George Demakis

University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, United States 
"George Demakis"
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Demakis GJ, Reeve CL. (2015) Diagnostic Differences and Demographic Predictors of Respondents Adjudicated Civilly Incompetent Versus Competent. Behavioral Sciences & the Law
Demakis G. (2000) WAIS-R performance and discrepancy between predicted and obtained IQ scores in the detection of insufficient effort Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 15: 818
Demakis GJ, Harrison DW. (1997) Relationships between verbal and nonverbal fluency measures: implications for assessment of executive functioning. Psychological Reports. 81: 443-8
Demakis GJ, Harrison DW. (1994) Subvocal rehearsal of neutral and affective words interferes with left- hemisphere performance and facilitates right-hemisphere performance Psychobiology. 22: 238-243
Demakis GJ, Herridge ML, Harrison DW. (1994) Pathological display of positive affect: A bilateral electrodermal case study Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology. 7: 154-159
Demakis GJ, Harrison DW, Campen M. (1993) A test of Kinsbourne's selective activation model. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 72: 201-7
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