William B. Pavlik
Affiliations: | University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States |
Pavlovian ConditioningGoogle:
"William Pavlik"Mean distance: 15.17 (cluster 8) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorKenneth W. Spence | grad student | University of Georgia | |
Janet Taylor Spence | grad student | University of Georgia |
Sign in to add traineeDavid J. Pittenger | grad student | Marshall University (PsychTree) | |
Janice Steirn | grad student | University of Georgia | |
David W. Harrison | grad student | 1980-1983 | Virginia Tech |
Janice F. Adams | grad student | 1980-1984 | University of Georgia |
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Pavlik WB, Flora SR. (1993) Human Responding on Multiple Variable Interval Schedules and Extinction Learning and Motivation. 24: 88-99 |
Flora SR, Pavlik WB. (1992) Human self-control and the density of reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 57: 201-8 |
Flora SR, Pavlik WB. (1990) Conventional and reversed partial reinforcement effects in human operant responding Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 28: 429-432 |
Flora SR, Pavlik WB. (1990) An Objective and Functional Matrix for Introducing Concepts of Reinforcement and Punishment Teaching of Psychology. 17: 121-122 |
Flora SR, Pavlik WB, Pittenger DJ. (1990) Effects of A Masking Task on Schedule Discrimination and Extinction in Humans The Psychological Record. 40: 83-104 |
Pittenger DJ, Pavlik WB. (1989) An investigation of the partial reinforcement extinction effect in humans and corresponding changes in physiological variables Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 27: 253-256 |
Pittenger DJ, Pavlik WB. (1989) Resistance to extinction in humans: Analysis of the generalized partial reinforcement effect Learning and Motivation. 20: 60-72 |
Pittenger DJ, Pavlik WB, Flora SR, et al. (1988) Analysis of the Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect in Humans as a Function of Sequence of Reinforcement Schedules The American Journal of Psychology. 101: 371 |
Pittenger DJ, Pavlik WB. (1988) Analysis of the Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect in Humans Using Absolute and Relative Comparisons of Schedules The American Journal of Psychology. 101: 1 |
Pittenger DJ, Pavlik WB, Flora SR, et al. (1988) The persistence of learned behaviors in humans as a function of changes in reinforcement schedule and response Learning and Motivation. 19: 300-316 |