balazs R. (1987) The effect of a neuron-specific antiserum, BPM, on the in vitro development of cerebellar granule cells. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 7: 61-71 |
Gallo V, Kingsbury A, Balázs R, et al. (1987) The role of depolarization in the survival and differentiation of cerebellar granule cells in culture. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 7: 2203-13 |
Webb M, Gallo V, Schneider A, et al. (1985) The expression of concanavalin a binding glycoproteins during the development of cerebellar granule neurons in vitro. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the International Society For Developmental Neuroscience. 3: 199-208 |
Gallo V, Balazs R, Jørgensen OS. (1985) Cell surface proteins of cerebellar interneurones and astrocytes cultured in chemically defined and serum-supplemented media. Brain Research. 349: 27-37 |
Kingsbury AE, Gallo V, Woodhams PL, et al. (1985) Survival, morphology and adhesion properties of cerebellar interneurones cultured in chemically defined and serum-supplemented medium. Brain Research. 349: 17-25 |
Balázs R, Gallo V, Atterwill CK, et al. (1985) Does thyroid hormone influence the maturation of cerebellar granule neurones? Biomedica Biochimica Acta. 44: 1469-82 |
Gallo V, Kingsbury AE, Balazs R. (1985) High extracellular k+ promotes the survival of cerebellar granule cells in culture through a ca2+ -dependent mechanism International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 3: 468-468 |