Sean Murphy
Affiliations: | University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, United States |
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Cambray-Deakin M, Pearce B, Morrow C, et al. (1988) Effects of extracellular potassium on glycogen stores of astrocytes in vitro Journal of Neurochemistry. 51: 1846-1851 |
Cambray-Deakin M, Pearce B, Morrow C, et al. (1988) Effects of neurotransmitters on astrocyte glycogen stores in vitro Journal of Neurochemistry. 51: 1852-1857 |
Pearce B, Morrow C, Murphy S. (1988) Characteristics of phorbol ester- and agonist-induced down-regulation of astrocyte receptors coupled to inositol phospholipid metabolism Journal of Neurochemistry. 50: 936-944 |
Pearce B, Jeremy J, Morrow C, et al. (1987) Inositol phospholipids are probably not the source of arachidonic acid for eicosanoid synthesis in astrocytes. Febs Letters. 211: 73-77 |
Murphy S, Rudge J. (1985) Glycoprotein composition and turnover in subcellular fractions from the cerebral cortex of normal and reeler mutant mice Brain Research. 353: 73-81 |
Murphy S, Jeremy J, Pearce B, et al. (1985) Eicosanoid synthesis and release from primary cultures of rat central nervous system astrocytes and meningeal cells. Neuroscience Letters. 61: 61-65 |
Pearce B, Cambray‐Deakin M, Morrow C, et al. (1985) Activation of muscarinic and of α1-adrenergic receptors on astrocytes results in the accumulation of inositol phosphates Journal of Neurochemistry. 45: 1534-1540 |
Rudge JS, Murphy S. (1984) Concanavalin A binding glycoproteins in subcellular fractions from the developing rat cerebral cortex. Journal of Neurochemistry. 43: 891-4 |
Burgoyne RD, Rudge JS, Murphy S. (1981) Developmental changes in polypeptide composition of, and precursor incorporation into, cellular and subcellular fractions of rat cerebral cortex. Journal of Neurochemistry. 36: 661-9 |
Burgoyne RD, Rudge J, Murphy S. (1980) Polypeptide composition of separated cells from the developing rat cerebral cortex [proceedings] Biochemical Society Transactions. 8: 335-336 |