Dominique Sportiche

Linguistics University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Syntax, morphosyntax, syntax-semantics interface, French syntax, Romance syntax
"Dominique Sportiche"
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Noam Chomsky grad student MIT (LinguisTree)


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Christina S. Kim grad student UCLA
Peter J. Hallman grad student 2000 UCLA
Edward J. Garrett grad student 2001 UCLA
Ji-Soo Kim grad student 2007 UCLA
Isabelle Charnavel grad student 2012 UCLA
Jun Yashima grad student 2015 UCLA
Byron T. Ahn grad student 2006-2015 UCLA (LinguisTree)
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Charnavel I, Sportiche D. (2016) Anaphor binding: What French inanimate anaphors show Linguistic Inquiry. 47: 35-87
Sportiche D. (2013) Binding theory-Structure sensitivity of referential dependencies Lingua. 130: 187-208
Sportiche D. (2011) French relative qui Linguistic Inquiry. 42: 83-124
Aoun J, Benmamoun E, Sportiche D. (1999) Further remarks on first conjunct agreement Linguistic Inquiry. 30: 669-681
Koopman H, Sportiche D. (1991) The position of subjects Lingua. 85: 211-258
Sportiche D. (1988) A theory of floating quantifiers and its corollaries for constituent structure Linguistic Inquiry. 19: 425-450
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