David W. Harrison

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
Behavioral and Affective Neuroscience; Brain Asymmetry; Emotion
"David Harrison"
Mean distance: 15.55 (cluster 8)


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Walter Isaac grad student 1978-1980 Virginia Tech
William B. Pavlik grad student 1980-1983 Virginia Tech


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John Dale Alden grad student Elmhurst University
Ransom Campbell grad student University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Joseph Carmona grad student Walter Reed Medical Center
Clinton Comer grad student Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
David Cox grad student Florida Gulf Coast University
W. David Crews, III grad student Virginia Tech
George Demakis grad student UNC Charlotte
Benjamin DeVore grad student United States Navy
Dane Higgins grad student Arizona Neurological Institute
Alisa K. Holland grad student University of South Carolina
Rosemary Huntzinger grad student Brown University and Bradley Hospital
Philip Klineburger grad student Colorado Neuropsychology Services
Adam Raines grad student Virginia Tech
Robert Rhodes grad student Charles George VA Hospital
Jared Rowland grad student W. G. "Bill" Hefner Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Brian Shenal grad student VAMC Salem, Virginia
Andrew Smith grad student University of Utah and School of Medicine
Kathy Snyder grad student Methodist University
Robert Walters grad student Jesse Brown Veterans Administration Medical Center
John Williamson grad student University of Florida College of Medicine/McKnight Brain Institute, Gainesville
Christine McDowell grad student 1991 UVA School of Medicine
Carol Emerson grad student 1996 Virginia Tech
Matthew Herridge grad student 1996 West Virginia School of Medicine
Daniel Erik Everhart grad student 1998 Eastern Carolina University
Heath A. Demaree grad student 1993-1998 Case Western
Paul S. Foster grad student 2004 Middle Tennessee State University
Gina M. Mitchell grad student 2006 Adams State University (SocTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Steinbach MJ, Campbell RW, DeVore BB, et al. (2021) Laterality in Parkinson's disease: a neuropsychological review. Applied Neuropsychology. Adult. 1-15
Holland AK, Mitchell GA, Steele A, et al. (2017) Hostility and cognitive control: Evidence of increased cardiovascular reactivity as a function of exposure to affective stress using a dichotic listening paradigm. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology
Cox DE, DeVore BB, Harrison PK, et al. (2017) The effect of anger expression style on cardiovascular responses to lateralized cognitive stressors. Brain Informatics
DeVore B, Campbell R, Harrison D. (2017) B-40Left Gaze Bias with Visual Hallucinations in a Patient with Left Sensory Neglect: A Right Hemisphere MCA Stroke Case Study Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 32: 667-765
Foster PS, Wakefield C, Pryjmak S, et al. (2016) Spreading activation in nonverbal memory networks. Brain Informatics
Foster PS, Hubbard T, Campbell RW, et al. (2016) Spreading activation in emotional memory networks and the cumulative effects of somatic markers. Brain Informatics
Walters RP, Harrison PK, Campbell RW, et al. (2016) Frontal lobe regulation of blood glucose levels: support for the limited capacity model in hostile violence-prone men. Brain Informatics
Smith AJ, Campbell RW, Harrison PK, et al. (2016) Functional cerebral space theory: Towards an integration of theory and mechanisms of left hemineglect, anosognosia, and anosodiaphoria. Neurorehabilitation
Campbell R, DeVore B, Harrison P, et al. (2016) C-26Anger, Fear, and the Autonomic Nervous System: A Case Study of Panic Attack Using Quantitative Encephalography Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 31: 650.2-650
Campbell R, Foster P, Harrison D. (2016) B-67Awareness of Memory and Brain Function on a Continuum of Insight: Assessing the Presence of a Dysnosognosia Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 31: 638.2-638
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